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Actually...psi is a completely different energy than ki. I can

understand what you, or someone in your position, saying it

shouldn't be differentiated. For the most part, you're correct.

But...There are some important differences (with consequences,

if not followed, depending). So please, I have no other way of

finding out. Please tell me if, not only ki, but psi as well, has any

aplications with crystals. thanks for your time.

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Do you mean psi - as in psychic energy, and ki -

as in the universal life force energy?  I

apologize if I've repeated somethign that was

already said, but I'm only now seeing this



Lotsa love and happiness :)




From the Blooming of a Lotus:

“We are often exposed, if not first

hand, then through films, reading

material, and conversations, to

violence, fear, hatred, meaningless

infatuations. Society is full of

violence and hatred, which accumulates

in the collective consciousness. If in

our daily lives we do not know now to

abstain from damaging materials and

attitudes, the seeds of violence,

hatred and suffering in us will

continue to be watered. We need to be

aware of what we hear, see, and read

every day… Do our associations and

consumptions poison us?”

-Thich Nhat Hanh

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Guest guest

> Actually...psi is a completely different energy than ki. I can

> understand what you, or someone in your position, saying it

> shouldn't be differentiated. For the most part, you're correct.

> But...There are some important differences (with consequences,

> if not followed, depending). So please, I have no other way of

> finding out. Please tell me if, not only ki, but psi as well, has any

> aplications with crystals. thanks for your time.


I have been studying psionics for several years. Personally, I do not see a

difference in the energies. It feels the same to me. Others who are more

into psionics than metaphysics will disagree. As long as it works.....


As to your question, if you have studied any of Charles Cosimano's works, he

does recommend using crystals in psionics. Some of his psi equipment uses






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What are psionics?


I hope you are all doing welL!






From the Blooming of a Lotus:

“We are often exposed, if not first

hand, then through films, reading

material, and conversations, to

violence, fear, hatred, meaningless

infatuations. Society is full of

violence and hatred, which accumulates

in the collective consciousness. If in

our daily lives we do not know now to

abstain from damaging materials and

attitudes, the seeds of violence,

hatred and suffering in us will

continue to be watered. We need to be

aware of what we hear, see, and read

every day… Do our associations and

consumptions poison us?”

-Thich Nhat Hanh

U.S. National forest protections at risk! Send your objections by April 6:


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Hi Mary-Helena,


The Psionic Guild page gives this description: " Psi abilities are a

specific subset of psychic abilities focused and directed by the mind and

nervous system. Psi energy, in our primary school of thought, is a specific

type of energy which is produced by the nervous system. "


As I said, I don't see a difference between psi energy and magickal energy,

but others disagree. There are mailing lists for psionics at

to learn more.





Accurate Psychic Readings, Emotional Healing, Spiritual

Counseling and much more.



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Crystals, Psychic Protection eSeminar, and more.



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What are psionics?


I hope you are all doing welL!






From the Blooming of a Lotus:

" We are often exposed, if not first

hand, then through films, reading

material, and conversations, to

violence, fear, hatred, meaningless

infatuations. Society is full of

violence and hatred, which accumulates

in the collective consciousness. If in

our daily lives we do not know now to

abstain from damaging materials and

attitudes, the seeds of violence,

hatred and suffering in us will

continue to be watered. We need to be

aware of what we hear, see, and read

every day. Do our associations and

consumptions poison us? "

-Thich Nhat Hanh

U.S. National forest protections at risk! Send your objections by April 6:





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Dear Claudia,

I just wanted to let you know, that I agree 100% with you, if you look up the

word 'psychic' in the dictionary, it goes along the lines of:- 'extra sensory

perception, thought to be caused by a nervous disorder...' I can agree with this

wholeheartedly, when I hear of peoples first experiences - and even my own,

usually stem down to some type of traumatic occurrence, be it near death,

serious illness, or in my case through anxiety, caused by a stalker, some years

ago. We are by nature creatures of instinct, as with all animals, the only

difference being that now, we have evolved to the point, that we no longer run,

on our nerves, unless something happens, to make us do so...

I have often observed, both from my own instances - and some of my intuitive

friends, that when sensitivity is heightened, say during menstruation,

mooncycles, and/or at times of stress, we are more intuitive, certainly more

receptive, our awareness is greatly increased, but also we are at our most open

or vulnerable, the nervous system of course would be at the very root of all

this. Which would also explain why certain ' non believers' would dimiss the

unexplainable, as down to paranoia or state of mind, an easy mistake to make, I


We underestimate our potential to such an extent, that we not only deny

ourselves much respect for the 'magic' and the beauty of the world, but also our

wonderful healing and self healing capabilities. I am prepared to be hung out to

dry over this, but I stand by the fact that the only difference between psi and

ki, or whatever name people use to determine energy, is in the way in which each

individual decides to percieve it...

Magical, spiritual, even scientific responses here, cannot deny, that it is

there, that it has it's own intelligence - and it works. I just wish that I did

not waste so many years quetioning it's origin, that I have denied myself the

use of it, for over half of my life, for fear that I had gone stark raving mad,

and was hallucinating (seeing auras, etc.) I still believe, even now, if it

weren't for my stalker forcing me to run on my nerves, I wouldn't have been able

to listen to my own instinct - and that by realising this, I was able not only

to forgive him, but inadvertantly thank him - for, because of him, I now have

this wonderful gift, it's just a shame, that it took me so long to accept it...

Sorry it took so long, and for any errors, but I hope it helps,

With love and courage...

SamClaudia <claudia wrote:Hi Mary-Helena,


The Psionic Guild page gives this description: " Psi abilities are a

specific subset of psychic abilities focused and directed by the mind and

nervous system. Psi energy, in our primary school of thought, is a specific

type of energy which is produced by the nervous system. "


As I said, I don't see a difference between psi energy and magickal energy,

but others disagree. There are mailing lists for psionics at

to learn more.





Accurate Psychic Readings, Emotional Healing, Spiritual

Counseling and much more.



Supplements for the Spirit for healing on all levels.



Crystals, Psychic Protection eSeminar, and more.



The most beautiful metaphysical jewelry on the market today, BOS

and more.



Affordable web and ebook design.



What are psionics?


I hope you are all doing welL!






From the Blooming of a Lotus:

" We are often exposed, if not first

hand, then through films, reading

material, and conversations, to

violence, fear, hatred, meaningless

infatuations. Society is full of

violence and hatred, which accumulates

in the collective consciousness. If in

our daily lives we do not know now to

abstain from damaging materials and

attitudes, the seeds of violence,

hatred and suffering in us will

continue to be watered. We need to be

aware of what we hear, see, and read

every day. Do our associations and

consumptions poison us? "

-Thich Nhat Hanh

U.S. National forest protections at risk! Send your objections by April 6:





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