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learn to feel

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Hallo, I`m new to group, I´m also in so other group of Peggy Jentoft.

:) I`m Reiki Master and have some crystal. But can not feel some

deferents. For me feel Amethyst the same as an Onyx.

Andrew Braess

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Dear Andrew,


You feel the energy, and I personally don't feel anything different between the

two stones, energy is energy. It is the stones themselves that have different



Amethyst is best used with Malachite and best used to open blocked areas and

good for people with new spiritual awareness. I give amethyst to people who are

recovering from drug and alcohol addiction who are searching for their Higher

Self that they have lost through active addiction.


Onyx I use for grounding. When my energies are scattered and I am surrounded by

chaos, it helps me to keep centered.


The crystals all have their own purpose and sense of being as each of us do. It

is what we are lead to. I was told that a stone doesn't have legs because it

needs humans to pick them up and take them to where they belong.


Love Always,








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On 17.08.2003 20:42 JoAnne Kitchen wrote:


>Dear Andrew,


>You feel the energy, and I personally don't feel anything different between the

two stones, energy is energy. It is the stones themselves that have different



>Amethyst is best used with Malachite and best used to open blocked areas and

good for people with new spiritual awareness. I give amethyst to people who are

recovering from drug and alcohol addiction who are searching for their Higher

Self that they have lost through active addiction.




now know why buy great Amethyst. :) My contact to my Higher Self

is not the best and intresst in new spiritual. With Amethyst read about

in the a book about the Indigo Child.

Andrew Braess

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Hi, Andreas - Nice to welcome you to the group, it is a real delight. As for

what you feel from crystals, perhaps you don't operate by what you feel. If you

were to shut your eyes and just focus on the crystals, what inner message do you

get about their purpose? Do you hear any information or perhaps get a visual

image? Everyone works differently, so play around with your crystals and see

what works for you. It is our uniqueness which gives such a wealth of

creativity to the planet! You are you. Enjoy yourself.


Walk in peace and harmony. Maureen.


Andreas Braess

Sunday, August 17, 2003 6:14 PM

[CrystalHW] learn to feel



Hallo, I`m new to group, I´m also in so other group of Peggy Jentoft.

:) I`m Reiki Master and have some crystal. But can not feel some

deferents. For me feel Amethyst the same as an Onyx.

Andrew Braess




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On 18.08.2003 10:01 maureen DAVIES wrote:


>Hi, Andreas - Nice to welcome you to the group, it is a real delight. As for

what you feel from crystals, perhaps you don't operate by what you feel. If you

were to shut your eyes and just focus on the crystals, what inner message do you

get about their purpose? Do you hear any information or perhaps get a visual

image? Everyone works differently, so play around with your crystals and see

what works for you. It is our uniqueness which gives such a wealth of

creativity to the planet! You are you. Enj

>oy yourself.


Hallo Maureen,

in hearing or visual I´n normally do not. It cut be the I need only practice,

one of my problem is don´t know what is what should heppten. :) I have not so

the contact to higher being.

Sorry for me bad english.

Andrew Braess

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:) I`m Reiki Master and have some crystal. But can not feel some

deferents. For me feel Amethyst the same as an Onyx.



I wanted to share briefly on this, if I may.


I think that we all have the capacity to sense energy. I also think

that the way this capacity expresses itself differs from person to

person. One person may be able to feel this energy with their hands.

Others may get subtle visuals when they pick up different stones.

Still others may have certain memories come back, body impressions

surface, words or thoughts related to the specific energy enter their

head and heart, etc. For some there is an intuitive draw to a

specific stone spirit that may be non-specific beyond that point.


The beauty is that whatever capacity you have is perfect. Sometimes

we forget that everyone experiences things in a different way and

those that don't experience things the way most others do may feel

left out... which is not the case. The Mystery doesn't forget any of

us or leave any of us out. We each have a unique relationship to

energy and when we learn about our individual ability to sense then

we are able to honor that, deepen that and expand that in whatever

way possible.


Another key thing that I have found is that most often this sensing

comes as a whisper rather than a yell most times, so we have to learn

to listen carefully, to pick up subtle " whispers on the wind " as I

call them. That is another beautiful part about listening to the

energy of Nature - it refines us and allows us to fine tune our

ability to perceive.


I am a firm believer in the ability of everyone of any level of

experience to know and sense energy in their own way. Over the years

the level of listening and the specificity it brings may increase or

change in ways, but a simple Love for the stone spirits and desire to

know them more is enough to initiate listening. Perhaps a prayer to

your soul to help you open more fully to your unique style of

listening can help to turn up the volume ever so slightly on those

whispers from the wind.


In Love,


Caretaker, Crystal_Spirit group


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G'day, Andreas - I don't find I " feel " energy so much when I hold crystals, more

that I have an inner sense of knowing why I want to use them and what their

purpose is for myself at that time or for the person who's chosen them. If you

hold your stone in your hand, just ask to get an idea or a picture or a musical

note or something and see what happens. Just relax, and let it happen. Or you

could just sit there and scan your body and see how you feel when you hold your

crystal. Or see if you're drawn to put it on a particular part of your body,

and if you do, how does that body part feel with the crystal on? We're all

different, thank goodness, be a ruddy boring place if we were all clones of each

other, so just trust that how you feel about a crystal or how you want to work

with it or where you want to place it is right for you. It doesn't hit you on

the head, it's just subtle energy and if you relax and trust, what you need in

working with crystals will come through just fine. Just enjoy yourself and

they'll sing for and to you!


Love, Maureen.


PS - If you get stuck with English sometimes, I can get by in German or French,

but it's terribly rusty, I understand it better than write it now. Cheers. M.


Andreas Braess

Tuesday, August 19, 2003 3:09 PM

Re: [CrystalHW] learn to feel



On 18.08.2003 10:01 maureen DAVIES wrote:


>Hi, Andreas - Nice to welcome you to the group, it is a real delight. As for

what you feel from crystals, perhaps you don't operate by what you feel. If you

were to shut your eyes and just focus on the crystals, what inner message do you

get about their purpose? Do you hear any information or perhaps get a visual

image? Everyone works differently, so play around with your crystals and see

what works for you. It is our uniqueness which gives such a wealth of

creativity to the planet! You are you. Enj

>oy yourself.


Hallo Maureen,

in hearing or visual I´n normally do not. It cut be the I need only

practice, one of my problem is don´t know what is what should heppten. :) I

have not so the contact to higher being.

Sorry for me bad english.

Andrew Braess







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