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Introductory lesson

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Hi, Rosequartz - Thanks for the introductory lessons I have just received, I

am so pleased I have joined this group as the material you have just sent

really accords with my own feelings. It's taken me years of reading books,

learning in a very isolated area, and practice to come to the acceptance

that what I intuitively feel is what's right for me and that teaching others

to trust their intuition is what brings heart and meaning into my life.


One of the things I do feel very strongly about, which is the case in the UK

and Australia, is that increasingly the natural health movement is acceding

to the wishes of the regulatory bodies dominated by huge pharmaceutical

companies so that natural therapies are being bureaucratised and legitimised

by expensive courses which are often beyond the means of a lot of people,

with grassroots inner wisdom being consigned once again to the realms of

witchcraft and more modern type sanctions instead of burning at the stake!

I also feel that people need to be empowered to trust their own inner voice

when they work with crystals rather than trying to learn by rote.


On to something else - the earlier e-mail about worries. I went to a course

quite a few years ago where the facilitator asked us to write down six items

we really worried about, which we all did quite quickly and felt quite

pleased with ourselves at being so efficient in knowing all our worries.

Then he asked us how many of those worries had actually happened. Actually,

none of them had, and we were all a bit crestfallen. Then he asked us how

much energy we had wasted and for how long over worries that had never

happened. Point taken.


Another nice visualisation I also came across to deal with worries is to sit

down, relax, then see/feel/sense yourself floating off into the clouds and

being carried off over Hawaii to the volcano crater that appears to you.

Within that crater is a deep indigo bowl suspended into which you can drop

all your worries and then see the bowl going into the fires of the earth to

burn away your worries and transmute them into positive energy for yourself,

the earth and all other beings. Once you feel at peace, you float back to

your body, feel relaxed and cleansed of worries, and make sure you're fully

grounded before you open your eyes and start hopping around in your daily

life. Hope this helps.


Love - walk in peace and harmony, Maureen.



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