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Supplements in the hands of the FDA ??

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Hello my crystal family, I am sending this to all three lists just in case

someone out there is not on all of them. Please it is not spam. The woman

who sent this to me is a naturopath in California. She helped me through a

tough time.. She is great. Wished she was up here in Oregon.. Anyway, this is

really something to take seriously...


> Subj:Supplements in the hands of the FDA ??

> Date:08/21/2003 7:38:42 AM Pacific Daylight Time

> <A HREF= " andrea " >andrea</A>

> To:<A HREF= " Andrea " >Andrea</A>

> Sent from the Internet





> <A

HREF= " http://www.drdavidwilliams.com/nc/FDA.asp " >http://www.drdavidwilliams.com/\



> Please read this article and take it seriously -- it happened in Europe,

> and, it's about to happen here.

> They're using the ephedra, for example, as an excuse to take away 'unsafe'

> supplements. Then, there'll be hundreds of others until eventually, all of us

> will need a doctor's prescription for something as simple as Vitamin E.

> They are being threatened by alternative health --' (they want the money..more

> money) !!

> Please forward this to all who care about keeping the sanity !! CALL YOUR


> Andrea

> Life Sources, Inc.

> Questions about chronic illness?

> Call 916-536-9930 or visit our website;

> <A HREF= " http://www.life-sources.com/ " >http://www.life-sources.com</A>









Mercedes Rose Herndon

Reiki Master/Teacher, Artist, Photographer

Designer & Creator of Silk Healing Scarves

Owner of " Just for You " Custom Cards

Coauthor & Publisher of:

" Loving Thoughts for Gentle Hearts; v. 1 - Goals, Dreams & Affirmations "






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> > They're using the ephedra, for example, as an excuse to take away


> > supplements. Then, there'll be hundreds of others until eventually, all

of us

> > will need a doctor's prescription for something as simple as Vitamin E


O.K > I do agree that there is a movement on to restrict herbal and other

health alternatives

in order to benefit drug companies and I hope that we can avoid the whole

sale banning of health supplements and herbals . I also am someone who is

severely adversely effected by even small amounts of Ephedra so I can

sympathize with calls for advisories on risks

though I am even more sensitive to blue cheese and you don't see anyone

attempting to ban it because it can kill . for that matter I would bet that

more people die each year from peanut products than from Ephedra and I've

seen no campaign to ban peanuts so I presume this is a profit motivated


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Re the limits on health supplements, my friends in Australia let me know after I

left that there had been a massive, orchestrated government/media attack on the

only really large-scale producer of alternative health products which also used

to produce pharmaceutical products for Oz. It destroyed the company and made

life really difficult for alternative health practitioners due to the hysteria

whipped up - the pharmeceutical market in Oz is pretty much dominated by the big

European and US pharmaecutical giants - with many health food stores and

practitioners in great difficulty. Plus demands for testing and government

regulation meant many alternative practitioners couldn't afford the exorbitant

costs and were driven out of business by the ever-tighening rules and



I think it also comes back to the problem of allowing governments to regulate

complementary medicines and practitioners. The experience in Oz was that they,

governments, were acting on behalf of the pharmaceutical giants and used

licensing to gradually whittle away at our free choice. Once completementary

health bodies accepted the idea of government regulation and bowed to it, the

goalposts kept getting changed to make rules ever more stringent. I don't know

about the US, but in Oz there was a big move to complementary medicine which was

seen as a threat to the prescription industry. It reminds me of the old

witch-hunt days. We are after all adults, able to make our own decisons and

bear the consequences. II feel that our own prganisations should regulate

ourselves, if necessary, but that also we need to equip ourselves with our own

intuitive healing abilities now that there seems to be quite a concerted effort

to undermine complementary medicine. Ah well, rant for the day over. Cheers,




Thursday, August 21, 2003 5:56 PM

Re: [CrystalHW] Re: Supplements in the hands of the FDA ??



> > They're using the ephedra, for example, as an excuse to take away


> > supplements. Then, there'll be hundreds of others until eventually, all

of us

> > will need a doctor's prescription for something as simple as Vitamin E


O.K > I do agree that there is a movement on to restrict herbal and other

health alternatives

in order to benefit drug companies and I hope that we can avoid the whole

sale banning of health supplements and herbals . I also am someone who is

severely adversely effected by even small amounts of Ephedra so I can

sympathize with calls for advisories on risks

though I am even more sensitive to blue cheese and you don't see anyone

attempting to ban it because it can kill . for that matter I would bet that

more people die each year from peanut products than from Ephedra and I've

seen no campaign to ban peanuts so I presume this is a profit motivated




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Snip [my friends in Australia let me know after I left that there had been a

massive, orchestrated government/media attack on the only really large-scale

producer of alternative health products which also used to produce

pharmaceutical products for Oz] end Snip


Dear Maureen,

I need to correct your information regarding the " attack " on the company

involved. The company involved did produce a significant amount of

alternative health products but they did not do so properly. The company

was involved in the biggest recall of products seen in any country not

because it was alternative but because they used unsafe work practices.

They failed to clean machines between batches - mixing non ingestive

products with ingestives. They falsified reports on standards with actual

amounts varying from nil to 30 times (or more) the stated amount. They were

caught out after several cases of severe bad reactions after people

hallucinated and were hospitalised for some days after taking a supposedly

safe travel sickness preperation.


Not only adults but children were affected by this company running amok.

The then director/51% owner of the company has a previous history of

fraudulent activity in it's production so they were no angels.


I am a student homoeopath and I know how bad the situation can be if

pharmaceutical backed incentives overtake the alternative world, but we also

need regulation of what is being produced to ensure that it is safe to take.

As they say - two sides to every story.




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Hi, Fi - Thanks for info, will check it out. Maureen.



Friday, August 22, 2003 7:39 AM

RE: [CrystalHW] Re: Supplements in the hands of the FDA ??



Snip [my friends in Australia let me know after I left that there had been a

massive, orchestrated government/media attack on the only really large-scale

producer of alternative health products which also used to produce

pharmaceutical products for Oz] end Snip


Dear Maureen,

I need to correct your information regarding the " attack " on the company

involved. The company involved did produce a significant amount of

alternative health products but they did not do so properly. The company

was involved in the biggest recall of products seen in any country not

because it was alternative but because they used unsafe work practices.

They failed to clean machines between batches - mixing non ingestive

products with ingestives. They falsified reports on standards with actual

amounts varying from nil to 30 times (or more) the stated amount. They were

caught out after several cases of severe bad reactions after people

hallucinated and were hospitalised for some days after taking a supposedly

safe travel sickness preperation.


Not only adults but children were affected by this company running amok.

The then director/51% owner of the company has a previous history of

fraudulent activity in it's production so they were no angels.


I am a student homoeopath and I know how bad the situation can be if

pharmaceutical backed incentives overtake the alternative world, but we also

need regulation of what is being produced to ensure that it is safe to take.

As they say - two sides to every story.







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