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Crystal attunement

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Hi, folks - Just over a week or so ago I had a CrystalDeva attunement and this

week an Imara Reiki attunement, both of which have appeared quite

synchronistically in my life as I've been having a huge clear-out. Janie

suggested I give some feedback as all this has had been quite a life-changing

experience for me. A while back I got quite bad pain in my right leg where I

have a plate from where I broke my leg and ankle a few years ago. I needed

anti-inflammatories to manage it at first but then did some self-healing but

received the most wonderful healing from Internet friends I've met here on this

workshop and on the fibromyalgia group site plus a friend in Australia. I also

felt drawn to use astrophyllite, a beautiful stone I bought in Scotland before

moving to Lancashire. It is a lovely deep bronze, translucent colour with

beautiful gold streak-like inclusions. As soon as I put it on my leg, I became

aware that this was about getting rid of old stuff that was holding be back.

Indeed when I afterwards looked up Melody, she talked of the stone " purging from

one's life that which shoudl be eliminated such that one can continue to both

develop and to progress " . With rest and the healing offered, I soon stopped the

anti-inflammatories which I don't like taking anyway, and I had also joined a

journallling site. I love writing and on this site I receive a weekly Tarot

reading and see how it relates to what is happening in my life. The first

reading was about my pattern of rescuing people, being the saviour, but not

looking after myself. It suggested time out to get healthy, let go of this

pattern and leave other people's problems up to the Light to sort out, rather

than wearing myself out clearing up everybody else's problems. I can't tell you

how this hit me in the guts, because it explained the deep exhaustion I get with

fibromyalgia and I could suddenly see very clearly my rescuer pattern, but also

because I suddenly realised I don't know how to look after myself.

Hooley-dooley, tough realisation that. Into this turmoil rode a cranio-sacral

therapist who, after treating me, remarked I was still trying to get grounded

after shifting from Australia to England, didn't feel supported by the Universe

and had a lot of grief and sorrow. Whoops, suddenly connected my leg episode

with talking to my father on the phone on his birthday and the pain turning up

two days later. All to do with grief at leaving him on his own, guilt, wishing

for him what I want not what he wants, and seeing this pattern so clearly for

the first time, plus coming back here and trying to heal family conflicts.

Masochistic, or what?!!! And into all this turmoil rode my CrystalDeva

attunement. It was lovely. I settled myself in with the big laser singing

crystal which really resonates with me, it has a channelling face and key, fits

my right hand to a tee, like it's come home to me (I did the same with my Imara

Reiki attunement) and went really deep for the first fifteen minutes. The

crystal vibrated really strongly during the attunement and I became aware that

it has come into my life to amplify my energies when I'm channelling, which

seems much stronger back here in England. I asked for the grounding shakti to be

activated during the attunement and got quite a pain in my right knee, injured

in an accident many, many years ago. This intensified but was gone the

following day. All of this is to do with my own self-esteem and not needing it

validating by riding to the rescue of others, and also, I realised, working out

the balance between helping people which I love, and ensuring a good energy

balance in the process - protecting my own physical energy but also assuring

that I receive adequate payment which I don't do at present, so I end up not

only physically exhausted but financially exhausted too. Added to this is to

reconnect with my male energy and get more practical - today I sat down to do my

accounts in an incredibly methodical way for me! I have also been letting go

every urge (and there are many which keep rising) to ride to the rescue, it is

so deep I find it incredible, I dip my toes into the " can I help you " waters,

and then whip them out again real fast! When the deep exhaustion cuts in, as if

someone's pulled a plug in my solar plexus, my connection to higher sources

drops too, and I feel that loss very much. It is really a period of reaching a

balance for me (yup, I'm a Libran too) but the clear-out has been amazing, and

all this lovely help from all quarters, a true gift from the Universe. I am

learning to pace myself, work out how to effect good, self-supporting energy

exchange and, I can tell you, feeling terrific in the process. So thanks to the

Universe for all the blessings that have come to me over the past three weeks

and thanks to all you fine women who have contibuted so generously to my walking

my walk, talking my talk and writing my write! Much love and rainbows,



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