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New Project... Suggestions Needed

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Maybe a chunk of apophyllite in the center?


The mandala idea is great. Let me ask you something...have you found

that epoxying the stones inhibits the energy at all? I want to make a

wand and glue stones to it but don't know if that would create a

problem. I know others do it.





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By the way, that is an extremely beautiful and powerful picture! It

really " took me away " sitting here at my desk....I can't imagine how

powerful it must be in real life.





-->> Starry Night Astrology's Premium Astrological Reports,

featuring Deluxe Color Chart and 20+ pages of accurate,

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, Anna Maria Meadows <i_amm>


> By the way, that is an extremely beautiful and powerful picture! It

> really " took me away " sitting here at my desk....I can't imagine how

> powerful it must be in real life.


Thank you! After painting about a dozen, I am creating one just for

me! I'll post a photo of it later today, when completed. Blue, purple

and green, it's really coming along, although there's not much room

for stones...


As for epoxying stones, I don't believe it will diminish their power

in any way. I live in Mexico and have been buying over the internet.

My purchases are coming down here with a friend on the 20th, so I

haven't glued any on yet. I'll let you know how it goes.





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That is really gorgeous! I just had to say that first thing! LOL!

My name is Shelley, I am new to this group, but find it very informative and

interesting! I've been into rocks for as long as I can remember, I dug my first

rock out of the dirt when I was just 4 years old, and still have it by the way!

LOL! I use it for a door stop! I love the energy I feel from the rocks and

gems in my collection, I can't wait to be able to show them off again, they've

been in storage for quite a while, and I can't wait to get them out again! One

in particular that I've been thinking alot about is my rainbow obsidian ball.

I'd never seen one before it came to me, can anyone tell me what properties it

has? I've been told it can be used for scrying, but don't quite know how to get

into the rock! Did that make sense? Anywho, glad to be a part of this

wonderful group!





Thursday, January 03, 2002 8:14 AM


[CrystalHW] New Project... Suggestions Needed


I have uploaded a photo of one of a series of new projects, Mandala

Energy Grids.




Go to Sally's Folder to view photo of mandala.


These are presents for friends, this is not a commercial post.


On a 9 inch diameter piece of natural pine, about one inch thick, I

have painted an original mandala, to which I will be epoxying six

tumbled stones. The mandala can be hung on the wall for gazing or can

lie on a flat surface for grid activation. Now here's the dilemma...

My original idea was to include a small standing quartz point (to

place in the center when lying flat) and a small selenite wand with

each mandala for activiation. However, I am having trouble finding

both in quantity at a good price. Any ideas on center stones and

wands? I prefer to have one powerful piece in the center, as opposed

to a stone that matches the other six.


Any ideas?








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What a great mandala!


Clear quartz always seems to be what I am drawn to for the focus item,

especially when wanting to enhance other stones. You don't really need to have

a point, though. To me, tumbled have a more gentle energy, more diffuse. When

I'm working with other stones, I don't want to overpower them, so the pebble or

bead seems to work for me. A good, reliable source for beads is Fire Mountain

Gems found at www.firemtn.com and reasonable priced.


Dr. Gay



Thursday, January 03, 2002 7:04 AM

[CrystalHW] New Project... Suggestions Needed



I have uploaded a photo of one of a series of new projects, Mandala

Energy Grids.




Go to Sally's Folder to view photo of mandala.


These are presents for friends, this is not a commercial post.


On a 9 inch diameter piece of natural pine, about one inch thick, I

have painted an original mandala, to which I will be epoxying six

tumbled stones. The mandala can be hung on the wall for gazing or can

lie on a flat surface for grid activation. Now here's the dilemma...

My original idea was to include a small standing quartz point (to

place in the center when lying flat) and a small selenite wand with

each mandala for activiation. However, I am having trouble finding

both in quantity at a good price. Any ideas on center stones and

wands? I prefer to have one powerful piece in the center, as opposed

to a stone that matches the other six.


Any ideas?







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Kim wrote:

> Hi Sally,

> I'm afraid where I live there is only one place about

> an hours drive east that sells crystals. Where have

> you been getting your stones and crystals on the net?


> Blessings,

> Kim


I have purchased from Ebay, which is hit and miss. Photos don't always

do justice to the stones, and sometimes the stones disappoint. I have

also contacted the rock shop I used to go to in PA:




and they are going to fax me a list of tumbled stones. If you know

what you want, they are extremely kind and reputable.





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At 08:40 PM 1/3/02 +0000, you wrote:

> > Where have you been getting your stones and crystals on the net?

> > Blessings,

> > Kim


>I have purchased from Ebay, Namaste,



You may also care to check out Stephanie's site:



And from an earlier post; I guess I should be more appreciative of the

Apophyllites that my gemstone buddy has been giving me, almost by the handfuls?


He's doing snail mail ordering, if anyone's interested, email me off list

and I will send you the particulars. I can pretty much promise you he'll

treat you right! I'm his 'official' photographer, so I can take a picture

before purchase if you wish.






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Thanks Sally.


Afraid I don't really know what I am after. I need to do some research and

reading. Right now I create madalas with quartz points and use them in

meditation and some Earth work. I have several but clear them and mainly have

them in my healing room and living room. I like them setting around the house.


Thanks I'll keep this rockshop url in a folder for future reference.


There is a great place out east that you can get a catalog from and I think they

even have a website now .... can't seem to find the url though.


Heaven & Earth. Phone 802-476-4775

P.O. Box 249, 965 Rte 14 South, East Montplier, VT 05651.


I don't know if their prices are reasonable or not I have nothing to gage them

by ... I know their catalog is in color and their stones & jewelery look great

and most seems reasonable. You may want to check them out, you seem to know

what you are looking for and know your stones.


Love, light & joy,





Thursday, January 03, 2002 3:40 PM

Re: [CrystalHW] New Project... Suggestions Needed



Kim wrote:

> Hi Sally,

> I'm afraid where I live there is only one place about

> an hours drive east that sells crystals. Where have

> you been getting your stones and crystals on the net?


> Blessings,

> Kim


I have purchased from Ebay, which is hit and miss. Photos don't always

do justice to the stones, and sometimes the stones disappoint. I have

also contacted the rock shop I used to go to in PA:




and they are going to fax me a list of tumbled stones. If you know

what you want, they are extremely kind and reputable.







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auction block. Some very interesting peices found here! Check it out!


Byron <byronksc wrote: At 08:40 PM 1/3/02 +0000, you wrote:

> > Where have you been getting your stones and crystals on the net?

> > Blessings,

> > Kim


>I have purchased from Ebay, Namaste,



You may also care to check out Stephanie's site:



And from an earlier post; I guess I should be more appreciative of the

Apophyllites that my gemstone buddy has been giving me, almost by the handfuls?


He's doing snail mail ordering, if anyone's interested, email me off list

and I will send you the particulars. I can pretty much promise you he'll

treat you right! I'm his 'official' photographer, so I can take a picture

before purchase if you wish.






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