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experimental  attunement transmission

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Hey everyone!


Peggy, I just wanted to let you know what's been

happening since I think I called in the

attunement. Besides some lightheadedness I

don't really see much or hear much with regards

to attunements. But I did feel a head rush sort

of thing.


Anyways, I know it doesn't seem like long, but

I've quit smoking since this weekend, I've

wanted to quit for a while, but I haven't wanted

it enough - and now I do - I don't know if I'm

just convincing myself that maybe the attunement

helped or if it really did, all I know is that I

don't really want to smoke anymore. Also, I'm

straightening out my life - becoming more

organized and not seeing it as such an effort to

be. I absolutely hate cleaning and did spring

cleaning, and I know I have more, but I know

that I actually want to take care of it, if only

there were 36 hours in a day instead of 24

haha :) Then I'm actually catching myself up

with school - I've been behind, and you know how

sometimes when you're behind it just makes you

want to do the work less and less to the point

where you just give up? Well, I didn't give up

this time, and I only have one more paper to

write, and I'm doing that tonight! I don't

know - I just feel right now that I actually

want to be organized in my life to the point

where I am actually doing something about it,

and like I said, I don't know if this is a

placebo effect or an actual effect of the



What are people's opinions about placebo

effects? Because every thought has a reaction,

and if someone thinks that somehting had an

effect on them, it really did because they think

so, but is there an actual effect from the

product, or is it all in the mind? But then

again, where everything is interconnected, there

would be an effect no matter what, but is the

placebo effect just an excuse for those who

don't yet believe in quantum healing effects?


I'm wicked sorry if this email is so confusing,

all these thoughts run around my head, and I

always have a hard time getting them out so that

they are understandable, and I really need to

work on that if I'm going to go anywhere with

this book I'm trying to write, but everything

will happen as it's meant to, right? :)


Ok then, enough of my babble, if any of you have

any comments as to what I said about the placebo

effect thing I'd love to hear them, or about

anything else I said. And again, sorry if I've

confused any of you!!!


With love,




From the Blooming of a Lotus:

“We are often exposed, if not first

hand, then through films, reading

material, and conversations, to

violence, fear, hatred, meaningless

infatuations. Society is full of

violence and hatred, which accumulates

in the collective consciousness. If in

our daily lives we do not know now to

abstain from damaging materials and

attitudes, the seeds of violence,

hatred and suffering in us will

continue to be watered. We need to be

aware of what we hear, see, and read

every day… Do our associations and

consumptions poison us?”

-Thich Nhat Hanh

Find out who's green and who's not! Use Care2's Green Thumbs-up!


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Thanks for the reply!


That is a very good point you made about the

animal part - that thought didn't even enter my



What did you do with xray crystallography? How

did you come across this group when you were

once a skeptic? I'm not a skeptic, I just like

having a reason for everything, whether it be

metaphysical or not, and I want to know every

possible reason hahaha - that's possible, don't

you think? :)


How do you know that she's your soul mate, and

how did you meet her?? (Not to be nosey or

anything, so I understand if you didn't want to

get into that)


What types of research did you do with crystals?


Ok, I'm going back to work now :)


Good to hear from you!




From the Blooming of a Lotus:

“We are often exposed, if not first

hand, then through films, reading

material, and conversations, to

violence, fear, hatred, meaningless

infatuations. Society is full of

violence and hatred, which accumulates

in the collective consciousness. If in

our daily lives we do not know now to

abstain from damaging materials and

attitudes, the seeds of violence,

hatred and suffering in us will

continue to be watered. We need to be

aware of what we hear, see, and read

every day… Do our associations and

consumptions poison us?”

-Thich Nhat Hanh

Find out who's green and who's not! Use Care2's Green Thumbs-up!




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I believe in what is called the Placebo Effect. I think it really is

the Mind having an effect on the Body and the Mind itself. But

because the medical professional isn't as eager to say that it's

possible, the term Placebo Effect is used in what seems to me a

certain amount of derision. The " it's all in your head " statement. I

think if the medical profession uses the term the Placebo Effect too

often, it comes across as telling the patient, " you weren't really

sick because you didn't need a pill or whatever that really helped

you " . This keeps the medical profession from asking more

closely " WHY, did the Placebo Effect work? " It will be up to others

outside the medical field I believe, to do the work in finding

out " The Why " .




, " MaryHelena

McInerney " <crystalinelotus@c...> wrote:

> > What are people's opinions about placebo

> effects? Because every thought has a reaction,

> and if someone thinks that somehting had an

> effect on them, it really did because they think

> so, but is there an actual effect from the

> product, or is it all in the mind?

> With love,

> Mary-Helena




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I was reading Scientific American, and I guess

there was a show on the Learning Channel about

the Placebo Effect - too bad I noticed it now

instead of back in Feb. when I got the

magazine :)


Thanks for your feedback - I'm still in school,

so maybe I'll do research on it haha :)  who

knows :)





From the Blooming of a Lotus:

“We are often exposed, if not first

hand, then through films, reading

material, and conversations, to

violence, fear, hatred, meaningless

infatuations. Society is full of

violence and hatred, which accumulates

in the collective consciousness. If in

our daily lives we do not know now to

abstain from damaging materials and

attitudes, the seeds of violence,

hatred and suffering in us will

continue to be watered. We need to be

aware of what we hear, see, and read

every day… Do our associations and

consumptions poison us?”

-Thich Nhat Hanh

Find out who's green and who's not! Use Care2's Green Thumbs-up!




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, " MaryHelena

McInerney " <crystalinelotus@c...> wrote:

> What are people's opinions about placebo

> effects? Because every thought has a reaction,

> and if someone thinks that somehting had an

> effect on them, it really did because they think

> so, but is there an actual effect from the

> product, or is it all in the mind? But then

> again, where everything is interconnected, there

> would be an effect no matter what, but is the

> placebo effect just an excuse for those who

> don't yet believe in quantum healing effects?


That last sentence pretty much states my opinion.


I think the " placebo effect " is the most underrated miracle in the

Western medical paradigm. If the power of suggestion can create a

change in physicial circumstances (or perception of them--if there is

any difference) in 1/3rd of the people on whom it is tried, then that

is a miracle, to me. 33%. Wow. (Don't remember where I got that

figure but I've heard it more than once.)


I think one of the reasons it is underrated is because the

true " placebo effect " seems to involve some element of trickery. I

remember a " M*A*S*H " episode back in the '70s. The unit ran out of

morphine & patients were in pain. But the Colonel told the staff to

quietly give shots of sugar water. The staff protested the

dishonesty, but they did it anyway, telling the solders that 'this

would help their pain;' and many of the injured settled down and went

to sleep. The staff objected to the dishonesty involved, and yes,

that's a concern. But I think a lot of healing takes place due

to " placebo effect " when there is no trickery; when the intent of the

healer and the client match.


I have to go (lunch break over) but I'd like to write more and

correspond on this....I have more ideas and look forward to hearing



Cheers, Anna Helvie

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