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Silver Tiger's Eye

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Hi Sharon


>>>> <crystaldeva6

Silver Tiger's Eye


Hi Hazel


I looked up for you about the silver tigers eye can found like you

that there wasnt much about it. In fact I looked in the Kaleidoscope

of crystals book and it wasnt in there. It said that the colours of

it ranges from red, brown, gold, cream, black and blue. But no silver.>>>>


That's what I'm finding - there is absolutely no mention anywhere of a

silver tiger's eye.


I am planning on sitting with it during meditation later, and also using my

pendulum to communciate with it, to try and find out more. Initial

communication with my pendulum suggested it is not tiger's eye, but very





>>>>>>Put all those together and thats one very nice stone you've got

there. I hope this helps you with it,if you would like information on

any other or any of the colours please dont hesitate to ask me

anyone, I am happy to help.


I use crystals in my healings along with colours.>>>>>>>>


Thanks - it is definitely a special stone, for what exactly i'm just not

sure at the moment. I am going to be going back to the shop tomorrow, and

plan on asking if they have any more specific info on where it came from



if I find out any more, I'll post it to the list ...


reiki & crystal blessings









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melodys has just cats eye. numerous colors. the jewelry store used to

sell rings that were a silvery grey with an " eye " and thats all they

called it. just cats eye. maybe this will trip a memory in someone.

rainbows janet

-- In , " Pheonix Angelstar "

<pheonix_angelstar@h...> wrote:

> Hi Sharon


> >>>> <crystaldeva6@a...>

> Silver Tiger's Eye


> Hi Hazel


> I looked up for you about the silver tigers eye can found like you

> that there wasnt much about it. In fact I looked in the Kaleidoscope

> of crystals book and it wasnt in there. It said that the colours of

> it ranges from red, brown, gold, cream, black and blue. But no



> That's what I'm finding - there is absolutely no mention anywhere

of a

> silver tiger's eye.


> >





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> I am planning on sitting with it during meditation later, and also using my

> pendulum to communciate with it, to try and find out more. Initial

> communication with my pendulum suggested it is not tiger's eye, but very

> similar.


>Hi Hazel,

I want to suggest that it may be a Hypersthen that you have???

Try look here:



Love and Light

Elisabeth Augusta

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Sometimes psilomelane can have a fibrous sheen to it, especially if the light

hits the spot just right, and also silver sheen obsidian, especially in a

tumbled stone, has silver color with that tigereye look- I too have never

heard of silver tigereye. To the person who has this stone, is it a piece of

rough or is it tumbled? Would be fascinating to see some if this is really a

new variant! Red tigereye is created with heat, I wonder how this one is

made? Tigereye sure is beautiful though!

Hoping, Samantha




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> samstress17

>Re: Silver Tiger's Eye


>Sometimes psilomelane can have a fibrous sheen to it, especially if the


>hits the spot just right, and also silver sheen obsidian, especially in a

>tumbled stone, has silver color with that tigereye look- I too have never

>heard of silver tigereye.


Now, maybe that is it, now you mention obsidian - it has certainly got the

grounding feel of obsidian, and I am very drawn to obsidian so could also

explain the instant attraction.


To the person who has this stone, is it a piece of

>rough or is it tumbled? Would be fascinating to see some if this is really


>new variant!


its a tumble stone. I'll scan it in, and post a pic of it into the files.

I never managed to get back up to shop yesterday like planned, so have no

further info on it yet.


reiki & crystal blessings





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Sorry for the overdue response.


Is it possible that what you have is Pietersite? I know it as 'Gray Tiger

Eye', which can explain why your searches for 'Silver Tiger Eye' have



You can read about it in:



but the picture in the site doesn't do justice to this beautiful stone. BTW

- I like it very much, but almost never use it because it has a grounding

quality almost as strong as (and on some cases stronger than) Hematite.


Thanks, allay



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