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Ascension, slightly cynical semi rant

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I think it is more important to work on ones spiritual wholeness in the

context of the Here and now rather than waiting for a universal makeover,

a savior , or for spiritual spaceships etc. .This is not to cast

aspersion on Ascension. The integration of mind, body and spirit and

becoming aware of the higher self and other spiritual dimensions is of

great and essential value . I do however think that some of the Rhetoric

reported as from Ascended Masters and the spokesfolks of the Ascension

movement is or can be overblown and often keeps hidden and obscure that

which should be revealed and made clear . Channeling is dependent on the

wisdom, vocabulary and cultural awareness of the recipient .The effort to

express complicated esoteric and concepts for which there is no language

does frequently result in inaccurate ,confusing , obscure and occasionally

completely misguided explanations given with the utmost sincerity. Many of

the Ascension channeling are Metaphor, an effort to describe the quality or

essence of an indescribable truth but not the literal truth or reality.

We can accept the DNA Activations , Cosmic fleets , Proton Rays and whatever

as symbolic expressions of genuine events but should not be obsessed with

actually seeing spaceships or Dna shift under the microscope.


However much one travels on the upper planes, communes with Ascended

Masters and Galactic entities we should remember that we have all

committed to strive for a personal mastery in this life, on this planet ,at

this time. When your studies and experiences take you into the refined and

esoteric realms Do you ask yourself the ordinary questions ? Does this

serve the Highest good ? Do I see actual improvement and value in my life

and in my interconnection with life and spirit? Some times I see dedicated

people for whom the concern with Ascension whatever form it takes seems to

act more as a diversion from than as an accelerator of Spiritual growth

,Self actualization, universal awareness or enlightenment .

You can Own and accept the guidance you receive from spirit in terms of and

in regard to Ascension provided that this guidance is not coercive ,

manipulative, in no way promotes harmful action and is not contrary to

your inner knowing . Some Ascension Specialists have become beguiled by

ideas of power and personal specialness forgetting that this specialness is

true of each and every single part of the whole . It is important to live

and take action in and of this world and reality stream in addition to

those other realms of which you may become aware .


Peggy Jentoft

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