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REPOST indroduction to the workshop

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Introduction to Crystal Healing Workshop

Crystals and gemstones have been eagerly sought after for thousands of

years as items of beauty and items of power with mysterious gifts

..There are many different ways that crystals and other stones have been

used to enhance daily life .

This workshop and list focuses on some of the ways that these

crystals and other stones are used in healing for

self and others and in promoting spiritual development and for assisting

with protection and to draw abundance to enhance meditation, to

broadcast affirmations , to assist in psychic and spiritual

communication. The uses of crystals and stones as energy transmitters

of spiritual information and vibration is almost unlimited . Each

Crystal or stone has a potential of specialized gifts for us. Each can

Draw in and radiate healing energy specific to each stone or amplifying

spiritual energies.

This may be seen as being the elemental energy of the stone itself

or as the Spirit essence being, that is the conscious aspect of all

stones of a particular kind. Some people work with crystals as tools to

draw in and direct energy in a

rather mechanical way as channels of abstract energies. Others may

speak with and invoke the stones as spirit entities and some others

hold that the effect of a stone to facilitate healing or meditation or

other dimensional journeying is

A side effect of the actual chemical composition of the particular

stone. Some of us find that any and all ways of defining how or why crystal

healing works are true and will indeed work.

All systems of Healing with crystals and with energy are both correct

and incomplete . What you think will work or rather what you allow to work will


Individuals may resonate strongly to one system over another

but the scope and range of possible healing modalities in the cosmos is

truly infinite .

Any idea anyone has ever had for healing with crystals will work

,Virtually Any limitation is an illusion and can be disregarded or

overcome . Yes there are universal laws and what might be called local

laws such as gravity, time, space, magnetisim which are among the

convenient rules we use to manage life in a material universe.

Cause and effect and the value of service, the supremacy of love and

kindness and so forth are universal.

The attention and intention that your work be for the highest good and

do no harm will give you the protection and ensure prevention of any possible


or over load.

Crystal Empowerment Energy work will probably get some extra attention in this

particular workshop

because The workshop facillitator has developed an attunement system for working

with shakti(intelligent energy)

and crystals This system contains (as do other shakti systems )Automatic

harmonization factors which assist in the integration of the different healing



Science Has scorned the mystical aspects of crystals and stones but

have sought medicine and technological assistance from the rocks and

minerals of the world . Crystals are used in many scientific

applications .

It is common for people to be amused and disbelieving about the healing

and spiritual effects of crystals beyond the chemical and to dismiss

mystical experiences as imagination but Imagination is the gateway to

transcendent experience and intuition has as much value as the often

more respected rational mind.


You may or may not feel the energy of crystals or hear messages from

them but you can still benefit from using them and connecting with them.


The Usual Disclaimer

Crystal healing and energy work are not a substitute for

traditional Medical treatment, if someone has a serious health

imbalance they should see a Doctor or other appropriate professional,

and make complementary healing part of a complete health care program

When you do healing work for yourself and for others

always remember that Spirit moves through you.

All healing is self healing the practioner uses the crystals and other

tools to assist themselves and others in facillitating their own



Peggy Jentoft ~ Solarraven







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