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re: chackras/palm & ear chakras, sephiroth...

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In a message dated 20/3/03 4:14:43, HaliteSprite writes:


<< The sephiroth are angels. . .I should know more about them than that, but

I'm afraid I don't have my list of ranks of angels handy. >>


Hello Ahreinya

I was interested in the list of rank of angels you were talking about.

During our crystal course we were shown a list of ascended masters showing

the level they were at and I was surprised at the time to find various angels

on the list. We were never able to get a copy of the list and when I posted

on the web, it appeared that no-one could understand what I was talking

about. All I remember on the list that human beings are at the bottom

(and with today's news - no wonder!!!) Jesus and Sai Baba were half way up.

Loads of other names I have never heard of!!!!

Stay safe and peaceful everyone.


Love, Light & Laughter ~ Diane xx

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Hi all,


Sorry I am so late in replying to all of the above topics.


To those who wrote to thank me for the tidbit on ear chakras, you are most



One member asked the best way to clear them--the only method listed in the book

I used as a reference, was using clear quartz over the areas, but I am sure

there are more ways--and what comes to you intuitively is sometimes what is



On the topic of palm chakras, I really thought I'd written up a summary on them,

but I can't find it. That leads me to believe that I'd meant to do it, and have

just never gotten around to it.


However, I'm no expert on chakras to begin with--so whatever I would have

written up, would have been a summary of things I'd learned elsewhere. I'll do

my best to find you all some links on ear and/or palm chakras, and send them

along, ok?


The sephiroth are angels. . .I should know more about them than that, but I'm

afraid I don't have my list of ranks of angels handy.


We just reformatted our computer recently, so everything I had stored went to

various files (i.e.: old e-mail addresses on web-servers like , Hotmail,

and Email.com). If I find my list, I'll also send that out. You may have

already gotten that info--I'm sorry if I'm just repeating what someone else has

said already.


We are getting ready to move out of state (with our two very active toddlers!!),

so my life is a little hectic right now, and I don't get to things as quicklly

as I'd like--and sometimes, I forget altogether, LOL.


I did a quick search for links before signing this off, and I'm afraid I came up

with nothing for ear chakras except links that wanted you to buy kits, and a

whole lot of " ear candling " links that concerned chakra clearing.


As for palm chakras, well, the first thing that came up was one of Peggy's

(RoseQuartz's) pages! She might have sent this to you all already; I am so

forgetful. If not, well, I'm sure she meant to! Here it is:



Next was a Wiccan site:



This was also an informative site: http://users.ritternet.com/jobrien/palm.html


There were many more links for palm chakras as well; I did a search on the

search engine, just using the words " palm chakras " .


Blessings to you & yours,




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