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stones for gout

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my father has gout and he suffers of a really bad pain in his feet

knees, and sometimes his wrists. i would like some stone suggestion

and how to use the stone. does he have to carry it, place it where

it hurts??

thank you.



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In response to the issue about whether healing can be foisted upon someone

who doesn't want it......


It is my understanding that we can/will only take on what needs healing right

now and are ready to move forward with. If we are closed to it, offers of

help will be refused and not taken on board (eg you can take a horse to water


cannot make him drink) Sometimes the time isn't right


If there is acceptance then this is another step, or two, on the journey.

Doesn't mean it will be a smooth ride, the path may be rock strewn ! The path


meander rather than go 'as the crow flies' It is easier to go up a very steep

incline on a zig zag path. And the lessons to be learnt will include the

interaction with the healer who is allowed to walk alongside. It will be part of

the journey for both parties.


During my healing training I remember saying to some of my colleagues 'If I

have this healing now I am concerned it will make me do something I don't want

to do'


I saw all the smiles on their faces and realised what a daft thing I had said

! All that would happen is that I would have the impetus to take the action I

really wanted to take when I was holding myself back !


Peace love and harmony



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Hello, Fabiola - Just got your e-mail re your Dad's gout. Again, what popping

into mind was ruby and zincoite (but the ruby is pretty expensive, sorry about

that), perhaps you could get a small, raw stone which wouldn't cost so much.

With the ruby, you need to make a gem elixir from it, so he can drink it. I'm

not sure whether you can dunk ruby in water, check it out, but if you can, dunk

the piece in water and put it in the sun, or hold it between your hands and will

and intend that the energy pour into the water, or bless it, whatever feels

right for you. Now the zincite - strap it on the outside of the ankle that is

the problem, or if it's both, keep swapping them over. And finally, does your

father want help from you? Sometimes, you may want to help but it isn't what

the person wants, and you need to check this out, as what you want may not be

what your father wants or needs. It is so hard when we love someone and want to

do our best for them. If he is open, wonderful, but if he isn't, that's his

choice and respect it. You can also pray for healing for him in whichever way

is in his highest interests and however you like to do prayer, but also check

with his Higher Self if this is okay, as none of us have the right to intervene

if an illness is for a purpose of which we, at this earthly level, are unaware.

Hope this helps and good luck. Walk in peace and harmony. Maureen.


> " Fabiola " <roulettev

> Wed 09/Jul/2003 03:05 GMT


> [CrystalHW] stones for gout






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Hi, Teresa - Thanks for your comments. One of my life lessons has been to let

go of controlling people or thinking I know best - er, actually, still ongoing.

If, for example, you turn up at a healing class then you've pretty much

indicated that you want healing, or at least, something's drawn you there and

even if you do a zig afterwards you can always zag back again once it's the

right time. I feel very strongly that it is incombent upon those who offer

healing energies to have the humility to ask a person's higher self if they wish

to receive this energy. I feel it is a check on ourselves too. If we care for

people, we may wish to ride to the rescue or feel we know best for someone. And

it may not be appropriate. When my husband became seriously ill with Ross River

fever, mosquito-spread in Australia, I was onto him like hotcakes about having

Reiki, doo-daa, doo-daa, and eventually he told me to lay off. What actually

happened over time was that for him the illness had mental, emotional and

spiritual healing which has been lovely to see happen. As it happened too, it

was a lesson to deal with my own problems instead of looking everywhere else

except myself. I have also seen a great deal of ego involved in people rushing

in to offer healing or impose it, and I think asking a person's higher self is

just a courtesy check for them and a check on ourselves to align with what is

right at the time. It is just my own feeling as others will have other ideas,

but this is important to me as a healer as it stops me trying to control others

or thinking I know best for them. Hope that clarifies what I wrote. Love,



> XxMagentaMoonxX

> Wed 09/Jul/2003 10:58 GMT


> Re: [CrystalHW] stones for gout






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Dear Maureen

Yes well I used to thrust my particular brand of healing onto folks whether

they needed it or not ! That is a joke I have used before, I have to say!!!!



Now I wait to be asked - if I see a situation where I could help, I offer

...... and then wait. If the offer is taken up fine - if not it means that the

time is not yet right, or it may be some other healing partner they need. (own

children gradually get given more choice in the matter as they grow and

separate! )


But I believe that the higher self is ....

forever present

does not take holidays

has benevolent intent (although that may include painful 'lessons')


So it is higher self who says ....whoa not ready yet.... or ahh maybe this is

what I have been waiting for....

if not being strong enough to say 'No' and being too influenced by others,

then that will continue until the point where s/he says Hey - i would like to

choose my own form of treatment

I always send folks my health questionnaire and practice information (which

outlines possible responses to treatment and courses of action) before

administering treatment. Some folks just want the pain in the big toe sorted


seeing it as a weeny part of the whole. Take the huge weight from the shoulders

and the toe feels better!! But there may of course be significant changes

necessary to remove that weight..............


It can be complicated treating people who ask for help, but are not there in

person. I have a friend who I have been treating by phone due to distance. I

need her to ring me at regular intervals for updates on progress. She doesn't

do that. Now professionally I have to leave it for her to contact me - she may

have decided to discontinue treatment (fine it is always the client's choice)

but she may simply have forgotten ? When I first started out I used to worry

about all my clients (being that sort of person!) most of the time. This is

obviously not good to do. It is the person's own responsibility for their health

and for me to give them my best attention during our interaction (and then

have my own 'me' time ) I then do my best to let the filing cabinet 'take care'

till I next see them.


Oops have just seen mention of 'pain in the big toe' under the subjuect of

gout - ho hum .... that wasn't intended as any direct reference, sorry!


Good to discuss the backgorund issues to healing many thanks







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Hi, Teresa - It will probably be a great surprise to you to get a reply after

all this time but things went a bit skewiff in the gubbins of my computer and

having decided to fiddle with my other email outlet, suddenly found a whole heap

of e-mails which I thought had been exterminated somehow, including yours which

I didn't even know had arrived! I think the thing about asking for permission

from the higher self is important for me because I used to have a tendency to

" know best " and rush to the rescue of everybody all the time. In fact, one of

my friends said in a very kind way once - and I've never forgotten this because

it did make me laught - that she got the impression that when I was healing

people, I'd grab them - metaphorically speaking - and snarl in their faces: " You

WILL heal, if it kills you! " . Yes, treating people can be difficult. I now let

people know I do healing and explain what that entails, and if they come back

that's fine and if not, that's fine too, it's their choice. I do know I tried to

send absent healing once, interfering again, and got a very strong message from

those involved to clear off (although it was a bit ruder than that!), so it

taught me another lesson. I have just remembered too, I did reflexology once

years ago on a lady who had bad foot pain. It came through that she had a very

dependent adult daughter but wasn't prepared to change the relationship, which

was okay, so the foot pain stayed. I asked her if anything else had happened,

and just as an after-thought, she said brightly: " Oh yes, I used to have

permanent ringing in my ear, tinnitis, but that's cleared up completely! " . But

she continued to be most unhappy about her sore feet. Ah well, you win some, you

lose some. Nice to hear from you and nice to find your e-mail this morning.

Love, Maureen.



Friday, July 11, 2003 2:22 PM

Re: [CrystalHW] stones for gout



Dear Maureen

Yes well I used to thrust my particular brand of healing onto folks whether

they needed it or not ! That is a joke I have used before, I have to say!!!!



Now I wait to be asked - if I see a situation where I could help, I offer

..... and then wait. If the offer is taken up fine - if not it means that the

time is not yet right, or it may be some other healing partner they need. (own

children gradually get given more choice in the matter as they grow and

separate! )


But I believe that the higher self is ....

forever present

does not take holidays

has benevolent intent (although that may include painful 'lessons')


So it is higher self who says ....whoa not ready yet.... or ahh maybe this is

what I have been waiting for....

if not being strong enough to say 'No' and being too influenced by others,

then that will continue until the point where s/he says Hey - i would like to

choose my own form of treatment

I always send folks my health questionnaire and practice information (which

outlines possible responses to treatment and courses of action) before

administering treatment. Some folks just want the pain in the big toe sorted


seeing it as a weeny part of the whole. Take the huge weight from the


and the toe feels better!! But there may of course be significant changes

necessary to remove that weight..............


It can be complicated treating people who ask for help, but are not there in

person. I have a friend who I have been treating by phone due to distance. I

need her to ring me at regular intervals for updates on progress. She doesn't

do that. Now professionally I have to leave it for her to contact me - she may

have decided to discontinue treatment (fine it is always the client's choice)

but she may simply have forgotten ? When I first started out I used to worry

about all my clients (being that sort of person!) most of the time. This is

obviously not good to do. It is the person's own responsibility for their


and for me to give them my best attention during our interaction (and then

have my own 'me' time ) I then do my best to let the filing cabinet 'take


till I next see them.


Oops have just seen mention of 'pain in the big toe' under the subjuect of

gout - ho hum .... that wasn't intended as any direct reference, sorry!


Good to discuss the backgorund issues to healing many thanks






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