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Question about Tarot cards

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I wouldn't hold to the information that you need to be given a Tarot

deck...some people do believe this, but most Tarot users now feel

that you should pick the deck with which you have the best report, as

there are SO many to choose from. For a learner's deck, I would

suggest starting with a deck that has the Rider-Waite symbology, as

that is the most widely used (and one of the oldest) decks. I like

the Hanson-Roberts deck, which uses the same symbolism, and also the

Universal Waite, which has the same line drawings, but have been

colored in in a more pleasing way. There are other RW " clones " out

there to choose from as well.


The cards can give you a lot of information, if you open up

intuitively to them. I've found through use that you do NOT have to

memorize the meaning of each card. The most accurate readings will

most likely be because you listened to your inner knowledge about the

card. Generally, for me, I go with the first thing that comes up for

me while looking at the card in relation to the spread.


There is one good Tarot that I belong to, which would be a

good way to jump into learning. It's beginning2tarot

.. On the list we do several spreads (a daily card, monthly reading

for ourselves, and some different types of readings introduced by the

list owner - yesterday we did a New Moon spread) that we submit for

the group, and then other members go through and suggest other

possibilities for the cards in certain positions, or help with the

reading in places where we're confused. It's a fun way to learn and

interact with other Tarot users.


Many blessings,



>I have a question about tarot cards. I told someone I wanted to buy

>some and she said that you have to be given them...you can't buy

>them or there is some such of bad luck thing?

>I am really interesting in knowing about tarot. Does it help you to

>see things about yourself?



Mina Smolinski, Usui RMT, Karuna Ki MT, Grandmaster of Magnussa

Phoenix Reiki, Founder of Hexa Reiki, Siddheartha Reiki Teacher,

Seichim Master, Sekhem-Seichim-Reiki Master, SKHM Master/Teacher,

Violet Flame Reiki Master/Teacher, Chios® Master/Teacher, Ascension


Email: mina


AIM or AOL Screen Name: MoonglowMina

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>Two very

>good sites are:





>There is an excellent online course at:





Oh, and another website to look at different Tarot card sets...as

well as read reviews is http://www.wicce.com/


And learntarot.com is great! Although I will say that I jumped in

with both feet about 4 years ago, and learned without any real

training...so that is possible as well. ;o)





Mina Smolinski, Usui RMT, Karuna Ki MT, Grandmaster of Magnussa

Phoenix Reiki, Founder of Hexa Reiki, Siddheartha Reiki Teacher,

Seichim Master, Sekhem-Seichim-Reiki Master, SKHM Master/Teacher,

Violet Flame Reiki Master/Teacher, Chios® Master/Teacher, Ascension


Email: mina


AIM or AOL Screen Name: MoonglowMina

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My take on the whole tarot card gift thing...


A gifted tarot card deck is wonderful to learn on....to start with. I was

given a deck as a gift....and it was not a new deck..it was one that someone

had when they started out, and they gifted me with it. After learning the

principle, and the process behind the readings....I suddenly found that the

gift deck no longer worked for me...and by chance I was out in a

bookstore...and this tarot deck practically jumped out and bit me....so..I

bought it....and have been doing amazing readings on it ever since.. :P


I think that the reason the old tale of the gifted deck is becasue of this

reason....when you first start out on the path of reading tarot...you are

not quite sure about yourself, your abilities, or what your readings are

going to be like....thus, it is difficult not only for you to choose a deck

for yourself...but for the cards to choose you.


I am almost certain that I can say that for those of you who did go out and

buy your first deck....I bet your not still using that deck...but have been

" bitten " by a new deck that you use now.


That deck of cards that I had been given as a gift to learn on ....it has

been given from me to another person who has just begun to start out, and I

have a weird feeling that when she has learned, and has moved on to a new

deck....that the old deck will find it's way to be gifted to another newbie.


Anyway...that is just my whole take on the whole gifted tarot deck.



Take Care and Blessed Be,

Duschinka Jeweleyes


" Strive for your dreams in the time given,

And seek to fulfill the need with which you are driven "



" I walked a mile with pleasure; She chattered all the way,

But left me none the wiser, For all she had to say.

I walked a mile with Sorrow; And ne'er a word said she;

But oh, the things I learned from her, When Sorrow walked with me!

~Robert Browning Hamilton




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Duschenka Jeweleyes:


The deck that I originally purchased is the deck that I use for my 900 line

readings. (Well - I have been reading for many years, and the deck has been

replaced, but with the same deck. :) ) I have other decks that I use for

other purposes - but my original deck - Morgan-Greer, is still the one I

mainly use for my readings with others. :)


Blessed Be,



<A HREF= " http://www.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal Gate</A> My personal site.

<A HREF= " http://www.tarot.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal Gate - Tarot</A> My

Tarot site.





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I used to read for the mother company for Miss Cleo - never again! I read for

the Zodiac line - a very ethical, caring line. :)


I love Osho Zen - and rarely use it to read for others. I use it for

meditation, or for spiritual readings. :)


The type of readers that a 900 line attracts are directly related to it's

advertising venues and text. I have numerous problems with the Miss Cleo type

of hype!


To bring this back to crystals - I do keep crystals by my computer, and by

the area where I read. I use th em for grounding, centering and protection. :)





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Then you are truly blessed with a wonderful ability :P



By the way...which 900 line do you read for?


I tried doing readings for the one that has Lady Cleo as the sponser...and I

just couldn't get over the fact that they didn't care if you had ever picked

up a deck of cards in your life before...And most of them relied on a

computer program.


I just couldn't deal with the falisty of most of it. That and I could not

read for the people that called....not saying that I couldn't do a reading

over the phone...I have done many of them...but it wasn't my style. I use

the Osho Zen Tarot deck...and have fallen in love with it..


The type of readings that I do deal with inner states of being, and on inner

things that one should be aware of....most of the people that I got on the

phones didn't want to hear any of that....they wanted to know dates, and

times, and specific events...they didn't want me to tell them that THEY

needed to change or focus on something.,..




Take Care and Blessed Be,

Duschinka Jeweleyes


" Strive for your dreams in the time given,

And seek to fulfill the need with which you are driven "



" I walked a mile with pleasure; She chattered all the way,

But left me none the wiser, For all she had to say.

I walked a mile with Sorrow; And ne'er a word said she;

But oh, the things I learned from her, When Sorrow walked with me!

~Robert Browning Hamilton




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