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I am always amused by the use of sugar pills and water as a placebo

because of course sugar is one of the sacred herbs and had been used in

medicine and spiritual healing for a very long time

the Deva of the Sugar cane is among the chief manifestations of

healing energies


Attention and desire for wellness is the most important factor in

healing and whatever the means used be it " real medicine " or

psychological as in placebo does not account for as much as the openness

to healing . I also have known more than one person who was

unaffected by a " real " medicine that they though was only flavored water .

without energy intention and spiritual there is no healing what ever

physical means are used .

and of course healing is not always the same as curing .


Peggy Jentoft

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rosequartz said:


> and of course healing is not always the same as curing .



if only more people could understand this!!


I often get asked, when people find out I have arthritis, and am a

holistic healer - if it works so well, why do I still have arthritis. My

standard reply is that holistic healing (in my case crystals & reiki) is

not a cure, it allows me to be in control, and manage the symptoms. And

before I had crystals & reiki in my life, I was using a wheelchair and

walking stick on a daily basis. Now I use my stick only when I am really



that usually shuts them up!


in frith


crystal & reiki rainbows



Angelstar Crystals - Crystal & Reiki healing; Jewellery & Gifts

incorporating crystals & gemstones


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Hi Hazel,


I research alternative therapies for treating chronic disorders.


There is a cure, yes a cure, for arthritis. It takes time, but all traces of

arthritis can be removed from the body within a period of between 6 and 18

months, depending on the severity.


Obviously seriously damaged joints may still have to be replaced with

artificial ones, but in the case of less serious damage, cartilage can



Unfortunately, even when joints are replaced, arthritis will still attack

other body parts usually ending up in the spine, which can't be replaced.


There are no drugs involved, and people can generally stop all prescribed

medication, over a period, or at least reduce it.


If you wish, I will send you a copy of my report, or I will post it here if

others are interested or both. It won't be till later next week if you want





Michael (Frandoch).





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Hi there Hazel, and others,


No, I am not talking about remission. I'm talking about total cure, as

measured by conventional hospital tests. And it doesn't seem to matter which

form of arthritis is involved.


However as you are already involved with Arthritis Care, I will put you on to

one of the many sources I used in compiling the report.


Two books, ISBN Nos below. written by a State Registered Nurse, who was

crippled with both osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis as a young woman, actually

during her nursing training She was told that she would never be able to

lead a normal life, or complete her training.


Conventional medicine failed her, so she started to research natural

remedies. She developed a natural cure, and against all her doctors'

predictions it was completely successful. There was no trace of the

condition in her body.


She set up a clinic in Kenilworth. As her fame spread, she realised that

there were thousands and thousands of sufferers who could not visit her

clinic, so she set up a system of treatment by post. It works. I have helped

many people using similar methods.


I am continually finding more information and will post anything I get that

appears to be relevant.


I know that conventional medicine offers little hope, and that conventionally

trained doctors are very skeptical, but the results speak for themselves.


Curing Arthritis

The Drug Free Way

Margaret Hills, SRN

ISBN 0-85969-689-8


£6.99 Paperback


Curing Arthritis

More ways to a Drug Free Life

Margaret Hills, SRN

ISBN 0-85969-628-6


£6.99 Paperback


Please try this. It works.






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Hi Pegsram


You should have got a post at 13.00 sent to Hazel and others.


If you want any more information, contact me through this site.






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Hi Michael





> I research alternative therapies for treating chronic disorders.


> There is a cure, yes a cure, for arthritis. & nbsp; It takes time, but all

> traces of arthritis can be removed from the body within a period of

> between 6 and 18 months, depending on the severity.


> Obviously seriously damaged joints may still have to be replaced with

> artificial ones, but in the case of less serious damage, cartilage can

> regrow.



> There are no drugs involved, and people can generally stop all

> prescribed medication, over a period, or at least reduce it.


> If you wish, I will send you a copy of my report, or I will post it here

> if others are interested or both. It won't be till later next week if

> you want it.


I'd love a copy of the report thank you. Either off-list or here is fine.


I am a volunteer for Arthritis Care, and in the UK anyways, there has been

no 'cure' found as such ... certain types can be treated, or go into

remission (which is what I assume your research does). The damage done

will always leave a tendency for it to re-occur, in some form or other.

Of course, with over 200 types of arthritis, what works for one, will not

work for another ...



But, on a personal level, it is something I'd be interested in, and

possibly give a try.




in frith


crystal & reiki rainbows



Angelstar Crystals - Crystal & Reiki healing; Jewellery & Gifts

incorporating crystals & gemstones


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> If you wish, I will send you a copy of my report, or I will post

> it here if others are interested or both. It won't be till later

> next week if you want it.


> Love


> Michael & nbsp; (Frandoch).



Hi Michael,

i would like to see your report on arthritus too.

pegsram. I have used a variety of supplements and

products to relieve my arthritus. They help I am always

interested to hear more. Thanks. Pegasus

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Hi Michael


I would be very interested in reading a copy of your report, please post it



With love & light, Gloria





14 March 2003 09:58:39


Re: [CrystalHW] Placebos


Hi Hazel,


I research alternative therapies for treating chronic disorders.


There is a cure, yes a cure, for arthritis. It takes time, but all traces


arthritis can be removed from the body within a period of between 6 and 18

months, depending on the severity.


Obviously seriously damaged joints may still have to be replaced with

artificial ones, but in the case of less serious damage, cartilage can



Unfortunately, even when joints are replaced, arthritis will still attack

other body parts usually ending up in the spine, which can't be replaced.


There are no drugs involved, and people can generally stop all prescribed

medication, over a period, or at least reduce it.


If you wish, I will send you a copy of my report, or I will post it here if

others are interested or both. It won't be till later next week if you want





Michael (Frandoch).





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I appreciate more information about it.I have arthritis in my knees for

years and i have many friends who suffer from arthritis.I believe people

here will be interested in this subject due to they may have atleast a few

person in their families or in their near neighbourhood.

Thanks in advance





>Re: [CrystalHW] Placebos

>Cum, 14 Mar 2003 6:25



> Hi Hazel,


> I research alternative therapies for treating chronic disorders.


> There is a cure, yes a cure, for arthritis. It takes time, but all traces of

> arthritis can be removed from the body within a period of between 6 and 18

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In a message dated 03/13/2003 2:46:34 PM Pacific Standard Time,

angelstar69 writes:




> I often get asked, when people find out I have arthritis, and am a

> holistic healer - if it works so well, why do I still have arthritis. My

> standard reply is that holistic healing (in my case crystals & reiki) is

> not a cure, it allows me to be in control, and manage the symptoms


Oh Hazel, what a great response.


I have taken alot of harrassment because I am an advocate for alternatives

and Naturopathic medicine.


Never pushed it on anyone just said it was the only way for me. But get

grief all of the time.


Mercedes Rose Herndon

Reiki Master/Teacher, Artist, Photographer

Designer & Creator of Silk Healing Scarves

Owner of " Just for You " Custom Cards

Coauthor & Publisher of:

" Loving Thoughts for Gentle Hearts; v. 1 - Goals, Dreams & Affirmations "






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I would love to read your report on alternative

therapy for arthritis!





From the Blooming of a Lotus:

“We are often exposed, if not first

hand, then through films, reading

material, and conversations, to

violence, fear, hatred, meaningless

infatuations. Society is full of

violence and hatred, which accumulates

in the collective consciousness. If in

our daily lives we do not know now to

abstain from damaging materials and

attitudes, the seeds of violence,

hatred and suffering in us will

continue to be watered. We need to be

aware of what we hear, see, and read

every day… Do our associations and

consumptions poison us?”

-Thich Nhat Hanh

U.S. National forest protections at risk! Send your objections by April 6:


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Please post it to the list, as I too, would be very interested in seeing

this information.





>If you wish, I will send you a copy of my report, or I will post

>it here if

>others are interested or both. It won't be till later next week if

>you want





>Michael (Frandoch).


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> Oh Hazel, what a great response.


> I have taken alot of harrassment because I am an advocate for

> alternatives and Naturopathic medicine.


> Never pushed it on anyone just said it was the only way for me. & nbsp;

> But get grief all of the time.


Yes, you either get the ones who think if it works for one person, it must

be a miracle cure-all for everything!! or the other extreme of those who

don't believe in it - and disregard it offhand!!! and every once in a

while, along comes someone who is truly interested in trying, and

approaches it with a truly open mind!



in frith


crystal & reiki rainbows



Angelstar Crystals - Crystal & Reiki healing; Jewellery & Gifts

incorporating crystals & gemstones


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Hi Michael


> Hi there Hazel, and others,


> No, I am not talking about remission. & nbsp; I'm talking about total

> cure, as measured by conventional hospital tests. & nbsp; And it doesn't

> seem to matter which form of arthritis is involved.


> However as you are already involved with Arthritis Care, I will put you

> on to one of the many sources I used in compiling the report.


I will be honest, I am still feeling pretty sceptical about it being a

total cure - but I am willing to approach this with an open mind, and

learn more.


If indeed, it works as well as you are claiming - it would be an amazing

breakthrough in the treatment of arthritis for the future. I will

certainly keep you & the group updated of any improvements in my health,

should I decide to try this treatment ... and after all, even if it did

not happen to provide a complete cure - I would not be losing out by




> Two books, ISBN Nos below. written by a State Registered Nurse, who was

> crippled with both osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis as a young woman,

> actually during her nursing training & nbsp; She was told that she would

> never be able to lead a normal life, or complete her training.


> Conventional medicine failed her, so she started to research natural

> remedies. & nbsp; She developed a natural cure, and against all her

> doctors' predictions it was completely successful. & nbsp; There was no

> trace of the condition in her body.


I shall definitely be making attempts to get these books - and look

forward to reading them with interest when I do.



> I know that conventional medicine offers little hope, and that

> conventionally trained doctors are very skeptical, but the results

> speak for themselves.


many GP's are sceptical of anything complimentary to conventional

medicine!! I think many see it as a threat to their position!



in frith


crystal & reiki rainbows



Angelstar Crystals - Crystal & Reiki healing; Jewellery & Gifts

incorporating crystals & gemstones


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Hi all - sorry about the short message - blame AOhell.


I have already posted where to find info, but will post my report, which is

a summary of all I have beenb able to glean from amy sources.




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Hi all,


Sorry again.


I will post my report in full, even though I have posted where to find some

of the information.


Please bear with me - it will take a few days - bugs in system


Michael (Frandoch)




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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

It has been quite a time we had correspondance about cure for arthritis.I

wonder if i did not notice the information about it.Will you please resend

it if you have already wrote.If you did not tell about cure,i am looking

forward to hearing from you about the cure for arthritis.

Thanks in advance,


>> frandoch


>> Re: [CrystalHW] Placebos

>> Cum, 14 Mar 2003 6:25



>> Hi Hazel,


>> I research alternative therapies for treating chronic disorders.


>> There is a cure, yes a cure, for arthritis. It takes time, but all traces of

>> arthritis can be removed from the body within a period of between 6 and 18




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