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Guides and Companions

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Guides and Companions

Please be aware that most spiritual guidance is given indirectly , rather

than having angels appear in your living room or other dramatic event it is

more likely that guidance will arive in a more mundane way a book may fall

open to a relavent page you may overhear a phrase with meaning a series of

" coincidences " may lead you to a realization.

There are also many spirits beings and thought forms who may contact you

in addition to your own mind and your higher self. You could be aware of

inner selves ,Soul voice, guiding Angels and Deva. as well as

spirits animals and other entities. Many people have questions about

how you tell a positive spiritual guide from a negative entity and

from your own imagination or the telepathic background noise of other

peoples thoughts. etc. it may be difficult first to discern the

difference . Generally if you have doubt about a spirit guide send the

entity to the light, a true and positive being will not object will

leave and return a non beneficial may protest but will still leave but

not return .

I'm not sure of the source for the list below but agree with them

" Lesser Mind , The Voice of Ego and negative entities Personality

Level, flatters commands, demands, tests, chooses for you, imprisons,

promotes dependency intrudes pushes excludes is status oriented

insists on obedience often claims ultimate authority

Greater Mind, The Voice of Spirit, Soul Level, informs, suggests,

guides nudges, leaves choice to you, empowers, promotes independence

.. respects ,supports, includes, is free and open , encourages

growth and development recognizes a greater power, or God. "

Valid guidance and messengers usually stay on topic or in a general range of

subject and communicate about life purpose and world mission rather than

about power .

It usually has a loving and encouraging quality rather than a hostile or

discouraging quality .Good guidance is usually about now rather than some

distant future . it empowers you strenghthens you and supports you. I tis

in harmony with you own inner knowing and abilities it rings true ( even

though some information may be startling .


In time you will come to know guides ,angels elementals and companions you

can trust and value .

Some spirits even " Ascended Masters " etc. are very eager to forward their

agenda and their guidance may not always truly be for your highest good

Recheck often rather than assume that what your getting is from your

regular contacts .

What you hear or sense depends very much on the clearness of your channel ,

your level of inner knowing and things like the knowledge and vocabulary

you have to offer spirit beings . How well you take dictation can be

important too . Sometimes during a formal " channel " information comes in

very fast and is being translated to words from images and feelings it

would be easy to miss a word or mis interpret an image.

The difference between " there will be war " and " there will not be war "

is very slight but makes a big difference in meaning .

In my experience the Good stuff is easy to understand, some concepts

may be difficult or impossible to express in words but the more high

blown, high flown, psuedo scientific or jargon filled, channeled info is

the less likely it is to be valid .

Another symptom of valid channeled information is that it holds up over time

and does not need a lot of editing to be intelligible.

Why would an Angel or great spiritual teacher need to bs and brag or try to

impress you anyway. ?

True guides are very loving and compassionate and while they are

sometimes firm or hold up a mirror to reveal a blind spot they do

not lie , threaten or abuse, True and good guides do not isolate people

from society .

Most messages are subtle, pay attention to everything within and

outside. Actual physical appairts are rather rare but the presence of

your companion angel and your true guides is as constant as appropriate

and energy information and protections are there for you

I really truly reccomend meeting your companion or Solar angel and

working on the connection with your high self when you are working in

this wonderful harmony the only energetic dangers you will face are

those where it is essential that you deal with it most often to learn

that you can deal with it and dicern the value from the trash.


Peggy Jentoft

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Hi Peggy,


What you've posted does sound like excellent advice! I do have a question,



> " Rosequartz " <rosequartz




>. . .I'm not sure of the source for the list below but agree with them


>. . . Some spirits even " Ascended Masters " etc. are very eager to forward


>agenda and their guidance may not always truly be for your highest good

>Recheck often rather than assume that what your getting is from your

>regular contacts . . . . >



Do you think this source is saying that Ascended Masters cannot always be

trusted...? (Or, since they have put " Ascended Masters " in quotation marks,

do you think they are implying that sometimes spirits are _pretending_ to

be real Ascended Masters -- ?)


Quite honestly, we've always received excellent guidance from our Ascended

Masters, and we certainly do trust them.


love and blessings,

Linda and John G


" The distinction between past, present and future

is only an illusion, even if a stubborn one. "

-- Albert Einstein --



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> What you've posted does sound like excellent advice! I do have a


> though...:


> > " Rosequartz " <rosequartz

> >

> ><snip>


> >. . .I'm not sure of the source for the list below but agree with them

> <snip>

> >. . . Some spirits even " Ascended Masters " etc. are very eager to forward

> >their

> >agenda and their guidance may not always truly be for your highest good

> >Recheck often rather than assume that what your getting is from your

> >regular contacts . . . . > have put " Ascended Masters " in quotation


do you think they are implying that sometimes spirits are _pretending_ to

be real Ascended Masters -- ?)


>Quite honestly, we've always received excellent guidance from our Ascended

>Masters, and we certainly do trust them.



That's after the quoted selection and is my own words and yes sometimes

what is received purportedly from ascended masters is not actually from

ascended masters ,

and some Ascended Masters IMO are misleading or are providing diversions

rather than solid true guidance and information . Or often its that the

reception is unclear. and there recipient interferes with the message in

some way.

I probably should revise that passage if I use it again .I also have gotten

excellent advise and information and energy work systems from Ascended

Masters but if you read a large body of channeled materials attributed to

Ascended Masters you will find quite a bit that is clearly bogus or

incorrectly reported I have also encountered folks who have channeled some

mighty strange messages I have also encountered some folks who start out

delivering excellent and clear material who definitely somewhere along the

line start picking up inaccurate and even dangerous or destructive guidance

I'm saying to not turn off you garbage detectors just because you have

gotten solid info in the Past . and yes there are a few entities

identified as Ascended Masters whose material does not always ring true to


and some of it is just the old " that's not what Koothumi said to me! "

reaction though actually it's blackberry spirit who seems to be coming from

completely different places depending on who their talking to or who is

listening. I do think that the Galactic Avatar commander lightship thing

has gone off track and should not be taken completely seriously ( or should

that be Siriusly?) I'm not saying to discard or discount any or all of the

Ascended Master material etc but just to use your inner knowing and

consider that it might not all be gold .

and some material is metaphorical or symbolic rather than mundane factual.


Peggy Jentoft

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> " Rosequartz " <rosequartz

>Fri, 4 Jul 2003 09:53:24 -0700


>. . . I also have gotten

>excellent advise and information and energy work systems from Ascended

>Masters but if you read a large body of channeled materials attributed to

>Ascended Masters you will find quite a bit that is clearly bogus or

>incorrectly reported I have also encountered folks who have channeled some

>mighty strange messages . . .


> I'm not saying to discard or discount any or all of the

>Ascended Master material etc but just to use your inner knowing and

>consider that it might not all be gold .

>and some material is metaphorical or symbolic rather than mundane



Hi Peggy,


Thanks for your response. I haven't read very much of the channeled

materials at all. The Ascended Masters we are somewhat familiar with are

the more well-known ones, such as St. Germain. But with everything, I try

to trust my intuition and instincts first and foremost, and use discernment

before becoming involved with anything. Ie., if it doesn't resonate well

with us, or seems coercive, manipulative, destructive -- forget it. And

if we start seeing and sensing things that don't feel quite right, that's it

for us.


BTW, your post last week re Ascension was very well done, IMO (and not a

" semi-rant " , as you put it, at all. :)


love and blessings,

Linda and John G


" The distinction between past, present and future

is only an illusion, even if a stubborn one. "

-- Albert Einstein --



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