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jbdgmgr.exe and meditation

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> In the meantime, When folks meditate with their crystals, what

exactly is their intent? Do you ask a question, or ask for the

crystal's energy, or...what?<


I have been under the weather today. I think work had me stressed so

I did a laying on of stones on myself with 3 rose quartz on my heart,

along with a small bloodstone I had a larger cube of bloodstone at my

feet and also had several clear quartz crystals on both sides of me.

I did put in the intention which was to feel better and with more

energy and also to feel calmer and more loving towards myself. I

ended up falling asleep. I did awaken with more energybut I was

hoping for a conscious experience. :o) Pegasus

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Hi Susan


>>>>>>>>>> " Susan S. Bosco " <sbosco

>jbdgmgr.exe and meditation


When folks meditate with their crystals, what exactly is their intent? Do

you ask a question, or ask for the crystal's energy, or...what?



In my case there is no one answer ... I meditate with crystals in many ways.

>with intent of asking a single crystal to speak to me, and tell me what it

>wants to be used for (especially when I buy a new crystal and am not sure

>what it for)

>with intent for healing, using a single or multiple crystals

>sitting within a circle of crystals, sometimes with intent for healing or,

>more often, just a general meditation and see what appears

>with no intent, just open my mind and see what happens.





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