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This is an update on the Cider Vinegar treatment for Arthritis.




The treatment is the cider vinegar, which dissolves the deposits of

Uric Acid, which can collect in crystal form in the joints, and as a

waxy deposit in the muscles. The other diet changes and suggested

supplements are to help the body to readjust and to avoid a

recurrence of the condition.


However there are some points to consider:


1. The cider vinegar treatment is not a quick fix - but it is

treating the underlying problem and not just the symptoms.

2. It can take between 6 and 18 months to work, depending on the

severity of the condition.

3. As the acid deposits are dissolved, they will be flowing

around the body - one must therefore expect to have occasional `bad


4. After symptoms have disappeared, it is VERY important to

continue with the treatment for at least 3 months, or a sudden severe

return of symptoms can occur.

5. If Arthritis runs in a particular family, cider vinegar can

be used as a prophylactic - that is to stop the condition

appearing - this can be especially effective with children.

6. It is a good idea to continue taking cider vinegar for life,

as it has other benefits. It helps in the following conditions :

controlling weight, water retention, high blood pressure, kidney

stones, cramps – the list goes on.

7. It also has many beneficial effects when used externally for

conditions such as: headaches, corns, callouses, dry scalp, dandruff,

insomnia, varicose veins, constipation etc. etc.

8. Cider vinegar can also dissolve the plaques in arteries and

veins, that can cause angina, high blood pressure and

arteriosclerosis. It does this safely, gently dissolving the material

without causing clots to break away.

9. Cider vinegar and honey are probably the two most beneficial,

natural, safe substances that nature provides.


If anyone is interested in more information about cider vinegar and

honey, please post - but be warned - there's acres of it. LOLOL.



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>This is an update on the Cider Vinegar treatment for Arthritis.


I rather think that we should try to get back on topic if possible. I

really don't mind people bringing up their favorite treatments so long

as we remember that no one method works for everyone , and lets be kind

to others, at least one person has left because they felt that they were

being preached to about cider vinegar way too much.

This is primarily a crystal and energy group .I know I have not been

able to participate much less " lead " lately and hope to be back on track

soon .

I've found that Calcite, Pink and green stones in general dolomite

,sugulite , bone coral and plant spirit energies and aluminum have

helped with my Arthritis / Energy work has been most effective and I

have few problem now of course moving from a wet area to a dry area was

probably the biggest help of all though I had improved a lot before we

moved due to lots of crystal work and energy work from a starting point

10 years ago where I was often pretty much immobile having trouble

making it to the bathroom 10 feet away sometimes to today where I have

not had any bedridden days for over a year and am able to belly dance

and participate in other activities though I still cant do deep knee

bends .

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I am very interested in the information on cider vinegar and honey...Several

things that you mention I suffer from...insomnia, weight, arthritis etc.

I kn ow I use it to control fleas in my dogs...

Sandy Master

DreamMaster Shelties

Panama City, FL



" moke9451 " <frandoch


Monday, May 19, 2003 10:41 AM




This is an update on the Cider Vinegar treatment for Arthritis.




The treatment is the cider vinegar, which dissolves the deposits of

Uric Acid, which can collect in crystal form in the joints, and as a

waxy deposit in the muscles. The other diet changes and suggested

supplements are to help the body to readjust and to avoid a

recurrence of the condition.


However there are some points to consider:


1. The cider vinegar treatment is not a quick fix - but it is

treating the underlying problem and not just the symptoms.

2. It can take between 6 and 18 months to work, depending on the

severity of the condition.

3. As the acid deposits are dissolved, they will be flowing

around the body - one must therefore expect to have occasional `bad


4. After symptoms have disappeared, it is VERY important to

continue with the treatment for at least 3 months, or a sudden severe

return of symptoms can occur.

5. If Arthritis runs in a particular family, cider vinegar can

be used as a prophylactic - that is to stop the condition

appearing - this can be especially effective with children.

6. It is a good idea to continue taking cider vinegar for life,

as it has other benefits. It helps in the following conditions :

controlling weight, water retention, high blood pressure, kidney

stones, cramps - the list goes on.

7. It also has many beneficial effects when used externally for

conditions such as: headaches, corns, callouses, dry scalp, dandruff,

insomnia, varicose veins, constipation etc. etc.

8. Cider vinegar can also dissolve the plaques in arteries and

veins, that can cause angina, high blood pressure and

arteriosclerosis. It does this safely, gently dissolving the material

without causing clots to break away.

9. Cider vinegar and honey are probably the two most beneficial,

natural, safe substances that nature provides.


If anyone is interested in more information about cider vinegar and

honey, please post - but be warned - there's acres of it. LOLOL.









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sorry all...I thought I was sending this to just Michael. Was not trying to

clog up the list here....I too have had great results fromt he crystals I

use. I can walk after a year of pain and frustration. No....not belly

dancing yet...but then I would hav eto learn that one anyway. But walk

without the pain I used to have.

Sandy Master

DreamMaster Shelties

Panama City, FL


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Hi there,


So as to avoid CrystalHealing Message Board being clogged up with items off

topic, may I ask anyone who is interested in further information about

complementary treatments to email me direct at:




The treatments I write about, for this and other chronic conditions are just

different ways of using universal energy for healing, of which Crystal Therapy

is a very powerful tool. I use this form of therapy in some cases, but I

have more expertise in other areas - but I'm learning, as are we all.


I firmly believe that we can tackle health problems from many angles - and

the more the better, but perhaps we should use crystals more, as their effects

are continuous and powerful.








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