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Just Joining

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Hi..My name is Judy and I have just joined what looks to be

awonderful site devoted to my love of crystals in all forms.I started

on this path of crystal work after facing kidney cancer and all its

attendant horrific pain. It was after the surgery that I had placed a

slice of amethyst geod that someone had given me on my abdomen.I was

in bed in severe pain and finally I dozed off only to be jolted awake

with more spasms. I noticed that I had left the amethyst on my

stomach and in that area there was no pain. Well, you can imagine

what took place next....a series of moving the amethyst all over the

area and marveling at the absence of pain that would follow.

I then began what would be called an answer to an inner driving

force to explore crystals. I began to make bamboo crystal rods and

now have a room full of all kinds from inches long to 8 feet. Well,

soon my giant oak of 7 trunks will have its own bamboo crystal rod as

well. I have one that is about 35 feet in height and I placed the rod

in the center of the tree and later that day it " fell " to one of the

trunks. This " trunk " has the formation of a large arm bent with its

own elbow. And this is where the bamboo came to be held. So, I know

it wants it there...All I have to do now is bring down the bamboo and

insert the crystal.

It has been moments like this that fasinates me and absorbs my

soul.In fact, when I get started making something something or

someone seems to almost take over and I let myself just go with the

flow. I make crystal hanging grids that are suspended over a bed. I

have altars everywhere. My pool is surrounded by crystals. I have

scattered rose quartz down my country road which goes by neighbors

houses. I have taught children in our Montessori shcool for over 40

years now and have brought as much magic as I can to their wondering

eyes. In this case I bow to their inspiration. They have stones jump

out of geods into their hands...they describe how stones make them

tingle. I wish I could do so much more but I have already been labled

a witch and lost business as a result so now I am more aware of the

need to be circumspect.

I have made giant pyramids on our property that are surrounded by

crystals and have an archway with crystals all pointing inward

to " scrape " off the days " stuff " before entering the house. My

bathroom is host to all kinds of stones many of which go into the tub

regulary. I make elixirs...simple ones and my water bottle has stones

in it as I drink. One kidney has me so respectful of the use of water.

I send long distance healing to anyone who asks using lazer wands

and prayer/reiki. I make grids for the earth and have made a medicine

wheel and a laberinth and even a crop circle and a fairy ring made

from one of the oak trunks which fell. I place crystals in the

opennings of trunks along our walking path.

We, my hubby of 33 years now...we have 14 acres some wooded some

slightly open and our home sits facing this special oak. We own a

Montessori school for over 22 years now and would love to

retire....but when the time is right...as everything is set to


Also, in the year 2000 I was gifted an ancient crystal skull that

was carved as the Master Jesus walked the planet. This skull has been

antother doorway through which I have been let straight into the

world of crystal skulls. It may sound freaky to you as it sure did to

me at first but now I have grown to love my 30 plus skulls. Not only

are the various stones expressing their energy but coupled with the

form of skull they also express that ancient energy of our own form

as well. I have seen geometry coupled with stones express its own

unique energy and shapes of carved stones do so as well. So, it only

made sense that I should investigate the form or our own selves in

stone. Since then I have now arrived at a new plateau...or resting

place for awhile. Iam being taught by the skulls themselves at this

point. I know I am beginning to sound strange but it is true. These

skulls seem to house such ravishing beauty in their energy and

healing just pours out of them.

I have become a caretaker lately of a wonderful crystal skull the

size of a small child's head. It was found....or rather...it found me

at a rock show all dingy and dull. I have noticed not only dramatic

changes over these last weeks in its brightness but so have others

noted its strength increasing. Healing has happened to friends even

long distance and in dreams. Dreams of another friend spoke of our

school not being flooded in the recent storm, Bill.And it wasn't even

though others were. I am just so excited to have this treasure housed

with me and again offer to anyone who asks the healing energies of

this ancient crystal .. This skull was carved in Tibet and my mentor

told me that the stone itself was extremly old and that it had been

waiting so long to be with me again. I was flabbergasted to hear her

say that but my friend had a dream in which the skull spoke to her

telling her among other things the same thing. So, I am in deep

respect of this marvel. Her name is Tibette , a term here in

Louisiana that denotes great affection for a young child...and always

used in soft mothering tones.

I am so excited to have found this group as I have so very much to

learn from all of you . I have only just begun , as the song says.

So, please lead away down this path you all have already prepared by

having such a site as this.

And , by the way, I simply love the openning page. The crystals are

so welcoming. I look forward to hearing from you and learning. And

anytime I can offer anything I will be only too happy to...especially

offering light via crystal....I hope I am not off topic here..you

let me know. Thank you .Judywand..ps..I will place some photos in an

album here.

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Welcome, you are going to very much enjoy the Learning and Love you

have been guided here to partake of and to share with others.

Many blessings







, " judywand "

<nsongy@d...> wrote:

> Hi..My name is Judy and I have just joined what looks to be

> awonderful site devoted to my love of crystals in all forms.I


> on this path of crystal work after facing kidney cancer and all its

> attendant horrific pain. It was after the surgery that I had placed


> slice of amethyst geod that someone had given me on my abdomen.I


> in bed in severe pain and finally I dozed off only to be jolted


> with more spasms. I noticed that I had left the amethyst on my

> stomach and in that area there was no pain. Well, you can imagine

> what took place next....a series of moving the amethyst all over


> area and marveling at the absence of pain that would follow.

> I then began what would be called an answer to an inner driving

> force to explore crystals. I began to make bamboo crystal rods and

> now have a room full of all kinds from inches long to 8 feet. Well,

> soon my giant oak of 7 trunks will have its own bamboo crystal rod


> well. I have one that is about 35 feet in height and I placed the


> in the center of the tree and later that day it " fell " to one of the

> trunks. This " trunk " has the formation of a large arm bent with its

> own elbow. And this is where the bamboo came to be held. So, I know

> it wants it there...All I have to do now is bring down the bamboo


> insert the crystal.

> It has been moments like this that fasinates me and absorbs my

> soul.In fact, when I get started making something something or

> someone seems to almost take over and I let myself just go with the

> flow. I make crystal hanging grids that are suspended over a bed. I

> have altars everywhere. My pool is surrounded by crystals. I have

> scattered rose quartz down my country road which goes by neighbors

> houses. I have taught children in our Montessori shcool for over 40

> years now and have brought as much magic as I can to their


> eyes. In this case I bow to their inspiration. They have stones


> out of geods into their hands...they describe how stones make them

> tingle. I wish I could do so much more but I have already been


> a witch and lost business as a result so now I am more aware of the

> need to be circumspect.

> I have made giant pyramids on our property that are surrounded


> crystals and have an archway with crystals all pointing inward

> to " scrape " off the days " stuff " before entering the house. My

> bathroom is host to all kinds of stones many of which go into the


> regulary. I make elixirs...simple ones and my water bottle has


> in it as I drink. One kidney has me so respectful of the use of


> I send long distance healing to anyone who asks using lazer


> and prayer/reiki. I make grids for the earth and have made a


> wheel and a laberinth and even a crop circle and a fairy ring made

> from one of the oak trunks which fell. I place crystals in the

> opennings of trunks along our walking path.

> We, my hubby of 33 years now...we have 14 acres some wooded some

> slightly open and our home sits facing this special oak. We own a

> Montessori school for over 22 years now and would love to

> retire....but when the time is right...as everything is set to

> perfection.

> Also, in the year 2000 I was gifted an ancient crystal skull


> was carved as the Master Jesus walked the planet. This skull has


> antother doorway through which I have been let straight into the

> world of crystal skulls. It may sound freaky to you as it sure did


> me at first but now I have grown to love my 30 plus skulls. Not


> are the various stones expressing their energy but coupled with the

> form of skull they also express that ancient energy of our own form

> as well. I have seen geometry coupled with stones express its own

> unique energy and shapes of carved stones do so as well. So, it


> made sense that I should investigate the form or our own selves in

> stone. Since then I have now arrived at a new plateau...or resting

> place for awhile. Iam being taught by the skulls themselves at this

> point. I know I am beginning to sound strange but it is true. These

> skulls seem to house such ravishing beauty in their energy and

> healing just pours out of them.

> I have become a caretaker lately of a wonderful crystal skull the

> size of a small child's head. It was found....or rather...it found


> at a rock show all dingy and dull. I have noticed not only dramatic

> changes over these last weeks in its brightness but so have others

> noted its strength increasing. Healing has happened to friends even

> long distance and in dreams. Dreams of another friend spoke of our

> school not being flooded in the recent storm, Bill.And it wasn't


> though others were. I am just so excited to have this treasure


> with me and again offer to anyone who asks the healing energies of

> this ancient crystal .. This skull was carved in Tibet and my


> told me that the stone itself was extremly old and that it had been

> waiting so long to be with me again. I was flabbergasted to hear


> say that but my friend had a dream in which the skull spoke to her

> telling her among other things the same thing. So, I am in deep

> respect of this marvel. Her name is Tibette , a term here in

> Louisiana that denotes great affection for a young child...and


> used in soft mothering tones.

> I am so excited to have found this group as I have so very much


> learn from all of you . I have only just begun , as the song says.

> So, please lead away down this path you all have already prepared


> having such a site as this.

> And , by the way, I simply love the openning page. The crystals


> so welcoming. I look forward to hearing from you and learning. And

> anytime I can offer anything I will be only too happy


> offering light via crystal....I hope I am not off topic here..you

> let me know. Thank you .Judywand..ps..I will place some photos in


> album here.

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Hi, Judy - Welcome to a really lovely group and a crystal learning programme

which I find opens you up to ideas rather than being dogmatic about what

crystals do and don't do. By the way, I bought a crystal off of e-Bay

yesterday and am bidding on another one, and it fascinates me that you get

drawn to crystals through the picture alone, the one I have already bought

drew my attention immediately while I looked at other pictures and didn't

feel drawn at all - the miracles of crystals and universal energy! Love,






02 July 2003 00:29:54


[CrystalHW] Just Joining


Hi..My name is Judy and I have just joined what looks to be

awonderful site devoted to my love of crystals in all forms.I started

on this path of crystal work after facing kidney cancer and all its

attendant horrific pain. It was after the surgery that I had placed a

slice of amethyst geod that someone had given me on my abdomen.I was

in bed in severe pain and finally I dozed off only to be jolted awake

with more spasms. I noticed that I had left the amethyst on my

stomach and in that area there was no pain. Well, you can imagine

what took place next....a series of moving the amethyst all over the

area and marveling at the absence of pain that would follow.

I then began what would be called an answer to an inner driving

force to explore crystals. I began to make bamboo crystal rods and

now have a room full of all kinds from inches long to 8 feet. Well,

soon my giant oak of 7 trunks will have its own bamboo crystal rod as

well. I have one that is about 35 feet in height and I placed the rod

in the center of the tree and later that day it " fell " to one of the

trunks. This " trunk " has the formation of a large arm bent with its

own elbow. And this is where the bamboo came to be held. So, I know

it wants it there...All I have to do now is bring down the bamboo and

insert the crystal.

It has been moments like this that fasinates me and absorbs my

soul.In fact, when I get started making something something or

someone seems to almost take over and I let myself just go with the

flow. I make crystal hanging grids that are suspended over a bed. I

have altars everywhere. My pool is surrounded by crystals. I have

scattered rose quartz down my country road which goes by neighbors

houses. I have taught children in our Montessori shcool for over 40

years now and have brought as much magic as I can to their wondering

eyes. In this case I bow to their inspiration. They have stones jump

out of geods into their hands...they describe how stones make them

tingle. I wish I could do so much more but I have already been labled

a witch and lost business as a result so now I am more aware of the

need to be circumspect.

I have made giant pyramids on our property that are surrounded by

crystals and have an archway with crystals all pointing inward

to " scrape " off the days " stuff " before entering the house. My

bathroom is host to all kinds of stones many of which go into the tub

regulary. I make elixirs...simple ones and my water bottle has stones

in it as I drink. One kidney has me so respectful of the use of water.

I send long distance healing to anyone who asks using lazer wands

and prayer/reiki. I make grids for the earth and have made a medicine

wheel and a laberinth and even a crop circle and a fairy ring made

from one of the oak trunks which fell. I place crystals in the

opennings of trunks along our walking path.

We, my hubby of 33 years now...we have 14 acres some wooded some

slightly open and our home sits facing this special oak. We own a

Montessori school for over 22 years now and would love to

retire....but when the time is right...as everything is set to


Also, in the year 2000 I was gifted an ancient crystal skull that

was carved as the Master Jesus walked the planet. This skull has been

antother doorway through which I have been let straight into the

world of crystal skulls. It may sound freaky to you as it sure did to

me at first but now I have grown to love my 30 plus skulls. Not only

are the various stones expressing their energy but coupled with the

form of skull they also express that ancient energy of our own form

as well. I have seen geometry coupled with stones express its own

unique energy and shapes of carved stones do so as well. So, it only

made sense that I should investigate the form or our own selves in

stone. Since then I have now arrived at a new plateau...or resting

place for awhile. Iam being taught by the skulls themselves at this

point. I know I am beginning to sound strange but it is true. These

skulls seem to house such ravishing beauty in their energy and

healing just pours out of them.

I have become a caretaker lately of a wonderful crystal skull the

size of a small child's head. It was found....or rather...it found me

at a rock show all dingy and dull. I have noticed not only dramatic

changes over these last weeks in its brightness but so have others

noted its strength increasing. Healing has happened to friends even

long distance and in dreams. Dreams of another friend spoke of our

school not being flooded in the recent storm, Bill.And it wasn't even

though others were. I am just so excited to have this treasure housed

with me and again offer to anyone who asks the healing energies of

this ancient crystal .. This skull was carved in Tibet and my mentor

told me that the stone itself was extremly old and that it had been

waiting so long to be with me again. I was flabbergasted to hear her

say that but my friend had a dream in which the skull spoke to her

telling her among other things the same thing. So, I am in deep

respect of this marvel. Her name is Tibette , a term here in

Louisiana that denotes great affection for a young child...and always

used in soft mothering tones.

I am so excited to have found this group as I have so very much to

learn from all of you . I have only just begun , as the song says.

So, please lead away down this path you all have already prepared by

having such a site as this.

And , by the way, I simply love the openning page. The crystals are

so welcoming. I look forward to hearing from you and learning. And

anytime I can offer anything I will be only too happy to...especially

offering light via crystal....I hope I am not off topic here..you

let me know. Thank you .Judywand..ps..I will place some photos in an

album here.






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Hi Judy,

Your introduction was really inspiring and touched my heart. I would

love you to use Tibette on me for my highest good.

Love and Blessings,


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Hi Maureen..I like the idea of no " dogmas " but I welcome new insights at any

time. Judy.




maureen DAVIES

Wednesday, July 02, 2003 12:15 AM

Re: [CrystalHW] Just Joining



Hi, Judy - Welcome to a really lovely group and a crystal learning programme

which I find opens you up to ideas rather than being dogmatic about what

crystals do and don't do.









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Dear Jenny, I would sure love to work with you ...please just email me

privately. I would love to hear from you, Judy


Jenny Silkstone

Wednesday, July 02, 2003 12:46 AM

Re: [CrystalHW] Just Joining



Hi Judy,

Your introduction was really inspiring and touched my heart. I would

love you to use Tibette on me for my highest good.

Love and Blessings,





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At 08:12 PM 7/2/03 -0500, you wrote:


>Dear Jenny, I would sure love to work with you ...please just email me

>privately. I would love to hear from you, Judy


What is Tibette please? Guess I missed that post.




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You asked what is Tibette? and she is my newest skull ,, the sizeof a small

child's head. She was carved in Tibet and with a play on words of Louisiana's

saying of tibette , meaning small one.....we named her this. The irony is that

she is anything but little ...she is my largest skull now. And she is anything

but little in her energy as well as I am beginning to learn. I have not yet

posted her to the albums until I have a dedication ceremony at the full moon.

Until then she is doing some outside work but mainly just getting me to know her

in private. I am just so bursting with excitment that I had to begin to share

her but I know much more is to come. Judy


Victoria Satta

Wednesday, July 02, 2003 8:22 PM

Re: [CrystalHW] Just Joining



At 08:12 PM 7/2/03 -0500, you wrote:


>Dear Jenny, I would sure love to work with you ...please just email me

>privately. I would love to hear from you, Judy


What is Tibette please? Guess I missed that post.







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Thank you Tanya for the sweet words of welcome. Judy



Tuesday, July 01, 2003 9:57 PM

[CrystalHW] Re: Just Joining



Welcome, you are going to very much enjoy the Learning and Love you

have been guided here to partake of and to share with others.

Many blessings







, " judywand "

<nsongy@d...> wrote:

> Hi..My name is Judy and I have just joined what looks to be

> awonderful site devoted to my love of crystals in all forms.I


> on this path of crystal work after facing kidney cancer and all its

> attendant horrific pain. It was after the surgery that I had placed


> slice of amethyst geod that someone had given me on my abdomen.I


> in bed in severe pain and finally I dozed off only to be jolted


> with more spasms. I noticed that I had left the amethyst on my

> stomach and in that area there was no pain. Well, you can imagine

> what took place next....a series of moving the amethyst all over


> area and marveling at the absence of pain that would follow.

> I then began what would be called an answer to an inner driving

> force to explore crystals. I began to make bamboo crystal rods and

> now have a room full of all kinds from inches long to 8 feet. Well,

> soon my giant oak of 7 trunks will have its own bamboo crystal rod


> well. I have one that is about 35 feet in height and I placed the


> in the center of the tree and later that day it " fell " to one of the

> trunks. This " trunk " has the formation of a large arm bent with its

> own elbow. And this is where the bamboo came to be held. So, I know

> it wants it there...All I have to do now is bring down the bamboo


> insert the crystal.

> It has been moments like this that fasinates me and absorbs my

> soul.In fact, when I get started making something something or

> someone seems to almost take over and I let myself just go with the

> flow. I make crystal hanging grids that are suspended over a bed. I

> have altars everywhere. My pool is surrounded by crystals. I have

> scattered rose quartz down my country road which goes by neighbors

> houses. I have taught children in our Montessori shcool for over 40

> years now and have brought as much magic as I can to their


> eyes. In this case I bow to their inspiration. They have stones


> out of geods into their hands...they describe how stones make them

> tingle. I wish I could do so much more but I have already been


> a witch and lost business as a result so now I am more aware of the

> need to be circumspect.

> I have made giant pyramids on our property that are surrounded


> crystals and have an archway with crystals all pointing inward

> to " scrape " off the days " stuff " before entering the house. My

> bathroom is host to all kinds of stones many of which go into the


> regulary. I make elixirs...simple ones and my water bottle has


> in it as I drink. One kidney has me so respectful of the use of


> I send long distance healing to anyone who asks using lazer


> and prayer/reiki. I make grids for the earth and have made a


> wheel and a laberinth and even a crop circle and a fairy ring made

> from one of the oak trunks which fell. I place crystals in the

> opennings of trunks along our walking path.

> We, my hubby of 33 years now...we have 14 acres some wooded some

> slightly open and our home sits facing this special oak. We own a

> Montessori school for over 22 years now and would love to

> retire....but when the time is right...as everything is set to

> perfection.

> Also, in the year 2000 I was gifted an ancient crystal skull


> was carved as the Master Jesus walked the planet. This skull has


> antother doorway through which I have been let straight into the

> world of crystal skulls. It may sound freaky to you as it sure did


> me at first but now I have grown to love my 30 plus skulls. Not


> are the various stones expressing their energy but coupled with the

> form of skull they also express that ancient energy of our own form

> as well. I have seen geometry coupled with stones express its own

> unique energy and shapes of carved stones do so as well. So, it


> made sense that I should investigate the form or our own selves in

> stone. Since then I have now arrived at a new plateau...or resting

> place for awhile. Iam being taught by the skulls themselves at this

> point. I know I am beginning to sound strange but it is true. These

> skulls seem to house such ravishing beauty in their energy and

> healing just pours out of them.

> I have become a caretaker lately of a wonderful crystal skull the

> size of a small child's head. It was found....or rather...it found


> at a rock show all dingy and dull. I have noticed not only dramatic

> changes over these last weeks in its brightness but so have others

> noted its strength increasing. Healing has happened to friends even

> long distance and in dreams. Dreams of another friend spoke of our

> school not being flooded in the recent storm, Bill.And it wasn't


> though others were. I am just so excited to have this treasure


> with me and again offer to anyone who asks the healing energies of

> this ancient crystal .. This skull was carved in Tibet and my


> told me that the stone itself was extremly old and that it had been

> waiting so long to be with me again. I was flabbergasted to hear


> say that but my friend had a dream in which the skull spoke to her

> telling her among other things the same thing. So, I am in deep

> respect of this marvel. Her name is Tibette , a term here in

> Louisiana that denotes great affection for a young child...and


> used in soft mothering tones.

> I am so excited to have found this group as I have so very much


> learn from all of you . I have only just begun , as the song says.

> So, please lead away down this path you all have already prepared


> having such a site as this.

> And , by the way, I simply love the openning page. The crystals


> so welcoming. I look forward to hearing from you and learning. And

> anytime I can offer anything I will be only too happy


> offering light via crystal....I hope I am not off topic here..you

> let me know. Thank you .Judywand..ps..I will place some photos in


> album here.




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Hi Judy


You don't sound strange at all. I love crystals too. Since as long as I

could remember, I've always had a fascination. Because of this, I often

brought home boxes of stones and crystals whenever we went away on holiday.

Unfortunately, my dad got quite sick of all my stones and got rid of the lot

of them. I've recently gotten hold of a couple of crystals which recently

caught my attention. The moment I saw them, I new I had to have them.

Unfortunately, I only had enough money for one crystal. It was the first

time I had visited the shop and for no particular reason, the owner gave me

a huge discount. Because of this, I was able to buy four crystals and a

wide variety of small, polished gemstones. I truly believe that they were

meant to be mine because of this. I have been carrying one of the crystals,

a citrine in my pocket since. I feel as though I have a new, more positive

outlook on life and before, everything would get me down and I would feel

low for days. Now, the negative feelings pass quickly. I also feel more

confidence in my abilities and in my future. The last couple of months have

been very stressful for me financially. Ever since I've had the crystal, I

just don't worry about it. And we haven't been without money for milk, etc.

once. The crystal also seems to be getting brighter or lighter. I didn't

notice it until you mentioned it, or at least, I thought it was a trick of

the light.


Anyway, That's all I have to say right now. I feel as though I was meant

to join this group. I know I'm going to learn a lot.






" judywand " <nsongy


Wednesday, July 02, 2003 12:43 AM

[CrystalHW] Just Joining



> Hi..My name is Judy and I have just joined what looks to be

> awonderful site devoted to my love of crystals in all forms.I started

> on this path of crystal work after facing kidney cancer and all its

> attendant horrific pain. It was after the surgery that I had placed a

> slice of amethyst geod that someone had given me on my abdomen.I was

> in bed in severe pain and finally I dozed off only to be jolted awake

> with more spasms. I noticed that I had left the amethyst on my

> stomach and in that area there was no pain. Well, you can imagine

> what took place next....a series of moving the amethyst all over the

> area and marveling at the absence of pain that would follow.

> I then began what would be called an answer to an inner driving

> force to explore crystals. I began to make bamboo crystal rods and

> now have a room full of all kinds from inches long to 8 feet. Well,

> soon my giant oak of 7 trunks will have its own bamboo crystal rod as

> well. I have one that is about 35 feet in height and I placed the rod

> in the center of the tree and later that day it " fell " to one of the

> trunks. This " trunk " has the formation of a large arm bent with its

> own elbow. And this is where the bamboo came to be held. So, I know

> it wants it there...All I have to do now is bring down the bamboo and

> insert the crystal.

> It has been moments like this that fasinates me and absorbs my

> soul.In fact, when I get started making something something or

> someone seems to almost take over and I let myself just go with the

> flow. I make crystal hanging grids that are suspended over a bed. I

> have altars everywhere. My pool is surrounded by crystals. I have

> scattered rose quartz down my country road which goes by neighbors

> houses. I have taught children in our Montessori shcool for over 40

> years now and have brought as much magic as I can to their wondering

> eyes. In this case I bow to their inspiration. They have stones jump

> out of geods into their hands...they describe how stones make them

> tingle. I wish I could do so much more but I have already been labled

> a witch and lost business as a result so now I am more aware of the

> need to be circumspect.

> I have made giant pyramids on our property that are surrounded by

> crystals and have an archway with crystals all pointing inward

> to " scrape " off the days " stuff " before entering the house. My

> bathroom is host to all kinds of stones many of which go into the tub

> regulary. I make elixirs...simple ones and my water bottle has stones

> in it as I drink. One kidney has me so respectful of the use of water.

> I send long distance healing to anyone who asks using lazer wands

> and prayer/reiki. I make grids for the earth and have made a medicine

> wheel and a laberinth and even a crop circle and a fairy ring made

> from one of the oak trunks which fell. I place crystals in the

> opennings of trunks along our walking path.

> We, my hubby of 33 years now...we have 14 acres some wooded some

> slightly open and our home sits facing this special oak. We own a

> Montessori school for over 22 years now and would love to

> retire....but when the time is right...as everything is set to

> perfection.

> Also, in the year 2000 I was gifted an ancient crystal skull that

> was carved as the Master Jesus walked the planet. This skull has been

> antother doorway through which I have been let straight into the

> world of crystal skulls. It may sound freaky to you as it sure did to

> me at first but now I have grown to love my 30 plus skulls. Not only

> are the various stones expressing their energy but coupled with the

> form of skull they also express that ancient energy of our own form

> as well. I have seen geometry coupled with stones express its own

> unique energy and shapes of carved stones do so as well. So, it only

> made sense that I should investigate the form or our own selves in

> stone. Since then I have now arrived at a new plateau...or resting

> place for awhile. Iam being taught by the skulls themselves at this

> point. I know I am beginning to sound strange but it is true. These

> skulls seem to house such ravishing beauty in their energy and

> healing just pours out of them.

> I have become a caretaker lately of a wonderful crystal skull the

> size of a small child's head. It was found....or rather...it found me

> at a rock show all dingy and dull. I have noticed not only dramatic

> changes over these last weeks in its brightness but so have others

> noted its strength increasing. Healing has happened to friends even

> long distance and in dreams. Dreams of another friend spoke of our

> school not being flooded in the recent storm, Bill.And it wasn't even

> though others were. I am just so excited to have this treasure housed

> with me and again offer to anyone who asks the healing energies of

> this ancient crystal .. This skull was carved in Tibet and my mentor

> told me that the stone itself was extremly old and that it had been

> waiting so long to be with me again. I was flabbergasted to hear her

> say that but my friend had a dream in which the skull spoke to her

> telling her among other things the same thing. So, I am in deep

> respect of this marvel. Her name is Tibette , a term here in

> Louisiana that denotes great affection for a young child...and always

> used in soft mothering tones.

> I am so excited to have found this group as I have so very much to

> learn from all of you . I have only just begun , as the song says.

> So, please lead away down this path you all have already prepared by

> having such a site as this.

> And , by the way, I simply love the openning page. The crystals are

> so welcoming. I look forward to hearing from you and learning. And

> anytime I can offer anything I will be only too happy to...especially

> offering light via crystal....I hope I am not off topic here..you

> let me know. Thank you .Judywand..ps..I will place some photos in an

> album here.







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Guest guest

Hi, Judy - I crashed yesterday so today it was really lovely to read of your

experiences and to visualise all the creative stuff you're doing with your

crystals. Thanks for the info and details. Love, Maureen.





02 July 2003 00:29:54


[CrystalHW] Just Joining


Hi..My name is Judy and I have just joined what looks to be

awonderful site devoted to my love of crystals in all forms.I started

on this path of crystal work after facing kidney cancer and all its

attendant horrific pain. It was after the surgery that I had placed a

slice of amethyst geod that someone had given me on my abdomen.I was

in bed in severe pain and finally I dozed off only to be jolted awake

with more spasms. I noticed that I had left the amethyst on my

stomach and in that area there was no pain. Well, you can imagine

what took place next....a series of moving the amethyst all over the

area and marveling at the absence of pain that would follow.

I then began what would be called an answer to an inner driving

force to explore crystals. I began to make bamboo crystal rods and

now have a room full of all kinds from inches long to 8 feet. Well,

soon my giant oak of 7 trunks will have its own bamboo crystal rod as

well. I have one that is about 35 feet in height and I placed the rod

in the center of the tree and later that day it " fell " to one of the

trunks. This " trunk " has the formation of a large arm bent with its

own elbow. And this is where the bamboo came to be held. So, I know

it wants it there...All I have to do now is bring down the bamboo and

insert the crystal.

It has been moments like this that fasinates me and absorbs my

soul.In fact, when I get started making something something or

someone seems to almost take over and I let myself just go with the

flow. I make crystal hanging grids that are suspended over a bed. I

have altars everywhere. My pool is surrounded by crystals. I have

scattered rose quartz down my country road which goes by neighbors

houses. I have taught children in our Montessori shcool for over 40

years now and have brought as much magic as I can to their wondering

eyes. In this case I bow to their inspiration. They have stones jump

out of geods into their hands...they describe how stones make them

tingle. I wish I could do so much more but I have already been labled

a witch and lost business as a result so now I am more aware of the

need to be circumspect.

I have made giant pyramids on our property that are surrounded by

crystals and have an archway with crystals all pointing inward

to " scrape " off the days " stuff " before entering the house. My

bathroom is host to all kinds of stones many of which go into the tub

regulary. I make elixirs...simple ones and my water bottle has stones

in it as I drink. One kidney has me so respectful of the use of water.

I send long distance healing to anyone who asks using lazer wands

and prayer/reiki. I make grids for the earth and have made a medicine

wheel and a laberinth and even a crop circle and a fairy ring made

from one of the oak trunks which fell. I place crystals in the

opennings of trunks along our walking path.

We, my hubby of 33 years now...we have 14 acres some wooded some

slightly open and our home sits facing this special oak. We own a

Montessori school for over 22 years now and would love to

retire....but when the time is right...as everything is set to


Also, in the year 2000 I was gifted an ancient crystal skull that

was carved as the Master Jesus walked the planet. This skull has been

antother doorway through which I have been let straight into the

world of crystal skulls. It may sound freaky to you as it sure did to

me at first but now I have grown to love my 30 plus skulls. Not only

are the various stones expressing their energy but coupled with the

form of skull they also express that ancient energy of our own form

as well. I have seen geometry coupled with stones express its own

unique energy and shapes of carved stones do so as well. So, it only

made sense that I should investigate the form or our own selves in

stone. Since then I have now arrived at a new plateau...or resting

place for awhile. Iam being taught by the skulls themselves at this

point. I know I am beginning to sound strange but it is true. These

skulls seem to house such ravishing beauty in their energy and

healing just pours out of them.

I have become a caretaker lately of a wonderful crystal skull the

size of a small child's head. It was found....or rather...it found me

at a rock show all dingy and dull. I have noticed not only dramatic

changes over these last weeks in its brightness but so have others

noted its strength increasing. Healing has happened to friends even

long distance and in dreams. Dreams of another friend spoke of our

school not being flooded in the recent storm, Bill.And it wasn't even

though others were. I am just so excited to have this treasure housed

with me and again offer to anyone who asks the healing energies of

this ancient crystal .. This skull was carved in Tibet and my mentor

told me that the stone itself was extremly old and that it had been

waiting so long to be with me again. I was flabbergasted to hear her

say that but my friend had a dream in which the skull spoke to her

telling her among other things the same thing. So, I am in deep

respect of this marvel. Her name is Tibette , a term here in

Louisiana that denotes great affection for a young child...and always

used in soft mothering tones.

I am so excited to have found this group as I have so very much to

learn from all of you . I have only just begun , as the song says.

So, please lead away down this path you all have already prepared by

having such a site as this.

And , by the way, I simply love the openning page. The crystals are

so welcoming. I look forward to hearing from you and learning. And

anytime I can offer anything I will be only too happy to...especially

offering light via crystal....I hope I am not off topic here..you

let me know. Thank you .Judywand..ps..I will place some photos in an

album here.






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