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Tiffany Stone info

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Hey Everyone,


I wanted to share a artical i haev finished, to so degree, about the

wonderful and very unusal stone. I would greatly apprecaite any

feedback, or crique on this information. I noe expert by any means.

but found a great deal of untaped info in the material.. and i am

just sratching the surface...

i will post photos, shortly



(This is a statement by Tom Muson, The mining director of Utah, and

by far the best description of what this Tiffany Stone is.)


Tiffany stone or opal colored by fluorite,etc. is really dolomitic(

dolomite) nodules found in a volcanic ash replaced by opal and

colored by fluorite and manganese. It occurs in the ore zone of the

Brush Wellman Mine west of Delta, Utah and is a product of a

chemically reducing environment gaining silica from the overlying

Rhyolite and the water from Hydrothermal activity. The purple, or

fluorite, comes from Spor Mountain fluorite vents, east of the mine,

and the remainder of the elements occur as trace minerals. The

radioactivity is merely typical of the whole Western Utah and is not

harmful. It actually is a benefit since it makes the stone

beautifully florescent under shortwave lamps because the short wave

excites the Uranium ions. The ore, bertrandite, is white and

nondescript and is approximately 1 percent silicated beryllium. It is

only found in this form in Utah. "


(From the geology info on this material)

Mineralized nodules (commonly called " beryllium nodules " ) show stages

of alteration by fluorine-rich mineralizing fluids. The nodules were

originally clasts of carbonate rock, incorporated into the beryllium

tuff during eruption. Carbonate rock fragments show the alteration

sequence dolomite-calcite-chalcedonic quartz/opal-fluorite. The

alteration sequence was deduced by studying the sequence of minerals

in a group of zoned nodules, and by analyzing the trace element

content of zones with a laser spectrograph.





Tiffany Stones go by many names: bertrandite (which is a misnomer

because bertrandite's a mineral of its own and only forms as 1% of

the stone), Opalized Fluorite (which is descriptive, somewhat

accurate but not inclusive), and among others, Ice Cream Opal.

Tiffany Stones only occur as various-sized nodules in the Brush-

Wellman beryllium mine in western Utah. The nodules are comprised of

Dolomite, fluorite and " opalized fluorite " (Dolomite/Ryolite

impregnated and covered by opal, stained by Fluorite), bertrandite,

beryl, quartz, rhodonite, manganese oxides, and other minerals.

Unfortunately for the jewelry world, most of them are ground up as

part of the beryllium extraction process - so, not only are they rare

because of their (sole) location, they're even more rare (and

consequently expensive) because so few of them ever " escape " .


The colors of this material will vary across the whole spectrum.

Mainly cool colors of purple/blue/white, but colors of red/yellow/and

black do occur in great abundance. There also pieces I have found

that show very slight green traces. This material will be both very

abstract, as well as conformed in basic designs. Some grades even

show druzy quartz, other grades show misty appearances. Most are

always brecciated, or broken looking, yet still hold together. This

material can fracture, because of opal content, but with the right

hand and patience it is easily cut and polished. The patterns are

primarily in a picture-esq., sense, although all kinds of patterns

will be produced. I have one that look like a petrified egg yoke, yet

others that are so misty and mixed in patterns that its a little to

much for most people. Still other samples have banded like patterns,

zoning patterns and single color zones. An even more rare are

patterns of Sagenite and poppy patterns that are produced, yet small

and difficult to see with the naked eye.

This material has gotten extremely rare just in the past year

because the mine is closed and they are crushing up what left in

tailing piles.


It is consider the rarest lapidary grade stone in the world. There is

a supposed new spot in Mexico (which I feel is premature) that is

producing similar material, but not nearly as nice as the Utah type.

All the minerals mentioned above, can and will pertain to the power

of this stone, but as one, and not as individual properties.


From what short info I have received from this material over the past

several weeks is that it is a stone of a " new " horizon.


I get a feeling of a gate keeper waiting for all who question today's

use of tolerance. This tiffany stone is a stone that spans all

chakras and opens and integrates them together. It gives a great

sense of being one with everything and allowing for deep grounding

into the earth's core. I see the roots of time with the black

manganese veining in certain grades. It is a stone that shows the

duality of life and duality in ourselves, as well as a personal

reflection stone that can see very " deep " into the mind. I have also

received an image several times of a " tunnel of light in open space "

which I interpret as a wormhole, where time does not exist.


I recently got a feeling of the term " Luvulite " , which one sagenite

piece expressed very intensely. Yet all of the ones I have now

listened to, have expressed this usage.


This term of " Luvulite, " means that this material is an evolved form

of the usage of " Luvulite, " which is commonly used in reference

to " Sugilite, " an intense purple stone. From what I have read and

seen, only high grade Sugilite with Manganese, is referred to

as " Luvulite. " Yet " Luvelite " is not a mineral term, but a personable

term. This term is defined as an _expression of personal love that is

essential to evolving the human condition. The stones embody love

through tolerance, due to its evolved form, which included manganese.

This stone will be very powerful in assisting humans to evolve to the

next age through love, I feel. This stone will help in association

for allowing one to better him/herself through experience in

tolerance, and reminds us of how perfect we are, through being

imperfect. Remember to rejoice to the world and everything it has to

offer.. let go of the past and embrace to future. Even if your sense

of the future is bleak.


I have received an image that keeps repeating and I feel it is more

personal than a trait of the stone. This image is the piercing of the

hand, in my dreams it has only been my left hand, which is not my

dominate one. From what I feel is the sense of healing trying to

break through and be released. This I feel is a personal reflection,

because I have been seeking my own healing powers over the last eight



This material is one of the best personal reflection stones I have

ever listened to and sensed. A lot of what I have experienced over

the past week has been my own reflection in the world. This material

shows a person's present form on this planet, very confused and

running amuck. Which is why there so many disputes about any name to

call this material. It goes as far as to express that we are a image

driven socoity and the need to read futher into this stone. Becasue

its the image i have received that we are just looking at the cover.


Tiffany and Co. and going as far as a lawsuit for people who try and

sell this material as " Tiffany Stone " . That's why when searching for

examples on the net, only a few come up under that name. Yet Opalized

Fluorite is used almost exclusively. Yet from what I have gained,

Those traights are the last stage of this material, and only make up

20%, though its over 60% Dolomite/ryolite. Yet many of folks go by



This only means that we are ready for this material to express its

dance with us. But most are not sure what they are doing, which I

have felt a great deal of, in myself as well as in a general cosmic

sense. Last night I lay in bed, listening to the stone, and all this

info I been learning, flying all over my mind. Which turned into a

name....... " Confusinite " a great teacher..


I know I have barely scratched the skin of this material and would

love to hear any and all experiences and opinions with this wonderful


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Guest guest

Fascinating Shain. Thank you so much. I'll probably have to read it

again to take it all in but I'll add it to my crystal directory that I

keep updated on my computer (personal use only).


Thanks again,




Shain wrote:


> Hey Everyone,


> I wanted to share a artical i haev finished, to so degree, about the

> wonderful and very unusal stone. I would greatly apprecaite any

> feedback, or crique on this information. I noe expert by any means.

> but found a great deal of untaped info in the material.. and i am

> just sratching the surface...

> i will post photos, shortly

> -


> (This is a statement by Tom Muson, The mining director of Utah, and

> by far the best description of what this Tiffany Stone is.)


> Tiffany stone or opal colored by fluorite,etc. is really dolomitic(

> dolomite) nodules found in a volcanic ash replaced by opal and

> colored by fluorite and manganese. It occurs in the ore zone of the

> Brush Wellman Mine west of Delta, Utah and is a product of a

> chemically reducing environment gaining silica from the overlying

> Rhyolite and the water from Hydrothermal activity. The purple, or

> fluorite, comes from Spor Mountain fluorite vents, east of the mine,

> and the remainder of the elements occur as trace minerals. The

> radioactivity is merely typical of the whole Western Utah and is not

> harmful. It actually is a benefit since it makes the stone

> beautifully florescent under shortwave lamps because the short wave

> excites the Uranium ions. The ore, bertrandite, is white and

> nondescript and is approximately 1 percent silicated beryllium. It is

> only found in this form in Utah. "


> (From the geology info on this material)

> Mineralized nodules (commonly called " beryllium nodules " ) show stages

> of alteration by fluorine-rich mineralizing fluids. The nodules were

> originally clasts of carbonate rock, incorporated into the beryllium

> tuff during eruption. Carbonate rock fragments show the alteration

> sequence dolomite-calcite-chalcedonic quartz/opal-fluorite. The

> alteration sequence was deduced by studying the sequence of minerals

> in a group of zoned nodules, and by analyzing the trace element

> content of zones with a laser spectrograph.

> ----

> -----



> Tiffany Stones go by many names: bertrandite (which is a misnomer

> because bertrandite's a mineral of its own and only forms as 1% of

> the stone), Opalized Fluorite (which is descriptive, somewhat

> accurate but not inclusive), and among others, Ice Cream Opal.

> Tiffany Stones only occur as various-sized nodules in the Brush-

> Wellman beryllium mine in western Utah. The nodules are comprised of

> Dolomite, fluorite and " opalized fluorite " (Dolomite/Ryolite

> impregnated and covered by opal, stained by Fluorite), bertrandite,

> beryl, quartz, rhodonite, manganese oxides, and other minerals.

> Unfortunately for the jewelry world, most of them are ground up as

> part of the beryllium extraction process - so, not only are they rare

> because of their (sole) location, they're even more rare (and

> consequently expensive) because so few of them ever " escape " .


> The colors of this material will vary across the whole spectrum.

> Mainly cool colors of purple/blue/white, but colors of red/yellow/and

> black do occur in great abundance. There also pieces I have found

> that show very slight green traces. This material will be both very

> abstract, as well as conformed in basic designs. Some grades even

> show druzy quartz, other grades show misty appearances. Most are

> always brecciated, or broken looking, yet still hold together. This

> material can fracture, because of opal content, but with the right

> hand and patience it is easily cut and polished. The patterns are

> primarily in a picture-esq., sense, although all kinds of patterns

> will be produced. I have one that look like a petrified egg yoke, yet

> others that are so misty and mixed in patterns that its a little to

> much for most people. Still other samples have banded like patterns,

> zoning patterns and single color zones. An even more rare are

> patterns of Sagenite and poppy patterns that are produced, yet small

> and difficult to see with the naked eye.

> This material has gotten extremely rare just in the past year

> because the mine is closed and they are crushing up what left in

> tailing piles.


> It is consider the rarest lapidary grade stone in the world. There is

> a supposed new spot in Mexico (which I feel is premature) that is

> producing similar material, but not nearly as nice as the Utah type.

> All the minerals mentioned above, can and will pertain to the power

> of this stone, but as one, and not as individual properties.


> >From what short info I have received from this material over the past

> several weeks is that it is a stone of a " new " horizon.


> I get a feeling of a gate keeper waiting for all who question today's

> use of tolerance. This tiffany stone is a stone that spans all

> chakras and opens and integrates them together. It gives a great

> sense of being one with everything and allowing for deep grounding

> into the earth's core. I see the roots of time with the black

> manganese veining in certain grades. It is a stone that shows the

> duality of life and duality in ourselves, as well as a personal

> reflection stone that can see very " deep " into the mind. I have also

> received an image several times of a " tunnel of light in open space "

> which I interpret as a wormhole, where time does not exist.


> I recently got a feeling of the term " Luvulite " , which one sagenite

> piece expressed very intensely. Yet all of the ones I have now

> listened to, have expressed this usage.


> This term of " Luvulite, " means that this material is an evolved form

> of the usage of " Luvulite, " which is commonly used in reference

> to " Sugilite, " an intense purple stone. From what I have read and

> seen, only high grade Sugilite with Manganese, is referred to

> as " Luvulite. " Yet " Luvelite " is not a mineral term, but a personable

> term. This term is defined as an _expression of personal love that is

> essential to evolving the human condition. The stones embody love

> through tolerance, due to its evolved form, which included manganese.

> This stone will be very powerful in assisting humans to evolve to the

> next age through love, I feel. This stone will help in association

> for allowing one to better him/herself through experience in

> tolerance, and reminds us of how perfect we are, through being

> imperfect. Remember to rejoice to the world and everything it has to

> offer.. let go of the past and embrace to future. Even if your sense

> of the future is bleak.


> I have received an image that keeps repeating and I feel it is more

> personal than a trait of the stone. This image is the piercing of the

> hand, in my dreams it has only been my left hand, which is not my

> dominate one. From what I feel is the sense of healing trying to

> break through and be released. This I feel is a personal reflection,

> because I have been seeking my own healing powers over the last eight

> months.


> This material is one of the best personal reflection stones I have

> ever listened to and sensed. A lot of what I have experienced over

> the past week has been my own reflection in the world. This material

> shows a person's present form on this planet, very confused and

> running amuck. Which is why there so many disputes about any name to

> call this material. It goes as far as to express that we are a image

> driven socoity and the need to read futher into this stone. Becasue

> its the image i have received that we are just looking at the cover.


> Tiffany and Co. and going as far as a lawsuit for people who try and

> sell this material as " Tiffany Stone " . That's why when searching for

> examples on the net, only a few come up under that name. Yet Opalized

> Fluorite is used almost exclusively. Yet from what I have gained,

> Those traights are the last stage of this material, and only make up

> 20%, though its over 60% Dolomite/ryolite. Yet many of folks go by

> Berandinite.


> This only means that we are ready for this material to express its

> dance with us. But most are not sure what they are doing, which I

> have felt a great deal of, in myself as well as in a general cosmic

> sense. Last night I lay in bed, listening to the stone, and all this

> info I been learning, flying all over my mind. Which turned into a

> name....... " Confusinite " a great teacher..


> I know I have barely scratched the skin of this material and would

> love to hear any and all experiences and opinions with this wonderful

> material.






> *

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Guest guest

Thank you so much for the information on Tiffany Stone, I purchased a

big lot of this stone a few years ago. I had no idea why but it just

spoke to me loudly so I went with it and once I got it home and

worked with it I fell in love. Smiles....... The color variations and

feel of it are just wonderful.

I do hope that all that are called to get some of it are as happy

with it as I am.










, " Shain " <gemkoi>


> Hey Everyone,


> I wanted to share a artical i haev finished, to so degree, about


> wonderful and very unusal stone. I would greatly apprecaite any

> feedback, or crique on this information. I noe expert by any means.

> but found a great deal of untaped info in the material.. and i am

> just sratching the surface...

> i will post photos, shortly

> -


> (This is a statement by Tom Muson, The mining director of Utah, and

> by far the best description of what this Tiffany Stone is.)


> Tiffany stone or opal colored by fluorite,etc. is really dolomitic(

> dolomite) nodules found in a volcanic ash replaced by opal and

> colored by fluorite and manganese. It occurs in the ore zone of the

> Brush Wellman Mine west of Delta, Utah and is a product of a

> chemically reducing environment gaining silica from the overlying

> Rhyolite and the water from Hydrothermal activity. The purple, or

> fluorite, comes from Spor Mountain fluorite vents, east of the


> and the remainder of the elements occur as trace minerals. The

> radioactivity is merely typical of the whole Western Utah and is


> harmful. It actually is a benefit since it makes the stone

> beautifully florescent under shortwave lamps because the short wave

> excites the Uranium ions. The ore, bertrandite, is white and

> nondescript and is approximately 1 percent silicated beryllium. It


> only found in this form in Utah. "


> (From the geology info on this material)

> Mineralized nodules (commonly called " beryllium nodules " ) show


> of alteration by fluorine-rich mineralizing fluids. The nodules


> originally clasts of carbonate rock, incorporated into the


> tuff during eruption. Carbonate rock fragments show the alteration

> sequence dolomite-calcite-chalcedonic quartz/opal-fluorite. The

> alteration sequence was deduced by studying the sequence of


> in a group of zoned nodules, and by analyzing the trace element

> content of zones with a laser spectrograph.

> --


> -----



> Tiffany Stones go by many names: bertrandite (which is a misnomer

> because bertrandite's a mineral of its own and only forms as 1% of

> the stone), Opalized Fluorite (which is descriptive, somewhat

> accurate but not inclusive), and among others, Ice Cream Opal.

> Tiffany Stones only occur as various-sized nodules in the Brush-

> Wellman beryllium mine in western Utah. The nodules are comprised


> Dolomite, fluorite and " opalized fluorite " (Dolomite/Ryolite

> impregnated and covered by opal, stained by Fluorite), bertrandite,

> beryl, quartz, rhodonite, manganese oxides, and other minerals.

> Unfortunately for the jewelry world, most of them are ground up as

> part of the beryllium extraction process - so, not only are they


> because of their (sole) location, they're even more rare (and

> consequently expensive) because so few of them ever " escape " .


> The colors of this material will vary across the whole spectrum.

> Mainly cool colors of purple/blue/white, but colors of


> black do occur in great abundance. There also pieces I have found

> that show very slight green traces. This material will be both very

> abstract, as well as conformed in basic designs. Some grades even

> show druzy quartz, other grades show misty appearances. Most are

> always brecciated, or broken looking, yet still hold together. This

> material can fracture, because of opal content, but with the right

> hand and patience it is easily cut and polished. The patterns are

> primarily in a picture-esq., sense, although all kinds of patterns

> will be produced. I have one that look like a petrified egg yoke,


> others that are so misty and mixed in patterns that its a little to

> much for most people. Still other samples have banded like


> zoning patterns and single color zones. An even more rare are

> patterns of Sagenite and poppy patterns that are produced, yet


> and difficult to see with the naked eye.

> This material has gotten extremely rare just in the past year

> because the mine is closed and they are crushing up what left in

> tailing piles.


> It is consider the rarest lapidary grade stone in the world. There


> a supposed new spot in Mexico (which I feel is premature) that is

> producing similar material, but not nearly as nice as the Utah


> All the minerals mentioned above, can and will pertain to the power

> of this stone, but as one, and not as individual properties.


> From what short info I have received from this material over the


> several weeks is that it is a stone of a " new " horizon.


> I get a feeling of a gate keeper waiting for all who question


> use of tolerance. This tiffany stone is a stone that spans all

> chakras and opens and integrates them together. It gives a great

> sense of being one with everything and allowing for deep grounding

> into the earth's core. I see the roots of time with the black

> manganese veining in certain grades. It is a stone that shows the

> duality of life and duality in ourselves, as well as a personal

> reflection stone that can see very " deep " into the mind. I have


> received an image several times of a " tunnel of light in open

space "

> which I interpret as a wormhole, where time does not exist.


> I recently got a feeling of the term " Luvulite " , which one sagenite

> piece expressed very intensely. Yet all of the ones I have now

> listened to, have expressed this usage.


> This term of " Luvulite, " means that this material is an evolved


> of the usage of " Luvulite, " which is commonly used in reference

> to " Sugilite, " an intense purple stone. From what I have read and

> seen, only high grade Sugilite with Manganese, is referred to

> as " Luvulite. " Yet " Luvelite " is not a mineral term, but a


> term. This term is defined as an _expression of personal love that


> essential to evolving the human condition. The stones embody love

> through tolerance, due to its evolved form, which included


> This stone will be very powerful in assisting humans to evolve to


> next age through love, I feel. This stone will help in association

> for allowing one to better him/herself through experience in

> tolerance, and reminds us of how perfect we are, through being

> imperfect. Remember to rejoice to the world and everything it has


> offer.. let go of the past and embrace to future. Even if your


> of the future is bleak.


> I have received an image that keeps repeating and I feel it is more

> personal than a trait of the stone. This image is the piercing of


> hand, in my dreams it has only been my left hand, which is not my

> dominate one. From what I feel is the sense of healing trying to

> break through and be released. This I feel is a personal


> because I have been seeking my own healing powers over the last


> months.


> This material is one of the best personal reflection stones I have

> ever listened to and sensed. A lot of what I have experienced over

> the past week has been my own reflection in the world. This


> shows a person's present form on this planet, very confused and

> running amuck. Which is why there so many disputes about any name


> call this material. It goes as far as to express that we are a


> driven socoity and the need to read futher into this stone. Becasue

> its the image i have received that we are just looking at the cover.


> Tiffany and Co. and going as far as a lawsuit for people who try


> sell this material as " Tiffany Stone " . That's why when searching


> examples on the net, only a few come up under that name. Yet


> Fluorite is used almost exclusively. Yet from what I have gained,

> Those traights are the last stage of this material, and only make


> 20%, though its over 60% Dolomite/ryolite. Yet many of folks go by

> Berandinite.


> This only means that we are ready for this material to express its

> dance with us. But most are not sure what they are doing, which I

> have felt a great deal of, in myself as well as in a general cosmic

> sense. Last night I lay in bed, listening to the stone, and all


> info I been learning, flying all over my mind. Which turned into a

> name....... " Confusinite " a great teacher..


> I know I have barely scratched the skin of this material and would

> love to hear any and all experiences and opinions with this


> material.

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