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The symptoms of both rheumatoid-arthritis and osteo-arthritis are caused by

the deposition of uric acid in the muscles or joints. Uric acid and other

toxic acids come from the food we eat. In the past, our food contained

vitamins and nutrients that controlled the levels of these acids, but modern

methods of both farming and food production have removed many of these

vitamins and minerals.


Modern farming methods have caused the disappearance of many essential trace

elements from their produce. Over decades, intensive farming has drained the

soil of many essential minerals and trace elements. Although farmers add

fertilizer to the soil, this fertilizer only replaces three substances,

nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. To take just one example: consider

selenium, an essential mineral and anti-oxidant. In most of the UK, the

levels of selenium in the soil are very low and in some parts, especially the

West Country, they're non-existent.


Many doctors will tell you that arthritis is incurable, and that you will

just have to live with it. But if it is caused by faulty diet, then surely

by correcting our diets, we can at least relieve the symptoms, and perhaps

cure the disease. There are hundreds and hundreds of people who have been

totally cured of this condition: whose bodies show no sign whatever of the

disease, after following the suggested regime below.


But first, let's talk about conventional treatment. Arthritis is usually

treated with drugs, pain-killers or surgery. The first resort of the

medical profession is usually to prescribe an anti-inflammatory drug,

usually one of the NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs). Their

function is to reduce inflammation and reduce pain. They usually work, but

only for a while. And while they may work, they also make the condition

worse. So, what's next? A more powerful drug with more side effects, for

which more drugs are prescribed. It's not unusual for people to be taking

fifteen or more medications a day. In a study a few years ago it was found

that 70%, that's 7 out of 10, non-surgical beds in all hospitals in the UK

were taken up by patients suffering from an iatrogenic disorder, that is: a

disorder caused by drugs prescribed by doctors. So, what then. As the

patient becomes progressively worse, he or she will be referred to a

consultant rheumatologist. After many months of waiting, in agonising pain,

the patient will get a consultation, and will be put on a waiting list for

surgery for up to two years.


So, what's the answer? It's simple. Deal with the cause of arthritis, and

not the symptoms.


How do we do that? That's simple, too:-


1. Remove the toxic acids that have built up.

2. Reduce the intake of them.

3. Provide the nutrients which control them.



1. To remove the build-up that exists.


Honey and cider vinegar. Honey contains dozens of vitamins, minerals, trace

elements, and amino-acids that we need in order to function properly. Cider

vinegar contains various essential minerals, some vitamins, and acetic acid,

which is a 'good' acid, in that it dissolves the hard acid deposits in the

joints, and the waxy acid that can be deposited in muscles. and honey's

nutrients help the body eliminate the toxic acids.


If you are diabetic, don't use Honegar. Instead use Aspall's Organic Cider

Vinegar, which is obtainable from most supermarkets and Health Food Stores,

but you can generally take molasses, which is an unrefined product.


2 & 3.


See attached diet sheet.



Should you wish for further information to support this, there is a clinic,

which only treats arthritis patients. It is run by Margaret Hills, SRN, who

trained as a nurse at St Stephens Hospital. London, until her training was

cut short by crippling heart disease and arthritis. Against all the odds and

the prognoses of her doctors, she fought back, rid herself of arthritis, went

on to get married, have eight children and continues a long career as an

industrial nurse. She now shares her radical new and natural treatment for

arthritis through:


The Margaret Hills Clinic

1 Oaks Precinct

Caesar Road


Warcs CV8 1DP


01926 854783


The clinic offers a postal diagnosis and treatment schedule on which the

above information is partly based. Margaret has also written a number of best

selling books about arthritis.


Here follows Message 4390 from Crystal.


frandoch@a... Fri Mar 14, 2003 11:45 am Re:

[CrystalHW] Placebos


Hi there Hazel, and others,No, I am not talking about remission. I'm talking

about total cure, as measured by conventional hospital tests. And it doesn't

seem to matter which form of arthritis is involved.However as you are already

involved with Arthritis Care, I will put you on to one of the many sources I

used in compiling the report.Two books, ISBN Nos below. written by a State

Registered Nurse, who was crippled with both osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis

as a young woman, actually during her nursing training She was told that she

would never be able to lead a normal life, or complete her

training.Conventional medicine failed her, so she started to research natural

remedies. She developed a natural cure, and against all her doctors'

predictions it was completely successful. There was no trace of the condition

in her body.She set up a clinic in Kenilworth. As her fame spread, she

realised that there were thousands and thousands of sufferers who could not

visit her clinic, so she set up a system of treatment by post. It works. I

have helped many people using similar methods.I am continually finding more

information and will post anything I get that appears to be relevant.I know

that conventional medicine offers little hope, and that conventionally

trained doctors are very skeptical, but the results speak for

themselves.Curing Arthritis The Drug Free WayMargaret Hills, SRN. ISBN

0-85969-689-8£6.99 PaperbackCuring ArthritisMore ways to a Drug Free

LifeMargaret Hills, SRN. ISBN 0-85969-628-6£6.99 Paperback


Please try this. It works.Michael



Should you want any further information, please contact me through the site,

or direct at:




(Some of the information herein is from personal correspondence with other






Diet Recommendations


1. Take one tablespoonful of Honegar in water twice a day (see note re



2. Take a teaspoonful of black molasses in water twice a day.


Food List

(If you must cheat, take extra diluted cider vinegar to counteract the



NO (Orange font)

YES (Blue Font)



Cut down salt intake If you must have salt, use Solo. If you can't get

it, phone Low Sodium Sea Salt Co, Bromley on

020 84645536 for nearest supplier.


FAMILY= " SANSSERIF " FACE= " ArVinegar Cider vinegar.


Butter Vegetable oil spreads with buttermilk, but not

those which contain hydrogenated vegetable oil Read labels.


Milk, cream, cheese Skimmed milk is OK

Goat's milk and cheese, sheep's milk and cheese. Cottage cheese. You

can add chives, spring onions, spanish onion or permitted fruits.

Soya products.

Occasionally soft cheese. Twice a week max.


ALL citrus fruits and juices Peaches, pears, apples, bananas, apricots,

melons, grapes. Dried fruits.

Tomatoes twice a week max. if you must.


Pork, beef, bacon, ham Chicken, turkey, duck, rabbit.

Occasional lamb. Make mint sauce with cider vinegar.

Eggs, two twice a week max.


Coffee, cocoa, tea, alcohol Weak tea if you must.

Grain coffee.

Herbal teas.

Non-citrus fruit juices.

Vegetable juices.


Chocolate products Carob.


Fresh or frozen white fish - grilled, poached,

baked or steamed - NEVER battered or fried.

Mackerel, sardines, herring, salmon. Twice a week max. because they

are oily fish which absorb heavy metals from sea water.


All white flour products Wholemeal bread, brown rice and pasta.


Sugar. Read labels. Anything ending in -ose is a sugar. Molasses, dried

fruit (not citrus), sugar free jams.


Junk food, processed and convenience foods . Fresh food, vegetables,

salads. Look around for

farms which deliver organic vegetables. They're

springing up all over the country.


Wholemeal cereals. Especially oats.


Stick to this way of eating for a month. Then introduce forbidden foods one

at a time. You will soon find out which ones cause you problems.


Basically we are trying to do three things here.


1. Dissolve existing uric acid deposits in muscles and joints (thus cider



2. Eat a low acid diet to reduce uric acid formation.


3. Ensure adequate quantities of essential vitamins and minerals to deal

with unavoidable toxic

acids. (thus honey and molasses and supplements)



Shopping List


Martlet's 'Honegar'

Organic Cider Vinegar (Aspall's if possible)

Organic Blackstrap Molasses (Meridian if possible. If not, read list of

ingredients. It must be unsulphured)

Multi Vitamin B Complex. (Quest is good, it also contains 500mg Vit C)

Curcumin Capsules (Comes from Turmeric, an Indian spice used in curries.

It's a powerful anti-inflammatory and pain reliever. It is better than

Voltarol and has no side effects. It also boosts the effects of Glucosamine


Ginger (In tincture form. It's a powerful anti-inflammatory. Jan de Vries

is good)


Follow the instructions on the labels for dosage.


I am sourcing a couple more things for you to take. I know you appear to be

a walking apothecary, but what I am advising won't have to be taken for

ever. As you improve, dosages can be reduced and in time you will be able to

come off everything except vitamins that I will supply and cider vinegar.

Also I would like to get you off prescription drugs if possible.


When your Vitamin C runs out make sure you replace it with one containing

Citrus Bioflavonoids. It is also better to take 500mg twice a day than

1000mg once a day, as the body doesn't store Vitamin C.


Please send me an accurate list of all prescribed medicines you are taking,

giving the trade name, the chief constituents and the dosage instructions.


Cider Vinegar is an amazing liquid. It dissolves acid deposits in muscles

and on bone. Try an experiment to see for yourself. Put an egg in a glass,

cover it with cider vinegar and leave it for 48 hours. You will find the egg

still whole but with no shell. Eggshell is in some ways similar to uric acid



Cider vinegar is also a blood pressure normaliser. It lowers high blood

pressure and raises low blood pressure. Provided you monitor your blood

pressure very regularly, you may be able to reduce your prescription drug.

Cider vinegar is also a diuretic. You will need to urinate more frequently.

You may be able to reduce your water tablet.


As I have said before, please feel free to discuss any of this with your GP.

I am also happy to supply information to your GP if required. If there is a

problem about me advising you, tell your GP that my role is not to treat

people, but to research alternative and complementary therapies, to act as a

clearing house for up-to-date information on a wide range of treatments for

most chronic disorders, from sources around the world.


Don't forget, you can email me at anytime - frandoch









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