Guest guest Posted August 24, 2003 Report Share Posted August 24, 2003 Dear list, Below is my own interpretation of the Mars-Earth Mother dance. It is very " tip of the iceberg " as there are so many other aspects that I didn't have time to thoroughly cover, but perhaps it will be of use in a general way. I'm unsure whether this post has made its way here yet, as it being distributed with permission around the world. I offer it for whatever inspiration it may give to those interested. In Love, Fabeku Caretaker, Crystal_Spirit list crystal_spirit/ <post> Dearest stone friends, I have been receiving an increasing number of requests from people to speak more about these changes, including the movement of Mars toward the Earth Mother and what this means in a spiritual context. I offer the following based on my own listening to this process and encourage everyone to verify the rightness of what is given for you in the context of your own life. We are living in extraordinary times. Life as we know it is shifting in ways that may first appear subtle but whose effects are being felt at all levels of living and loving. The Earth Mother is moving into MORE, shifting and expanding into wondrous levels of being that we have never experienced in tens of thousands of years. As She changes and grow she calls us to do the same, small tugs in our consciousness that inspire us to embrace these changes with the fullness of our soul essence to begin the Dance in this moment, fully present and in Love with the possibilities before us. It is true that the heavens and the Earth are moved in response to Mother Gaia's Dance. She has extended invitation far and wide and the response from all corners of Creation has been incredible. The signs and wonders of this unfolding are being given to those with the eyes to see, the ears to hear and the heart to receive moment by moment. Can you hear it? There is new music being played from the Mystery. As the Maestro approaches the Orchestra new songs are emerging. You are a part of that music. You are the instrument and the song together as One, the music and the dancing that is inspired. At this very moment we are experiencing a rare and exquisite communion with a celestial giant, a dance of epic proportions as Mars, the Red Planet, is closer to the Earth than it has been in nearly 60,000 years. The blessings, challenges and responsibilities that this presents to us are profound and incredible at once. THE ASTRONOMICAL DETAILS Mars approaches the Earth Mother most intensely in this month of August. It can be seen at various points during the month, but on August 27th at 4:51 a.m. CDT Mars will pass within 34,646,437 miles of the Earth Mother. In that instant the Earth Mother communes with Mars in a dance that offers a great moment of transformation for all of us and for the planet itself. During its close communion Mars appears larger and brighter in the sky than it normally does. Its increased heavenly visibility mirrors the increased presence it has within and around us all during this exciting time. THE ARCHETYPICAL MEDICINE OF MARS Those that know me know that I do not and have never practiced astrology. I know very little about it and so my approach to listening and sharing around this cosmic event revolves more fully around my own understanding of Mars as an archetypical medicine that is found in the world around us and deep within our psyche and spirit as well. The planets, like so many other things in Creation, relate to aspects of the universe within us as well as the universe around us – As Above, So Below. Their movement, medicine and dances in the heavens reflect the way their energies move within our bodies and spirits as well. To understand the meaning of this Mars communion we must first understand Mars as an archetype. The most immediate association people make with the red planet illustrates the relationship between Mars and the energies of war. While it is true that this facet exists within the medicine of this archetype it would be a mistake to limit its energies to that alone. However, since most people begin there let us too begin there in our exploration of this planetary and archetypical medicine. Mars, whose very color is a fiery red-orange, resonates to aggression and war-like instincts and tendencies. As an archetype Mars asks us to examine sources of aggression within ourselves, to see where fire rage uncontrollably or where we lose our temper and flew into rages. What can trigger a war-like response with you? Do you have a healthy grasp over your inner fire and the temper it can inspire? Are there fires that rage within us, either on an individual or collective level, that must be tempered in order to be balanced? Mars mirrors the aggression within us individually and as a species, which may be why many squirm in their seats in the presence of this archetype. For all the illusions of civilization that we have created over the years, sadly there still exists great wells of aggression and violence within the human species that is the cause of great suffering, sadness, loss and death across the world. Mars reminds us of that, never letting us escape the truth of what's within and challenging us to bring those fires into greater balance lest they become even more destructive. Often labeled as " bad " by people uncomfortable with the rawness of martial energy, Mars really represents the energy of fire in both its creative and destructive aspects. It is our relationship to and balance with and within this fire that determines whether it is productive or unproductive, protective or dangerous. Though it would be easy to demonize Mars as the source of uncontrolled aggression, only though afraid of their own aggression would go to such extremes. As with all aspects of life in this dimension there is exists a polarity of energies within which Mars operates. Mars is also associated with the expression of the will. In this way it is also a tricky energy with which to dance because in each moment we have the opportunity to dance with either personal will or divine will, both offering dramatically different steps to dramatically different ends. Personal will is often shortsighted and unable to perceive the big picture in our life or within life at large. Personal will is exclusive, failing to consider true goodness for both ourselves and others even though it can cleverly distort itself to appear to be in our best interest. By contrast, Divine Will is inclusive – allowing for our highest good while living in harmony with the All in each moment. Mars asks us to examine what will we're dancing to in each moment and to evaluate the way through which we're expressing the energy of will and drive in our lives. Archetypically speaking Mars embodies the masculine or yang element within all of Creation, that fiery aspect that moves toward the end with intense determination and drive. It is Mars that takes the seeds received in the sacred space of the Divine Feminine and brings them to fruition with intense focus, momentum and protection. In short, Mars guards the sacred seed to insure that it comes to fruition. In our interactions with the world around us Mars relates to being direct, clear, unencumbered even during challenging emotional times, able to express out Truth while honoring another's right to do the same. In an out of balanced state Mars will wage war against all that opposes its point of view, resorting to aggression over assertiveness and expression at all costs rather than standing as a Divine Sovereign in individual truth. Mars allows us to overcome fear with courage, the fire needed to move toward the end with the strength and intensity necessary to succeed in our journey. When this aspect of Mars isn't balanced within us the fear is actually what drives us into erratic and dangerous movements that take place blindly and within intensity. Returning to the concept of the Divine Sovereign, Mars holds the medicine to defend our inner spaces from those obstacles that seek to compromise the structural and spiritual integrity of our reality. There are times in our evolutionary process that obstacles enter the path and require our examination and attention in order to be removed and transformed. It is this capacity to clear the road that is found within the archetypical energy of Mars. In this way this planetary body stands as the protector of sovereign reality, a spirits whose medicine allows us to maintain that birthright at all times. Because Mars embodies the medicine of the individual and the push toward individualized expression this archetype calls for people to stand in their uniqueness and be counted, to be who you are fully and proudly. In a balanced state this quality allows a person to express themselves truly and to allow others to do the same. We find the honoring of soul essence deep within the fire aspects of the energy of Mars. Mars, as the warrior energy, holds the medicine of honor and truth. Within us Mars teaches us that to express ourselves fully and responsibility, even with all of our shortcomings and challenges, is honorable and sacred. There is no shame in being human and that we should not shame others for the same. Mars also teaches us that anger, in and of itself, is not bad or shameful, but that if we allow the anger to be expressed in inappropriate or dangerous ways then have acted dishonorably and should take steps to correct it immediately. For people who fear their anger Mars teaches the rightness of this emotion when we have a balanced relationship with it. For people consumed by anger Mars evokes the warrior within us to contain the fires and to control them properly. Another important aspect of Mars relative to anger is the fact that a true warrior looks for the cause of pain, including exploring deep within to find the roots of anger. This way we learn to respond to what is actually happening in that moment rather than reacting to what has happened in our past, compounding the intensity of our pain and anger by allowing what has been to creep into what is. In this way Mars speaks to us of necessary boundaries and of having the courage and strength to erect those boundaries. In alchemy Mars is associated with the metal Iron. Iron is the earthiest of the seven metals, the one with the closest resonance the Earth Mother and the earth element. Mars is also associated with the blood, both because of its color and because of the high iron content in our blood. Iron is also the only metal that aligns with the magnetics of the Earth, so there is a direct relationship between Mars and the magnetic systems of the Earth Mother. Finally the energies of Mars relate to the survival instincts programmed deep within all of life. Its red color resonates to the base central in the human body, the chakra where all survival instincts are found. In moments of individual or collective danger Mars calls to action those responses within us that insure our survival, that know when it is time to fight in order to stay alive. In this way Mars relates to the continuation of life on all levels. THE MEANING OF THE DANCE Through examining the above and through deep listening we can come to get a clearer understanding of the importance of this Mars-Earth Mother communion. The arrival of this communion is timely because the fiery energies of Mars bring purification at a core level for the Earth Mother, the collective consciousness, for us as a global family and for all kingdoms of Creation. First, Mars approaches the Earth Mother to help release the unbalanced and destructive old world Warrior archetype, focused on domination, aggression, brute force, submission, invasion and wanton destruction. This archetype that exists within the collective mind to which we're all connected and within the very cells of our bodies is responsible for destruction on a global scale, destruction that has impacted all levels of Creation. As the Earth Mother moves toward MORE, toward a greater expression of divinity, it is necessary to release the confines the old world Warrior archetype places on us. In its place the new world archetype of the Spiritual Warrior or Peaceful Warrior emerges. It is this new archetype that embodies the qualities of protection, honoring the sovereignty of all, the commitment to expressing one's soul essence and the capacity to maintain the Truth of one's soul essence without infringing on the Truth of another. If we examine the events in recent years it is painfully obvious the devastating impact the old world Warrior archetype has had on us and our global family. The costs far outweigh benefits gained through operating from this place of unbalanced and unchecked aggression. The Earth Mother is calling for something more, something new. The answer is being given by and through this communion with Mars. As we approach the changes ahead we are being called to be Peaceful Warriors, people that embody the unwavering commitment to living from our Truth and our divinity, of maintaining the boundaries of that reality and honoring the boundaries of the realities maintained by others around us as well, even those whose reality differs from our own. The Mars-Earth communion awakens within us the blueprint of the Peaceful Warrior, inviting us to take a stand for what we know to be Truth within our hearts, even if the world around us seems to be affirming other things as being true. We cannot and should not waver from holding tight to our Truth because the more of us that affirm the divinity within us and within All as true reality, the faster and greater this will find expression in the world at large. We are, in a sense, being called to the visionkeepers of a new world, those souls so clearly dedicated to the emerging divinity within us and within the Earth Mother that we hold tight to that reality at all times and affirm the Truth of that with all that we do. By so doing we not only make it easier for others to do the same, but we make it easier for the Earth Mother to embrace the fullness of Her divinity and the greatness of Her destiny as well. In a related way the dance of Mars and the Earth Mother is also calling forth the presence of spirits to stand as visionkeepers for the Earth Mother and Her process, which includes our own evolutionary movement forward. These spirits have come to stand guard to what is unfolding, to protect the delicate flower as it first emerges and before it gains its own strength. These spirits may be found through our totem spirits, the stone spirits, our guides and teachers and are here in support of the process we're all engaged in at this very moment. The Mars-Earth communion is also taking place to address deeply held anger stored in the recesses of both personal and planetary reality. Over the centuries our bodies have become programmed with a certain degree of anger and aggression that have changed our very relationship with life on all levels. This constant resonance of anger passed from generation or generation through the cells in our bodies has a profound yet often unnoticed impact on our consciousness, our body and our spirit. As the Earth Mother dances with Mars in this communion there is a call to release anger, to open up the prison cells within us and around us so that pent up anger may be released and transformed. The fiery red giant approaches us, drawing nearer to us, to express a willingness to absorb this anger and to draw it back into the heart of the Universe to be transformed and release. This is a time of liberation. At no point in the past 60,000 years have we been given a greater opportunity to liberate ourselves from the cycles of destructive anger both as individual and as a global family. The Earth Mother has been working so hard over the past weeks and months to cleanse the energies of destructive anger from Her matrix and a key part of that release requires us to examine our own lives, patterns and behaviors and liberate ourselves from this destructive expression of anger. Earth healing is individual healing. Individual healing is Earth healing. The more we release from our own lives, the more others may release from their lives and the more the Earth Mother can release Herself. Spend time reflecting on your own relationship to anger. A person afraid to express anger and a person that flies into uncontrollable rages are equally controlled by the martial energy. Now is the time to establish right relationship with anger, to work toward the release of destructive anger from the cells of our bodies and the music of our lives. Mars has approached to make this easier and to offer us the energy necessary to evoke this transformation. Another medicine being gifted to us by the communion of Mars and the Earth Mother is the medicine of patience. Just as iron is slowly heated and cooled on the forge while it is painstakingly shaped into its final form, so too are we being shaped on the forge of the Mystery – tempered and being made stronger, reshaped and being recreated into new and more incredible forms. This process isn't fast and isn't always without challenge. However, it is not the presence of challenges that determines our success, but rather the spirit through which we address the challenges and the strength with which we hold to what we know is true even when the illusions around us make it seem otherwise. This dance of the red giant and the Earth Mother opens a spectrum of patience for all who seek to go the course yet require the requisite patience to continue on the path even during trying times. In moments where the process seems overwhelming, reach out and call upon the patience that is there in each moment. We're experiencing tremendous growing pains these days and patience is the medicine necessary to maintain focus and motivating as we grow and expand. With iron many tools have been created over the centuries. One tool often forged from iron is the blade, a weapon whose symbolism speaks to us at many levels in these times. Though sometimes seem exclusively as an instrument of violence, the blade is also an instrument of protection, revelation and compromise. In order to appreciate the medicine of the Mars-Earth dance we should spend a moment studying the medicines expressed through the blade. As an instrument of protection the blade can be used to defend the boundaries of our Truth against the illusions and " inner demons " that seek to compromise our relationship to this Truth. When these inner challenges rise up, as they often do especially during moments of intense change, the blade can be used to dissect them into both smaller pieces and truer forms of expression. When we're approached by things that seem overwhelming due to their size or intensity, the blade allows us to reduce them to smaller, more manageable sizes that can be dealt with properly. The blade also allows us to slay the illusions within us that hinder the expression of our divinity. These untruths can be laid open through the presence of the blade, revealed as illusions and then discarded from our life. Imagine taking everything within you that says you're unworthy, unloved, insignificant or incapable and sacrificing these lies with the blade of Truth. How much different would your life be if you never thought one of these thoughts or felt the associated painful emotions ever again? Mars dancing with the Earth Mother places the blade of Truth of our soul essence in our hands and gives us the capacity to destroy these illusions in powerful and meaningful ways, in support of transforming our lives and our planet into MORE. The blade also carries the medicine of compromise rather than arguing within its symbolic matrix. There is an African tale of a martial deity named Ogun that comes upon two fishermen fighting over a fish at the banks of a river. The two men are warring intensely with one another, fighting about which person caught the fish. They recoiled with intimidation when they say Ogun coming over the hill and raising his sword. Fearing that they would be killed for fighting over such foolish things the men closed their eyes. Ogun asked the men to hand the fish to him and bringing his sword to the earth her cut the fish in two and gave one half to each man. He told them to stop fighting, to learn the blessings of compromise and to both go home and feast well. The message is that in these days we needn't stand nose to nose fighting about reality, but rather can compromise in a way that allows everyone to be who they are, to believe what they believe and to still feast well at the end of the day. The blade needn't only be an instrument of violence, as clearly illustrated by the above story, but can also be an instrument for waging peace between warring parties through compromise. The same applies to our internal reality, those aspects of self that argue and fight against one another. The blade is a spiritual tool that allows us to sever the fighting between the aspects of self and to allow them all to exist together as facets of our wholeness. The more we move toward the expression of our divinity the more certain parts of ourselves react differently. Some parts may not be used to this divine expression and may try to convince us that it isn't true. Other parts may be thrilled that we're recognizing our own sacredness and may seek to rush forward. It can feel like a contradiction or realities and, in Truth, it is all a part of the same process. There is no need to allow this conflict to fester within, because both parts may exist peacefully and be honored for the feelings and ideas that they each hold. Another thing sadly forged from iron were shackles that enslaved countless numbers of people and took them forcibly from the native lands. The energy of slavery still exists in many ways on this planet, including those beliefs, ideas, habits and practices in our own lives that still enslave us. Mars and Earth have entered into a dance together to break the shackles from our bodies and our spirits, to liberate us from the issues that enslave us and keep us from living our life from the light of our soul essence. This dance gives us a very powerful opportunity to offer up all that enslaves us to the fiery energies of Mars in order to free ourselves in meaningful and potent ways. Take a moment to reflect on those things that still enslave you. They may be limiting beliefs, fear, self-doubt, giving your power away to people outside yourself, failure to recognize your own beauty and miraculous nature, fear of living from your divinity because of what others may thing, a laziness to do the work required, etc. Now is the hour to offer these things to Mars with the request that you have the fire and energy necessary to remove them from your life once and for all. It is important to remember that while there is enormous support for our liberation at this time even the most potent opportunity will not do the work for us. It is important to assume responsibility for our personal liberation and embrace it with the degree of work required to make it so. STONE SPIRITS TO SUPPORT THE DANCE As always, the stone people respond in amazing ways to the shifts, challenges and opportunities that face us all in these days. They remind us that we're never alone and that there is abundant support available to us all in each moment. There are a number of other spirits that I am listening to at present, but the four that have stepped forward strongly are Hematite, Pyrite, Mochi Marbles and the Chinese Red Phantom Quartz. The stone spirits of Hematite anchor us more fully in our Truth, give us strength and patience in the process of forging and serve to mirror our Truth back to us in moments where we temporarily forget. They remind us that our destiny is strong and unshakable and renew our commitment to the realization of both our individual destiny and the destiny of the Earth Mother and all of her inhabitants. In this specific dance Hematite embodies Elk medicine. Pyrite steps forward to help us separate Truth from illusion and encourages us to development the discernment to realize that all that glitters isn't gold. These stone spirits allow us to find our own path to our destiny more fully and encourage us to find the fire within rather than relying on things and people outside of ourselves. They ask us to engage responsibility with both the personal and planetary process of transformation, realizing that some popular practices are not rooted in safe, responsible or effective realities. They help us to recognize what is true and effective for us and for our participation in the transformation of the Earth Mother. Pyrite, in the dance between Mars and the Earth Mother, embodies Golden Eagle medicine. Mochi Marbles connect us with our Ancestors, those that have gone before us and who keep the wisdom of the ages in their care. The way forward is by stepping back to a time when people honored their Ancestors and recognized the healing and transformative power held in the Ancestral realm. The Mochis reconnect us with the wisdom keepers our physical and spiritual lineage, allowing us to work respectfully with them as we grow and expand into MORE. Further, Mochis embody a spiraling energy that gentle aligns us with the MORE that is emerging upon and within the Earth Mother, easing the transition process and filling it with quiet joy and sweet Love. There is also a cleansing aspect of the Mochis that allow the old to fall away with Grace while the new emerges within and around us. In this context Mochi Marbles embody the energy and mysteries of the Womb. The Chinese Red Phantom Quartz engages the new archetype of the Spiritual or Peaceful Warrior as discussed above. These spirits attune us to our inner reality to help us discover what must be transformed in order for us to move in harmony with the Earth Mother as she is expanded through Her dances with Mars. This spirit gives us the courage to move in the world with a steadfast commitment to Truth and transformation. Chinese Red Phantom Quartz evokes the fire energy necessary to release destructive patterns of anger and to liberate ourselves from illusions and that which enslaves us. Chinese Red Phantom Quartz embodies the archetype of the Peaceful Warrior. IN CONCLUSION Everyone will have a unique relationship to the dance between Mars and the Earth Mother and yet we all share a common transformative process of release, liberation and reorientation to new, more divine and more magnificent spiritual vistas. Whether you are inspired to co- create personal rituals to align yourself with the energies and medicines revealed to us at this time or called to reflect quietly on what's before us in the moment, your heart will show you the road to dancing perfectly with the energies of the Now. These are truly extraordinary, extraordinary times… I hope the above has been useful in some small way. In Love, Fabeku PS> This is a rough draft that hasn't been proofed for typos and such, but given the high degree of interest in this subject and its time sensitive nature I have decided to share it with the list " as is " . Please forgive any glaring typographical errors in the text. 2003 dancing dragonfly. This document may be freely distributed so long as it is not sold, altered in any way and still retains this copyright notice in full. Fabeku can be reached at baba or contacted through the Crystal_Spirit list found at crystal_spirit. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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