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Does anyone on this list tumble their own gem stones or do you all just buy them

already tumbled?


I am wondering if I should bring out my " old " tumbler and see if it still works.

I do seem to feel more energy coming from rough stones, but I have several

different ones that I have quite a few of them, and am wondering how they would

feel if they were tumbled.


PatH aka Lionaire

It takes courage to grow up and turn out to be

who you really are.





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, " lion1 " <lion1@r...>


> Does anyone on this list tumble their own gem stones or do you all

just buy them already tumbled?


> I am wondering if I should bring out my " old " tumbler and see if

it still works. I do seem to feel more energy coming from rough

stones, but I have several different ones that I have quite a few of

them, and am wondering how they would feel if they were tumbled.


> PatH aka Lionaire

> It takes courage to grow up and turn out to be

> who you really are.


Hi Pat,


Well, I buy both really-tumbled and rough. You are right though-I

think sometimes there is more energy from the rough stone. I am not

sure why and I still buy tumbled stones too. Tumbled stones are the

ones I carry with me-much easier that way! That is neat that you

have a tumbler and I would say go ahead and use it-I know I would.

I really think it is an individual thing and possibly it differs

from stone to stone. Lots of times I think tumbled stones are

prettier because you can see more of the colors like in some of the

agates, and jaspers. You might want to ask the stones themselves to

see if you get a feeling on whether they want to be tumbled or not.

Have fun and let us know how it turns out.


Blessings and Light,


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> Does anyone on this list tumble their own gem stones or do you all

just buy them already tumbled?<


I started cutting stones before i realized their power outside

their given beauty.


I started tumbling, cause that has the least impact for the biggest

amount of stones. BUt after tumbleing for two years. I didnt enjoy

the clean-up and reclaiming of the grits and slurries that tumbling

produces. And the boring process in between when all you do is wait.

These grits and slurries have to be reclaimed so they dont hurt the

envoriment. And i always felt limited to what kind of stones i could

tumble with good results. Now if your into mainstream stones, like

rose quartz, amethsyt, obsidian, citrine, tiger eye, clear quartz,

and some mainstream agates and jaspers. Then tumbling can be very

rewarding in my opinion. are are great with kids for learning about



I have a 8inch wet grinder, with diamond wheels for cutting stones.

In most cases i sit down for 4-5 hours each day, and produce sevral

unqiue and unusal stone cabs. I also make 100% stone knifes. NO metal

used. This is a faster process from rough to finished stones. the

clean up is real easy.. and its more an artistic take than just



But I work with non main stream stones, more specfic in their

groups, even though they may occur as many didffenent forms. ONe i

work with allot lately is " condor agate " . which will tumble well. But

in most cases with this agate.. its highly banded, and when broken

down to conforming sizes for tumbling, it looses its main effect in

power, from my experince. This agate is very happy when cut into

freeform cabochons, and not tumbled. Even though theres very low

grades of this agate that is tumbled.. I dont perfer it.

And other stones like " Green Millininuim Quartzite " , doesnt like to

be cut into conformed standard cut cabochons. But almost nugget like,

or tumble like shapes.


I feel the energies go both way in most stones, wether its rough or

tumbled. This i feel this does not apply to crystals. But to only

tumble massive rough materials. not single or crystal clusters.

Tumbling crytals or clusters will riun there energy from my

experince. Crystals are ment to be enjoy as is.

when theres many massive stone types that will have the same basic

energy, wether polished or rough. But ones that benefit from being

polished are those that need their colors and patterns better defined

for the owner. This applies to most agates and jaspers in my opinion

also. SOme , like picture jaspers, look like nothing but a brown rock

in most cases. untill it is cut into and the pictures exposed.. which

is an explosion of pattern, colors, and feelings.


I only buy or locate stones i can cut for me, or others. Sometimes i

buy partial cut materials, slabs, endcuts, or trim pieces to cut and

finish the polishing.

I rarely handle crytals because i feel they are too weak for me. ANd

only certain crytal forms work for my high energies. Like Tabular

crystals. I just cut a piece of Condor Agate that has Tabular

formations solidfied by orange agate. This is very intense, and it

showed me what it looked like before the agate took over.. very


I do love druzy stones, becasue of there almost dreaming qualites. I

recently found a piece of red druzy quartz on chalcedony. But really,

the druze is clear.. with a bright red " sard " layer right underneath

the druze, which shines through the clear druze, making it look red.

Very powerful stone. Last night i sat and meditated with him, asking

about how he would like to be, if cut at all. And he showed me if i

wanted to cut him, how he would like it done. ANd i will do so, after

more meditation.


I do have plans this summer to prospect a location for Clear Quartz

Crytals here in Arizona. Becasue even though most are two weak for

me, these are ones i see for sale by others. But when i find a stone

in the wild.. they tend to more energized and happy, and work better

for my high energy.

I actually found one a few years back, perched perfectly growing out

of a piece of granite. I wanted to take him so bad, but realixed if i

started wacking with another rock.. i would only hurt him, so i left

him be.. and visit him on occasion, when i can remember were he is

at. He has always been in my dreams, and has shown me about this

other field of crytals to find, just laying out in the open. those

racoons love these quartz also. Thats why is you have ever found a

clear quartz crystal in the wild.. allot of times, its laying out

ontop of the ground, like it was just set there for you. instead of

digging or mining for clusters.


if your ever curious about non main stream stones, wether prices,

types, were they are found, etc, etc... I specialize in rare agates

and jasper myself. because these love to be cut, i cant help ya get

started, or answer any questions you might have about the process.


Thats great you done it before, so you have a better idea of the

process. I have many sorces of materials, grits, books, and info on

lapidary. and for anyone who want to see my work, you can check out

my profile, theres a link to my site there.





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