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Children giving hope

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This is very interesting and I especially thought Hazel's daughter

would like it. John Twyman writes:


Beloved Friends,


An ultimatum of war has been passed. Saddam Hussein was informed that

he has forty-eight hours to leave Iraq to avoid a military conflict


the US and its allies. If he does not, which is almost certain, we will

likely be at war within a few days. It appears to be a very dark time

for the millions, perhaps billions, of people around the world who have

been praying for a peaceful solution. And yet this is the most

important time for us to keep our energy high and realize how

important our

role is. This is not a time to be afraid, but to step forward as




The Psychic Children have a few messages for all of us.


Over the next two days over five hundred people will join me and some

of the Psychic Children on the Big Island of Hawaii for the " Psychic

Children Speak

to the World " conference. They are here to deliver their messages of

peace, and to offer their wisdom on creating a world where war is a

forgotten dream. (Divine Providence has provided the perfect

opportunity to

be here this particular week.) I spoke with several of them tonight,

including Thomas and Koya, and asked them if they would be willing to

share part of their message

with our wider audience around the world to help us keep positive at

this critical time. Over one hundred thousand people will read these

messages, and many more if it is passed on. They remind us that this

is not

a political problem we are facing, but one that is spiritual in nature.

The peace we are seeking is within us now, and if we can learn to see

the truth that is all

around us, then it will prevail. Their main message is, it seems, that

it has already prevailed.


The first message comes from Thomas, the young boy I met two years ago

in Bulgaria when he was ten. We have had an amazing communication ever

since, unlike anything I had ever experienced before. His messages have

always been so simple and direct, and this one is no different.

(Unfortunately, Thomas will not be at the conference.)


Thomas, age 12


" Do not think that you have failed, no matter what happens. Failure is

impossible at this point, though it may be different than you expect.

Think of it like a game that children play. You have already won. That

is the good news. The ending is sure because the wheel of Peace is

already in motion. "


Koya, who is four years old from Japan, sent this reply:


" Sometimes it is hard to trust that everything is happening perfectly

to plan. Trust! Trust! Trust! "


Chandra, age 19, who was given the title " Grandmother Chandra " by

Native Elders, is one of the most unique presenters at this

conference. Like

Koya, she is profoundly disabled, but communicates her messages in a

way that is hard to explain. I went to her room tonight to meet her and

her mother after they arrived at the resort, and was overwhelmed by her

energy and wisdom. She dictated a very long message which I will send

out in another email in a day or two. Here is a sample of her thoughts

regarding the current situation between the US and Iraq:


" We must learn to see the Universal picture, not limit it to 3-D. There

is an agreement that has been made between Iraq and the US, and it is

being fulfilled right now. It was written many many years ago. These

countries are only symbols of something much deeper which is being


Everything is adjusting in other dimensions. Don't be fooled by what

seems to be happening, but see what is real. Then you'll be able to


your role. "


Patrick, who is age 17 offered this wisdom:


" There will be times when you feel like you have failed.

There will be times when you will suffer.

There will be times when you will laugh with joy.

There will be times when you will cry with pain.

And there will be times when you will feel courageous.


Within each of these emotions there is a lesson to be learned. Seek

that lesson in order to achieve what you really want. "


The Children seem to be in perfect agreement that everything is

happening exactly as it should, no matter how it appears. This is an

extraordinary time, and we are all vital parts of the Divine

Unfolding. We are

so honored to have these amazing Children with us this week, and we


continue to share their messages with you as we progress through the



As most of you know, I have been to Iraq twice, beginning in March of

1998 at the request of Saddam Hussein. I performed the Peace Concert at

the national

theater in Baghdad, and I learned some very valuable lessons from the

people I met. Most of all, I learned that they are just like you and I,

that they

are longing for peace just as we are longing, and yet they do not enjoy

the freedom to pursue it. I suggest we all join in Spirit with the

people of Iraq, asking that the highest good be achieved at this


time. We

pray for their safety, and the safety of all soldiers. We ask that they

be given the chance to live without the threat of war. As the Children

say, this requires a spiritual solution, not political, and we are the

ones who are asked to rise to the occasion. Please join me in Praying

Peace for the whole world, so that we may learn the lessons we need to

learn to avoid this in the



Peace Prevails on Earth NOW!!!

James Twyman



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pegsram said:



> This is very interesting and I especially thought Hazel's daughter

> would like it. John Twyman writes:



thank you, Niki is down at her gran's just now, but I will print it out

and share it with her later. She relates well, knowing that other

children feel the same way as her. I think a lot of her problems, is that

most of her school friends are fascinated by all that is happening, in

typical 9 y/o fashion ...especially the boys who are exaggerating big

style the end of the world!!!!!




in frith


crystal & reiki rainbows



Angelstar Crystals - Crystal & Reiki healing; Jewellery & Gifts

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Hazel said:


> -

> thank you, Niki is down at her gran's just now, but I will print it out

> and share it with her later. & nbsp; & nbsp; >


I let Niki read this - not quite sure what she thought of it; her only

comments were " they say something extraordinary is about to happen "


Although, perhaps the unsaid words were the most important! I'm not sure

that she fully understands how much a part of this 'extraordinary

happening' she is ... or maybe she does understand, but does not feel the

need to share!




in frith


crystal & reiki rainbows



Angelstar Crystals - Crystal & Reiki healing; Jewellery & Gifts

incorporating crystals & gemstones






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