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Hi Barbara,


Chris has the attachments blocked, basically a good hacker.......keep not

opening and your virus programs up to date and running, I have mine set to

auto-scan all in-coming mail............good luck :)




Barbara Dean wrote:


> Chris, I am on digest and it just came through attached to digest. This is

> really odd because today is the first time I have ever received any kind of

> attachment with the digest. It has happened with two different lists today.

> This is why I like to stay on digest, to prevent getting anything...but I am

> really puzzled about this one...how did it come through? Thanks, Barbara.

> ps. didn't open it.



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  • 2 months later...
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Bottom line, go to the attachment, if it's not .doc, .xls Don't open it!


If you know the person but they haven't sent you an email saying, either in the

subject line or the body, NO VIRUSes

Don't open it.


If you don't know them well, don't open it. Tell friends and family to cut and



I am getting about 5 a week these days. I got the 'darling' about a week ago.

Just got another this morning, forget what it said.





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I have found this virus in my computer. You are in my address book so please

make sure to check. Search all your drives.




D. Robin Field


Sunday, May 05, 2002 12:57 AM

Fw: [interfaithSeminaries] Virus




Please check for virus/infected address book


Greetings all,


We have just received a message from one of our contacts that our address

book had been infected by a virus (called jdbgmgr.exe) not detected by

Norton or McAfee antivirus systems. The virus stays quiet for 14 days

before damaging the system. It is sent automatically by the Messenger and

by the address book, whether or not you sent e-mails to your contacts.


We checked, found and deleted it. Now it's your turn!


1. Go to Start, Find or Search option

2. In the files/folder option, write the name jdbgmgr.exe

3. Be sure you search in your C: drive

4. Click " find now "

5. The virus has a little bear icon with the name jdbgmgr.exe DO NOT OPEN


6. Right click and delete it (it will then go to the Recycle Bin)

7. Go to the Recycle Bin and delete it there as well, or empty the bin.






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  • 2 weeks later...
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I know it is late since this message went out. I am catching up on all of my

mail at the moment. However on the subject at hand.


Not to try and scare people, but viruses can be in even word (.doc) or excel

(.xls) files because Visual Basic (VB) scripting and macros can be imbedded into

the document. For many of the viruses out there they are created in VB. If you

don't 100% know the person and you are expecting them to send you something,

check the file out. Use a Virus protection program but keep it up to date (it

is worse than having none if it is out of date). Keep yourself updated on what

is going on in the virus world. If you are unsure about the file, don't open it

and don't save it to your machine.


Finally be sceptical about emails advising your that you have probably been

virused. Check these out too, as there are many malicious Hoax viruses out

there that tell you that it can get through your anti-virus protection. In many

cases these are using actual file names of Windows Components and ofcourse you

are going to have the file.




Missy (who works on a Helpdesk in Brisbane, Australia)




Sunday, April 28, 2002 4:23 AM

Re: virus



Bottom line, go to the attachment, if it's not .doc, .xls Don't open it!


If you know the person but they haven't sent you an email saying, either in the

subject line or the body, NO VIRUSes

Don't open it.


If you don't know them well, don't open it. Tell friends and family to cut and



I am getting about 5 a week these days. I got the 'darling' about a week ago.

Just got another this morning, forget what it said.





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  • 3 months later...

Well we don't get attachments on this group list so we should be safe

but you may not even have the virus on your computer as many of the

recent virus fake the from address


Morning Star wrote:


>Hello Everyone


>The virus that is being sent from me, is not being done by me persoanlly, it is

being sent to everyone in my address book and I am trying to get this deleted

from my computer. I did a virus scan and it did not come up on my computer. I

am having my computer checked on Tuesday, but because of the holiday, I can not

get to the man who works on my computer.

>I would never send the kind of mail that is being sent and my profound

apologies to evryone.



>Morning Star




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  • 7 months later...
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Greetings All !!


This is just to let you know that the virus name is W32Klez.H (AT) MM (DOT) I have not

been trying to avoid you (despite the rude comments) I have been busy taking

care of my very ill Mother, and my also ill daughter (stomach virus - dr says

it's a bad one!!), so I have had my hands very busy!! Also, I did not know

about the option of using BCC, however, I do not have that option on my

computer. I was also wondering what would be a good grounding stone for use

with Molitivite??? Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Have a wondering





Kimberly ~ fateofstones


Kim, Jonnie, Mina, & Podekine

~*~ A HAPPY FAMILY!! ~*~










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Hello Sweetie,


I did mean that I did not have that option on my email, however, I have since

found it, and that is what I am using now!! Again, thank you for the tip!!







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  • 4 months later...

At 04:36 PM 8/28/03 -0400, you wrote:

>And the signature at the bottom shows its from the real me.







But are any of us the REAL us?



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