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Unified Chakra Attunement

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Dear Peggy


Many thanks for the unified chakra attunement...I have just called it

in...wonderful...it started in the heart chakra and slowly expanded through all

the chakra, forming a large sphere around me...the great thing is, now when I

breathe in energy, it comes from all around me and fills my entire field

simultaneously, instead of through one chakra at a time...


Thanks, it was great!!







Peggy Jentoft

Saturday, January 05, 2002 5:58 PM

[CrystalHW] unified chakra attunement



One of the most beneficial energy works I have ever had was an

initiation for

unifying the chakra. This harmonizes the functions of all the chakra

from Soulstar to Earthstar so that they work together much more fluidly

and effectively than in the past .

and also makes the energy body much more self balancing .

This attunement comes from spiritual source and is grounded by a human.

(in this case me) as it comes in and guided by Angels . I have set up a

Unified Chakra attunement so that people who wish to receive it may do

so by intention while meditating . It should be possible to call in this

attunement for at least the next few days.

First enter a state of meditation and call on your Solar (Companion ,

Guardian) Angel and high self ask that if it is appropriate for you at

this time you receive this attunement for Chakra unification.

If it is in your highest good you will then receive the attunement.This

may run for up to 10 to 15 minutes but will vary for each individual.

This is experimental in that this is the first time I have done this as

a remote attunement set up to be called in at will rather than at a

set time.

feedback is appreciated.


Peggy Jentoft ~ Solarraven



http://solarraven.com/ Huna, Angels, Crystals, fairies, the aura, Reiki


art http://www.geocities.com/pjentoft/index.html

Spirited emotion} http://members.tripod.com/~sunsparrow/index.html

Heretic Sanctuary http://people.we.mediaone.net/skygreen/index.html




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Peggy Jentoft wrote:


> I have set up a

> Unified Chakra attunement so that people who wish to receive it may do


> so by intention while meditating . It should be possible to call in

> this

> attunement for at least the next few days.




Hi Peggy,


I have called in your Unified Chakra attunement, and it was received

very well. I called in my Companion Angel, and asked that I receive

should it be for my highest good at this time. Then I grounded myself

and waited. Within moments I felt it begin.


It seemed to begin at the heart chakra for me, and spread upward. Then

after a moment or two, I felt it going downward from the heart chakra

through the lower chakras. Next, I felt energy pressing against me from

the front, and then from my left. This energy stayed and pulsed

strongly there for some time. Next, I felt energy pulsing from my

right, but only briefly. I then felt surrounded as if in a cocoon of

energy, which then became like a strong, unified field around me with

chakra colors becoming infused with whitish light. This stayed a while,

and then ebbed out. The attunement seemed well attended too, as I could

sense several energies around me during. I forgot to time it, but it

seemed to be about 15 minutes. I stood after this, breathed energy in

through my soul star chakra several times, and grounded it down into the



I feel good right now - nice. I'll watch for signs of cleansing, and

also effects from the attunement. Right now, I'm just having a nice

little buzz that feels very relaxing.


Thank you very much, Peggy. It felt as though I needed this, after

having over-extended myself over the holidays.


Much love,

Susan : )))))))))))))))




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Hi Peggy,


I am having many challenges with my email and

the only way I can send a message is through a



Thanks so much for gifting us with the unified chakra attunement. It seemed

to begin even before I asked my guardian angel and higher self

if it was for my highest good to receive, but I feel

that I was speaking with them when I first received

your email.


My crown chakra seemed to " twinkle " and a warm.

comfortable feeling gradually traveled down my body. I also had some of the

usual energy manifestations that seem to manifest in my face when I receive

attunements. As I sit here writing

this email, my crown is still tingling and I feel very

peaceful and joyful.


Will be interested to see what else materializes.


With love, light and blessings,


Sue Zivi


" Peggy Jentoft " <skygreen

Saturday, January 05, 2002 10:58 AM

[CrystalHW] unified chakra attunement



> One of the most beneficial energy works I have ever had was an

> initiation for

> unifying the chakra. This harmonizes the functions of all the chakra

> from Soulstar to Earthstar so that they work together much more fluidly

> and effectively than in the past .

> and also makes the energy body much more self balancing .

> This attunement comes from spiritual source and is grounded by a human.

> (in this case me) as it comes in and guided by Angels . I have set up a

> Unified Chakra attunement so that people who wish to receive it may do

> so by intention while meditating . It should be possible to call in this

> attunement for at least the next few days.

> First enter a state of meditation and call on your Solar (Companion ,

> Guardian) Angel and high self ask that if it is appropriate for you at

> this time you receive this attunement for Chakra unification.

> If it is in your highest good you will then receive the attunement.This

> may run for up to 10 to 15 minutes but will vary for each individual.

> This is experimental in that this is the first time I have done this as

> a remote attunement set up to be called in at will rather than at a

> set time.

> feedback is appreciated.


> Peggy Jentoft ~ Solarraven


> --


> http://solarraven.com/ Huna, Angels, Crystals, fairies, the aura, Reiki

> manuals,

> art http://www.geocities.com/pjentoft/index.html

> Spirited emotion} http://members.tripod.com/~sunsparrow/index.html

> Heretic Sanctuary http://people.we.mediaone.net/skygreen/index.html






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Hi Peggy,


I called in the Unified Chakra Attunement as you instructed and felt

it start right away, very strongly, in my crown chakra. At the same

time, I felt it very strongly in my feet and the palms of my hands.

Then I could feel energy at my throat and heart chakras, which seemed

to fade a bit, then my solar plexus, sacral and root chakras felt

energized. They faded a bit, and I noticed my crown chakra was

buzzing more strongly, and my brow chakra was very energized. Then

the brow chakra faded some. During the whole time, my palms, feet

and crown were very energized and stayed that way, while the other

chakras seemed to become energized and then become still again. It

went on for a long time, 25 minutes or more, and my crown chakra was

still buzzing when I started typing this.


Thank you so much, Peggy, you have no idea how very much I appreciate

all you are doing for us!





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I called in the attunement at bedtime last night. I

felt a tingling and pulsating energy beginning at the

root chakra and going up. I believe the heart chakra

was a pulsating rotating type of energy ... balancing

of the chakra. When it reached my third eye I had a

field of purple and I don't remember anything else. I

was out!


Bless you and thank you!





Lift your head. Look up. Respect all. Fear none. And let the Spirit World take

care of the rest... Blackwolf




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Hi Peggy,


Sorry if this message is a repeat, but I am having

considerable challenges with my email and can

only send a response.


I called in the unified chakra attunement last night.

It seemed to start even before the candles were lit and I had contacted my

angels and guides. I feel

that I had been talking too them before about the

attunement. Tingling started all around my crown

chakra and a warmth then continued down my entire body. I did have some my

usual attunement experience with strong reactions to the energy particularly

on the right side of my face. Noone has been able to give me any info as to

why this happens, including when I ask my higher self for an answer. All in

all iIt all felt caring and comfortable and I felt peaceful and grateful.


As I sat down yesterday to write a similar email

report, my crown continued to buzz.


Thanks Peggy for gifting us with this attunement.


Sue Zivi


" Peggy Jentoft " <skygreen

Saturday, January 05, 2002 10:58 AM

[CrystalHW] unified chakra attunement



> One of the most beneficial energy works I have ever had was an

> initiation for

> unifying the chakra. This harmonizes the functions of all the chakra

> from Soulstar to Earthstar so that they work together much more fluidly

> and effectively than in the past .

> and also makes the energy body much more self balancing .

> This attunement comes from spiritual source and is grounded by a human.

> (in this case me) as it comes in and guided by Angels . I have set up a

> Unified Chakra attunement so that people who wish to receive it may do

> so by intention while meditating . It should be possible to call in this

> attunement for at least the next few days.

> First enter a state of meditation and call on your Solar (Companion ,

> Guardian) Angel and high self ask that if it is appropriate for you at

> this time you receive this attunement for Chakra unification.

> If it is in your highest good you will then receive the attunement.This

> may run for up to 10 to 15 minutes but will vary for each individual.

> This is experimental in that this is the first time I have done this as

> a remote attunement set up to be called in at will rather than at a

> set time.

> feedback is appreciated.


> Peggy Jentoft ~ Solarraven


> --


> http://solarraven.com/ Huna, Angels, Crystals, fairies, the aura, Reiki

> manuals,

> art http://www.geocities.com/pjentoft/index.html

> Spirited emotion} http://members.tripod.com/~sunsparrow/index.html

> Heretic Sanctuary http://people.we.mediaone.net/skygreen/index.html






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