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about Psychic abilities

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Most people have the potential to awaken what are called psychic

abilities and many people are using more of these than they are

consciously aware of since most westerners are trained from early

childhood to ignore or dismiss psychic or subtle energy information .

For many of us the secret to opening to psychic abilities is to simply

pay attention to what you are already sensing seeing, hearing, smelling,

tasting, feeling around you and within yourself now . Do not

automatically dismiss the experiences you have as imagination .

There are many courses and training's available for developing your

innate sensitivity and abilities. There also are attunements which for

many can almost instantly awaken or assist in the awakening of these

abilities such as those for energy work healing.

These are not however abilities to be taken as " powers " and the need,

hunger ,drive, for power or separate specialness creates a block in many

cases to what should in fact be part of a normal wholly functioning

being. Ego often interferes with reception because psychic abilities

are subtle , they do not usually manifest in dramatically obvious ways.

You need to pay attention and you need to allow reception of

information rather than trying to force it.

Gateways include learning to ground and center, meditate, and sense

your own personal chi and the subtle energies around you . Curiosity and

openness to new experience of all kinds and taking the time to listen

to your inner knowing will help with these awakenings.

So called psychic ability is not just innate, it is something that can

be learned and developed. Each person has their own areas of most

potential and will develop in their own way. There are many resources

on the internet in books and from teachers that can help with this

knowing .


Peggy Jentoft

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Guest guest

Thank you for explaining this so clearly. I get tired of people when I sense

they are on a power trip about their " abilities. " When these psychic

abilities become present in our lives, we are empowered but not all

powerful. Not really meaning to sound harsh and judgemental. I know that

sometimes people's reactions to their awakening abilities is one of

enthusiasm and this may sometimes seem like ego.



" Rosequartz " <rosequartz

" CHW "

Sunday, June 29, 2003 12:17 PM

[CrystalHW] about Psychic abilities



> Most people have the potential to awaken what are called psychic

> abilities and many people are using more of these than they are

> consciously aware of since most westerners are trained from early

> childhood to ignore or dismiss psychic or subtle energy information .

> For many of us the secret to opening to psychic abilities is to simply

> pay attention to what you are already sensing seeing, hearing, smelling,

> tasting, feeling around you and within yourself now . Do not

> automatically dismiss the experiences you have as imagination .

> There are many courses and training's available for developing your

> innate sensitivity and abilities. There also are attunements which for

> many can almost instantly awaken or assist in the awakening of these

> abilities such as those for energy work healing.

> These are not however abilities to be taken as " powers " and the need,

> hunger ,drive, for power or separate specialness creates a block in many

> cases to what should in fact be part of a normal wholly functioning

> being. Ego often interferes with reception because psychic abilities

> are subtle , they do not usually manifest in dramatically obvious ways.

> You need to pay attention and you need to allow reception of

> information rather than trying to force it.

> Gateways include learning to ground and center, meditate, and sense

> your own personal chi and the subtle energies around you . Curiosity and

> openness to new experience of all kinds and taking the time to listen

> to your inner knowing will help with these awakenings.

> So called psychic ability is not just innate, it is something that can

> be learned and developed. Each person has their own areas of most

> potential and will develop in their own way. There are many resources

> on the internet in books and from teachers that can help with this

> knowing .


> Peggy Jentoft





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Thanks for the message on psychic abilities, my feeling is that they should

be allowed to develop naturally as you develop spiritually, then things

happen in a way which suits you and your own pace. My own experience is

that when you try to force-feed these abilities, you can get tied into the

glamour " aspect of psychic ability which can be a real diversion. I was in

a group where those with some psychic ability were forced on and there was

absolute mayhem with some very nasty energies turning up and causing some

real problems for one in the group which disrupted her and her family quite

badly. There is a bit of a preoccupation with psychic stuff at present, but

maybe because people are casting around for more inner satisfaction and

growth which material goods can't provide. Thanks again, Maureen.




29 June 2003 21:29:37


Re: [CrystalHW] about Psychic abilities


Thank you for explaining this so clearly. I get tired of people when I sense

they are on a power trip about their " abilities. " When these psychic

abilities become present in our lives, we are empowered but not all

powerful. Not really meaning to sound harsh and judgemental. I know that

sometimes people's reactions to their awakening abilities is one of

enthusiasm and this may sometimes seem like ego.



" Rosequartz " <rosequartz

" CHW "

Sunday, June 29, 2003 12:17 PM

[CrystalHW] about Psychic abilities



> Most people have the potential to awaken what are called psychic

> abilities and many people are using more of these than they are

> consciously aware of since most westerners are trained from early

> childhood to ignore or dismiss psychic or subtle energy information .

> For many of us the secret to opening to psychic abilities is to simply

> pay attention to what you are already sensing seeing, hearing, smelling,

> tasting, feeling around you and within yourself now . Do not

> automatically dismiss the experiences you have as imagination .

> There are many courses and training's available for developing your

> innate sensitivity and abilities. There also are attunements which for

> many can almost instantly awaken or assist in the awakening of these

> abilities such as those for energy work healing.

> These are not however abilities to be taken as " powers " and the need,

> hunger ,drive, for power or separate specialness creates a block in many

> cases to what should in fact be part of a normal wholly functioning

> being. Ego often interferes with reception because psychic abilities

> are subtle , they do not usually manifest in dramatically obvious ways.

> You need to pay attention and you need to allow reception of

> information rather than trying to force it.

> Gateways include learning to ground and center, meditate, and sense

> your own personal chi and the subtle energies around you . Curiosity and

> openness to new experience of all kinds and taking the time to listen

> to your inner knowing will help with these awakenings.

> So called psychic ability is not just innate, it is something that can

> be learned and developed. Each person has their own areas of most

> potential and will develop in their own way. There are many resources

> on the internet in books and from teachers that can help with this

> knowing .


> Peggy Jentoft





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Dear Maureen

I feel in perhaps a similiar situation to the person you spoke of.

I have made a mistake and upset someone. It was not deliberate

(except, I suppose, by inattention as it is hard to be mindful, 24

hours a day, of all the possible outcomes of a particular action)


I would like to be able to apologise and atone in whatever way is

possible – to work through the negative Karma. This is difficult as

there is so much negative reaction, even to my presence.


It feels at present that I am being attacked from many sides / forces

and there is just me trying to stand tall (so as not be bullied) and

say `Look I am sorry, can we talk and sort it out'. At present I am

trying to accept the negativity and transmute to positive. I can

always see the good there is in anyone, alongside the shadow. I know

they are responding in this way because they are hurt.


I am hoping that by broadcasting this message here, it will help, for

the ripples to spread outwards. How else can I move this forward?


Peace Love and Harmony-is my usual signature - it feels as though I

can no longer use this




, " maureen DAVIES "

<maureen@h...> wrote:

> Thanks for the message on psychic abilities, my feeling is that

they should

> be allowed to develop naturally as you develop spiritually, then


> happen in a way which suits you and your own pace. My own

experience is

> that when you try to force-feed these abilities, you can get tied

into the

> glamour " aspect of psychic ability which can be a real diversion.

I was in

> a group where those with some psychic ability were forced on and

there was

> absolute mayhem with some very nasty energies turning up and

causing some

> real problems for one in the group which disrupted her and her

family quite

> badly. There is a bit of a preoccupation with psychic stuff at

present, but

> maybe because people are casting around for more inner satisfaction


> growth which material goods can't provide. Thanks again, Maureen.

> ----



> 29 June 2003 21:29:37


> Re: [CrystalHW] about Psychic abilities


> Thank you for explaining this so clearly. I get tired of people

when I sense

> they are on a power trip about their " abilities. " When these psychic

> abilities become present in our lives, we are empowered but not all

> powerful. Not really meaning to sound harsh and judgemental. I know


> sometimes people's reactions to their awakening abilities is one of

> enthusiasm and this may sometimes seem like ego.


> -

> " Rosequartz " <rosequartz@a...>

> " CHW "

> Sunday, June 29, 2003 12:17 PM

> [CrystalHW] about Psychic abilities



> > Most people have the potential to awaken what are called psychic

> > abilities and many people are using more of these than they are

> > consciously aware of since most westerners are trained from early

> > childhood to ignore or dismiss psychic or subtle energy

information .

> > For many of us the secret to opening to psychic abilities is to


> > pay attention to what you are already sensing seeing, hearing,


> > tasting, feeling around you and within yourself now . Do not

> > automatically dismiss the experiences you have as imagination .

> > There are many courses and training's available for developing


> > innate sensitivity and abilities. There also are attunements

which for

> > many can almost instantly awaken or assist in the awakening of


> > abilities such as those for energy work healing.

> > These are not however abilities to be taken as " powers " and the


> > hunger ,drive, for power or separate specialness creates a block

in many

> > cases to what should in fact be part of a normal wholly


> > being. Ego often interferes with reception because psychic


> > are subtle , they do not usually manifest in dramatically obvious


> > You need to pay attention and you need to allow reception of

> > information rather than trying to force it.

> > Gateways include learning to ground and center, meditate, and


> > your own personal chi and the subtle energies around you .

Curiosity and

> > openness to new experience of all kinds and taking the time to


> > to your inner knowing will help with these awakenings.

> > So called psychic ability is not just innate, it is something

that can

> > be learned and developed. Each person has their own areas of most

> > potential and will develop in their own way. There are many


> > on the internet in books and from teachers that can help with this

> > knowing .

> >

> > Peggy Jentoft

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Dear Teresa - Sometimes the only answer to a difficult situation is

patience. I have been in the situation where some people I thought were

very good friends hurt me deeply, so deeply I could feel a lump and horrible

pain in my throat which took ages to disappear. I did a visualisation about

the situation, where I could see Cinderella on the stage with two ugly

sisters and I realised I was into the " poor me " syndrome, feeling victimised

So I asked how to change this situation, abd a huge, steaming pile of

horse dung in front of me (which probably reflected how I felt about the

whole situation) and then rain appeared washing into the earth for cleansing

and revitalisation. You could do the same - ask for a visualisation,

feeling or however it comes to you, to heal the situation. In the meantime,

picture the person with whom there are difficulties and see them surrounded

by a pink bubble of unconditional love. Just keeping doing this and hand

the problem over to the Universe for resolution in the highest way for the

good of all concerned and then let go, trusting that spirit, angels or

spirit guides or whatever you believe in will handle the situation at a much

higher level. In the meantime, forgive yourself. We all make mistakes, I

ve done hurts to others too which I deeply regret and from which I have

learned (hopefully) , but we don't always get life perfect, and the best

thing you can do is learn from this lesson and make the best effort you can

not to repeat it. You could also pick a crystal which calls to you for this

situation, imbue it with the qualities of love, forgiveness and resolution

of your situation, again under grace and in a perfect way, and ask for your

crystal to radiate this out at all times, topping up this energy at frequent

intervals. But remember, you need patience and understanding, also the

courage to realise that this situation may well not resolve in the way you

would like, that takes a bit of humility and letting go too. It took me a

long time to reach a position of forgiveness of the friends involved and I

had to look at my own patterns of behaviour at a very deep level too to

understand why this happened and why this pattern kept repeating. I am now

very good friends with these people again and I feel blessed that I kept

apart from them and didn't fly off the handle until I'd examined why and how

this had happened and allowed time and love to do the healing work. Why has

this happened to you? Ask for insight from your crystals and the higher

energies around you. Hope this helps, Walk in peace and hope. Love, Maureen






30 June 2003 23:25:59


Re: [CrystalHW] about Psychic abilities


Dear Maureen

I feel in perhaps a similiar situation to the person you spoke of.

I have made a mistake and upset someone. It was not deliberate

(except, I suppose, by inattention as it is hard to be mindful, 24

hours a day, of all the possible outcomes of a particular action)


I would like to be able to apologise and atone in whatever way is

possible – to work through the negative Karma. This is difficult as

there is so much negative reaction, even to my presence.


It feels at present that I am being attacked from many sides / forces

and there is just me trying to stand tall (so as not be bullied) and

say `Look I am sorry, can we talk and sort it out'. At present I am

trying to accept the negativity and transmute to positive. I can

always see the good there is in anyone, alongside the shadow. I know

they are responding in this way because they are hurt.


I am hoping that by broadcasting this message here, it will help, for

the ripples to spread outwards. How else can I move this forward?


Peace Love and Harmony-is my usual signature - it feels as though I

can no longer use this




, " maureen DAVIES "

<maureen@h...> wrote:

> Thanks for the message on psychic abilities, my feeling is that

they should

> be allowed to develop naturally as you develop spiritually, then


> happen in a way which suits you and your own pace. My own

experience is

> that when you try to force-feed these abilities, you can get tied

into the

> glamour " aspect of psychic ability which can be a real diversion.

I was in

> a group where those with some psychic ability were forced on and

there was

> absolute mayhem with some very nasty energies turning up and

causing some

> real problems for one in the group which disrupted her and her

family quite

> badly. There is a bit of a preoccupation with psychic stuff at

present, but

> maybe because people are casting around for more inner satisfaction


> growth which material goods can't provide. Thanks again, Maureen.

> ----



> 29 June 2003 21:29:37


> Re: [CrystalHW] about Psychic abilities


> Thank you for explaining this so clearly. I get tired of people

when I sense

> they are on a power trip about their " abilities. " When these psychic

> abilities become present in our lives, we are empowered but not all

> powerful. Not really meaning to sound harsh and judgemental. I know


> sometimes people's reactions to their awakening abilities is one of

> enthusiasm and this may sometimes seem like ego.


> -

> " Rosequartz " <rosequartz@a...>

> " CHW "

> Sunday, June 29, 2003 12:17 PM

> [CrystalHW] about Psychic abilities



> > Most people have the potential to awaken what are called psychic

> > abilities and many people are using more of these than they are

> > consciously aware of since most westerners are trained from early

> > childhood to ignore or dismiss psychic or subtle energy

information .

> > For many of us the secret to opening to psychic abilities is to


> > pay attention to what you are already sensing seeing, hearing,


> > tasting, feeling around you and within yourself now . Do not

> > automatically dismiss the experiences you have as imagination .

> > There are many courses and training's available for developing


> > innate sensitivity and abilities. There also are attunements

which for

> > many can almost instantly awaken or assist in the awakening of


> > abilities such as those for energy work healing.

> > These are not however abilities to be taken as " powers " and the


> > hunger ,drive, for power or separate specialness creates a block

in many

> > cases to what should in fact be part of a normal wholly


> > being. Ego often interferes with reception because psychic


> > are subtle , they do not usually manifest in dramatically obvious


> > You need to pay attention and you need to allow reception of

> > information rather than trying to force it.

> > Gateways include learning to ground and center, meditate, and


> > your own personal chi and the subtle energies around you .

Curiosity and

> > openness to new experience of all kinds and taking the time to


> > to your inner knowing will help with these awakenings.

> > So called psychic ability is not just innate, it is something

that can

> > be learned and developed. Each person has their own areas of most

> > potential and will develop in their own way. There are many


> > on the internet in books and from teachers that can help with this

> > knowing .

> >

> > Peggy Jentoft

> >

> >

> >

> >

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You hit the point. This is really a good information. I like you to

post this in my group. medium





, " Rosequartz "

<rosequartz@a...> wrote:

> Most people have the potential to awaken what are called psychic

> abilities and many people are using more of these than they are

> consciously aware of since most westerners are trained from early

> childhood to ignore or dismiss psychic or subtle energy

information .

> For many of us the secret to opening to psychic abilities is to


> pay attention to what you are already sensing seeing, hearing,


> tasting, feeling around you and within yourself now . Do not

> automatically dismiss the experiences you have as imagination .

> There are many courses and training's available for developing your

> innate sensitivity and abilities. There also are attunements which


> many can almost instantly awaken or assist in the awakening of these

> abilities such as those for energy work healing.

> These are not however abilities to be taken as " powers " and the


> hunger ,drive, for power or separate specialness creates a block in


> cases to what should in fact be part of a normal wholly functioning

> being. Ego often interferes with reception because psychic abilities

> are subtle , they do not usually manifest in dramatically obvious


> You need to pay attention and you need to allow reception of

> information rather than trying to force it.

> Gateways include learning to ground and center, meditate, and sense

> your own personal chi and the subtle energies around you .

Curiosity and

> openness to new experience of all kinds and taking the time to


> to your inner knowing will help with these awakenings.

> So called psychic ability is not just innate, it is something that


> be learned and developed. Each person has their own areas of most

> potential and will develop in their own way. There are many


> on the internet in books and from teachers that can help with this

> knowing .


> Peggy Jentoft

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Dear Maureen


Feels like I know you from somewhere else ! But I guess that often

happens. Just a thank you for folks kind thoughts and words over a

recent difficult time for me. It has been a huge time of increasing

awareness, and of coming through stronger.


Specifically on the crystals front, on the way home after my 14 year

old daughter was told she needed an operation on her knee, we passed

a crystal shop. She chose a piece of turquoise. I know only a little

about a very few stones. On checking it out I find not only is it her

birth stone but is also protective during surgery ! Well ! Could

hardly believe it…except of course that IS what you expect to happen


During her operation I held the turquoise and placed her and the

surgeon within the loving care of the healing circles I belong to. I

felt the love flood in.


From a recent posting by Claxahatchee I find that Jadeite and Azurite

are good for knees. But it is the ligaments that are the focus. She

has had a graft to reconstruct a cruciate ligament. So what is

required is for the graft to adhere to the bones and then for the

site from which the graft has been taken, to regenerate. For strength

and stability. Any ideas please?


And for me- well. As time goes by I begin to understand more of why

(and how I will feel it is my fault and apologise even when it has

not been!)So what would be good for me? To aid my resilience and

improve my boundaries (a shamanic friend said there are too many open

gates around my house!)


Thank you all being there.

Peace love and harmony



, " maureen DAVIES "

<maureen@h...> wrote:

> Dear Teresa - Sometimes the only answer to a difficult situation is

> patience. I have been in the situation where some people I thought


> very good friends hurt me deeply, so deeply I could feel a lump and


> pain in my throat which took ages to disappear. I did a

visualisation about

> the situation, where I could see Cinderella on the stage with two


> sisters and I realised I was into the " poor me " syndrome, feeling


> So I asked how to change this situation, abd a huge, steaming

pile of

> horse dung in front of me (which probably reflected how I felt

about the

> whole situation) and then rain appeared washing into the earth for


> and revitalisation. You could do the same - ask for a


> feeling or however it comes to you, to heal the situation. In the


> picture the person with whom there are difficulties and see them


> by a pink bubble of unconditional love. Just keeping doing this

and hand

> the problem over to the Universe for resolution in the highest way

for the

> good of all concerned and then let go, trusting that spirit, angels


> spirit guides or whatever you believe in will handle the situation

at a much

> higher level. In the meantime, forgive yourself. We all make

mistakes, I

> ve done hurts to others too which I deeply regret and from which I


> learned (hopefully) , but we don't always get life perfect, and the


> thing you can do is learn from this lesson and make the best effort

you can

> not to repeat it. You could also pick a crystal which calls to you

for this

> situation, imbue it with the qualities of love, forgiveness and


> of your situation, again under grace and in a perfect way, and ask

for your

> crystal to radiate this out at all times, topping up this energy at


> intervals. But remember, you need patience and understanding, also


> courage to realise that this situation may well not resolve in the

way you

> would like, that takes a bit of humility and letting go too. It

took me a

> long time to reach a position of forgiveness of the friends

involved and I

> had to look at my own patterns of behaviour at a very deep level

too to

> understand why this happened and why this pattern kept repeating.

I am now

> very good friends with these people again and I feel blessed that I


> apart from them and didn't fly off the handle until I'd examined

why and how

> this had happened and allowed time and love to do the healing

work. Why has

> this happened to you? Ask for insight from your crystals and the


> energies around you. Hope this helps, Walk in peace and hope.

Love, Maureen



> ----



> 30 June 2003 23:25:59


> Re: [CrystalHW] about Psychic abilities


> Dear Maureen

> I feel in perhaps a similiar situation to the person you spoke of.

> I have made a mistake and upset someone. It was not deliberate

> (except, I suppose, by inattention as it is hard to be mindful, 24

> hours a day, of all the possible outcomes of a particular action)


> I would like to be able to apologise and atone in whatever way is

> possible – to work through the negative Karma. This is difficult as

> there is so much negative reaction, even to my presence.


> It feels at present that I am being attacked from many sides /


> and there is just me trying to stand tall (so as not be bullied)


> say `Look I am sorry, can we talk and sort it out'. At present I am

> trying to accept the negativity and transmute to positive. I can

> always see the good there is in anyone, alongside the shadow. I


> they are responding in this way because they are hurt.


> I am hoping that by broadcasting this message here, it will help,


> the ripples to spread outwards. How else can I move this forward?


> Peace Love and Harmony-is my usual signature - it feels as though I

> can no longer use this

> Teresa

> x


> , " maureen DAVIES "

> <maureen@h...> wrote:

> > Thanks for the message on psychic abilities, my feeling is that

> they should

> > be allowed to develop naturally as you develop spiritually, then

> things

> > happen in a way which suits you and your own pace. My own

> experience is

> > that when you try to force-feed these abilities, you can get tied

> into the

> > glamour " aspect of psychic ability which can be a real


> I was in

> > a group where those with some psychic ability were forced on and

> there was

> > absolute mayhem with some very nasty energies turning up and

> causing some

> > real problems for one in the group which disrupted her and her

> family quite

> > badly. There is a bit of a preoccupation with psychic stuff at

> present, but

> > maybe because people are casting around for more inner


> and

> > growth which material goods can't provide. Thanks again, Maureen.

> > ----

> >

> >

> > 29 June 2003 21:29:37

> >

> > Re: [CrystalHW] about Psychic abilities

> >

> > Thank you for explaining this so clearly. I get tired of people

> when I sense

> > they are on a power trip about their " abilities. " When these


> > abilities become present in our lives, we are empowered but not


> > powerful. Not really meaning to sound harsh and judgemental. I


> that

> > sometimes people's reactions to their awakening abilities is one


> > enthusiasm and this may sometimes seem like ego.

> >

> > -

> > " Rosequartz " <rosequartz@a...>

> > " CHW "

> > Sunday, June 29, 2003 12:17 PM

> > [CrystalHW] about Psychic abilities

> >

> >

> > > Most people have the potential to awaken what are called psychic

> > > abilities and many people are using more of these than they are

> > > consciously aware of since most westerners are trained from


> > > childhood to ignore or dismiss psychic or subtle energy

> information .

> > > For many of us the secret to opening to psychic abilities is to

> simply

> > > pay attention to what you are already sensing seeing, hearing,

> smelling,

> > > tasting, feeling around you and within yourself now . Do not

> > > automatically dismiss the experiences you have as imagination .

> > > There are many courses and training's available for developing

> your

> > > innate sensitivity and abilities. There also are attunements

> which for

> > > many can almost instantly awaken or assist in the awakening of

> these

> > > abilities such as those for energy work healing.

> > > These are not however abilities to be taken as " powers " and the

> need,

> > > hunger ,drive, for power or separate specialness creates a


> in many

> > > cases to what should in fact be part of a normal wholly

> functioning

> > > being. Ego often interferes with reception because psychic

> abilities

> > > are subtle , they do not usually manifest in dramatically


> ways.

> > > You need to pay attention and you need to allow reception of

> > > information rather than trying to force it.

> > > Gateways include learning to ground and center, meditate, and

> sense

> > > your own personal chi and the subtle energies around you .

> Curiosity and

> > > openness to new experience of all kinds and taking the time to

> listen

> > > to your inner knowing will help with these awakenings.

> > > So called psychic ability is not just innate, it is something

> that can

> > > be learned and developed. Each person has their own areas of


> > > potential and will develop in their own way. There are many

> resources

> > > on the internet in books and from teachers that can help with


> > > knowing .

> > >

> > > Peggy Jentoft

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Hi, Teresa - I'm sorry to hear about your daughter, but I hope it comes good

for her. On the question of gates, I think that is a problem we all face

when we become involved in healing work and we love people so we try to do

so much. I know it's a problem for me and I do need to pay more attention

to protecting my aura and not absorbing the energies of other's so much. I

have actually decided today that I am not going to keep trying to fix other

people's relationships and keep smoothing over troubled waters. If people

have troubled waters between themselves, they need to take responsibility

for resolving the situation themselves without the need for others to ride

to the rescue. So we need to respect our limits and boundaries in order to

function properly for ourselves and others and not get too drained ourselves

All this from personal experience, believe me! Cheers, lots of rainbows

to you and your daughter. Maureen





05 July 2003 18:11:33


Re: [CrystalHW] about Psychic abilities


Dear Maureen


Feels like I know you from somewhere else ! But I guess that often

happens. Just a thank you for folks kind thoughts and words over a

recent difficult time for me. It has been a huge time of increasing

awareness, and of coming through stronger.


Specifically on the crystals front, on the way home after my 14 year

old daughter was told she needed an operation on her knee, we passed

a crystal shop. She chose a piece of turquoise. I know only a little

about a very few stones. On checking it out I find not only is it her

birth stone but is also protective during surgery ! Well ! Could

hardly believe it…except of course that IS what you expect to happen


During her operation I held the turquoise and placed her and the

surgeon within the loving care of the healing circles I belong to. I

felt the love flood in.


From a recent posting by Claxahatchee I find that Jadeite and Azurite

are good for knees. But it is the ligaments that are the focus. She

has had a graft to reconstruct a cruciate ligament. So what is

required is for the graft to adhere to the bones and then for the

site from which the graft has been taken, to regenerate. For strength

and stability. Any ideas please?


And for me- well. As time goes by I begin to understand more of why

(and how I will feel it is my fault and apologise even when it has

not been!)So what would be good for me? To aid my resilience and

improve my boundaries (a shamanic friend said there are too many open

gates around my house!)


Thank you all being there.

Peace love and harmony



, " maureen DAVIES "

<maureen@h...> wrote:

> Dear Teresa - Sometimes the only answer to a difficult situation is

> patience. I have been in the situation where some people I thought


> very good friends hurt me deeply, so deeply I could feel a lump and


> pain in my throat which took ages to disappear. I did a

visualisation about

> the situation, where I could see Cinderella on the stage with two


> sisters and I realised I was into the " poor me " syndrome, feeling


> So I asked how to change this situation, abd a huge, steaming

pile of

> horse dung in front of me (which probably reflected how I felt

about the

> whole situation) and then rain appeared washing into the earth for


> and revitalisation. You could do the same - ask for a


> feeling or however it comes to you, to heal the situation. In the


> picture the person with whom there are difficulties and see them


> by a pink bubble of unconditional love. Just keeping doing this

and hand

> the problem over to the Universe for resolution in the highest way

for the

> good of all concerned and then let go, trusting that spirit, angels


> spirit guides or whatever you believe in will handle the situation

at a much

> higher level. In the meantime, forgive yourself. We all make

mistakes, I

> ve done hurts to others too which I deeply regret and from which I


> learned (hopefully) , but we don't always get life perfect, and the


> thing you can do is learn from this lesson and make the best effort

you can

> not to repeat it. You could also pick a crystal which calls to you

for this

> situation, imbue it with the qualities of love, forgiveness and


> of your situation, again under grace and in a perfect way, and ask

for your

> crystal to radiate this out at all times, topping up this energy at


> intervals. But remember, you need patience and understanding, also


> courage to realise that this situation may well not resolve in the

way you

> would like, that takes a bit of humility and letting go too. It

took me a

> long time to reach a position of forgiveness of the friends

involved and I

> had to look at my own patterns of behaviour at a very deep level

too to

> understand why this happened and why this pattern kept repeating.

I am now

> very good friends with these people again and I feel blessed that I


> apart from them and didn't fly off the handle until I'd examined

why and how

> this had happened and allowed time and love to do the healing

work. Why has

> this happened to you? Ask for insight from your crystals and the


> energies around you. Hope this helps, Walk in peace and hope.

Love, Maureen



> ----



> 30 June 2003 23:25:59


> Re: [CrystalHW] about Psychic abilities


> Dear Maureen

> I feel in perhaps a similiar situation to the person you spoke of.

> I have made a mistake and upset someone. It was not deliberate

> (except, I suppose, by inattention as it is hard to be mindful, 24

> hours a day, of all the possible outcomes of a particular action)


> I would like to be able to apologise and atone in whatever way is

> possible – to work through the negative Karma. This is difficult as

> there is so much negative reaction, even to my presence.


> It feels at present that I am being attacked from many sides /


> and there is just me trying to stand tall (so as not be bullied)


> say `Look I am sorry, can we talk and sort it out'. At present I am

> trying to accept the negativity and transmute to positive. I can

> always see the good there is in anyone, alongside the shadow. I


> they are responding in this way because they are hurt.


> I am hoping that by broadcasting this message here, it will help,


> the ripples to spread outwards. How else can I move this forward?


> Peace Love and Harmony-is my usual signature - it feels as though I

> can no longer use this

> Teresa

> x


> , " maureen DAVIES "

> <maureen@h...> wrote:

> > Thanks for the message on psychic abilities, my feeling is that

> they should

> > be allowed to develop naturally as you develop spiritually, then

> things

> > happen in a way which suits you and your own pace. My own

> experience is

> > that when you try to force-feed these abilities, you can get tied

> into the

> > glamour " aspect of psychic ability which can be a real


> I was in

> > a group where those with some psychic ability were forced on and

> there was

> > absolute mayhem with some very nasty energies turning up and

> causing some

> > real problems for one in the group which disrupted her and her

> family quite

> > badly. There is a bit of a preoccupation with psychic stuff at

> present, but

> > maybe because people are casting around for more inner


> and

> > growth which material goods can't provide. Thanks again, Maureen.

> > ----

> >

> >

> > 29 June 2003 21:29:37

> >

> > Re: [CrystalHW] about Psychic abilities

> >

> > Thank you for explaining this so clearly. I get tired of people

> when I sense

> > they are on a power trip about their " abilities. " When these


> > abilities become present in our lives, we are empowered but not


> > powerful. Not really meaning to sound harsh and judgemental. I


> that

> > sometimes people's reactions to their awakening abilities is one


> > enthusiasm and this may sometimes seem like ego.

> >

> > -

> > " Rosequartz " <rosequartz@a...>

> > " CHW "

> > Sunday, June 29, 2003 12:17 PM

> > [CrystalHW] about Psychic abilities

> >

> >

> > > Most people have the potential to awaken what are called psychic

> > > abilities and many people are using more of these than they are

> > > consciously aware of since most westerners are trained from


> > > childhood to ignore or dismiss psychic or subtle energy

> information .

> > > For many of us the secret to opening to psychic abilities is to

> simply

> > > pay attention to what you are already sensing seeing, hearing,

> smelling,

> > > tasting, feeling around you and within yourself now . Do not

> > > automatically dismiss the experiences you have as imagination .

> > > There are many courses and training's available for developing

> your

> > > innate sensitivity and abilities. There also are attunements

> which for

> > > many can almost instantly awaken or assist in the awakening of

> these

> > > abilities such as those for energy work healing.

> > > These are not however abilities to be taken as " powers " and the

> need,

> > > hunger ,drive, for power or separate specialness creates a


> in many

> > > cases to what should in fact be part of a normal wholly

> functioning

> > > being. Ego often interferes with reception because psychic

> abilities

> > > are subtle , they do not usually manifest in dramatically


> ways.

> > > You need to pay attention and you need to allow reception of

> > > information rather than trying to force it.

> > > Gateways include learning to ground and center, meditate, and

> sense

> > > your own personal chi and the subtle energies around you .

> Curiosity and

> > > openness to new experience of all kinds and taking the time to

> listen

> > > to your inner knowing will help with these awakenings.

> > > So called psychic ability is not just innate, it is something

> that can

> > > be learned and developed. Each person has their own areas of


> > > potential and will develop in their own way. There are many

> resources

> > > on the internet in books and from teachers that can help with


> > > knowing .

> > >

> > > Peggy Jentoft

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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