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Austria's road safety solution: the Druids - by Michael Leidig

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Greetings Everyone!!

I hope this reaches you happy and healthy!! I got this in another group, and

thought some of you might find it interesting as well ...

Austria's road safety solution: the Druids - by Michael LeidigOttawa Citizen,

Sunday August 10, 2003


VIENNA - Druids have been brought in to reduce the number of accidents on

Austria's worst stretches of autobahn.


The Druids have put up huge roadside monoliths to restore the natural flow of

" earth energy. " After the huge pillars of white quartz were put up beside a

deadly stretch of road during a secret two-year

trial, the number of fatal accidents fell from an average of six a year to



Gerald Knobloch, who describes himself as an archdruid, used a divining rod to

inspect the 300-metre stretch of Austria's A9 highway in Styria and restore

" earth energy lines. "


" I located dangerous elements that had disrupted the energy flow, " he told the

Sunday Telegraph. " The worst was a river which human interference had forced to

flow against its natural direction. By erecting two stones of quartz each

weighing more than a ton at the side of the road the energy lines were

restored. "


The pillars had a similar function to acupuncture, he

said. " Acupuncture needles also restore broken energy lines. What

acupuncture does for the body, the stones do for the environment. "


Harald Dirnbacher, an engineer from the highway authority, admitted they

turned to Mr. Knobloch as a last resort. " We had put up signs to reduce speed,

renewed the road surface and made bends more secure, but we still kept getting

accidents. At that point we couldn't think of anything else to do and we

decided we might as well try anything. "


" I admit when we first looked at it (energy lines) we were doubtful. We

didn't want people to know in case they laughed at us, so we kept the trial

secret and small-scale. But it was really an amaizing

turnaround. "


Scientists are skeptical of the claims. " Natural sciences need evidence.

Whatever can't be measured, does not exist, " said Georg Walach, a geophysics

professor at Leoben University in southern

Austria. " These energy lines and their flow cannot be grasped or measured,

and their existence is therefore rejected by scientists. "


However, the motorway authorities are extending the Druids' role across the

country, paying them about $5,600 for each investigation - a fraction of the

cost of resurfacing the road. " Of course, the fall

accidents could be due to something else, as we are continuously repairing the

roads, " said Mr. Dirnbacher.


The Sunday Telegraph

Whelp all, I hope you enjoyed!! Have a wonderful day!!


Kim ~ fateofstones ~






Kim, Jonnie, Mina, & Podekine

~*~ A HAPPY FAMILY!! ~*~





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