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Crystal Grids http://www.solarraven.com/f-30-grids.html (has a few

diagrams )

There are different kinds of crystal structures that are called grids. There

are so many kinds and forms that we not going to be able to explore very

many of them at this time and will just begin with a general introduction

and few simple forms . I usually work with very

simple grids rather than the more elaborate and esoteric forms and do not

find them any less effective than more elaborate grids or those made with a

lot of formal ritual . Your experience may differ from mine.


Some grids are large structures placed on the ground which connects with the

ley lines of the Earth which are the planetary equivalent of the meridian

channels and other energy channels in people . All the crystal within the

Earth can be thought of as being elements

of a huge grid . There are groups of people who go around placing crystals

in the ground to restore the Earths' crystal grid where they feel that it is

broken or disrupted and other groups who feel that this creates disharmony

in the the Earth grid. ( I don't know if they follow the first group around

taking crystals out or not.) Stone structures at centers of spiritual energy

Such as Stonehenge and medicine wheels are also sometimes called

stone grids.


Some people call the layouts of crystals which are sat within or placed

around and over the body, grids. The star of solomon form of six crystals

around a center is among the most common forms for layouts large and small

and for grids for almost every purpose.


Placements of crystals in your home such as one in each corner can also be

considered a kind of grid. Some people include crystal grids as part of a

devotional altar. This use is not limited to one religion or spiritual path.

You may also see some photo manipulated images of crystals and/or crystal

charged artwork referred to as crystal grids. These may or may

not be energy -linked with physical crystal grids we will discuss this form

in the mandala lesson. There are some examples of these mandala here.


The Crystal Grids we will focus on are arrangements of charged crystals

dedicated to a particular purpose such as sending healing energy or focusing

a manifestation or For Earth healing or to bring in or broadcast specific

frequencies of energy into a certain area. They are a way of creating a

continuous flow of energy for a specific purpose on a larger scale than by

just programming a single crystal. They are often used to send remote

healing to others , as part of rituals for Earth healing or peace, for

manifestation procedures and broadcasting affirmations and personal goals.


They are often used to magnify, focus and or prolong a treatment using

energy work such as Reiki . The quartz and crystal healing shakti from the

crystal empowerments can also be focused using a crystal grid or used to

charge one.

Some grids are made so that you can place food or clothes inside or on or

near them to clear and charge them. You can put a grid under your bed or

massage table. You might put a small prosperity grid in your cash drawer at

work or put a grid in your flower garden.


Some grids are simple circles others are based on traditions of sacred

geometry and/or forms like the tree of Life , Mercaba , Aunk or even the

peace symbol. Some grids are simply a number of stones placed in parallel



Grids could sometimes be considered a kind of mandala although mandalas can

be far more complex than most grids . Mandalas are often used for personal

meditation. The placement of the stones is usually done in focused

meditation for both grids and mandala . Mandala are usually gazed at and

meditated with, grids are often created with intention and then left

to continue the work of transmitting energy for a particular purpose.


There are many ways to create crystal grids and individuals often have

strong preferences as to specific layouts. I am not even going to try to

cover all the different ways of doing grids here.


Some people place grids directly on the ground or on a table, most are

placed on a plate, in an Abalone shell or gourd or on a tile or wooden slab

or possibly an altar cloth. Clay, glass, lead crystal and stone or crystal

slabs or disks are among the most favored containers

or bases for the grid. Some people place the crystals directly on the base

surface others use sand ,earth, small pebbles or peat moss in the container

.. I have seen grids in which the stones were glued or otherwise fixed to the

base so that they could be hung on the wall and

and grids can even be made as jewelry or sculpture .

There is even a form where a real grid is made of copper wire and crystals

are placed on this , some of these are made large enough for a person to lay

comfortably inside. These are sometimes made as a floor for a large copper


You may also place the crystals on a paper marked with a diagram of the

layout for the grid or with a traditional sacred form such as the star of

solomon,the Sephiroth , the infinity symbol or on or around an image of a


such as the antakarana or a Goddess or an emblem of your spiritual path



A piece of paper with the purpose and/or elements of the purpose for which


grid is being created and activated written on it is also common . Some

people place a small note under the central crystal. For a remote healing

grid People may place the name of a person who has requested healing energy

or prayers under a stone in the grid. They may dedicate each of the

secondary stones in the grid to a specific individual or aspect of the

intended purpose .


People choose the crystals used in the grids intuitively as well as by the

traditional use of a stone .Grids are often made with clear quartz crystals

alone . Other grids use a combination of quartz and other stones and

crystals and some may not use clear quartz at all. Some use

quartz and only one other kind of stone and others may use a variety of

different stones, some will be entirely of one kind of stone and some may

use dozens of different stones. Intuition ,need and purpose as well as what

stones are available to you will determine what you use in a grid.

The most common are square or circular with a center stone. They may or may

not have linking crystals. Linking crystals are usually small clear quartz

points placed between the other stones in the grid to connect the stones and

direct the flow of energy . They may be used pointing either inward or

outward from the center and are also often placed between stones in the

outer " wheel " or or other form of the grid .


Stones are always cleared before being used in a grid and charged and

dedicated as placed and after placement. Intention is always used to set the

purpose and activate the grid. After the grid is created it is activated and

the individual crystals are linked energetically . This

is often done with a crystal wand, generator point or laser wand crystal or

can be done with another kind of wand . many people follow a carefully laid

out order for activating the crystals in a grid with a wand . You may wish

to choose a specific " master crystal " or wand for each of your grids and and

keep it with the grid or you may use the same crystal or wand to charge many

grids . the wand or master crystal is meditated with and charged before

being used to activate the grid.


Grid activation can also be done with intention or with shakti. Some grid

" systems " place strong emphasis on the order that you place the stones and

the order you charge them, others do not . Some people set the intention

that the energy of the grid into the center so that the outside crystals set

the purpose of the grid and the center crystal projects the energy / program

outward This form usually uses a clear quartz center crystal usually in a

generator or transmitter formation if one is available .Links with the

center will usually point inward for this form. double terminated stones can

also be used as links when you want a two way flow of energy or an inward

and outward pulse of energy flow.


Another way the intention can be set is that the center stone provides

either the connection to the source of power or is chosen to set the main

purpose of the grid and the energy is projected from the center out through

the outer stones. Links with the center for this form usually are placed

point outward. When You point the stones inward it can also be for the

purpose of unifying the varied aspects of a complex situation. This style

may use a different stone or a cluster of crystals for the center . Most

people do seem to feel that single clear points usually create a more

focused, possibly stronger energy field when used in the grid center than a

sphere or cluster or stones other than clear quartz.

Grids may be left permanently or until their purpose is fulfilled and are

usually recharged and dedicated fairly often .A specific schedule for this

recharging is impossible to set as it will vary from grid to grid.


You will want to place your grid in a location where it is not easily

disturbed yet is accessible for recharging Your grid may hold its charge

longer without recharging if it is placed in a location where it gets some



One thing that has become apparent as I did research for this file is that

almost every one has their own way of creating and empowering crystal grids.

Some people call on angels and ascended masters to charge them, some people

chant or recite poetry others just put the stones down and use intention .

Some people feel strongly that one form of grid is superior to some other

form. Once again I cannot give you a definitive way to create crystal grids

like most of the other ways of working with crystals probably all the

methods work and what works best for you will depend on your individual

personality and preferences. Do meditate and seek the permission and

intuitive sense of which crystals and forms are best each time you create a



Some grids


The square or pyramid grid is a flat representation of a pyramid and uses

five main stones one in each corner and one in the center It may be

aligned with the four directions and linked on the outer wall with a crystal

between each of the corner crystals these have been placed and charged

counterclockwise in the diagrams I have seen, although I learned to use a

clockwise placement . You can also place either double terminated crystals

or two single terminated crystals one pointing in and one pointing out

between the center stone and the outer corner stones.

I have a household protection grid in this form in which a stone

representing each element

( fire-red jasper, water- turquoise, air- white quartz and earth- iron) is

also placed in the spaces between the links to the center (spirit). The

four-sided crystal grid pattern creates a

field of energy which projects a lovely field over a wide area Anything

placed within this field will absorb and store or use this energy so you can

make a large grid or put the grid on a box in which you keep things you want

kept clear and charged. This is a very stable

grid and enhances programs or intentions that concern long term plans,

healing, relationships, Earth healing and environmental work among other

uses . There are five stones in the basic grid and I found six different

descriptions of the " only correct " way to place and activatethe grid, use

your intuition which is what I do and the way I make the

grid does change .

When you use a wand or activation crystal you will normally start at the

center stone and move out to the stone you consider the number one stone and

back to the center looping around the stone clockwise and then from the

center to the stone you consider the second stone and back until done you

will also probably circle the outer perimeter of your grid with the

activation wand as well. Many people prefer to activate opposite pairs of

stones top and bottom, North and South and so on.

I often just cup my hands over the grid and activate it with channeled

energy and intention.


six sided grid

This is among the most popular grids. A grid with a center stone and six

outer crystals or stones in a circle around it can be used with or without

linking crystals. The links from or to the center creates a Star of Solomon,

Star of David pattern within the outer circle of stones. This is the form

often used for Reiki grids and in world peace healing grids as well as for

many other programs this is possibly the most common basic all purpose grid

.. It is used to create and hold programs ,affirmations, the thought forms

for manifestation procedures, to enhance communion with spiritual teachers,

Divine will or love and for more mundane intentions as well . It is used for

absent healing. It is another stable grid field and connects you to the

natural forces of Earth and source .


You can use all quartz or one quartz and another stone for the outer wheel

you can use a different stone at each point in the outer circle if you wish

to have each represent a different aspect or quality or person involved in

the purpose of the grid .

If you were creating a grid to help you find a new job for example one stone

might represent the job itself, another the location, another the money ,one

for the coworkers and so on.

When using a wand or master crystal These are usually activated from center

to the stone at one o'clock and back and then to the next one in clock



I like eight spoke grids that are linked

these are just like the six sided grids except they have eight sides

These are among the first I used ,I was taught eight sided grids by a

Buddhist monk. and use them as healing grids , meditation grids and for

most other grid work. These are also symbolic of the Wheel of the year and

might be used for grids related to long term projects. Some people use 12

sided grids forpurposes where either a year or where zodiac elements will be

of significant help.


relationship grid

A grid pattern used to help resolve relationship issues can be made of two

groups of three stones set in triangles with the points toward the center, a

center stone may be placed between the two triangles to act as an energy

transmitter or to represent a particular issue or aspect of the situation

being worked on. Or one stone may be used as the center for both triangles.


While grid forms based on theories of sacred geometry are the most common

it is also possible to create a grid using a less structured pattern for the

crystal elements placing the crystals in any relationship to each other that

seems intuitively right and doing the charging and activation in the usual



Usually You will leave a grid in the form you have arranged until it has

completed its work but with healing grids for requests which may be changed

daily you can create a grid in which the center stone remains constant but

other stones can be added and removed as needed using mental intention to

release and add stones as need arises.


This is by no means a comprehensive introduction to crystal grids I hope it

is not too confusing and contains enough to help you get started exploring

grids I tried to keep this as simple as I could


You choose the particular stones to use according to intuition and or the

particular purpose you are building the grid for




Peggy Jentoft ~Solarraven Oct. 29 2001





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