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crystals for breast cancer?

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Orthoclase all the way! It a creamish white fibrous looking stone.

Excellent for this use.

Also try Covellite, Fluoroapatite, Melanite, Petalite and Pumice. I got

these others from Melody's book, Love is in the Earth, which is not the 'be

all and end all', but seems to have some good information.

Like you I haven't heard a lot of treatment for cancer using stones-

Orthoclase is the only one I have known of, and I've never worked with it

personally, although others have.

I've heard a lot of good things about Orthoclase. The others I listed from

Melody's are your call- I've not heard of them myself.

Looking forward to seeing if anyone else has any recommendations, as cancer

is something that would be great to know more stones for!

Many blessings, Sam




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In a message dated 02/10/2003 7:34:59 PM Pacific Standard Time,

silkieweaver writes:



> Hello, all;

> Today I was talking with a young crystal healer in a local rock and mineral

> shop who is trying to help a woman with breast cancer.


One thing that needs to be remembered is not to use a stone that promotes

energy, for those can cause the cancer cells to increase.


I found this in " Crystal Medicine " by Marguerite Elsbeth


Sugilite is a powerful healing stone..As sugilite evolves it will prove to be

a most effective medicine in the alternative treatmen of cancer as well as

AIDS. Sugulite is hight compatible with turquoise, onyx, chrysoprase and

abalone and Red coral ( note, red coral works well only for bone cancer as it

stimulates the growth of the bone cells.)


Mercedes Rose Herndon

Reiki Master/Teacher,

Artist, Photographer

Designer & Creator of Silk Healing Scarves

Crystal Healer in training

CoAuthor & Publisher of: " Loving Thoughts for Gentle Hearts;

v.1 - Goals, Dreams & Affirmations "




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I think alot of this needs to focus on her mental and psychological state

....perhaps amazonite for courage and rose quartz for self love , larimar too is

coming to me as a good gentle cleanser of the system ..these would be good as

gem essences added to baths and drinks and maybe in a body cream ...massage

though is contraindicated by some schools of thought for cancers so maybe just

to gently apply ...





womens menstrual well-being, Pleasure Puss cloth pads, Mooncup, and other

related goodies


Beth Signor

Tuesday, February 11, 2003 12:17 AM

[CrystalHW] crystals for breast cancer?



Hello, all;

Today I was talking with a young crystal healer in a local rock and mineral

shop who is trying to help a woman with breast cancer. Neither he nor I have

found much specific information in books about treating this with crystals, and

I told him I would ask you folks for advice.

Thank you so much,

BethGet more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download :




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Glad someone mentioned the underlying emotional state- thats

important too.

In addition, with the mind-body connection, you may want to have your

friend use stones, in addition to the suggestions for cancer treatment and

emotions, that will benefit the 'underlying' issues-

In order to make sense (I'm on my first cup of coffee LOL), let me

explain- some people believe that one can produce their own cancer, through

depression, a chronic state of not communicating, etc. Would be a good idea

to add some stones to the treatment regimen that will work on these issues-

Some examples- if this woman with cancer has a history of not saying

what is on her mind, try a stone that will help her to express and share

those thoughts instead of holding them in. If she has a history of

depression, add a stone that will alleviate depression. If she has abuse

issues from childhood, add a stone that will help heal these.

It's important in crystal healing (AND the medical profession) to

treat the whole person and not just the presenting problem, as sometimes

these obvious problems are caused by other issues that may be hidden.

I really hope I'm making sense LOL- I've been awake for ten minutes :)

Blessings to all- Sam





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Mercedes- thanks for sharing that book- I've not seen that one yet! Is this

a new book?

Sugilite has such a wonderful energy to it- every time I work with it it

amazes me even more.






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I would always work with my two good old friends, black tourmaline

(to help clear nodes of negative energy) and selenite ('cause it just

makes a lot of things better).


My instructor always recommended red for cancerous situations, I

think because red antidotes green, which is a " growing " color. I have

to say the previous post's suggestion of sugilite struck me as right -

- that's a powerful color.



, ApalacheeSpirit@A...


> Hi all,


> when I read your mail my intuition is saying selenite...but not


> why...maybe someone else feels the same???


> Love and light

> chris




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Dear All;


Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom and personal experiences! I

will forward your advice to the young man as soon as (or MSN)

unclogs itself and the digest arrives in my mailbox. (I had to go to

the website to read your messages.)


He had run out of ideas but didn't want to give up, so I know he will

greatly appreciate your help.


Warmest regards,


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Dear All;


I tried to post my thanks on the website yesterday, but I guess was having

indigestion again.


Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and personal experiences regarding

treating breast cancer. The collective wisdom of this group is just fantastic. I

condensed your suggestions and forwarded them to my friend. I know he will find

the information both helpful and encouraging.


I am just starting to learn to use crystals myself. Ironically my university

work was in geology (paleobiology), but the metaphysical aspects of stones are

new to me. Two days ago I tried a grid for grounding that my friend had

diagrammed for me, and it was amazing to feel it working!


Nice to have another reason to have more stones around. <g>


With love and gratitude,

BethGet more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com




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  • 2 months later...
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hugs and kisses Beth,

Have you been back to the rock shop and see how the breast cancer is

doing? I have not been to CHW for awhile and I am reading back posts.

I am a crystal healer, I have found that breast cancer looks like

shardes of glass in the breast area. Maybe the crystal healer in the

rock shop can pull them out. I would use alot of rosequartz around the

body and any stones he feels for the healing. I would make a sacred

fire with an angel attending it. then he can throw the shardes into

the fire.

I hope this helps, but then again maybe the client is already on the

road to recovery...:o)

blessings to you,

felecia angela

~~~~love holds no grievances~~~~

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purplemica said:



.. I would use alot of rosequartz around the

> body and any stones he feels for the healing.



In conversation last night with a friend; she was telling me that

rhodocrosite in an excellent stone for working with cancer patients.



in frith


crystal & reiki rainbows



Angelstar Crystals - Crystal & Reiki healing; Jewellery & Gifts

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