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Ebay stones

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I get stones from Ebay sometimes - there's a

potential to find such interesting ones out



Good luck!




From the Blooming of a Lotus:

“We are often exposed, if not first

hand, then through films, reading

material, and conversations, to

violence, fear, hatred, meaningless

infatuations. Society is full of

violence and hatred, which accumulates

in the collective consciousness. If in

our daily lives we do not know now to

abstain from damaging materials and

attitudes, the seeds of violence,

hatred and suffering in us will

continue to be watered. We need to be

aware of what we hear, see, and read

every day… Do our associations and

consumptions poison us?”

-Thich Nhat Hanh

Help the planet each day! It's free and easy:


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Hi, I've bought some beautiful stones through e-Bay, I just choose the ones I'm

attracted to and if there are no previous bidders. Then I know they're meant

for me. Hope that helps and you find some lovely stones. Maureen.



Friday, August 22, 2003 11:46 AM

[CrystalHW] Ebay stones



Hi I'm Crystal Wind, from Iceland and I'm new here :)


I was wondering if u guy's had any expirience of buying

stones/crystals on ebay ? I saw this lot and I'm really tempted to

bid, do you think it's safe?



ViewItem & item=2946524269 & category=19268


Thanx for your help ! :)


Crystal Wind




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Hi Crystal Wind,


I am youngdeer. I am from the Cherokee Nation in Oklahoma. Though

Arkansas is just a few miles from where I live, and there are tons

of roadside crystal locations across the boarder, I too enjoy

searching ebay for a good stone. I have had some real wonderful

treasures I found there. Make sure the seller has a good long

history of good transactions and you should be ok. Good luck






Original 16 X 20 Framed Acrylic by Youngdeer

is currently onsale on ebay.

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I bought two tiny opals and i am not sure what happened to them. either my

payment went wrong or they were never delivered. i dont use e bay any more.

aklthough you guys sound like you are having fun with them.








Just as the tree stands over time, may you too soak up earth's energies.




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, " crstlwnd "

<crystalwind@v...> wrote:

> Hi I'm Crystal Wind, from Iceland and I'm new here :)


> I was wondering if u guy's had any expirience of buying

> stones/crystals on ebay ? I saw this lot and I'm really tempted to

> bid, do you think it's safe?


My husband bought me a Sacred Geometry set and a Merkabah made

from quartz crystal on ebay. It was really beautiful and just what

I wanted.

There are some nice pieces available on ebay.

Check the feedback from previous customers before bidding!



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hi crystal wind

looks like a lovely lot! remember youll pay the 9.95 shipping ive

gotten lots of wonderful stone spirits from ebay enjoy!!

dancing in rainbows

dancing rainbow fairie bear


, " crstlwnd "

<crystalwind@v...> wrote:

> Hi my name is Crystal Wind, I'm from Iceland and I'm new here :)


> I was wondering if you guys had any expirience with ordering

> stones/crystals from ebay. Coz I saw this lot that I really would

> like to order :

> http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?

> ViewItem & item=2946524269 & category=19268


> Thanx for your help !! :D


> Crystal Wind

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Crystal Wind-


> I was wondering if you guys had any expirience with ordering

> stones/crystals from ebay.


eBay can be a great resource, but there are also some risks involved.

Often stones are not what they are advertised to be, often mislabeled

or incorrectly identified. Often this is due to a lack of knowledge

on the part of the seller, though sometimes it is due to a lack of

integrity and intentional misrepresentation. It takes a great deal of

knowledge to be able to determine if what is being offered is truly

what it is, but if you're able to do so eBay can be useful.


Also, you've already gotten good advice about checking people's

feedback and such before buying. That isn't foolproof, but it can be

a good indication of how past transactions have gone.


In batches like this that are often offered you may ask if the stones

are all natural or whether any have been dyed or otherwise enhanced,

if that's a concern for you. Sometimes what happens if they will mix

some natural stones in with enhanced stones, leaning more toward

those that have been enhanced in some way.


If you understand the dangers and benefits, eBay can be a useful

resource. As always, caveat emptor is critical. I am contacted by

people constantly that ask me whether something is what it is listed

as or whether something is genuine. You'd be surprised at the number

of times things aren't what they say.


In Love,


Caretaker, Crystal_Spirit list




Yes, I will be looking through my Gigs of saved data, but though I'd

ask the group for ideas about gemstones to promote 'willingness' in a

person's life to proceed along a chosen (healthful) path.



A few stone spirits come to mind.


The first and most immediate would be Green Jade. This stone spirit

carries a medicine to dissolve resistance, to allow us to examine

that which we're resisting and to understanding it more from a place

of heart centered Truth. When paired with Stilbite the duo bring a

sense of accepting what is, which will naturally generate a sense of

willingness to follow a healthy path if it is in one's best interest.

Green Jade also invokes the aid of our totems, allies, guides, etc.

and calls them to us, to assist us in our work and to help address

the resistance.


The next spirit would be Enhydro Quartz - Quartz with a water bubble

inclusion. The ideal expression of this would be found in a spirit

where the water bubble has a path within the crystal to travel,

rather than being a fixed water bubble. The aspect of movement

combined with the presence of water brings one into alignment with

the idea of flow, which relates to willingness.


On a related note the individual seeking to be more willing may

consider spending time in Nature near a river in its active, flowing

state. By focusing their attention and intention on the river a

resonance is established between the individual and the moving

waters, which can help carry our energy, consciousness and

subsequently our behavior to a more flowing state. The river and its

spirits also embody a medicine to moving around obstacles, of not

getting stuck when something challenges us.


Botswana Agate also seems to carry a relevant medicine here. These

spirits invite us to embrace life as an adventure, allowing us to see

the twists and turn as a part of the grand unfolding rather than

problems or difficulties. There is often an issue of motivation (of

the lack thereof) when someone begins a new path and Botswana Agate

meets us where we are - resistance and all - and cultures a sense of

genuine excitement at the possibilities, even if starting seems

difficult. These spirits do not eliminate the challenge, but rather

they invite us to meet the challenge with new eyes, an open heart and

a sense of adventure.


Ajoite in Quartz teaches us that we are free the instant we wish to

be free. As it relates to willingness these spirits that are copper

based invoke the shifting essence of alchemy to change that which

holds us back and reminds us that in Truth there is nothing that can

hold us back, that we need only choose to be free and we are, which

also includes the freedom to choose and embrace this new road. The

copper element is very important in this particular situation because

we're dealing with change as a requisite for balnce.


Lastly, Rose Quartz steps forward to remind us that we must Love

ourselves enough to make a choice that is healthy for us, that we

must value the goodness of that road more than we value the benefit

we get by remaining stuck in unproductive and unsupportive habits for

the sake of familiarity. While human beings tend to get themselves

wrapped up in their ego and the need to overcomplicate even the

simplest of things, Rose Quartz spirits teach us that it all boils

down a very simple message - choosing Love in each moment. We can

look at the situation from many different angles, think it to death,

debate it intellectually or bargain emotionally, but at the end of

the day it is as simple as choosing... and by choosing Love the right

choice is always made.


There are many other stone spirits that can support this embrace of

new roads willingly, but the above are what came to me as I listened

specific to your request. I hope they're useful in some way.


In Love,


Caretaker, Crystal_Spirit list


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