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The Hermetic Laws are from Esoteric teachings and are one set of

explanations for " how It All works " here is a standard set of the Hermetic





1. The Law of Mentalism: The Universe is mental. We exist in the mind of the

All. That part of us which is deity makes up the world and everything in it.

''The All Is Mind; The Universe Is Mental.''


2. The Law of Correspondence: We exist in all planes, astral as well as

physical. Or rather planes independent of the physical.

''As Above, So Below;As Below, So Above. "


3. The Law of Vibration: Everything is in motion and vibrates with its own

rate of the vibration. ''Nothing Rests; Everything Moves; Everything



4. The Law of Polarity: Polarity = Power. All things are dual, everything

contains its opposite. ''Everything Is Dual; Everything Has Its Pair Of

Opposites; Like And Unlike

Are The Same; Opposites Are Identical In Nature, But Different In Degree;

Extremes Meet; All Truths Are But Half Truths ; All Paradoxes May Be



5. The Law of Rhythm: All things are in some way circular, spiral, cyclic,

and in order to function the best way, you must adapt to live in harmony

with natural rhythms. ''Everything Flows Out And In; Everything Has Its

Tides; All Things Rise And

Fall; The Pendulum Swing Manifests In Everything. The Measure Of The Swing

To The Right Is The Measure Of The Swing To The Left; Ryththm Compensates''


6. The Law of Gender: The law of polarity, applied. Everything has both

masculine and feminine components and energies. ''Gender Is In Everything;

Everything Has Its Masculine And Feminine Principle; ''Gender Manifests On

All Planes.


7. The Law of Cause and Effect: There are no coincidences, nothing happens

by chance. Everything is a cycle. For every effect, there is a cause, and

every cause is an effect in something else. ''Every Cause Has Its Effect;

Every Effect Has Its Cause; Everything Happens According To The Law; Chance

Is A Name For The Law Not Recognized; The Are

Many Planes Of Causation, But Nothing Escapes The Law.''



Peggy Jentoft







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