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The Colored Stones of the Quartz Family

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The Colored Stones of the Quartz Family

Quartz is one of the most common minerals on Earth and has the greatest

number of

varieties .It is made up of silicon and oxygen atoms Some varieties form

large clear crystals and others are usually made up of microscopic crystals

packed tightly into masses .

A large number of stones and crystals are in the quartz family including

some that we do not

usually think or of as being forms of quartz. Here is a brief introduction

to just a few.

most of these are frequently used in crystal healing work.



These violet, purple and lavender quartz stones are both gentle, and

powerful protectors

against negative energies. It is used as a meditation stone , to calm and

center, increase

common sense, remove unwanted energies, heal skeletal disorders, and for


problems, for sleep and for headaches. While it calms most people it can

over stimulate

some people such as A.D.D. children .and some people find that it brings

nervousness or

depression to the surface . amethyst has been used for help in overcoming

alcoholism (must

be programmed very carefully for this use because it has along history of

use to mitigate the effects of excessive drinking), and for psychic opening.

a sixth and seventh chakra stone



Rose quartz:

Pink and translucent and usually cloudy and is among the primary love

stones and is a peace stone, a wonderful general healing crystal. Rose

Quartz can soothe a broken heart , help you remain calm, increase your

ability to give and receive unconditional love and keeps the Heart open,

vital and protected. Helps bring in joy . a heart chakra stone.



Protects against being overcome by fear and sorrow, helps physical strength,


energy, love, dispels apathy, used to treat allergies , colds, gall and

kidney stones ,spine

,to heal cut and abrasions. helps you with family and social situations,

increases inner

strength and courage, grounds energies to the present, increases energy.

sacral chakra.



Yellow to amber quartz, balancing and aligning, , mental clarity, personal


group unity. energizing, both physically and mentally, helps align will with

soul purpose.

This stone is often created artificially by heating amethyst. solar plexus




An apple green stone Meditation, mental stability, relaxation .spiritual


aids you in remaining inconspicuous. used to bring happiness, reduce

negative thoughts

, irritability. for to bring good fortune and prosperity.



Being in the now, centering and grounding ,courage, strength , power, money

and wealth.

blood disorders, detoxification. gently healing and energizing for the

physical body.



Nurturing, promoting safe astral travel, stabilizes and cleans the aura


protection, endurance. Red: Protection, healing, beauty Green: Healing,

sleep, compassion

Brown: Centering, grounding.



balances and harmonizes the Yin - Yang, male - female energy and works to

balance the

physical being with the etheric, emotional, mental and causal bodies of the


providing for Grounding, strength, courage, healing.

Blue Lace agate helps one to reach high spiritual awareness and has an


effect. agate comes in many forms and colors with many different spiritual

and healing uses



grounding and protection , helps align and harmonize the basic self with the

High self.

Onyx keeps you grounded and in body while in contact with Source, spiritual

yet connected to the Earth even while journeying, Can help with

communication with earth deva and your own consciousness of the nurturing

support of the Earth. Helps with concentration and focus on

responsibilities. A very good stone for those who tend to " space out " helps

with receiving intuitive guidance and interpreting its practical

application. Helps call in needed energies for you. also used for treating

health issues involving bone marrow ,soft tissue, the feet. Has a reputation

for absorbing deflecting negative energies and needs to be cleared often.



Balances male female energies, activates and clears the heart, protects

against " psychic

vampires " , creativity, and pioneering spirit, unconditional love and for the

heart , lungs

,muscles and emotional healing. of " heartbreak " Promotes creative insight,

independence and originality, stabilizes and balances , Heart chakra.


Tigers Eye:

Excellent for grounding psychic energy , opening up the psychic

centers in a secure and safe way . helps with practicality.



A white crystal which forms in microscopic globules with a high water


creating an amazing interplay of color, Opal develops joy, intuition and

creativity, diversifies or scatters, amplifies traits, balances energies

,works with the

emotions, beauty of spirit, can enhance the gift of prophecy (due to a Sir

Walter Scott

novel is sometimes considered a unlucky stone except for those born in

October ).


Smoky Quartz:

Softens negative thought forms, depression lifter, mood enhancer. aids with

sexual / reproductive problems and removes negative energy from the body.




Counters against radiation, enhances agelessness, encourages optimism.


Tourmalinated Quartz

Creates a balance of light and darkness, breaks negative habit patterns,

transforms negative energies.

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