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TURQUOISE, bluegreen, aqua color and stones (file44)

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Turquoise , blue green and aqua Love, healing, generosity, emotion,

feeling , the unconscious , intuition, individual responsibility

..creativity , communication, self reliance , independence. This color

has more to do with feeling and creative expression than with rational


These colors between green and blue the shades of turquoise, blue

green and or aqua relate to transformation , evolution , change ,

sharing, waves, metamorphosis , transmutation , the inner teacher, and

the spiritual heart or Thymus Chakra, a transpersonal chakra on the hara

line (deeper aura level ) about midway between the heart and the throat.

This is a chakra which connects us with energies of spiritual love and

mystical communion and the Divine or God concept (however you name it )

as teacher and as Sacred Lover and beloved .

These are shades that admit us to varied realms of the

trans-dimensional, meaning existence beyond time and space. While the

most common elemental attribution of this color is to water it is also a

color of air and spirit .


Turquoise is associated with ancient civilizations, the New Age and

also with the zodiac sign of Aquarius. The word aqua means water these

shades are strongly evocative of the ocean on a clear day especially

that of the lovely warm tropical Island seas .This family of colors

is a color of mystics and telepathy a symbol of the heavens and of the

sea, of fluid movement and mutability.

These shades are used in color meditations in forming a connection for

communication and general awareness and with dolphins, with angels and

with elemental, other dimensional beings and for help journeying into

other realms. A color that promotes higher emotional communication,

Self awareness and initiative . In accord with its assignment to

Aquarius and the " new age " . Turquoise on a more mundane level,

corresponds to the modern communication network satellites, telephones

and the internet .

These colors are associated both with ancient and ethnic artistry and

with the cutting edge modern techno artistry. From the mosaics of the

ancient world, the aqua clay paint accents of Northwest Native

American works to the rather kitchy " modern " of the fifties, such as

cone shaped plastic chairs , and lava lamps, these shades have been

used in a startling range of ways.


In the Aura turquoise has not been common, it may be seen around

Poets and Mystics, indicates a person with a seeking mind who is

interested in almost everything, some may specialize in research of some

kind, usually altruistic , to benefit humanity as a whole analytical,

insightful, good counselors It may become more common as the " new

millennium " progresses .

Aquamarine may indicate a sedentary person, a bit lazy, who may spends

a bit too much time meditating.

Blue Green indicates a dreamy person, emotional, thinker rather than a

doer, insight, someone with the perception who sees possibilities.

They mean well but may presume to know what is right for everyone else.


Transient in the aura when a person is thinking of ideas and ideals



In Healing Turquoise can help to calm hyperactive or hypersensitive

people .

Turquoise calms the mind and is cooling to the nervous system. assists


and is one of the colors for throat chakra and communication issues

treats disillusionment and apathy. for cleansing , breath issues,

physical detox , rebirthing , purification , sterilization , transition

, pain killer, hearing

It is a powerful cleanser and can be used as an all purpose higher

octave color for healing. It can be used to improve the circulation and

healing effect of energy in general.



Some stones in this color family


Turquoise: supportive and protective, strengthens the subtle body,

heals the spirit, soothing, increases contentment, grounding, use

during meditation and spiritual activity, used to protect against

accidents. a talisman of strength and protection for astral travel and

spiritual journey, A powerful healing stone for emotional, mental and

physical problems. hypersensitivity , mental calm ,general meditation


Chrysocolla: Ease heartache , Earth healing, calming, inner strength.

PMS ,menstrual discomfort, relieve allergies, treat ulcers, digestive

problems, arthritis , lungs and thyroid, enhances the metabolism.

psychic ability, prophetic dreaming, trance,

increase the ability to love, improve home life and strengthen



Amazonite : Helps calm the emotions and soothes the nerves, helps the

throat and heart chakra, solar plexus centers, healing. throat,

thyroid, nerve and brain conditions

, reduce self damaging behavior, addictions, posture ,increases clarity

and insight. peace and calm, aligns the physical and astral bodies, a

general all purpose healing stone, may help with Motor Neuron disease

and other similar progressive diseases ,health maintenance, pinched

nerves, spinal difficulties , for bursitis.


Aquamarine: stimulates the intellect and stabilizes the emotions ,

helps connect with the higher self and Spirit, aligns chakras and the

energetic system, for self understanding, compassion, understanding

and tolerance, communication, glands ,throat ,teeth , and vision,

throat chakra, stimulates healing , improves confidence, and the

ability to stand fast, helps communication.


There are many uses for this color and many stones in this family of

colors seem to be coming forward now .Please share your experiences and

methods for working with these colors and stones .

many meditations can begin with visualizing a pool of Turquoise water

to gaze in or even to imagine diving into to receive messages from

Dolphin and the Ocean Spirits.


Peggy Jentoft



http://solarraven.com/ Huna, Angels, Crystals, fairies, the aura, Reiki


art http://www.geocities.com/pjentoft/index.html

Spirited emotion} http://members.tripod.com/~sunsparrow/index.html

Heretic Sanctuary http://people.we.mediaone.net/skygreen/index.html

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