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Dear List,


Thank you for your responses. That article was by one of my students

in my ezine. I've one that I wrote about a direct experience with a

horse and giving him Reiki. " The Horse Named Blue " excerpt:


" I had done a Reiki demonstration and met many wonderful people who

were living the life of Spirit. Some took Reiki training, and one of

them, a nurse, called me for help with her horse. This whole

experience turned out to be very rewarding and educational. I saw

Blue more times than some of my human clients! He was committed to

his healing, as was his owner, L.


" Blue had broken his right shoulder. There was nerve damage and he

could not bend the right knee. In short, his right front side was

damaged. I had not been around horses or too many large animals, and

had never used Reiki extensively on an animal. L. and I first talked

by the barn; Blue was grazing outside, at a distance. L. was heavily

emotional and determined to heal her horse. She was using

acupuncture, ultrasound and bluegreen algae. She and her husband

owned two other horses. To her credit she had resisted putting Blue

down after the accident.... "


To read the rest: http://www.reikihelp.com/Articles.html#anchor4





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