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Meditation and crystals

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Not everyone makes clear separations between meditation, visualization,

journeying and visions and the distinctions are sometimes unclear.

Meditation is usually centered on

focusing and is not the same thing as zoning out or daydreaming though these

can also have value.

Meditation often opens the way for journeying or visions and may include


sensations . Guided visualization usually refers to a relaxation or

meditation form in which

one is guided through a series of experiences in a story like form.

There is also a file on meditation in general in the crystal workshop

pages .

Meditating with crystals is to use crystals in general meditation or

specific meditations to

enhance deepen or in some other way assist with the meditation.

Clear quartz and other crystals and stones have been used to assist and as a

focus for

meditation for a very long time . Just focusing gentle attention on a clear

quartz crystal can quiet the mind and help bring mental clarity for problem


When you have a particular problem take a few minutes to think about and

define the

problem then gaze deeply into your crystal. Just allow your thoughts to come

and go as

your mind stills you may find a solution if not when you end the meditation

just let the

problem go quite often a solution will pop into your head later .

Program single terminated crystals to help you meditate or to deepen and

enhance a

particular meditation form . You can program a crystal to help you reach

deeper higher

states of meditative awareness this is said to greatly shorten the time it

may take for you to

achieve these states (these may still take years ) These states are not to

be thought of as a

goal of meditation and if you meditate with a crystal for this purpose it is

advised that you

limit your use to about one third of the time you spend in meditation weekly


Other crystal programs could assist you with meditation such as programs for


or mental clarity and those to assist you in experiencing a particular

spiritual state or plane

such as bliss, or oneness with the divine, or unconditional love for


You can program a crystal to enhance any standard meditation such as the

diamond heart

meditation in the files or other meditations.

You can program a crystal to hold the energy of a particular Tarot card

or spiritual passage and hold the crystal while meditating on that card or


(Crystal programming)

Sit with or hold a crystal chosen to harmonize with the form of the


rose quartz or kunzite for love and compassion meditations for example,

citrine for bringing your personal will into harmony with your soul purpose

and recognizing that purpose ,

green stones and /or amber or shells and fossils for meditations on nature.

There are many lists of stone properties that will offer suggestions as to

appropriate crystals for directed meditations.

You may also use a crystal or stone as a focus to gaze on while meditating

Place the crystal at a comfortable distance so that you can easily gaze on

or into it

relax and gaze into the stone, when your attention wanders just return it to

the stone

if it feels natural after a few moments you may close your eyes and continue


if you feel tension anywhere take a couple of deep breaths and relax again

and continue

until you decide to finish by opening your eyes and gazing on the crystal

again .

Some people will tape an appropriate crystal to their brow to enhance


or place the stone in or under a headband . a string of beads or a pendant

could also be used. You may prefer just to hold a crystal or stone to your

brow for a bit and then hold it in your hand or in your lap or set it down


Clear Quartz and many of the blue and aqua and violet to purple stones

are commonly

used to activate intuition and spiritual connection but almost any stone

can be

meditated with, some more effectively than others . Some stones that are

not of value for you will be good for another person to use in meditation.

Generally it is a good idea to use your intuition to determine if it is of

positive value to work

with any particular stone at a given time this way. Do not use a crystal if

it does not seem

harmonious. Some people lie down to meditate and place crystals at the feet

and crown or at various points on the body often over some of the chakra


Many people like to sit within a circle of stones or crystals when they


On occasions when you find it difficult to calm your mind for a traditional


you might find a variation of an altar or mandala making form relaxing and


this is to take a large number of your stones and crystals and setting them

in front of you

then after taking a few deep breaths just move them around and form them

into patterns

before or around you this is a form of active contemplation which can be of

as valuable as

receptive meditations .

Crystal Haven

This combines visualization with a meditation, select a fairly large quartz

crystal and begin

with it in front of you or in your hands . Breathe deeply, a traditional chi

practice suggests

that women imagine the breath rising from the Earth and men imagine the

breath flowing

down from above. Gaze into the crystal breathing slowly and deeply imagine

the crystal

expanding and becoming larger imagine it growing to expand gently around you

so that

you are sitting within the safety of the crystal the light coming into the

crystal illuminates your entire being and fills you with peace and love,

stay within the crystal breathing in the light for as long as you wish then

allow the crystal to move away from you and return to its natural size.

Toning crystals are useful in any meditation form which uses sound such as

chanting toning

even listening trance and meditation music or drumming toning crystals often

look like small flatish laser wands but are identified because they help you

when you tone or chant perhaps by allowing you to hold notes longer or in

some other way.

You may find a pair of singing crystals often these look a lot like small

lazar wand crystals

when they are gently rolled together in your hands these would make a

musical bell like

sound that can help you enter meditation and deepen trance or visualization


Many of the crystal books have suggestions for stones to use in different


there must be well over a thousand suggestions for meditation with crystals

in the most

popular books alone.

some suggestions are

Celestite for Angel meditations

Fluorite can help with soul retrieval

rainbow garnet for monadic contact (the all knowing oneness)

Selinite for access to akashic records

Other stones reccomended for meditation include Amethyst, Yellow Calcite,

Celestite, Azurite, Labradorite, Chrysocolla, Blue Tiger's Eye, Lapis

Lazuli, Turquoise, Blue Fluorite, Quartz , Hawk's Eye, Apophyllite,


We have separated meditating with crystals from the practice of meditating

on crystals

Meditating on crystals is to meditate directly on the crystal to find

information about

working with them or for some other directly crystal related reason. This

practice is sometimes called Attuning to crystals and is very useful for

fammiliarizing oneself with the crystals energies and ways to work with

them .


Peggy Jentoft

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