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Digest Number 659

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> Group: Has anyone heard of treating Vitilaigo(sp) with

acupuncture and

> herbal medicine...I thought I would run it by the group while i try

to find

> all I can on it...Kelly





There is a reference to vitiligo in Qian1 Jin1 Fang1.

As I recall it, at least the part of it we translated

in Who Can Ride the Dragon? will not be very helpful.

But it may be that there are some therapeutic suggestions

from Sun Si Miao to be found, if you can find a way

to dig them out.



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Check for a protocol in the Institute of Traditional Medicine's "Treatment of Difficult Diseases" book (I believe that's the title) --- translations of chinese treatments. It has saved my butt on more than one occassion. However, if I remember correctly, they mostly used photosensitizing herbs topically . . . but don't quote me.



Kelly Welch

Friday, July 27, 2001 10:53 AM

Re: Digest Number 659




Group: Has anyone heard of treating Vitilaigo(sp) with acupuncture and herbal medicine...I thought I would run it by the group while i try to find all I can on it...Kelly


Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.comThe Chinese Herbal Medicine, a voluntary organization of licensed healthcare practitioners, matriculated students and postgraduate academics specializing in Chinese Herbal Medicine, provides a variety of professional services, including board approved online continuing education.

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  • 1 year later...
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In a message dated 07/01/2003 3:23:14 AM Pacific Daylight Time,




> Mon, 30 Jun 2003 17:07:00 +0100 (GMT Standard Time)

> " maureen DAVIES " <maureen

> Re: Digest Number 658


> Thanks for the absent healing network info, Mercedes, I too have

> fibromyalgia so take care with what can be a very frustrating, up-and-down

> problem. Maureen.



Dear Maureen,


Have found that food allergies have developed and they can be real killers.

On very strict diet and my naturopath stated if I get these under control,

meaning my " food

addictions " I should find that a lot of the fibro stuff will go into

remission. Especially the fog. It is vital to drink lots of water. I put a


crystal in my water and it makes it so much more pleasant to drink.


Thanks for the warm thoughts.



Mercedes Rose Herndon

Reiki Master/Teacher, Artist, Photographer

Designer & Creator of Silk Healing Scarves

Owner of " Just for You " Custom Cards

Coauthor & Publisher of:

" Loving Thoughts for Gentle Hearts; v. 1 - Goals, Dreams & Affirmations "






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I also have fibromyalgia. And found that the diet does work....I have been

on atkins for quite some time....and that does a lot to lessen the symptoms.

Lowering carbs helps the sleep pattern. Which in turn helps they symptoms.

...I carry several stones with time at all times that also have helped in

lessening the symptoms. It all works together quite well. Now if I can just

get my craving of carbs under control.......:-)


Sandy Master

DreamMaster Shelties

Panama City Sheltie Rescue

home of " Three " Am Int Ch Shadowcreek's Own Intimidator



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Hi again about fibromyalgia. The comments about diets interested me as I

kept trying to be vegetarian for a long time but found that the tiredness

and pain got worse, and since I resumed eating meat, the symptoms have

alleviated so that I am much better than when I first copped FMS, but I feel

SOOOO guilty about eating meat!. It was also good to hear about someone else

having " the fog " as I'm in the middle of one of those days when I feel I've

been run over by a Mack truck and then it's reversed over me a few times.

It'll be gone by tomorrow but it is the pits. I know I have come a long way

since this all started, mainly due to a lot of attitudinal healing, working

with crystals and other therapies, plus dealing with family issues. I have

heard a lot of different stories about the upsurge of FMS, so if anyone's

found one that seems definitive, I'd love to hear, although obviously this

is a crystal not a fibromyalgia site! Lots of love to all, Maureen.




01 July 2003 16:01:44



Re: [CrystalHW] Digest Number 659


I also have fibromyalgia. And found that the diet does work....I have been

on atkins for quite some time....and that does a lot to lessen the symptoms.

Lowering carbs helps the sleep pattern. Which in turn helps they symptoms.

....I carry several stones with time at all times that also have helped in

lessening the symptoms. It all works together quite well. Now if I can just

get my craving of carbs under control.......:-)


Sandy Master

DreamMaster Shelties

Panama City Sheltie Rescue

home of " Three " Am Int Ch Shadowcreek's Own Intimidator



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Now if I can just

> get my craving of carbs under control.......:-)



That carb craving is a difficult one to break. A real good book is Potatoes

not Prozac. It's an easy read and following the suggestions reduces the

craving for sugar and other " bad " carbs. Keeping balancing stones on my

person helps too. Pegasus

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Email me off list and I will share what I k now with you. As to crystals, I

carry several that I consider to be helping me. Amethysts, aquamarine,

citrine, emerald, sodalite, quartz, rose quartz, labradorite. Some days

other stones ask to go with as well. I can have any number of stones at any

given time. What I can tell you about the crystals I carry, .....I can walk

now without pain in my knee....my shoulder feels great after many months of

pain....some crystals I carry....some I place over the pain and ask the

stone spirit to remove the pain. It is all good.


Sandy Master slmaster57

DreamMaster Shelties

Panama City Sheltie Rescue

home of " Three " Am Int Ch Shadowcreek's Own Intimidator




Tuesday, July 01, 2003 11:03:14 AM


Re: [CrystalHW] Digest Number 659


Hi again about fibromyalgia. The comments about diets interested me as I

kept trying to be vegetarian for a long time but found that the tiredness

and pain got worse, and since I resumed eating meat, the symptoms have

alleviated so that I am much better than when I first copped FMS, but I feel

SOOOO guilty about eating meat!. It was also good to hear about someone else

having " the fog " as I'm in the middle of one of those days when I feel I've

been run over by a Mack truck and then it's reversed over me a few times.

It'll be gone by tomorrow but it is the pits. I know I have come a long way

since this all started, mainly due to a lot of attitudinal healing, working

with crystals and other therapies, plus dealing with family issues. I have

heard a lot of different stories about the upsurge of FMS, so if anyone's

found one that seems definitive, I'd love to hear, although obviously this

is a crystal not a fibromyalgia site! Lots of love to all, Maureen.




01 July 2003 16:01:44



Re: [CrystalHW] Digest Number 659


I also have fibromyalgia. And found that the diet does work....I have been

on atkins for quite some time....and that does a lot to lessen the symptoms.

Lowering carbs helps the sleep pattern. Which in turn helps they symptoms.

.....I carry several stones with time at all times that also have helped in

lessening the symptoms. It all works together quite well. Now if I can just

get my craving of carbs under control.......:-)


Sandy Master

DreamMaster Shelties

Panama City Sheltie Rescue

home of " Three " Am Int Ch Shadowcreek's Own Intimidator



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Sandy - Thanks for your message, I have tried to e-mail you offlist but

neither Freeserve nor Hotmail recognise your e-mail address. Could you

e-mail me at: maureen and I should be able then to

reply through your message. Thanks so much, Maureen.





02 July 2003 00:34:35


Re: [CrystalHW] Digest Number 659



Email me off list and I will share what I k now with you. As to crystals, I

carry several that I consider to be helping me. Amethysts, aquamarine,

citrine, emerald, sodalite, quartz, rose quartz, labradorite. Some days

other stones ask to go with as well. I can have any number of stones at any

given time. What I can tell you about the crystals I carry, .....I can walk

now without pain in my knee....my shoulder feels great after many months of

pain....some crystals I carry....some I place over the pain and ask the

stone spirit to remove the pain. It is all good.


Sandy Master slmaster57

DreamMaster Shelties

Panama City Sheltie Rescue

home of " Three " Am Int Ch Shadowcreek's Own Intimidator




Tuesday, July 01, 2003 11:03:14 AM


Re: [CrystalHW] Digest Number 659


Hi again about fibromyalgia. The comments about diets interested me as I

kept trying to be vegetarian for a long time but found that the tiredness

and pain got worse, and since I resumed eating meat, the symptoms have

alleviated so that I am much better than when I first copped FMS, but I feel


SOOOO guilty about eating meat!. It was also good to hear about someone else


having " the fog " as I'm in the middle of one of those days when I feel I've

been run over by a Mack truck and then it's reversed over me a few times.

It'll be gone by tomorrow but it is the pits. I know I have come a long way

since this all started, mainly due to a lot of attitudinal healing, working

with crystals and other therapies, plus dealing with family issues. I have

heard a lot of different stories about the upsurge of FMS, so if anyone's

found one that seems definitive, I'd love to hear, although obviously this

is a crystal not a fibromyalgia site! Lots of love to all, Maureen.




01 July 2003 16:01:44



Re: [CrystalHW] Digest Number 659


I also have fibromyalgia. And found that the diet does work....I have been

on atkins for quite some time....and that does a lot to lessen the symptoms.


Lowering carbs helps the sleep pattern. Which in turn helps they symptoms.

......I carry several stones with time at all times that also have helped in

lessening the symptoms. It all works together quite well. Now if I can just

get my craving of carbs under control.......:-)


Sandy Master

DreamMaster Shelties

Panama City Sheltie Rescue

home of " Three " Am Int Ch Shadowcreek's Own Intimidator



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