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{ositive Energy - Thank you - bit long

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Thank you all for your support for the last month, to say it was the worst

time of my life is an understatement.


With the wisdom and help from a counselor, we have now started on the next

30 years of our married life. Perhaps the hardest part was letting Gerry go

so that he would come back. I was frightened it was just wishful thinking.

I did stumble once and tried to contact him even though I knew to go down

that path of pleading and begging would drive him further away while he was

in turmoil. He needed space to work through things without anyone's input

(family I mean), and I had just reached the stage where I had said no more

am I letting you hurt me like this.


Last Wednesday, I turned his side of the electric blanket on on the bed

because I didn't want that side of the be to be cold, my orchids were in

bloom, the roses were having a last beautiful flowering before winter sets

in, everything seemed to be the opposite to where I was. Deeana, the

counsellor had given me a book to read " How to survive the loss of love " and

unbeknowns to me Gerry had gone and purchased a book " How to mend your

Broken Heart " which I am now reading. It gives detail about what happens

physicaly in you body so you can understand better what is happening.


Wednesday night he rang and said he wanted to come over and talk, I nearly

didn't let him, I actually had started to tell him I couldn't handle any

more. Then I thought I had better get it over and done with. He had gone

to the counselor in the morning and then not gone to work but went and sat

at the Marina on the rocks for the rest of the day working through

everything. When he did come over we went down to the foreshore and talked

for hours. I had my appointment the next afternoon and he came with me. We

will continue seeing the counsellor.


On Friday I organised for someone to come and spiritually clease the house,

I know I could have done it but I wanted someone who wasn't connected. He

picked up on heavier energy in the lounge room and my computer/sewing room.

They were the two rooms I spent most of my time in. We also sat and chatted

for a while after he finished. Thank goodnes this man was a good strong man

and lived his beliefs. He really impressed Gerry who used to just say to me

" what ever " , now he wants to talk to him some more. Anyway thank you all

again, we are working on the next 30 years and we know we will have some

bumps along the way, but we will be more aware and we will talk. I hope you

all have a good day. I am off to work now for the day, but with a bounce in

my step.





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Chris said:





> Thank you all for your support for the last month, to say it was the worst

> time of my life is an understatement.


> With the wisdom and help from a counselor, we have now started on the next

> 30 years of our married life.




may crystal & reiki rainbows of love, love & more love surround you both :)


.. Deeana, the

> counsellor had given me a book to read & quot;How to survive the loss of

> love & quot; and

> unbeknowns to me Gerry had gone and purchased a book & quot;How to mend

> your

> Broken Heart & quot; which I am now reading.


That both of you had been given/bought a book on surviving/mending the

hurt stands out to me as being so symbolic on helping you both to realise

just what you were about to give up on. Perhaps these books were put

into your hands to let you see what you would have to go through - and to

appreciate the 'other' option of trying to make it work out more.




> thank you all

> again, we are working on the next 30 years and we know we will have some

> bumps along the way, but we will be more aware and we will talk.


As you know, I had offered to place a card in my reiki box for you both

.... but your details have never quite made it into my reiki box ... and I

have just realised that each & everytime I open my mailbox you have

received a directed burst of reiki. I have a reiki-charged crystal that

sits adjacent my keyboard, that I have asked to send reiki to all who

request it on my lists ... and this has been working away in the



I feel that I you after all place that reiki card in my box, simply to

smooth over the first few months as you continue your counselling sessions

and put your life back on the right rails again.


I am off to work now for the day, but with a bounce

> in

> my step.


and my heart is smiling for you both :)


in frith


crystal & reiki rainbows



Angelstar Crystals - Crystal & Reiki healing; Jewellery & Gifts

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Hello Chris


thats fantastic news


love light & reiki to you both






> " Chris " <pietersen


><Spells-n-Such >, " CrystalReikiSpiritHealers "

><CrystalReikiSpiritHealers >,<@\

s.com>,<CandleMagick >

>[CrystalHW] {ositive Energy - Thank you - bit long

>Tue, 22 Apr 2003 08:27:40 +0800 (W. Australia Standard Time)





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