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Meditation Crystals

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Hi all,

My meditation generator is a five inch tall, two inch around quartz

crystal that has an Isis, a window, and a timelink. I hold this

crystal in my hand with my other hand over it. I hold it at my

Sacral Chakra.


I would be interested in hearing others favorite use of Crystals in

their meditations.








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Hi Youngdeer,


I am loving selinite right now, among other crystals I have gotten

off ebay lately. I have to say when I opened the box I was

disappointed. It looked like an ordinary peice of glass to me. I had

it next to me while taking a nap one day and Wow! I felt each

chakra " start up " for lack of a better explaination, up to my heart

chakra. It was wonderful, and after all the activity I was then in a

calm meditative state, (gone) is the word I use actually. The one

crystal I have that seems to have a calmer feel is a diamantina wand.

I have not meditated with it yet though, just kind of chilled with

the energy, powerful but smooth. So right now I'm just getting a feel

for my little collection and waiting for a grid kit I also ordered on



In Light,






> Hi all,

> My meditation generator is a five inch tall, two inch around quartz

> crystal that has an Isis, a window, and a timelink. I hold this

> crystal in my hand with my other hand over it. I hold it at my

> Sacral Chakra.

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Dear Byron,


First off I get the Tempest Stone for releasing and breaking up energy to bring

about change, but personally speaking, I find that anger is a great motivator.


My meditation stone is a piece of white stone that a friend received from Italy.

It was a gift, I don't know what it is. It is white, hard, probably has crystal

in it and yet it could be marble or limestone, it has a bit of a shiny glaze to



Love Always,







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I once was over whelmed with external forces, and i lay back and reached for

my snowflake obsidian which i obsess over. I put it on my forehead, and

relaxed deeply. It actually started to slowly move back and forth, either with


unconscious movements or actually just slowly pulsating (which I believe as it

was not moving to my breathing. It was at a different pace). It felt like it

was moving on its own. It was an incredible experience. As if it was " talking "

to any darkness i felt.




Just as the tree stands over time, may you too soak up earth's energies.




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Dear Oyster,


I wouldn't be without a snowflake obsidian. I gave a small piece to a man who

wife was dying of cancer. Everytime he saw me, he asked for a stone either for

himself, his wife or a friend. His wife passed away two weeks ago, and he told

me he had hung onto the stone I had given him to get him through it and he had

put it in her casket. He calls me the stone lady.


I told him if he ever needed a stone to just look around and whenever he saw one

that caught his eye, he was to pick it up because the Creator had put his name

on it. I told him the story about how stones don't have legs because they need

people to pick them up and take them where they belong.


Love Always,







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