Guest guest Posted May 8, 2003 Report Share Posted May 8, 2003 Pendulums and Dowsing Pendulums are used as a tool for finding and evaluating information, for helping to make choices, for scanning the energy body to guide you in energy work and crystal healing, and for divination. Divining with pendulums is called dowsing . Pendulums are one tool for dowsing, several kinds of L rods, bobbers and y-rods are also used for dowsing. The most familiar use for dowsing is probably locating water or mineral deposits with the aid of a dowsing tool. Pendulums are a very useful tool when used with respect. It is very important not to become over dependent on them, If you find yourself dowsing to decide between the turkey or the blt at lunch then you are over doing. The pendulum is a tool not something that takes the place of mind and will. People who become over dependent on them will often lose their pendulums frequently . After one has used a pendulum for a while they may discover that they can feel the movement patterns of the energy on the palm of their hand so that they can do the readings without the pendulum. Many different metals, woods, stones and crystals are can be made into pendulums. Any gemstone pendant, many key chains ,even pencils hung on a string can be used , almost anything that can be dangled will work in a pinch . Many dowsers prefer to use a quartz crystal pendulum. Others like hematite for its grounding quality which they feel helps keep readings clear. A commonly available pendulum is a top shaped brass pendulum on a nine inch beaded string . For the purposes of practice begin by selecting a stone or metal pendulum that you are intuitively drawn to. There are a number of inexpensive kits that come with a book or charts and a simple pendulum. A standard length for the chain or cord or string from which the pendulum dangles is usually around six to ten inches long . Whatever kind of pendulum you decide to use, it is very important that before you begin dowsing you spend a few minutes tuning in to the pendulum and your higher consciousness. Pendulums, especially those of stone or crystal should be cleared with intention or some other clearing method and be dedicated / programmed to give neutral readings. You also tune into and set the intention for the particular kind of reading system you will follow. Begin your work with the pendulum by first determining what kind of motion indicates what answer for you. Later you may want choose work with one of the established systems or to use the system you develop intuitively. It is usually possible to choose the system by specifying /intending which one you wish to use. We always begin by checking the pendulum to establish the yes , no, search and uncertain or inappropriate question, movement patterns each time. These can change from time to time or from pendulum to pendulum. We also check that it is appropriate to dowse and set the intention that the answers will serve the highest good. We ask if the issue can be dowsed for and if it can if we may dowse for the answer at this time. There are many different systems for working with pendulums and many different systems of interpreting the information from the movement of the pendulum. There is a lot of discussion about whether the left hand or the right hand / or dominant non dominant hand is preferable for holding the pendulum some definitely prefer one over the other for all work but others use the non dominant hand for questions concerning intuitive matters and the dominant hand for more material questions. Use whichever hand feels right to you . A classic holding position is between the thumb and index finger with about five or six inches of loose cord, extra cord is held back in the other finger of the hand. The fingers holding the pendulum may point straight down and they line up with the freely hanging cord and pendulum rather than being angled . However you do hold the device you should be comfortable. Do not twist or strain to try to achieve a " perfect " position. You may rest your elbow on a table or other flat surface. For your dowsing sessions try to use a quiet room away from electrical equipment such as televisions and computers because electromagnetic energy fields may influence the movement and possibly alter the answers received from the pendulum. First you will need to establish the base responses for you and the particular pendulum. Many dowsers find that the pendulum will swing in a clockwise circle for 'yes' and in an counter clockwise circle for 'no'. But it is very important to make absolutely certain which way your pendulum is going to swing for each before you start dowsing. When I use a pendulum the yes is usually back and forth and no is side to side. We need to go through the routine of establishing basic response before every new dowsing session because, it is possible that a pendulum will alter its usual patterns. First ask the pendulum to show you its ready or search state. It may remain still or it may move up and down or in small circles, not every dowser uses a search state or ready mode but if you feel favorably about using this mode then you will always begin by starting with asking the pendulum to begin in this pattern. Ask the pendulum to show you a yes pattern. When it has moved in a pattern that may indicate yes then ask a question that has a yes answer to check the motion. Ask the pendulum to show you the no pattern. Ask a question with a definite no answer such as " Am I a Dog? " . Ask the pendulum to show you its pattern for unable to answer or wrong question. Now you are ready to begin to practice using the pendulum . The pendulum is not a fortune telling device while it can help you find answers to questions it cannot predict the future because the future is not absolutely set in advance but changes constantly . Ask your pendulum questions that can be answered with a 'yes' or 'no'. At first, this can seem difficult as few questions are limited to only two choices. But with a little practice you will become skilled at phrasing your questions . Another way to ask your pendulum questions is to make a positive statement and have the pendulum affirm or deny the accuracy of the statement . Your state of mind may effect the answers which you receive. This is why it is often difficult to get clear answers to questions you have a lot of emotion invested in . Try and remain as detached and neutral as possible towards the results of the dowsing . With some questions the pendulum may refuse to move in any direction. Or it will move in the unable to answer direction if you have established one .This often occurs when it is inappropriate for you to know the answer or when the answer is as yet undetermined . Another method of using the pendulum is by reading the leading edge of the pendulum . The leading edge is used by following the direction of the furthest swing of the pendulum away from you . This is used for locating things. After a question is asked the pendulum will swing away from you The end of the initial swing away is the leading edge as the pendulum continues to swing the edge may continue around in a circle but when it comes to a stop and just swings back and forth the leading edge will probably point toward the item you seek. Arc reading You can also read the answers as though the words yes no and maybe were written in a half circle or arc in front of you usually the center position is maybe, or no answer, and the far left is yes .the far right is no. Check for yes no and maybe before asking questions another way the arc is sometimes read is from right to left yes no and maybe reading from right to left is done to engage the intuitive mind. Crystal Healers and Energy Workers often use pendulums to assist with scanning the aura and chakras of their clients for information about the basic condition of the chakra and for blockages and active or depleted areas or areas needing work . As the pendulum is held over each chakra in turn, it will move in ways that describe the condition of the chakra The most common reading sets for scanning the aura are fairly sophisticated. generally the motion and direction of the pendulum and how circular the the path it follows are echoes of the condition of the chakra. In the system I use A still, or almost motionless pendulum would indicate a mostly closed or inactive chakra. Generally clockwise circling is thought to be an indication of an open or active chakra and counterclockwise is thought to be indicative of imbalance. The width of the circular motion and the speed of the movement gives a direct indication of the state of the chakra and the areas that the chakra " rules " Ideally all the chakras would be open and have about the same degree of activity . a typical circle might be 5 to 8 inches in diameter . Some systems however, accept periodic alterations between clockwise and counter clockwise motion as normal. They may interpret clockwise as being a state of projecting and dispersing energy and counter clockwise as a state of receiving and storing energy . The degree of variation from a circular motion may indicate areas of damage in the chakra, degree of yin /yang or male female balance in the energies (left is more yin, right is more yang) distortions in the pattern can indicate blocks or imbalances in specific areas of the chakra but few people have the skill and sensitivity to identify the specific vortex or petal of the chakra that is affected from they movement of the pendulum alone. Barbara Brennon's book 'Hands of Light " has a chart and detailed interpretations of her method of reading the chakra with the pendulum. You can ask yes and no questions to check your interpretations. Once the healing session has been concluded the practitioner will use the pendulum again to scan and compare the two readings . It Is also possible to use a pendulum especially a crystal pendulum as a healing tool doing treatments as you scan by extending or allowing the shakti or energy field to extend into the clients aura via the pendulum and using the motion of the pendulum not only to find " hot spots " but to move energy and blocks and transmit healing energy . You can use the pendulum over your crystals to help you determine which is appropriate to use for treatment though I strongly urge you to practice developing this specific intuition without the pendulum as you usually can receive more detailed information from direct intuition. There are a couple of gemstone charts for the pendulum in the files but there are many more possible stones that might be appropriate in a treatment than will fit on a chart. Another way pendulums are used is to find missing items or things like hidden pipes in the yard or walls. The question is asked where is the item and the leading edge of the pendulum movement is watched usually the pendulum will begin to swing in an arc with the direction of the outer edge before it returns to center shifting as it swings until it is going toward the sought item. You can also use your pendulum with charts or even lists. There are several books which contain pendulum charts. Some charts you can find include aromatherapy charts, for choosing essential oils .Nutrition charts help to determine what supplements and foods are needed .Charts for helping with emotional issues . There are a great many different charts and you can also make your own or use a list. or use your pendulum with an appropriate book or catalog The list of possibilities is almost endless. Many dowsers use pendulums over maps to help find oil deposits , houses , missing children, where to go on vacation etc. Rock and pendulum chakra balance Another thing to do with a pendulum and your chakra set of stones is to use the stone as a proxy for your chakra. You line the stones up in chakra order by color and hold the pendulum over each chakra in turn asking that you be shown the true state of the chakra the motion of the pendulum will give you an idea of the state of the chakra. I keep a set of chakra aroma oil blends at hand and take a deep open mouthed inhale of the appropriate oil after check the chakra again . That is often enough by itself to open and balance the chakra but you can use any method you want to clear, balance and charge the chakra . You can buy fancy expensive kits for this in beautiful wooden boxes, but putting a set of chakra oils together yourself to use with your own stones and pendulum is quite easy . This is just a taste of the possibilities for using your pendulum Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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