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Smushes from Mouse...

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Hello all,


I just figured out what those neat formations in my Herkimer's are and

thought I would share it with you.. I have never heard of them before

but according to the picture on this website

(http://www.crystalrainbow.net/Configurationx.htm) that is exactly what

they are. Here is what the site says about them...


" KEY QUARTZ - This crystal is recognized by a three or six sided

indented shape located on the crystal. The indent becomes narrower as it

goes within the crystal. It is used to unlock the 'doors' to healing

concepts and to those aspects of the self which tend to be illusive. "


How cool is that? As most folks that know me can attest, health issues

and alternative healing are a big deal with me, and besides gems, the

thing I spend the most time focusing on. How wonderful that the

Universe has loaned me these special spirits to work with on this issue

with. I'm sure they hold wonderful mysteries for me to ponder...


I feel the same way about the Inner Child piece and the two

soulmate/twin pieces... and I couldn't of asked for a better time to

find such great companions.


Be sure to check out that website for illustrations of all kinds of

formations. I'm going to be studying it a bit more so I will better

recognize different features in the future! And to help figure out what

the rest of this new family holds for me... what great fun huh?


Peace and love,







WildMouse wrote:


> Hi everybody...




> Oh yea, more about my Herks... I noticed some details on one of them a

> few days ago. I have crystals inside an antique dish here next to the

> computer and more stones keep finding there way there somehow... hahaha.

> I have several Herks and black tourmaline (found a handful of small

> pieces I had tucked away and forgotten about!!) and rough iolites

> sprinkled across the top of a manganocalcite cluster... it looks soooo

> beautiful that way - I have GOT to get some film already so I can share

> this with you. That group is surrounded on all sides by everything else

> under the sun - or at least most of my small and/or tumbled collection!

> Love it!!


> Anyway, I was waiting on a download or something and got engrossed in

> gazing at the dish of stones. I noticed that one of the larger Herks has

> stairsteps on it!! Well, I guess they are stairsteps anyway - I need

> someone to tell me what these are. They are near the tip of one of the

> termination's but the " indented " area for lack of better terminology, is

> three sided - it looks like an amphitheater to me... three sets of steps

> that go down to a round spot like a little stage. Very very neat

> looking... there is also an extra facet on one side - a small triangle

> of steps at the spot where two " walls of steps " meet. It looks like

> there would of been more sides to the formation but it was broken off -

> eons ago probably as the back side of it is self healed I think. It is

> so pretty and interesting and fascinating to gaze at...


> Then to top that discovery off, the new package of Herks arrived and

> they really are fabulous! I am so glad to have meet these sweet

> spirits... but the coolest thing of all is one of them has the same kind

> of formation in about the same area!! It is the itty-bittyest of the

> new ones and on one side there this a " hole " right next to the

> termination that is stair-stepped the same way, only it has at least 5

> sides! The piece is very small and I doubt I could ever get a good

> photo of the formation... I ought to get a loupe and try to look at it

> closer though, try to count exactly how many facets are there if I can.



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> Your stones sound very cool! Not to sound dumb but what does quot with

the symbol in front of it mean? I see it a lot. Thanks. Pegasus




> Hi everybody...


> I shared some of this with some of you earlier but thought I might edit

> it into a & quot;smush & quot; post and let all my buds know what is going

> on with me and mine today. Sorry if you see this more than once - I know

> alot of us share some lists...


> First thing is, I should keep this short and sweet because I am using

> the wrong keyboard. I spilled iced tea on my good keyboard and now it

> won't work right - it needs to be cleaned or replaced I guess. It is an

> old Apple keyboard that splits in the middle so you can adjust it

> however you need too and the number pad is detachable if you don't use

> it alot you can take it off. & nbsp; It is also: Out of production, hard

> to find and you need an adapter to use it with the newer systems - but I

> just gotta have one, ya know? & nbsp; But for now I have to use this itty

> bitty little thing that came with the iMac and it HURTS!!! & nbsp; Even

> the darned mouse is too small to hold properly - makes me remember why I

> went to all the trouble of getting the adapter for the old one in the

> first place. & nbsp; The layout is so different I can't hit the right keys

> either - believe me this post is Seriously spell checked! Since I don't

> type for a living anymore (except in daily email and that's alot of my

> life I guess... hahaha) my carpal tunnel has remained under control but

> using this thing it won't for long!! & nbsp; So if I am even more quiet

> the next week or so that is why so please bear with me. & nbsp; Bums me

> out too 'cos I'm coming out of this funk I have been in and all those

> aches and pains from my fall, and I am ready to chat - not to mention I

> having TONS of mail to catch up on. Everyone I owe personal mail too,

> please forgive me for being so late on responding. & nbsp; I do have lots

> of things I want to chat about when I can. & nbsp; I have book reviews I

> want to share and tons of other stuff...


> Here's the story on my newest ones. & nbsp; (The corrected version too - I

> had some names mixed up when I wrote about these to one group earlier.)


> Two packages of new stones arrived today and I am beside myself

> delighted!! & nbsp; One of them was a large quartz collection - PLUS

> extras!!! He sent more than was auctioned for a total of: 4 crystals

> from Japan, 9 crystals from China, 9 crystals points/clusters from

> Mexico, 15 Herkimer Diamonds from New York, 7 mini clusters from Mt.

> Ida, and 5 from

> Madagascar! The ones from China, Japan and Madagascar are the all the

> & quot;candlestick & quot; shape crystal points and very very beautiful. I

> also got 9 crystal quartz points/clusters from Alaska/Canada on another

> auction from the same guy. & nbsp; I won't brag about what a great deal I

> got on these but I think it's safe to say they were meant to be

> mine! & nbsp; I went looking for enough quartz crystals to surround my

> whole body in a layout and I wasn't disappointed that's for sure. & nbsp;

> There are pictures of them in my photo album if you wanna take a

> look...

> Here is the link: & nbsp; femme_mommy


> The five Madagascar points are sooo wonderful - great energy to them.

> One of them has what looks and feels like a little piece of iron

> sticking out of the bottom of it. & nbsp; Your guess is as good as mine as

> to what it really is but it looks just like a cavity that fell out of a

> bad tooth! & nbsp; Hard, dark and pointy/oddly shaped... & nbsp; whatever it

> is, it only penetrates into the crystal a little bit, just enough to

> hold it there is seems. & nbsp; Interesting huh?


> And the quartz points from China - OMG!!!! They just about take your

> breath away. They are very clear and straight and long - small

> candlesticks I guess - and have a awesome tone to them. One of them is

> quite the warrior with lots of & quot;battle wounds & quot; on him, but the

> others (at first glance anyway) seem almost perfect in their angles and

> clarity and termination's (the Madagascar one's are the same in shape,

> just more & quot;hazy & quot; in clarity). Just wonderful pieces. There are

> nine of the Chinese ones - enough to do a really cool layout or grid,

> huh? & nbsp; & nbsp; YIPPEE!! & nbsp; ;-) & nbsp;


> The four from Japan are about the same as the Chinese ones but are very

> small and sweet... & nbsp; These are the ones I had backwards - I was

> thinking the Japanese ones were the Chinese ones and vice versa. & nbsp;

> Of course I had to open the package while still in the car and

> immediately lost one of the ID tags. & nbsp; lol! & nbsp; Honestly, I am

> already having a hard time remembering which are which - I'm sooo

> confused... & nbsp; I hope I have listed them correctly this

> time! & nbsp; & nbsp; ;-}


> The second package included several Pecos diamonds that are just

> gorgeous and intricate and will be lovely to spend time with AND several

> amethyst clusters from Ontario with have red hematite tips.


> The little ones from Arkansas included two twins and one of those is a

> tabby! & nbsp; What can anyone tell me about twins and/or tabby's?


> I haven't had much time to spend with these new spirits yet having only

> opening the packages this afternoon but do I love them already! I am so

> tickled to have acquired such a collection all at once - I hope they

> like living here as much I like sharing the space with them. & nbsp; I am

> running out of places to put stones though - I need to get more shelves

> I guess... it looks like a rock shop in here for sure. & nbsp; I think

> alot of us are in the same boat as far as that goes, huh?


> UGH!!! I can't stand this keyboard! & nbsp; ouchouchouch.... I hope I have

> caught all the typo's I have been making.


> I still waiting on a one more package - 5 Mini Scepter Crystals from

> Madagascar, one Red Hematite Phantom Quartz Crystal from Madagascar and

> a Botswana agate nodule. I am really excited about those and can't wait

> till they get here... sample pictures of those are in the album too.


> Oh yea, more about my Herks... I noticed some details on one of them a

> few days ago. I have crystals inside an antique dish here next to the

> computer and more stones keep finding there way there somehow... hahaha.

> I have several Herks and black tourmaline (found a handful of small

> pieces I had tucked away and forgotten about!!) and rough iolites

> sprinkled across the top of a manganocalcite cluster... it looks soooo

> beautiful that way - I have GOT to get some film already so I can share

> this with you. That group is surrounded on all sides by everything else

> under the sun - or at least most of my small and/or tumbled collection!

> Love it!! & nbsp;


> Anyway, I was waiting on a download or something and got engrossed in

> gazing at the dish of stones. I noticed that one of the larger Herks has

> stairsteps on it!! & nbsp; Well, I guess they are stairsteps anyway - I

> need someone to tell me what these are. & nbsp; They are near the tip of

> one of the termination's but the & quot;indented & quot; area for lack of

> better terminology, is three sided - it looks like an amphitheater to

> me... three sets of steps that go down to a round spot like a little

> stage. Very very neat

> looking... there is also an extra facet on one side - a small triangle

> of steps at the spot where two & quot;walls of steps & quot; meet. & nbsp; It

> looks like there would of been more sides to the formation but it was

> broken off - eons ago probably as the back side of it is self healed I

> think. & nbsp; It is so pretty and interesting and fascinating to gaze

> at...


> Then to top that discovery off, the new package of Herks arrived and

> they really are fabulous! & nbsp; I am so glad to have meet these sweet

> spirits... but the coolest thing of all is one of them has the same kind

> of formation in about the same area!! & nbsp; It is the itty-bittyest of

> the new ones and on one side there this a & quot;hole & quot; right next to

> the termination that is stair-stepped the same way, only it has at least

> 5 sides! & nbsp; The piece is very small and I doubt I could ever get a

> good photo of the formation... I ought to get a loupe and try to look at

> it closer though, try to count exactly how many facets are there if I

> can.


> I can't wait to study them all more closely and see just what I've got!

> And so much for me keeping this short and sweet - Ha! & nbsp; But I just

> had to share my excitement about this new batch and ask your opinions on

> those formations. & nbsp; I'm sure it is something I have read about but

> never having one before I'm just not sure what they are - I just know

> they are special!


> HEY WOW! & nbsp; One of the Chinese ones is double terminated with an

> Inner Child on one end! & nbsp; How cool is that!! & nbsp; The twin tabby,

> the other twin and this DT are sleeping with me tonight - along with the

> other two already on my person! & nbsp; YIPPEE - I am so excited about

> these stone spirits!


> Right now (except for the two that claimed me - one of each - and wanted

> to be close to me right away) the new candlesticks points from China and

> Madagascar are all resting around the edge of my dish, pointing outward

> and upward towards the universe... just lovely...


> Well I guess this is enough rambling about my stones for now. & nbsp; Hope

> you guys enjoy looking at the album if you find time to check it out...


> I have another cool ebay find that I am excited about too. & nbsp; I

> bought an antique book (another one of my passions) called & quot;Our

> Wasteful Nation & quot; by Rudolf Cronau and published in 1908. & nbsp; It

> is signed inside the cover & quot;To my companion on board of the steamer

> & quot;Main & quot;, Rudolf Cronau, April 1, 1909 & quot;. & nbsp; Tucked

> inside the book is a note, written (in both english and german) in that

> wonderful cursive writing folks all seemed to have ages ago that says,

> & quot;Passengers are earnestly requested to stay in their rooms and keep

> doors locked until further notice as one of the lions broke his cage and

> is roaming about & quot;. & nbsp; Is that a riot or what? & nbsp; That is

> basically why I bought the book - I love quirky little things like that.

> It is also about environmentalism and how cutting all the trees,

> killing all the animals and ruining the rivers is a bad thing to do -

> funny we are still telling folks that 100 years later and they still

> don't listen... hmmmm.... & nbsp; What is wrong with that picture, huh?


> But anyway, once I got it in my hands and started checking on this

> Rudolf Cronau guy, I found out he is quite famous! & nbsp; He is actually

> the guy who sketched/painted the pictures of Sitting Bull and other

> famous First Americans that we have all seen in history books. & nbsp; He

> also studied art in Duesseldorf and his photos and paintings of the

> & quot;wild west & quot; are highly sought after and very pricey! & nbsp; He

> was a reporter for both German and American newspapers and was often

> published in all sorts of

> magazines and booked everywhere for lectures about history and his

> travels around the world. He wrote some very famous and historically

> valuable books about Baron Von Steuben, the American Revolution and a

> huge volume about German immigrants in American. & nbsp; Now how's that

> for a $2 purchase huh? & nbsp; I'm trying to find out more about him and

> this book but not having alot of luck so far. It has a few photos that

> seem to be his but I'm sure the originals are in a museum somewhere

> already so I don't know if the small size of the few in this book are

> valuable or not.


> I'd love to know who the & quot;companion & quot; he gave it to is but I

> can't find the passenger manifests for that voyage to even make a guess

> at that. & nbsp; I know the ship left Breman Germany the end of March and

> arrived in New York on April 12, 1909 and the Ellis Island register

> confirms he was on that trip but that's all that I can find about him

> for that time frame. Most of the passenger records from Germany have

> been lost and what Ellis Island and other sites has is pretty spotty. I

> think I will check with some of the big auction houses to see if his

> autograph or this book are valuable at all. & nbsp; Imagine, I am holding

> in my hands something that belonged to someone who personally knew

> Sitting Bull and shook his hand... how cool is that?? & nbsp;


> How many degrees of separation is that? & nbsp; Does that count with

> objects or only if you actually know the person? & nbsp; hehehehehe...


> I also wanna know what is up with the caged lions on board - an early

> Siegfreid and Roy doing nightly performances perhaps? & nbsp; hahahaha...


> How's the weather everyone? & nbsp; It is snowing like the dickens here -

> I think we are supposed to get 6 inches... good thing it rained and

> melted most of what we already had, huh? & nbsp; The main road to town is

> Horrible. & nbsp; I went to my nephews basketball game this afternoon (1st

> tournament game and they won!) - it was raining when I left and snowing

> to beat all heck on the way home. & nbsp; There was a car wrecked at the

> entrance to my community when I got back - it was was halfway up a

> telephone pole, just resting on the fence and a guide wire!! & nbsp;

> Luckily the two guys inside were okay - I have NO idea how they got out

> of the car with tipping it over on themselves though - it was perched

> very uneasily, practically standing straight up!! & nbsp; I heard alot of

> sirens in the few hours right after we got home and the lights flickered

> alot for a while so I think it's save to say my roads aren't safe for

> man or beast. Looks like I'm not going anywhere for a few days I guess.

> So much for the pagan

> homeschool pitch-in I was supposed to go to tomorrow, huh? & nbsp; I hope

> they reschedule it.


> Those of you on Tahitian beaches or in other warm places, please keep

> your weather reports to yourself! & nbsp; Humph! & nbsp; & nbsp; & lt;WEG & gt;


> And so much for me keeping this short and sweet - I've practically

> written my own book here... Told you I was feeling chatty, didn't I?

> Well, I better go ice my wrist now though. & nbsp; Good night everyone,

> sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite!


> Hope everyone is safe, warm and happy (and surrounded by lovely crystals

> too!)


> Peace and love to all,


> Mouse




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