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hi everyone,


there are thoughts that are bothering me for the past few days. im

currently into pranic healing. im a little confused on the chackras.


according to the western teachings the chackras corresponds to the

7 colors of the rainbow whereas ive read from a book by choa kok sui

that the chackras contain different colors and that indigo is rarely

found on the chackras.and also he mentioned that there are 11 major



can you advice me anything on how to deal with these conflicting




how can i reconcile these concepts in healing?


thank you!!!



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There are more than 7 major chakras - in addition to those 7, there are

chakras in each hand (lots of debate on this - most agree that there are

chakras there, just maybe they are not major chakras), contained within the

auric field is another chakra, there is the earthstar chakra 1-3 feet below

our feet (usually in the ground but if we lay down then the earthstar

follows the feet) and the soulstar chakra 1-3 feet above our head. There is

another chakra located at the thymus but there have been a lot of people

debating that - from what I'm taught, the thymus is what helps your body

develop immunities so I don't see the point in debating the existence of a

chakra there and simply operate on the assumption there is - I figure it's

better safe than sorry. As well, there are a multitude of minor chakras

throughout the body and some people say that they correspond with the same

meridians and accupuncture points that chinese doctors use.


In regards to colour, I think that every chakra has a predominant colour

depending on how well it is functioning - for example, the root chakra is

usually visualized as red or resonates with red.... but if the root isn't a

happy chakra maybe it is discoloured? This is just my personal theory, and

this author you mentioned seems to support what I'd been thinking. As far as

indigo is concerned... I'm not too sure. I actually have a hard time

visualizing indigo at the third eye - purple works better for me. Which

creates a conflict for anyone who believes the crown is purple, but as for

me, the crown is always white. This is just what works the best for me. I've

seen books that use tan, grey, and black as well, but these books were

written from more of a psychoanalytical perspective and I couldn't really

tie that into chakra work at the time I saw them. Perhaps if I looked at

them now with a little bit more experience under my belt I'd be able to

figure it out, but alas, I don't have easy access to them and have long

forgotten the titles.







>hi everyone,


> there are thoughts that are bothering me for the past few days. im

>currently into pranic healing. im a little confused on the chackras.


> according to the western teachings the chackras corresponds to the

>7 colors of the rainbow whereas ive read from a book by choa kok sui

>that the chackras contain different colors and that indigo is rarely

>found on the chackras.and also he mentioned that there are 11 major



> can you advice me anything on how to deal with these conflicting




> how can i reconcile these concepts in healing?


> thank you!!!








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nanta_theearthmagician said:




> & nbsp; according to the western teachings the chackras corresponds to

> the 7 colors of the rainbow whereas ive read from a book by choa kok

> sui that the chackras contain different colors and that indigo is

> rarely found on the chackras.and also he mentioned that there are 11

> major chackras.


> & nbsp; can you advice me anything on how to deal with these conflicting

> paradimes?


Altho there are usually 7 major chakras recognised, there are many more

throughout your body, and in particular important for healers, in the

palms of your hands.


I have been taught, with crystals, to work with 8, with an additional

Thymus chakra between throat & heart. I would say, go with what feels

most comfortable to you ... including colours ... I often sense different

shades/colours in chakras to what the books say; but find if I go with my

intuition I usually get it right.



in frith


crystal & reiki rainbows



Angelstar Crystals - Crystal & Reiki healing; Jewellery & Gifts

incorporating crystals & gemstones


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>> & nbsp; according to the western teachings the chackras corresponds to

>>the 7 colors of the rainbow whereas ive read from a book by choa kok

>>sui that the chackras contain different colors and that indigo is

>>rarely found on the chackras.and also he mentioned that there are 11

>>major chackras.


>> & nbsp; can you advice me anything on how to deal with these conflicting





>Altho there are usually 7 major chakras recognised, there are many more

>throughout your body, and in particular important for healers, in the

>palms of your hands.


I know we've addressed this on the list before and there are quite a few

articles in the files plus we have had some posts about how different

cultures develope and work with different energy centers and how the

appearance of the energy centers varies on different layeres or energy

bodies it tends to boil down to no one system has all the answers and

they are all in essence correct . My brain is still too fried to

contribute an articulate exposition of all this

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Here is a bit of info I posted to my group last year, when we were discussing

chakras. This pertains specifically to the " ear chakras " . I thought I had

written up a summary on the palm chakras too, but can't seem to locate it right



Forgive me if someone has mentioned this already, but I am guessing that the 11

chakras you mentioned included the palms and soles of the feet, along with the

seven " major " chakras? The book I have does not mention the soles of the feet

or the palms, but I have seen this discussed elsewhere.


Blessings to you & yours,




Ear Chakras


There are two ear chakras, just above the outer ear. Their color is bright

reddish-violet, and they sparkle when cleared. When in need of clearing, they

appear dull and dark.


The ear chakras relate to divine communication, as well as the things you

hear--both bad and good. Clearing these chakras is imperative to developing

clairaudience, which is hearing the divine advice given to you by your guide

(s), or deity (s), as well as your own etherical spirit.


These chakras become clogged, shrunken, and dirty if we hold in negative

feelings about something we have heard, be it verbal abuse, criticism, or

something else we find offensive. Another instance of needing to be cleared, is

if we harbor fear of spiritual communication in the etheric realm, and do not

allow ourselves to be completely free, for whatever reason.


The ear chakras can be cleared using a good-sized quartz crystal, or through

deep meditation and chanting.


From Doreen Virtue's Chakra Clearing



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Hello Nanta,


I am taking a Chakra class right now. The teacher has said that there

are many different beliefs of how many chakras there are, what colors

they are, where they are etc. My teacher is teaching the Parmahansa

Yogananda view of chakras. Yogananda's view is that there are

actually eight Major and not seven major Chakras. The Third Eye

Chakra has an " A " and " B " Chakra. There are many other minor chakras

all over the body. I know there are those on the palms of the hands

and on the soles of the feet. So like someone mentioned you need to

read the different versions and decide which one works the best for

you. Also if you meditate, try and tune into your chakras and see and

feel what you get from each one of them.





workshop , " nanta_theearthmagician "

<nanta_theearthmagician> wrote:

im a little confused on the chackras.


> can you advice me anything on how to deal with these conflicting

> paradimes?

> ...nanta

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Hi again Nanta,


I forgot to mention that my teacher said that as we go through life

we work on the different chakras, but there is no particular order to

which chakras we work on. We work on whichever ones we need to work

on at the time for our growth. And we may even just work on a few and

not all chakras our entire lives if that is what is required. Of

course this is my teacher's own personal belief of the chakra system

so just take whatever sounds right for you :)





workshop , " nanta_theearthmagician "

<nanta_theearthmagician> wrote:

> > can you advice me anything on how to deal with these

conflicting paradimes?

thank you!!!


> ...nanta

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I also sometimes get impressions of the chakras being different

colors. And at other times they are the colors that I usually read





, " Hazel "

<angelstar69@u...> wrote:

I often sense different

> shades/colours in chakras to what the books say; but find if I go

with my

> intuition I usually get it right.



> in frith


> crystal & reiki rainbows

> Hazel

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-hi susan

i think you should listen to you intuiton. maybe as we progress

things change?




-- In , Susan Walrath

<spiders-strategem@s...> wrote:

I actually have a hard time

> visualizing indigo at the third eye - purple works better for me.


> creates a conflict for anyone who believes the crown is purple,

but as for

> me, the crown is always white. This is just what works the best

for me. >

> ~Susan



> >

> >


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-hi kestrel

i believe that you must trust your own knowing. this is a beautiful

sight and helps understand each chakra.






-- In , " Kestrel "

<SnowyNightEagle@a...> wrote:

> Hello Nanta,


> I am taking a Chakra class right now. The teacher has said that


> are many different beliefs of how many chakras there are, what


> they are, where they are etc.

> Kestrel



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