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I was hoping someone could give me a little advice

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Hi Tricia


I'm new to crystals myself, but I do think that it is completely

possible for you to have felt the tingling sensation. When I

concentrate on certain crystals, I can feel them tingling in my hand and

sometimes the tingles go up my arm. It feels a lot like little electric

sparks, but not sore.


Hope this helps and welcome to the list!



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Hi Michelle,

Thank you for the warm welcome. I'm so glad that

someone else has felt the tingling too. I have a very

vivid imagination sometimes and I was afraid that's

what it was. I didn't know for sure, because I wasn't

even thinking about the crystal, its like it turned on

all on its own. I just hope that I can find out what

it was that happened to make the sensations so much

stronger than usual last night.

Again, thank you for welcoming me to the group and

also for letting me know that I'm not alone.



--- Clara Bow <clarabow wrote:

> Hi Tricia


> I'm new to crystals myself, but I do think that it

> is completely

> possible for you to have felt the tingling

> sensation. When I

> concentrate on certain crystals, I can feel them

> tingling in my hand and

> sometimes the tingles go up my arm. It feels a lot

> like little electric

> sparks, but not sore.


> Hope this helps and welcome to the list!


> Michelle.







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tricialynn94 wrote:


> ... I put the quartz on a leather string and

> it rests on my solar-plexus. I thought it was kind of cool that

> wherever the crystal touches me I can literally feel a tingling

> sensation, it's also very warm to the touch(is that my body heat


> does that?). But what freaked me out was, last night as I was lying

> in bed doing meditation excercises, everytime I pictured the light

> that comes from my solar-plexus getting larger, I REALLY REALLY felt

> an electrical charge coming from the crystal. ...

> So am I crazy, or is what I felt really possible?


You are becoming aware of subtle energy in this case from or




yes it is real lots of people do feel or see or hear subtle energies


are many systems that use these for healing and to enhance meditation



is not your body heat or your imagination You may or may not be



if you are it would probably not be directly related to feeling



think that there are several places in our files and archives that


information about sensing energy .

Werlcome To the workshop I hope you enjoy it


Peggy ~ Solarraven

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Hi Peggy,

THANK YOU!! I'm on my way to search through the

files now, I'm sure any information that I find will

help me greatly.

Thank you for helping me,


--- Peggy Jentoft <skygreen wrote:

> tricialynn94 wrote:


> > ... I put the quartz on a leather string and

> > it rests on my solar-plexus. I thought it was kind

> of cool that

> > wherever the crystal touches me I can literally

> feel a tingling

> > sensation, it's also very warm to the touch(is

> that my body heat

> that

> > does that?). But what freaked me out was, last

> night as I was lying

> > in bed doing meditation excercises, everytime I

> pictured the light

> > that comes from my solar-plexus getting larger, I


> > an electrical charge coming from the crystal. ...

> > So am I crazy, or is what I felt really

> possible?


> You are becoming aware of subtle energy in this

> case from or

> transmitted

> by

> crystals

> yes it is real lots of people do feel or see or hear

> subtle energies

> there

> are many systems that use these for healing and to

> enhance meditation

> etc.

> It

> is not your body heat or your imagination You may

> or may not be

> crazy

> but

> if you are it would probably not be directly

> related to feeling

> energies

> I

> think that there are several places in our files and

> archives that

> have

> information about sensing energy .

> Werlcome To the workshop I hope you enjoy it


> Peggy ~ Solarraven












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Welcome to the List :)



You have a better reaction to Quartz then I do. Whenever I get ahold of a

quartz...the bigger and the more natural it is.....the bigger my reaction to

it is.


I can always tell when someone has placed a Quartz in my hands becasue I get

giddy. Giddy and hyper like a child that has had too much sugar and nothing

to do. It is just amazing. I have found that wearing quartz..or having

them touching my skin is not a good thing..Imagine a sugar high all the time



If I do keep a quartz with me....it has to be in a bag, or pouch or even

just in my pocket, but it has to be sheilded from my skin in some form.


I have found that with my chakras in my hands...even if a quartz is wrapped

in a cloth....I can hold it and still get the giidy hyper energy feeling.



Anyone have any suggestions as to why I have this kind of reaction to

holding quartz???


Take Care and Blessed Be,

Duschinka Jeweleyes


" Strive for your dreams in the time given,

And seek to fulfill the need with which you are driven "



" I walked a mile with pleasure; She chattered all the way,

But left me none the wiser, For all she had to say.

I walked a mile with Sorrow; And ne'er a word said she;

But oh, the things I learned from her, When Sorrow walked with me!

~Robert Browning Hamilton




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Hi Duschinka,

I was hoping that you would be one of the people

that answered me. I've been reading the message board

for a couple of weeks and I've loved your poems and

quotes that you've added to the end of each

one(especially the one you sent to me). You truly do

have a poetic gift for finding the right thing to say.

Thank you for taking the time to answer me. I'm going

to do like Peggy suggested and look through the files

to try and find out more about what I'm experiencing.

It's nice to know that someone else is having the same

reactions that I am. Not that its nice that it bothers

you to have contact with Quartz, but its nice to know

that I'm not alone in what I feel.

Thank you,


--- Duschinka Jeweleyes <duschinka wrote:

> Welcome to the List :)



> You have a better reaction to Quartz then I do.

> Whenever I get ahold of a

> quartz...the bigger and the more natural it

> is.....the bigger my reaction to

> it is.


> I can always tell when someone has placed a Quartz

> in my hands becasue I get

> giddy. Giddy and hyper like a child that has had

> too much sugar and nothing

> to do. It is just amazing. I have found that

> wearing quartz..or having

> them touching my skin is not a good thing..Imagine a

> sugar high all the time

> :P


> If I do keep a quartz with me....it has to be in a

> bag, or pouch or even

> just in my pocket, but it has to be sheilded from my

> skin in some form.


> I have found that with my chakras in my hands...even

> if a quartz is wrapped

> in a cloth....I can hold it and still get the giidy

> hyper energy feeling.



> Anyone have any suggestions as to why I have this

> kind of reaction to

> holding quartz???


> Take Care and Blessed Be,

> Duschinka Jeweleyes


> " Strive for your dreams in the time given,

> And seek to fulfill the need with which you are

> driven "

> ~Duschinka


> " I walked a mile with pleasure; She chattered all

> the way,

> But left me none the wiser, For all she had to

> say.

> I walked a mile with Sorrow; And ne'er a word

> said she;

> But oh, the things I learned from her, When

> Sorrow walked with me!

> ~Robert Browning Hamilton





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May I ask you which message board you are referring to?


I have not posted poems to any message boards in quite a long time.


Mayhaps you have me confused with someone else??


If it was my poetry that you did read, then it would have been on the

message board that is part of the Dragon Guild.



Take Care and Blessed Be,

Duschinka Jeweleyes


" Strive for your dreams in the time given,

And seek to fulfill the need with which you are driven "



" I walked a mile with pleasure; She chattered all the way,

But left me none the wiser, For all she had to say.

I walked a mile with Sorrow; And ne'er a word said she;

But oh, the things I learned from her, When Sorrow walked with me!

~Robert Browning Hamilton




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Hi Duschinka,

I'm sorry but I'm just now learning my way around

the internet, so I sometimes use the wrong names. What

I meant was, the past couple of weeks in the Crystal

Healing-workshop you have answered a few posts that

were put on this groups site. And at the end of each

letter you sent, you always wrote a beautiful poem or

quote, just as you did at the end of the e-mail that

you sent to me. By the way I love that poem about

striving for your dreams. Its says a lot to me right

now, as I'm trying to do just that.

Thank you again for your help.


--- Duschinka Jeweleyes <duschinka wrote:

> Tricia,


> May I ask you which message board you are referring

> to?


> I have not posted poems to any message boards in

> quite a long time.


> Mayhaps you have me confused with someone else??


> If it was my poetry that you did read, then it would

> have been on the

> message board that is part of the Dragon Guild.



> Take Care and Blessed Be,

> Duschinka Jeweleyes


> " Strive for your dreams in the time given,

> And seek to fulfill the need with which you are

> driven "

> ~Duschinka


> " I walked a mile with pleasure; She chattered all

> the way,

> But left me none the wiser, For all she had to

> say.

> I walked a mile with Sorrow; And ne'er a word

> said she;

> But oh, the things I learned from her, When

> Sorrow walked with me!

> ~Robert Browning Hamilton





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Many of us on this list have an eclectic background. And I personally believe

that what we need comes to us when we need it. Because you choose not to wear

the white crystal, it was brought to you in a very magickal way by becoming

*lost*. :)


The manner of clear quartz is that is provides focus for personal energies,

and for the energies of other crystals. It is not surprising that you feel

heat where the stone is - as the stone on its own is raising the vibration of

the chakra it is near - bringing your bodies into balance, as it were.


It also sounds as if you are going to work easily with crystals. Instead of

pointing you to a book - I am going to point you to your own *hidden*

memories. :) Take the clear quartz into dreamtime, and see what it has to

tell you. My feeling is that in time you will be led through a series of

crystals, and that the information that you gain from them will be personal

for you, and not found in books. :)


Enjoy the very magickal journey that you are on. :)


Blessed Be,



<A HREF= " http://www.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal Gate</A> My personal site.

<A HREF= " http://www.tarot.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal Gate - Tarot</A> My

Tarot site.





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Duschenka Jeweleyes:


What may be of help to you is doing a chakra balancing exercise/meditation on

a daily basis. The chakra system is the system through which our bodies allow

energy to flow through us. A blocked or partially open chakra backs up energy

- does not allow it to flow well. With the chakra's balanced and open -

excess energy will simply flow through us into Mother Earth.


Blessed Be,



<A HREF= " http://www.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal Gate</A> My personal site.

<A HREF= " http://www.tarot.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal Gate - Tarot</A> My

Tarot site.





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Hi Bonnie,

I was so relieved to hear you say, " What we need

comes to us when we need it. " I was thinking the same

thing, but was afraid that it might have been my

imagination. You see, I've lived in this city most of

my life, I should never have gotten lost. As soon as I

saw that shop, I just " knew " that it was the reason

that I lost my way. But when I thought about it

" rationally " it seemed like I was really letting my

imagination run again. Yes, I'm still battling the

closed-minded ways that I was taught as a child. But I

plan on winning the war with an open mind and heart.

I'm so new to all of this(crystals, natural magic,

meditation and stuff) that I'm still kind of

overwhelmed and flying blind. But something(I have no

idea what) keeps drawing me onward to learn as much as

I can. You said to take the crystal with me into

dreamtime. I don't mean to be so ignorant about this,

but how do I do that? I know its some form of

meditation, but I'm not sure how to visualize what you

mean. I've been working on strengthening the different

chakras to help give me more energy and awareness and

guided visualizations(I've been too unsure of myself

to ask for a spirit guide yet. But can they contact

you while your in a meditative state?). But I'm amazed

at how all of the meditations have helped me in every

area of my life. I seem to be able to see and feel

things so much more clearly than I did before.

Now, about that chakra balancing

exercise/meditation. I can probably find that in any

book about meditation, right? And is cleansing the

chakras the same as balancing them? Again I'm sorry

for asking such stupid questions but I am literally

following my instincts in all of this. I have no idea

exactly what I'm doing I'm just following my heart.

I want to thank you Bonnie for being so very, very,

kind to me and taking the time to help me feel welcome

and not so alone. Stay safe and take care.



--- spiritseeker wrote:

> Duschenka Jeweleyes:


> What may be of help to you is doing a chakra

> balancing exercise/meditation on

> a daily basis. The chakra system is the system

> through which our bodies allow

> energy to flow through us. A blocked or partially

> open chakra backs up energy

> - does not allow it to flow well. With the chakra's

> balanced and open -

> excess energy will simply flow through us into

> Mother Earth.


> Blessed Be,

> Bonnie


> <A HREF= " http://www.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal

> Gate</A> My personal site.

> <A HREF= " http://www.tarot.thecrystalgate.com " >The

> Crystal Gate - Tarot</A> My Tarot site.




> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]







Make a great connection at Personals.


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hi Tricia




> I was so relieved to hear you say, " What we need

>comes to us when we need it. " I was thinking the same

>thing, but was afraid that it might have been my

>imagination. You see, I've lived in this city most of

>my life, I should never have gotten lost. As soon as I

>saw that shop, I just " knew " that it was the reason

>that I lost my way.


the same has happened to me several times, and there is always a reason why

Spirit directs you where it does.


I've been working on strengthening the different

>chakras to help give me more energy and awareness and

>guided visualizations(I've been too unsure of myself

>to ask for a spirit guide yet. But can they contact

>you while your in a meditative state?).


Leonara, my spirit guide, first contacted me during a meditation. At first

it was only a name, I didn't know who or what is was about, but later she

revealed herself as my spririt guide, and during further meditations has

also revealed she was my mother in a past life.



I am still fairly new to working with the crystals etc., myself and like

you, am drawn to learn, learn & learn even more. Yes, they can make an

incredible difference to your entire life, if you are open and let them

guide you.


light love & blessings




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Hi Duschinka


>Anyone have any suggestions as to why I have this kind of reaction to

>holding quartz???



you obviously just get too much energy from quartz!!


I used to have a reaction to Lapis Lazuli when I first worked with it ... I

would take terrible headaches even if I touched it for only a few moments.

I just worked with it in meditation, without touching it, for a few weeks,

and now it works with the opposite effect, and I use it to ease the pain of

my arthritis & migraines.


My husband, has the same reaction to it, only he cannot be in the same room

as a piece of lapis, unless it is with other stones or in a pouch!






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Bonnie I totally respect you and your talents, kindness, and

loving nature but....... (lol)

I disagree. I really feel reading is so important. You get all these

" feelings " and you don't understand them. Reading

help sort them out.

I would say Katrina Raphaell - Book 1,2 & 3

Stein's book - The Woman's Book of Healing

is a good start.


~Linda in Florida~ Happy Halloween

Never put both feet in your mouth at the same time

cause then you don't have a leg to stand on! ;o)



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Sounds like you are doing very well. :) As far as chakra balancing - I like

to do a complete balancing meditation/exercise every day. One can work

directly with a single chakra if there is great unbalance there, but working

with them all has been a good thing for me. One resource for chakra

meditation is the tape that Shirley Mac Clain did. I have to purchase it

again myself - I loaned it out and it was never returned. ;-) Also, I do have

a chakra meditation on my site: http://www.angelfire.com/nm/ondex.58.html.


Personally - I see cleansing and balancing the chakra's as the same thing.

Although, having said that, one can cleanse the chakra's by simply focusing

on each chakra in turn and filling it with white light. :)


I don't think you are flying blind - I think you are allowing your intuitive

self free reign - and that is wonderful! :)


Yes - you can access your Guides and Angels in a meditative state. Before you

begin, simply ask them to be there. They will. :)


As to how to take a stone/crystal person into dreamtime - either place the

stone/crystal under your pillow or hold it in your hand. If the stone/crystal

is very fragile - place iton the headboard or near the bed. Ask the energy of

the stone/crystal to meet you in dreamtime - and they will. :)


Just a note of caution re dreamtime - if you are sleeping with a partner,

your partner may also *share* your dream - which may be confusing for them.



Wishing you much success - and a really fun trip with all that is coming to

you. :)


Blessed Be,



<A HREF= " http://www.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal Gate</A> My personal site.

<A HREF= " http://www.tarot.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal Gate - Tarot</A> My

Tarot site.





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LOL You have not seen my home, have you? I too believe strongly in reading.

However, the answer that I gave was specific to that person;s situation. I

felt that they needed to experience the energies, rather than read about

them. :)


It can be a trap to read and not experience - just as it can be a trap to go

from experience to experience and not get a solid background through reading.



Blessed Be,



<A HREF= " http://www.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal Gate</A> My personal site.

<A HREF= " http://www.tarot.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal Gate - Tarot</A> My

Tarot site.





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In a message dated 10/17/01 8:46:47 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

spiritseeker writes:



> http://www.angelfire.com/nm/ondex.58.html.




Bonnie it doesn't come in

~Linda in Florida~ Happy Halloween

Never put both feet in your mouth at the same time

cause then you don't have a leg to stand on! ;o)



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Hi Hazel,

Oh, its so nice to hear someone say that about the

Spirit directing me. Because that's exactly what it

feels like. Something is guiding me somewhere, I don't

know where its taking me, but if all of my instincts

are correct the place I end up will be infinitely

better than where I was when I started.

I think I'm going to wait until I've learned more to

try and contact my spirit guide, but I know what you

mean about a name coming to you. How do you let your

heart and mind open up to the idea that a spirit wants

to to talk to you(without thinking of the exorcist)?

This is all very confusing and hard to assimilate with

the things that I was taught. Hopefully as I learn

more, things will become clearer and easier to handle.

Thank you Hazel for being so nice. You and everyone

else have been so kind that I feel like I've been

welcomed by kindred spirits.



--- Pheonix Angelstar <pheonix_angelstar


> hi Tricia




> > I was so relieved to hear you say, " What we

> need

> >comes to us when we need it. " I was thinking the

> same

> >thing, but was afraid that it might have been my

> >imagination. You see, I've lived in this city most

> of

> >my life, I should never have gotten lost. As soon

> as I

> >saw that shop, I just " knew " that it was the reason

> >that I lost my way.


> the same has happened to me several times, and there

> is always a reason why

> Spirit directs you where it does.


> I've been working on strengthening the different

> >chakras to help give me more energy and awareness

> and

> >guided visualizations(I've been too unsure of

> myself

> >to ask for a spirit guide yet. But can they contact

> >you while your in a meditative state?).


> Leonara, my spirit guide, first contacted me during

> a meditation. At first

> it was only a name, I didn't know who or what is was

> about, but later she

> revealed herself as my spririt guide, and during

> further meditations has

> also revealed she was my mother in a past life.



> I am still fairly new to working with the crystals

> etc., myself and like

> you, am drawn to learn, learn & learn even more.

> Yes, they can make an

> incredible difference to your entire life, if you

> are open and let them

> guide you.


> light love & blessings

> Hazel




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Hello Linda,

It's funny that you should recommend those books to

me(which I'll be sure to get). Because most of my life

I've identified with(and secretly wanted to be) the

healers that lived back in the 16th and 17 century. I

never thought that I would be accepted in the modern

world with those types skills. But this past year or

so the compulsion to learn more has been so strong

that I don't care about acceptance as much as I care

about doing what's right for me(as long as I only do

what I know in my heart is good, of course).

Well, I just wanted to thank you for the refferals,

and say Happy Halloween to you too.




> Bonnie I totally respect you and your talents,

> kindness, and

> loving nature but....... (lol)

> I disagree. I really feel reading is so important.

> You get all these

> " feelings " and you don't understand them. Reading

> help sort them out.

> I would say Katrina Raphaell - Book 1,2 & 3

> Stein's book - The Woman's Book

> of Healing

> is a good start.


> ~Linda in Florida~ Happy Halloween

> Never put both feet in your mouth at the same time

> cause then you don't have a leg to stand on! ;o)



>  email protected by http://www.grisoft.com          







> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]







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Good morning Bonnie,

Thanks for everything, I'll be sure to check out

your site and pick up those meditation tapes that you

mentioned. I'll let you know what I think of the site,

but I'm positive that I'll love it. I'm pretty anxious

to go check it out, so I'm going to end this here with

a huge THANK YOU!!!




So its okay to call my guides Angels? I've been

wondering how to figure all of this into my belief

system. I'm a Christian, but I don't believe the way

that most Christians do. I believe that God is just as

much in my back yard as he is in the most devout of

churches. If I offended anyone with this comment I'm

sorry, but in my opinion He's everywhere and in

everything not just where the clergy is. I think I'll

shut up now before I say something to make someone

angry. Bye Bonnie.

--- spiritseeker wrote:

> Tricia:


> Sounds like you are doing very well. :) As far as

> chakra balancing - I like

> to do a complete balancing meditation/exercise every

> day. One can work

> directly with a single chakra if there is great

> unbalance there, but working

> with them all has been a good thing for me. One

> resource for chakra

> meditation is the tape that Shirley Mac Clain did. I

> have to purchase it

> again myself - I loaned it out and it was never

> returned. ;-) Also, I do have

> a chakra meditation on my site:

> http://www.angelfire.com/nm/ondex.58.html.


> Personally - I see cleansing and balancing the

> chakra's as the same thing.

> Although, having said that, one can cleanse the

> chakra's by simply focusing

> on each chakra in turn and filling it with white

> light. :)


> I don't think you are flying blind - I think you are

> allowing your intuitive

> self free reign - and that is wonderful! :)


> Yes - you can access your Guides and Angels in a

> meditative state. Before you

> begin, simply ask them to be there. They will. :)


> As to how to take a stone/crystal person into

> dreamtime - either place the

> stone/crystal under your pillow or hold it in your

> hand. If the stone/crystal

> is very fragile - place iton the headboard or near

> the bed. Ask the energy of

> the stone/crystal to meet you in dreamtime - and

> they will. :)


> Just a note of caution re dreamtime - if you are

> sleeping with a partner,

> your partner may also *share* your dream - which may

> be confusing for them.

> ;-)


> Wishing you much success - and a really fun trip

> with all that is coming to

> you. :)


> Blessed Be,

> Bonnie


> <A HREF= " http://www.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal

> Gate</A> My personal site.

> <A HREF= " http://www.tarot.thecrystalgate.com " >The

> Crystal Gate - Tarot</A> My Tarot site.




> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]







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magicgems wrote:


> Hi Tricia,

> I use kyanite wands to clear and balance chakras before I do


> treatments. They are wonderful, and work immediately.

> Have fun,

> Evelyn--


I have a kyanite wand /blade I use too and it does work very well

in my experience clearing cleasnsing balancing and aligning are not



same thing

but a thourough tune up does include all whether done consiously or


I rather harp on visualizing the chakras well locked into the central


because I have known that to have dramatic healing effects and almost


behavior transformation when done. I have also seen a corelation



unseated or seperated second chakra and

obsessive sexual urges /disorders .


There is a chakra tune up function in the crystal empowerments .

and color and breath meditations like the one Bonnie shared are very



I reccomend a chakra set of crystals as an essential item in


crystal tool box

and carry a tiny set with me with each stone dedicated to maintaining


appropriate chakra and the whole set harmonized to work together.

you can also use a pendulum over each stone to ask for a reading on


condition of your chakra and you can treat with the stones or use


oils ( inhale the scent) to help with chakra clearing work


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Hi Peggy,

Can I find a set of chakra crystals and the kyanite

wand at any crystal store, or should I wait to buy

them until I read one or two of the beginners books?

You also mentioned an unseated or separated chakra?

I've been using visualization techniques to strengthen

them. In one of them I fill each chakra with a white

light and then send a beam down to the next one and

continue through the rest. I start at the Crown

center, brow, throat, heart, solar-plexus, sex, and

then the one in between my feet(earth center). I read

that by practicing this everyday that it would

strengthen my chakras and give them all a connection

to each other. I'm not sure if I'm doing it right but

it seems to have increased my mental clarity and my

intuitive abilities have gotten a LOT stronger as a

result of this and other meditations that I've been


Thanks for everything,



--- Peggy Jentoft <skygreen wrote:

> magicgems wrote:


> > Hi Tricia,

> > I use kyanite wands to clear and balance

> chakras before I do

> Reiki

> > treatments. They are wonderful, and work

> immediately.

> > Have fun,

> > Evelyn--


> I have a kyanite wand /blade I use too and it does

> work very well

> in my experience clearing cleasnsing balancing and

> aligning are not

> all

> the

> same thing

> but a thourough tune up does include all whether

> done consiously or

> not

> I rather harp on visualizing the chakras well locked

> into the central

> channel

> because I have known that to have dramatic healing

> effects and almost

> instant

> behavior transformation when done. I have also

> seen a corelation

> between

> an

> unseated or seperated second chakra and

> obsessive sexual urges /disorders .


> There is a chakra tune up function in the crystal

> empowerments .

> and color and breath meditations like the one Bonnie

> shared are very

> good

> .

> I reccomend a chakra set of crystals as an essential

> item in

> everyone's

> crystal tool box

> and carry a tiny set with me with each stone

> dedicated to maintaining

> the

> appropriate chakra and the whole set harmonized to

> work together.

> you can also use a pendulum over each stone to ask

> for a reading on

> the

> condition of your chakra and you can treat with the

> stones or use

> essential

> oils ( inhale the scent) to help with chakra

> clearing work

> Peggy









Make a great connection at Personals.


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> P.S.

> So its okay to call my guides Angels? I've been

> wondering how to figure all of this into my belief

> system. I'm a Christian, but I don't believe the way

> that most Christians do. I believe that God is just as

> much in my back yard as he is in the most devout of

> churches. If I offended anyone with this comment I'm

> sorry, but in my opinion He's everywhere and in

> everything not just where the clergy is. I think I'll

> shut up now before I say something to make someone

> angry.


This list is very eclectic and usualy broadminded about religion .

There are angels and Spirit guides in almost every culture and


tradition on the Earth.

here are a couple of segments excerpted from the list files but there

is a

lot more that can be said about guides and angels and such.


We each and everyone have a personal companion angel who oversees our


evolution and we also have other guides and helpers. angels are not

restricted to any one

religion or set of beliefs and practices . Most of the time people who


contact with angels

continue in the religion they already practiced. They will probably


themselves rising above

any restrictive dogma of that church and having a clear understanding




spiritual interconnectedness of life . I do not think that you can


continuing genuine

contact with the angels and remain intolerant or prejudice in your



Guides and angels are not synonomous though a guide might be an angel,


are not


IS there a difference between solar angels and spirit guides?


Yes ,there is a difference Your Solar angel does guide, oversee and


help with your spiritual evolution . This is an Angel who has been




that purpose since the first instant you existed as a being. This



always is your Solar angel.

The term solar angel better reflects the angel's energy quality



than the older term guardian angel You may only have one solar


though as I went to say we each only had one I " heard " that that




quite correct.

Your Solar angel and your own High self and/or Soul are the most




your guides and we are all strongly advised to work on raising


vibration to invite and

allow contact with them before working on other contacts. Spirit




other hand are many. You will have many different spirit guides who



with you during your life time. Some of these will be angels, others



energetic beings or spirit entities of other orders such as ascended


elemental spirits or gods/goddess aspects, (Tara,or Athena for



people who having passed out of body are choosing to work on the near

energy planes for a while, experts in an area you are working in



artists, healers, musicians). or even plant spirits, animal


crystal beings ,

and living thought forms . Even some living people, during sleep and



body travel may act as spirit guides, going to comfort and advise a



being ,or a sick child, for example.

Some spirit guides will stay with you for a long time and others will



you only briefly If you become involved with art you will have



guides etc.

I do not want to over emphasize defense and protection but do caution


not all " guides " are of the highest order or have your soul purpose



good as their top priority, which is not to say that they are bad


that some of

them may be so eager to achieve their goal that they override your



Please ask your Solar angel to bring in guides acting in your highest



if you doubt a guide send it to the light if it is not of good it


depart if it is

good it will not mind the trip to the light .


There are many spirits beings and thought forms who may contact you

in addition to your own mind and your higher self. You could be aware


, inner selves ,Soul voice, guiding Angels and Deva. as well as

spirits animals and other entities. Many people have questions about

how you tell a positive spiritual guide from a negative entity and

from your own imagination or the telepathic background noise of other

peoples thoughts. etc. it may be difficult first to discern the

difference but over time and with experience you will develop a sense

about the messages you receive and will be able to validate the


that are more that just imagination .

Imagination is a major gateway to intuitive reception so be aware of

your fantasies too they may not all be fantasy.

When you have a contact that you sense is not just your mind chatter,

be aware that

Generally if you have doubt about a spirit guide send the

entity to the light, a true and positive being will not object will

leave and return a non beneficial may protest but will still leave


not return .I'm not sure of the source for the lists below if you can

identify the author please let me know but here are some tips for

recognizing the quality of the messages .


" Lesser Mind , The Voice of Ego and negative entities Personality

Level, flatters commands, demands, tests, chooses for you,


promotes dependency intrudes pushes excludes is status

oriented insists on

obedience often claims ultimate authority


Greater Mind, The Voice of Spirit, Soul Level, informs, suggests,

guides nudges, leaves choice to you, empowers, promotes


.. respects ,supports, includes, is free and open , encourages

growth and development recognizes a greater power, or God. "


I admit to being slow to trust the voices, in time I have come to know

guides ,angels elementals and companions whom I do trust and value


I also know that some ascended Master etc. are very eager to forward

their agenda and their guidance may not always truly be for your




i do recheck often rather than assume that what I'm getting is from my

regular contacts .

also what you hear depends very much on the clearness of your channel

your level of inner knowing and things like the knowledge and



you have to offer spirit beings . and how well you take dictation some

of the (few) times I did a formal " channel " the information came in

very fast and was being translated to words from images and feelings


would have been easy to miss a word

the difference between " there will be war " and " there will not be war "

is very slight but can make a big difference in meaning .

In my experience the Good stuff is easy to understand, some concepts

may be difficult or impossible to express in words but the more high

blown high flown scientifo babbly the channeled info is the less


it is to be valid .

another symptom of good stuff is that it holds up over time and does



need a lot of work to be intelligible why would an Angel or great

spiritual teacher need to bs and brag or try to impress you anyway . ?

My true guides are very loving and compassionate and while they are

sometimes firm with me or hold a mirror to reveal a blind spot they


not lie , threaten , abuse, True and good guides do not isolate



from society .

Also most messages are subtle, pay attention to everything within and

outside actual physical appairts are rather rare but the presence of

your companion angel and your true guides is as constant as



and energy information and protections are there for you

I really truly recommend meeting your companion or Solar angel and

working on the connection with your high self when you are working in

this wonderful harmony the only energetic dangers you will face are

those where it is essential that you deal with it most often to learn

that you can deal with it and discern the value from the trash.

Peggy Jentoft ~ Solarraven


> --



Huna, Angels, Crystals, fairies, the aura, Reiki manuals,

spirituality} http://www.geocities.com/solarraven/index.html

Sparrows Fairyland} art http://www.geocities.com/pjentoft/index.html

Spirited emotion} http://members.tripod.com/~sunsparrow/index.html

Heretic Sanctuary http://people.we.mediaone.net/skygreen/index.html

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What I would say to you is this..



The realm of the supernatural, or spiritual, or whatever you want to call

it....is a very intersting world.

The " beings " that will guide you, talk to you..etc.. they are very smart.

Almost uncannily so..


Call these beings whatever you want...they will not be

offended....becasue....the spirit realm and the realm of magick work like



They know what you are comfertable with, if you are more comfertable with

animals then with a human body of an angel....then the spirit will appear to

you and communicate with you as an animal...even if it itself is not that.


The spirit only wants to help you, it wants to share it's knowledge and it's

guidence and it's aid....what ever way that YOU are comfertable, and able to

accept as it's communication with you...it will take.


If you were not comfertable with animals, or did not feel that you should

listen to an animal spirit becasue of the ways that you had been

taught....then what good would it do for the spirit to come to you in the

form of an animal?? NONE....so..it will appear to you in whatever form and

way that YOU will be able to accept and listen to it in.



I say to all of us....do not worry about technicalities of calling a spirit

this, or that...or catagorizing an encounter into this or that.


Just take it for what it was for you, call it what you will, and listen as

you might, and most importantly, LEARN.


I do not feel that it is appropriate for us to argue about what and how to

call a sprit that comes to us and guides us...for they are all unique, and

all special gifts from the creator....feel blessed, no matter what form it




Take Care and Blessed Be,

Duschinka Jeweleyes


" Strive for your dreams in the time given,

And seek to fulfill the need with which you are driven "



" I walked a mile with pleasure; She chattered all the way,

But left me none the wiser, For all she had to say.

I walked a mile with Sorrow; And ne'er a word said she;

But oh, the things I learned from her, When Sorrow walked with me!

~Robert Browning Hamilton




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