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Welcome to the group. I am feeling that you only received one reply

because as the reply stated you must find what is best for you from

within you.

It is my feeling that if you just give things a bit of time where you

are supposed to be will ring clear with you and what you are not

meant to do will fall away quickly from your life.


Learn to listen to your tummy when making decisions regarding

particular religion or anything else in your life it will never fail

you. The trick is just not to override that knowing no matter which

way it takes you or what anyone else tells you. Only you and your

higher self know what is right for you.


I am pleased that you are tenacious enough to ask the question again

never stop questioning. Smiles.....


I personally believe in One Creator of us all which can be called

Budda, Christ, God or whatever you choose.


For me having a particular name to put on my form of belief

(religion) is not what is important to me. Too many judgement calls

can be made if it has a name Baptist, Catholic, Protestant ect...

The Love I have for myself, fellow Man/Woman/Child ect is where my

intent lies.

Just BE who you are and worry not about what others are being.


As far as the crystals/stones coming to you may be a message that

they are chooseing to work with you.

I have not in my experience had any feeling that stones/crystals are

in any way opposite of what the creator intended for us to use as

tools in our lives.

They do have many positive messages to tell us all.

I have been around stones for many years and I have never met a stone

I did not feel Love from.

Give them a try if you choose they are here to assist us on our


We can still get there without them because the clear message is

within us all, they just assist to speed the process along (fast



Whew, that was a mouth full.


Ok, shuts up now, he, he, he.......


Sends you much Love on your path.



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Hi everyone


I find it difficult to vote on this one, although brought up with

Christianity, I don't really practice it as such. I believe in a god, but

more as a life force energy. I am drawn to the principles of Buddhism but

have never followed it through. So although I don't practice any religion

as such, I do have certain beliefs.


Love & light, Gloria






Hi! I'm Michelle, and I joined this workshop last week. I had asked

questions about how crystals affect religion, since I am Christian,

but I only recieved one reply. So, what I am asking now, is what

religion do you all practice?







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<So, what I am asking now, is what religion do you all practice?>


Hey Michelle.


I dont pratice any specific faith. i would say i follow a " morale "

religion. even though i have found it to be " paganism " . i still dont

follow the spicifics of any faith. I do unto others, and help others,

as they would help me..



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Hi Michelle,

I am Marjory, I also only joined the workshop last week, already I love it

dearly and look forward to reading all the emails.

Re your question about religion. I was brought up as a Christian Protestant,

but, I strongly feel, to me anyway that religion is not the least bit

important. All religions that I know of point to GOD. Nowadays I am trying to

find my

spiritual path. I am not well educated on reilgious matter, but, feel there is

but one GOD.

GOD bless you on your journey






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Michelle said:


I had asked

> questions about how crystals affect religion, since I am Christian,

> but I only recieved one reply. So, what I am asking now, is what

> religion do you all practice? I am trying to figure out who I am,

> and what I believe in, and that is the reason I am trying to learn

> about many things.


Although brought up christian, and never really feeling that was the

'true' me ... I found myself upon a new spiritual path which has led me to

being a pagan/heathen witch who honours the northern deities, especially

Freya, Eir, Frey, Odin & Thor.



in frith


crystal & reiki rainbows



Angelstar Crystals - Crystal & Reiki healing; Jewellery & Gifts

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I am pleased to hear that someone out there in this vastness

understood what I was attempting to say.

I know what I know and that " knowing " has not failed me yet and it

resonates well within me and that is what I follow but many do not

make it so easy on themselves and it always puzzles me as to what the

heck they are here to learn " this time " shaking head here, lol.

Ok, Ok, shuts up again, he he he

Thanks for sharing your feelings





, Marjory491@a... wrote:

> Hi Tanya,

> I really enjoyed reading your reply to Michelle, your views are


> love & light

> Marjory




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