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Clearing the way This is really a one time thing and probably won't

have much if any effect if repeated and yes any basic intention to

receive should be enough to have it come in for you if it has value for

you at this time specific words don't matter

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In a message dated 7/3/03 21:29:10, celticcrystals2003 writes:


<< fairy fltting about >>


Hello Celtic

I was interested to read your reactions to your attunement, that you saw a

fairy -- I thought I saw one tooooo!


Love, Light & Laughter ~ Diane xx

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Dear Rosequartz/Peggy,

Just to say thank you and let you know, I have had the craziest couple of days!

I have been going through dilemma after dilemma the last few weeks, some good,

but some bad.

Since accepting the experimental attunement transmission, some dreaded jobs have

got done,I have managed to strip and redecorate my kitchen, (I had been dreading

doing that.) I also managed to clear out drawers and cupboards and really have

had a majorly clearing out couple of days..

I work long hours, so my days off are usually busy, doing jobs I haven't been

able to do at home, but I asked for the attunement whilst I was nice and relaxed

in the bath, ( I quite often meditate in there!) and immediately afterwards I

got hot and heady and probably wasn't myself for 2 or 3 hours, I saw lots of

pink and lilac clouds and a fairy fltting about ,making sparkles everywhere

she'd been, next ,I was at the pyramids in front of a giant isis crystal, and

most definately got the impression, that I was not alone, I love isis crystals

and have many, though Id not used one in meditation yet.

That night, whilst asleep, I dreamt that I was having a crystal healing lesson

with Isis herself!! a most amazing dream, we talked about trust - and about

being kinder to ourselves, and we were holding isis crystals and chrysoprase

sitting opposite each other, over a fire. We spoke knowingly, but without

speaking, through understanding through eye contact, and through the

crystal,when I awoke, I was crying, but happy.

I'd been working so hard, I thought I'd burnt myself out with no energy, and

have been so frustrated that I've not had the energy to get things done, and

resentful of the responsibility at home, that everyone was willing to dump on

me,( I am expected to think for 4 others here before I can have my own head

back!), so I threw a bit of wobbly about my joblist - delegated - and I still

haven't quite figured out how, but I ended up decorating the kitchen..! So yes

clearing away has been the agenda for a couple of days and I am really pleased

and proud of eveyone for helping me be able to do just that, now I have to get

my anatomy and physiology homework done for my end of year one assessment, then

I will at last, be back on par, I have had some real quality thinking space -

and the clarity to get some good answers, some good alternative options and

faith, that somebody ,is watching- and willing to guide me.

Another strange thing was, that I was sitting outside a shop in town, waiting

for my hubby to come out, contemplating my place here and my level of faith, as

I thought to myself that I was a lot more spiritual than I'd admitted before,

the church bells started ringing, and kept on so, for the whole time hubby was

in the shop! I felt washed with emotional bliss and so inwardly calm and at

peace with the world and felt a true part of God's plan, again I cried the whole

two miles home. The strangest thing was, that, in the five years I have lived

here, I have never once heard those bells ring, other than on a sunday...

Thanks Peggy, for a wonderful experience, can't wait to hear everyone else's

experience, hope this isn't too long to read...

Love and blessings

Sam rosequartz <rosequartz wrote:Clearing the way This is really a

one time thing and probably won't

have much if any effect if repeated and yes any basic intention to

receive should be enough to have it come in for you if it has value for

you at this time specific words don't matter





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><< fairy fltting about >>


>Hello Celtic

>I was interested to read your reactions to your attunement, that you saw a

>fairy -- I thought I saw one tooooo!



I didn't mention it when I posted my experience with this attunement, but...

I kept thinking that I saw 'something' flitting around. But I don't often

see, or think to attribute unexplainable things, to fairies so this did not

occur to me.



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Hello all!


I tried posting this earlier, but got cut off. This computer is about to give

up on me!


I called this attunement in also, and had some weird but useful " anger release "

dreams. I thought I had already forgiven the people (old schoolmates, as in

" Carrie " ) in the dream, but it seems I only repressed my feelings for the way

that they had treated me. Now I feel much better about it all--that was 25

years worth of bad feelings to clear out!


I asked to receive the attunement when I lay down to sleep, as I knew I wouldn't

fall asleep right away anyway--I have to agree with someone else who said they

felt energy zipping through them; I am lucky I got to sleep at all, LOL.


On the subject of things flitting about, I had this happen twice yesterday,

after I had accepted the attunement. The first time was yesterday afternoon, as

I sat at the computer. It looked as if something small and black ran across my

kitchen floor, and it made a skittering noise. Now, I know that sounds like a

mouse, but there is no " mouse evidence " to be found. We'll see if any shows up

in the near future!


The second odd thing, was when I was rocking my 20 month old to sleep last

night. All was quiet and dark, and the TV was off. He was just about to doze,

when I heard a static-like sound near the TV, and a small, but brilliant orange

flash of light in front of the screen. Nothing in the room was turned on--and

there was nothing in the near vicinity that should have made that happen, but it

was enough to wake him up, too.


I've lived in other places where I've seen unexplained flashes of light (usually

bluish), but never with sound. The " black flitting " thing happened to me

frequently in the last place we lived in, but yesterday was the first time it

happened here. I thought that maybe since others have said they had similar

experiences, it had to do with this attunement somehow.


Blessings to you & yours,





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In a message dated 8/3/03 2:49:39, spiders-strategem writes:


<< But I don't often

see, or think to attribute unexplainable things, to fairies so this did not

occur to me. >>


Hello Susan

No I don't attribute things to fairies as well, which is why I was surprised

when I thought I saw one! I don't really attribute things to angels

either, but if I had to choose between angels or fairies, I would plump for

angels, but my mind definitely went for fairy!!!!!


Love, Light & Laughter ~ Diane xx

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In a message dated 8/3/03 16:42:25, celticcrystals2003 writes:


<< when she pinches their ears, (lol!), for not believing in her... >>


Wow Sam! You got to believe in them when they do that!!!!!

Life is getting stranger and stranger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Love, Light & Laughter ~ Diane xx

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Hello Di,

Yes I saw a fairy, I usually do, or angels or birds, I had a strange couple of

days following the attunement - and I still can't explain how I ended up

decorating my kitchen! It was not part of my plan, but needed to be done, one of

the mainy jobs I have not had time for...

I had a portrait done, by a psychic artist, of my main spirit guide. I was

expecting someone celtic or native american, but no, I got a fairy... She/he is

beautiful, she changes from boy to girl, as she suits - and has very definate

cheeky streak, annoying my 'seeing' friends-and she pinches my crystals!

Whenever I have been to spiritualist church, she has been picked up on either as

a girl, or as a boy, yet she seems intent on staying a mystery to me, cept for

making her presence felt, we still can't establish her name. My friends find it

hilarious, because I have always believed in fairies, but I get the last laugh

when she pinches their ears, (lol!), for not believing in her...

I saw that you live in Northhampton, I used to live in Milton Keynes, but live

in Cornwall now. I used to like Northhampton and would have moved there, if we

hadn't come here...

Have to go, will try the other attunements on offer, but have to clear a huge

workpile, for better relaxation afterwards, good luck with yours, sound like you

too have a fairy guide, hope she's not as mischevious, as mine...

good luck, love and blessings

Samdithomas52 wrote:

In a message dated 7/3/03 21:29:10, celticcrystals2003 writes:


<< fairy fltting about >>


Hello Celtic

I was interested to read your reactions to your attunement, that you saw a

fairy -- I thought I saw one tooooo!


Love, Light & Laughter ~ Diane xx



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Dear Susan,

Can't help but believe in fairies, since I have got one as a spirit guide, she

is naughty and pinches my littlte crystals on a regular basis..

The funniest thing is, if my friends laugh and say that they don't believe in

her. she blows raspberry's at them and pinches their ears!!

Mad or not, some of my 'seeing' friends have spotted her, she really plays up,

flitting about, she is only young and rather like a mischevious child, but

definately a fairy ,in a turquoise coat, with lavender wings. We haven't got a

name for her yet, as she is still new to me, but I'll happily pass on news as it

developes. If anyone can help me find out more about her I'd really appreciate


Love, light and fairy sprinkles...(lol!)


Susan Walrath <spiders-strategem wrote:


><< fairy fltting about >>


>Hello Celtic

>I was interested to read your reactions to your attunement, that you saw a

>fairy -- I thought I saw one tooooo!



I didn't mention it when I posted my experience with this attunement, but...

I kept thinking that I saw 'something' flitting around. But I don't often

see, or think to attribute unexplainable things, to fairies so this did not

occur to me.






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