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Gotta love those stones!

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Just thought I would share my little story with those that would understand

:) 2 nights ago, I felt compelled to lay down with some of my stones, as

with summer, we've not had much time to do anything. I grabbed a nice

chunk of Black Kyanite, a couple of crystal points, a fairly good sized

sphere of Sodalite, and finished off with a nice sized chunk of Black

Tourmaline. A little bit of history...I had 2 failed back surgeries a year

ago and am left in more pain than I was to begin with. I must have some

nerve damage somewhere as I am always twitching somewhere on my

body. Hubby grabbed some of his stones and we laid down for a bit. My

left hand drifted over to cover his right hand. I felt like electricity

was running thru my entire body! I asked him afterwards if he had felt

all of the twitches that *I* had felt.....and yep....it was not my mind

playing tricks on me :) When folks come into my shop that are attracted to

the stones I always ask if they have ever laid down with them. Most look at

me like I am nuts <G> But they always come back & tell me of their

wonderful experiences.....so let them think I am nuts for a bit LOL. Hope

everyone has a great weekend!

PS....any thought of stones to aid in getting rid of nightmares?


Chris Kelly

Ask me about my new MSM lotion for aches/pains!


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In a message dated 7/11/03 8:34:08 AM Pacific Daylight Time, Purrrdy




> PS....any thought of stones to aid in getting rid of nightmares?



The Egyptians used to put pieces of malachite under their children's pillows,

to prevent nightmares.




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, Chris Kelly

<Purrrdy@c...> wrote:

Great story about resting with your stones Chris! I will have to

give that a try myself. I looked up in Melodys book and for

nightmares she mentions Flint and Gold work well for them. She did

mention some other stones I have never heard of but these two are

the most common to find.


Blessings and Light,



> PS....any thought of stones to aid in getting rid of nightmares?


> Chris Kelly

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<<PS....any thought of stones to aid in getting rid of nightmares?>>


Citrine and Amethyst come to mind.


Sa Sekhem Sahu,





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lol most people do think your nuts if you really love your stones! i

have a headboard full and never sleep without one. will send healing

rainbow light if you like! i think it is so very awesome that your

hubby shares your crystal love! calvin tolerates my " oddness' but

doesnt participate! love and luck to you

dancing in rainbows



, Chris Kelly

<Purrrdy@c...> wrote:

.. Hubby grabbed some of his stones and we laid down for a bit. My

> left hand drifted over to cover his right hand. I felt like


> was running thru my entire body! I asked him afterwards if he

had felt

> all of the twitches that *I* had felt> Chris Kelly

> Ask me about my new MSM lotion for aches/pains!

> http://www.scentsappeal.net

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thats a wonderful story, its great that your husban appreciates your

beliefs. sounds like a very loveing relationship.


I myself have had a servre back problem since i was 16. and i had

nerve damage also. I was able to realign my structure, after years of

working with chiropractors. but they were starting to give more

problems than i went in with. which lead to actupuncture. whcih has

been a great success, and i only had , maybe, 12 visits. MOst of my

nerve damage was felt in my arms and hands. although i still get

those twiches all over sometimes, if im not watching my daily



I found that Kunzite, Malachite, and a special jasper

called, " Condor Fire jasper " work very well for me. IN helping ease

tension, stress, and that morning, roll out of bed. when your back

can be the most, out of wack.

When ever i have allot of tension in my neck, and no way to message

it out. I put that piece of Condor under my pillow before i go to

bed. and in the morning, im fresh and all tension gone.

thanks for sharing your story.



, Chris Kelly

<Purrrdy@c...> wrote:

> Just thought I would share my little story with those that would


> :) 2 nights ago, I felt compelled to lay down with some of my

stones, as

> with summer, we've not had much time to do anything. I grabbed a


> chunk of Black Kyanite, a couple of crystal points, a fairly good


> sphere of Sodalite, and finished off with a nice sized chunk of


> Tourmaline. A little bit of history...I had 2 failed back

surgeries a year

> ago and am left in more pain than I was to begin with. I must have


> nerve damage somewhere as I am always twitching somewhere on my

> body. Hubby grabbed some of his stones and we laid down for a

bit. My

> left hand drifted over to cover his right hand. I felt like


> was running thru my entire body! I asked him afterwards if he had


> all of the twitches that *I* had felt.....and yep....it was not my


> playing tricks on me :) When folks come into my shop that are

attracted to

> the stones I always ask if they have ever laid down with them. Most

look at

> me like I am nuts <G> But they always come back & tell me of their

> wonderful experiences.....so let them think I am nuts for a bit

LOL. Hope

> everyone has a great weekend!

> PS....any thought of stones to aid in getting rid of nightmares?


> Chris Kelly

> Ask me about my new MSM lotion for aches/pains!

> http://www.scentsappeal.net

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, " Shain "

<gemkoi> wrote:

Hello Shain,


I too suffer from constant back pain so I thank you for posting

this. I have not heard of Condor Fire Jasper before-is it hard to

find? Can you tell me how you use the stones on yourself-do you

just put them on the painful areas?


Thank you for this information.


Blessings and Light,




> I myself have had a servre back problem since i was 16. and i had

> nerve damage also. I was able to realign my structure, after years


> working with chiropractors. but they were starting to give more

> problems than i went in with. which lead to actupuncture. whcih


> been a great success, and i only had , maybe, 12 visits. MOst of


> nerve damage was felt in my arms and hands. although i still get

> those twiches all over sometimes, if im not watching my daily

> activties.


> I found that Kunzite, Malachite, and a special jasper

> called, " Condor Fire jasper " work very well for me. IN helping


> tension, stress, and that morning, roll out of bed. when your back

> can be the most, out of wack.

> When ever i have allot of tension in my neck, and no way to


> it out. I put that piece of Condor under my pillow before i go to

> bed. and in the morning, im fresh and all tension gone.

> thanks for sharing your story.

> Shain


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Hi Beth,


I refer to a specfic type of " Condor Agate " , as condor fire jasper.

these are its traights..

first off, a jasper with atleast 90% jasper. becasue condor will

always have both agate and jasper as a mix.

Secound, an intense deep red color mixed with black, but well defined

from black. Red and black are a common color combination with condor

agate. not always very intense like in this piece, but yet all colors

will be found in this wonderful agate.

last, my piece shows both sagenite along the egde of the stone.. and

a frozen " fire " pattern as ther center of the stone. which displayes

a slight blue color the the center.

heres a link to the three pieces i have.. which one i will not part

with , yet. But the other two i can part with. especially if you like

to trade stones for stones.




This particular condor is rare to the fact of an explosion that took

place inside this stone before it finished solidfying. What happen

was dictated by gravity and pressure. one certain layer is less dense

than the bright red layer, which traped the lesser of the two through

pressure, and began to slowly cool. Before its finsihed that lesser

dense layer, through gravity exploded through its upper layers,

releasing the pressure. produceing this flame pattern in the center.

I wouldnt call this a fortifaction agate, or banded agate becasue of

this expolsion that took place, ripping through those banded layers

and expossing the inner bands to the outer ones. which rarley happen

with " banded agates " this piece is being considered for publication

for next year, beacuse of this rare triaght.


I believe you will find that condor agate in general will help aid

in tension release with your back. but this particluar type is very

intense and has assited me with my back problems.. and i have had the

most sucess with it than any other stone i have received to aid in

this problem. you are interested in a trade for a piece of this,

please contact me privatly..



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