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Understanding Human Auras and Aura Therapies, An Extensive Coverage in Mystic People E-zine, Subscribe FREE

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" Understanding Human Auras and Aura Therapies " , An Extensive Coverage in Mystic

People E-zine, Subscribe FREE


Hi friends,


Issue 4 of " Mystic People: Celebrating the Spiritual Adventures " , has covered

" Understanding Human Auras and Aura Therapies " in great detail and depth. YOu

can check out the Contents of this issue at the bottom of the message. Mystic

People regulary covers the deep insightful themes related with Occult, Psychics

and meditation.


" Mystic People: " Celebrating the Spiritual Adventures " , is a global lifestyle

e-zine for people with positive attitude seeking to unravel the mysteries of

life. Every issue of Mystic People looks at various themes often neglected by

mainstream media, with deep and broad perspective . These themes are from

various dimensions of life i.e. mystic traditions, spiritual practises, occult

sciences, arts, music, lifestyle, psychology, science, health, relationships,

futurism etc. This e-zine is compiled by Mystic Commune, after researching

hundreds of relavant websites on Internet.



Subscription to this e-zine is FREE. To , just send an email to

shiv , with the word " Subscribe aura " in the subject line.

Subscribing to this will ensure that you get Mystic People in your email box

every month.


Thanks and Love,



Understanding Human Auras and Aura Therapies


Human Auras: The Various Dimensions; Auric energy fields as depicted in " Hands

of light " ; At Play In The Auric Field: From Science To The Sacred; Sceptical

views on Auras; Chakras and Auras; Aura Photographs; Aura Video; Kirlian

photography for products; Reading the Aura; Beware of quacks; Aurastar 2000;

Interpreting Aura Colors; Aura Colors Test; Aura Healing; Esogetic Colorpuncture

Therapy; Chios Energy Healing; Aura Posters; Aura Art


Living a Vegetarian Lifestyle:

Abandon Poisoned Food: An Osho Discourse; Time Magazine Cover Story;

Vegetarianism for Islamic Followers; Eating for Peace by " Thich Naht Hanh " ;

Celebrity Vegetarians; Veg Source; Veggies Unite; Veg Weblog; Vegetarian

Channel; Teen Vegetarians; Black Vegetarians; Go Veg Campaign; International

Vegetarian Union; North American Vegetarian Society; San Francisco Vegetarian

Societies; Vegetarian Resource Group; Vegan Book Project; Bay Area Veg Fair

2003; Veg TV; Vegetarians in Paradise; Travel Planning for Vegetarians;

International Veggie travelling guide books; Vegetarian Singles Dating Service;

Vegetarian & Vegan Matchmakers; The Natural Gourmet: A Cooking School; Free

Vegan Cookbooks; Indian Recipes for Vegetarian Cooking; Tarla Dalal Cookbooks;

Nave Atlas Cookbooks; Haught Cuisine


Towards a sustainable future


Awakening Earth; Environmental News Network; Redefining Progress; World Watch

Institute; Coop America; Natural Step; The World Business Council for

Sustainable Development; Business for Social Responsibility; Bioneers; Simple

Living Network; Center for a New American Dream; United Nations Environment

Program; Global Ecovillage Network; Social Venture Network; International

Institute for Sustainable Development; Sustainable Oregon; World Resources

Institute; Union of Concerned Scientists; Rocky Mountain Institute; Forum on

Religion and Ecology; Youth for Environmental Sanity; For a Compassionate

Economy; The Center for Ecozoic Studies


News/Resources from the world of Mystics:


Karam Kriya: Exhaust your Karma; What is Enlightenment Magazine; Researching the

Roots of Consciousness; Exhaustive Resource on Holistic Healing; Exploring

Alchemy; Vedic city of Maharshi Mahesh Yogi; Thinking Allowed TV Series; Body

Soul & Spirit Expo; Ashe-Prem: The E-Journal for Spiritual Expressions; VOICING

Therapy; Interfaith Encounter Association; Creative Exploration of Aquarian




Human Cloning: Divine Dream of Eternal Life or Devil's Act?


Clonaid: Quest for Eternal Life; Is making people wrong?; Are Scientists Playing

GOD?; How Human Cloning Will Work; Human Cloning foundation: In Support of the

Cause; Genetic Encores:The Ethics of Human Cloning; An Ethical Inquiry by

National Bioethics Advisory Commission; Christian perspectives; Islamic




Indian Classical Music: The Sound of Universe


Musical Nirvana: An Exhaustive Portal; Introduction to Gharanas; Swami Haridas:

The Musician-Saint; Tansen: Creator of immortal music; Global listing of

Indian/Jazz fusion genre musicians; Interview with Prem Joshua; EastJazz; Yehudi

Menuhin on Indian Classical Music; Trends in fusion; Ragas of Indian music;

Audio Illustrations of Ragas; Carnatica music community; Raganet: Educational

magazine for Indian Music; CyberSangeet; Sruti: Music and Dance magazine; Raga

Radio; MP3 Library of Positive Music; Celebrities: Pt. Ravishankar: Bridging the

East and the West; Zakir Hussain: King of Rhythm; Shivkumar Sharma: A rare

Exponent; Amjad Ali Khan: The Sarod Maestro; Pt. Ram Narayan: The Eminent

Sarangi player]


Jataka Tales of Bodhisattvas


Collection of Jataka Tales from Various Sources; Jataka Paintings at Ajanta

Caves; Tourist information to visit Ajanta Ellora Caves; Jataka tales in art



News / Resources from the world of Osho


Osho Autobiography: 1500 pages in his own words; OSHO e-books collection; OSHO

Institute of Living and Dying; KIDS in Divine Spirit; OSHO GAUTAMA Multiversity;

Osho Shangri La Meditation Center; Life Trainings by by Anando and Shunyo;

Meditation Festival at Varazze,Italy; Watercolor-Paintings by Sakino; Haiku

Paintings at OSHO Tabaan Art Gallery; Music of Milarepa; Zorba Buddha






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