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Horse Reiki / Newsletter

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Hello All,


If you're not aware that I publish an e-Newsletter you may view the

latest one archived on my site. This issue includes a great article

by Karen Mass, one of my students, entitled " Reiki for Our Non-Human

Brethren " . She is a certified Horsemaster, and licensed judge with

the U.S. Equestrian Federation and with several breed registries.

Here's an excerpt:


" As an equine bodyworker, a riding instructor, and clinician, I often

encounter horses that are in deep need of Reiki's healing

energies. Early in my life I found that if I could only " get my

hands on " a horse, I could ease it's pain, fear, anxiety or

distress. Reiki has given me a tool that allows me to act with

greater benefit to the horses that I find in need.


" The uses to which mankind subjects horses often lead to their being

injured on many levels. The physical body is damaged by the training

techniques that are used to enforce compliance to human desires, and

the subtle bodies are damaged accordingly. Many, many horses have had

to learn to erect " walls " around their mental and energy

bodies to prevent further damage. These walls, while protective, can

also block healing.... "


To read the rest: http://www.reikihelp.com/20030815.htm#article3




Oasis Reiki Institute


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Thank you for sharing this. I never tried healing horses but have done healing

on my sister's dog, which comes and sits beside me everytime I go there and on a

friend's dog whose leg was hurt.


I had a friend whose cat wouldn't eat for three days and although she is a Reiki

master (maybe there is something about not being able to do for your own) she

called me, and while we were talking the cat got up and drank.


For me spirit is spirit, human or otherwise, we are all part of the whole.


Love Always,







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Thanks also for sharing your story re horses. I treated a dog while I was up in

Scotland and he responded really well. As he was quite old, there was a limit

to what could be achieved, but his pain was eased and his spirits lifted.

Apparently he didn't like strangers but always gave me a warm welcome. He let

me know where he wanted treatment by shifting into one position or another, and

certainly let me know when he'd had enough as he'd simply look over his shoulder

as much as to say thank you and then get up and move away. Many people

commented on how much easier he moved, and it was lovely to be able to help a

pooch with so much lovely spirit in him.


Walk in peace and harmony. Maureen.


JoAnne Kitchen

Tuesday, August 19, 2003 1:15 AM

Re: [CrystalHW] Horse Reiki / Newsletter



Thank you for sharing this. I never tried healing horses but have done

healing on my sister's dog, which comes and sits beside me everytime I go there

and on a friend's dog whose leg was hurt.


I had a friend whose cat wouldn't eat for three days and although she is a

Reiki master (maybe there is something about not being able to do for your own)

she called me, and while we were talking the cat got up and drank.


For me spirit is spirit, human or otherwise, we are all part of the whole.


Love Always,






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