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Removing Spirits with Crystals

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In a message dated 26/8/03 11:25:28,



<< Has anyone tried using crystals to clear


spirits? Any suggestions? >>


Hello Jeremy

I regularly use a pendulum to remove negative energy from a house and replace

with positive energy.

I ground and protect myself then ask if there is negative energy in a room /

house. I find I don't need to be in the room or house when I do this. If

the response is a yes, then I ask if the negative energy can be cleared and

then replaced with positive energy. The pendulum continues its movements until

it is completed.

I don't know if this will work with a spirit.

If I have a negative entity I use the Dove of Shekinah and a ceremony which

removes the entity.


Love, Light & Laughter ~ Diane xx

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What is the Dove of Shekinah? I'm not familiar with it and was hoping you'd fill

me (and everyone here) in on it and how it works. Thanks...


Brightest Blessings,





dithomas52 wrote:


In a message dated 26/8/03 11:25:28,



<< Has anyone tried using crystals to clear


spirits? Any suggestions? >>


Hello Jeremy

I regularly use a pendulum to remove negative energy from a house and replace

with positive energy.

I ground and protect myself then ask if there is negative energy in a room /

house. I find I don't need to be in the room or house when I do this. If

the response is a yes, then I ask if the negative energy can be cleared and

then replaced with positive energy. The pendulum continues its movements until

it is completed.

I don't know if this will work with a spirit.

If I have a negative entity I use the Dove of Shekinah and a ceremony which

removes the entity.


Love, Light & Laughter ~ Diane xx




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I believe my house has lots of negative energy,

because of the people that used to live before here. I

would like to know where could I get a pendulum, and

how do I get to remove the negative vibes. Also what

other rituals would you recommend me. I look forward

hearing form you. Regards,




--- dithomas52 wrote:


> In a message dated 26/8/03 11:25:28,


> writes:


> << Has anyone tried using crystals to clear


> spirits? Any suggestions? >>


> Hello Jeremy

> I regularly use a pendulum to remove negative energy

> from a house and replace

> with positive energy.

> I ground and protect myself then ask if there is

> negative energy in a room /

> house. I find I don't need to be in the room or

> house when I do this. If

> the response is a yes, then I ask if the negative

> energy can be cleared and

> then replaced with positive energy. The pendulum

> continues its movements until

> it is completed.

> I don't know if this will work with a spirit.

> If I have a negative entity I use the Dove of

> Shekinah and a ceremony which

> removes the entity.


> Love, Light & Laughter ~ Diane xx









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In a message dated 8/27/2003 3:23:17 AM Pacific Daylight Time,



Hi Diane and others!

I'm wondering -- do you know anything about using Crystals (or any other

Ceremony, etc) for ridding and keeping gone bad energy (rape/invading space)

from a neighbor. He's states openly to all that he's psychotic. He's angry

with me for keeping cat food out for whatever hungry cats may eat -- and while

I was on vacation, he killed 5 of the strays. He doesn't work. Is on

disability. Is mean and has alot of energy to harrass me and my dog. I've had

chronic fatique (just recovering) and don't need to be wasting my energy fending

off his crap.

Thanks, Tami



> Hello Jeremy

> I regularly use a pendulum to remove negative energy from a house and

> replace

> with positive energy.

> I ground and protect myself then ask if there is negative energy in a room /


> house. I find I don't need to be in the room or house when I do this. If


> the response is a yes, then I ask if the negative energy can be cleared and

> then replaced with positive energy. The pendulum continues its movements

> until

> it is completed.

> I don't know if this will work with a spirit.

> If I have a negative entity I use the Dove of Shekinah and a ceremony which

> removes the entity.


> Love, Light & Laughter ~ Diane xx






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Hi, Tami - It is so stressful having conflict with neighbours, isn't it? I

offer the following from my own experience and hopefully others will have other

ideas - the key is to see what resonates with you and feels right for you.


Firstly, perhaps your neighbour is angry because he is ill, in pain and has lost

his job. In our society, so many of us rely on our job for our sense of

identity and self-esteem. So instead of anger, perhaps you could start with

sending him love and forgiveness as there may be circumstances in his life you

don't understand.


Secondly, whatever you do energy-wise to protect yourself, do it under grace in

a perfect way, or in your highest interests, your neighbour's highest interests

and the universe's highest interests. You don't want to send back energy and

have it deflected to the neighbour to make his worse or re-direct it to someone



Focus on your intentions - to protect yourself and work with the Light in so

doing - and ask yourself which of your crystals is calling to you to work with

you in this undertaking - it could be one or many. If you don't feel any of your

crystals is right, perhaps you could ask for the right crystal to come into your

life - perhaps at your local crystal store or someone might offer you one or on

e-Bay (check references of the seller). After you've selected your crystals,

ask again how they can help you and listen to whatever comes up for you in

response and trust it.


If you want additional suggestions: keep sending love and kindness to your

neighbour, it may be hard, but practice makes perfect. Doesn't mean you have to

rush up and give lots of hugs and maybe cop a walloper in the kisser! Just

visualise sending these energies, or feel, or send colours, however it works

with you, and image this person surrounded by a pale pink bubble of

unconditional love. You can picture yourself as a beacon of Light, powered by

the Light, radiating out a protective shield of light around your property. You

could visualise a set of mirrors on the edge of your property reflecting back

negative energies, again under grace in a perfect way so you don't send back

harm to anyone. You could ask for angelic assistance to protect you and

visualise four Archangels on guard on the corners of your property. Or bring in

your ancestors to protect you, or your guardian angel, or other beings of Light

which can bring in protective energies.


On the other hand, it is important to take responsibility for yourself by

protecting your energy field - see yourself surrounded by a sphere of light and

firm up that auric shield however you feel comfortable with. Visualise a

lovely, bright sun radiating from your solar plexus, as this is where you get

your energy drained. I am also thinking of using some orange essential oil on

your sacral chakra to bring some joy and brightness back into you after feeling

so drained.


After all that, one of the nicest ways is to hand your problem over to the

Universe, angels and your guides and ask for it to be dealt with in the highest

way possible, for the good of all. Works a treat!


Anyway, these are only suggestions and I hope they help in some way and help you

bring peace and harmony into your life. Love and rainbows to you and over your

home. Maureen.




Thursday, August 28, 2003 12:16 AM

[CrystalHW] Re: Removing Spirits with Crystals



In a message dated 8/27/2003 3:23:17 AM Pacific Daylight Time,



Hi Diane and others!

I'm wondering -- do you know anything about using Crystals (or any other

Ceremony, etc) for ridding and keeping gone bad energy (rape/invading space)

from a neighbor. He's states openly to all that he's psychotic. He's angry

with me for keeping cat food out for whatever hungry cats may eat -- and while

I was on vacation, he killed 5 of the strays. He doesn't work. Is on

disability. Is mean and has alot of energy to harrass me and my dog. I've


chronic fatique (just recovering) and don't need to be wasting my energy


off his crap.

Thanks, Tami



> Hello Jeremy

> I regularly use a pendulum to remove negative energy from a house and

> replace

> with positive energy.

> I ground and protect myself then ask if there is negative energy in a room /


> house. I find I don't need to be in the room or house when I do this. If


> the response is a yes, then I ask if the negative energy can be cleared and

> then replaced with positive energy. The pendulum continues its movements

> until

> it is completed.

> I don't know if this will work with a spirit.

> If I have a negative entity I use the Dove of Shekinah and a ceremony which

> removes the entity.


> Love, Light & Laughter ~ Diane xx





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Thanks Maureen!!


I think it's the hardest thing in the world to send love to someone you

despise -- who's killed your pets and tormented you with a barrage of

harrassing energy.


That said, I appreciate the advice about finding the perfect crystal and

am printing all your suggestions and planning to calmly read them --

trying to put them into action. (I'm also thinking about moving, altho

if the angels/universe would help -- it'd be alot easier to stay and have

their help!!)


I appreciate all the wonderful advice and that rainbow of energy you

sent!! Blessings and Thanks!!


Light Love Hugs, Tami and Bub




> " maureen DAVIES " <maureen

> Re: Re: Removing Spirits with Crystals


> Hi, Tami - It is so stressful having conflict with neighbours, isn't it? I

> offer the following from my own experience and hopefully others will have

> other ideas - the key is to see what resonates with you and feels right for



> Firstly, perhaps your neighbour is angry because he is ill, in pain and has

> lost his job. In our society, so many of us rely on our job for our sense of

> identity and self-esteem. So instead of anger, perhaps you could start with

> sending him love and forgiveness as there may be circumstances in his life

> you don't understand.


> Secondly, whatever you do energy-wise to protect yourself, do it under grace

> in a perfect way, or in your highest interests, your neighbour's highest

> interests and the universe's highest interests. You don't want to send back

> energy and have it deflected to the neighbour to make his worse or re-direct


> to someone else.


> Focus on your intentions - to protect yourself and work with the Light in so

> doing - and ask yourself which of your crystals is calling to you to work

> with you in this undertaking - it could be one or many. If you don't feel any

> of your crystals is right, perhaps you could ask for the right crystal to come

> into your life - perhaps at your local crystal store or someone might offer

> you one or on e-Bay (check references of the seller). After you've selected

> your crystals, ask again how they can help you and listen to whatever comes

> up for you in response and trust it.


> If you want additional suggestions: keep sending love and kindness to your

> neighbour, it may be hard, but practice makes perfect. Doesn't mean you have

> to rush up and give lots of hugs and maybe cop a walloper in the kisser!

> Just visualise sending these energies, or feel, or send colours, however it

> works with you, and image this person surrounded by a pale pink bubble of

> unconditional love. You can picture yourself as a beacon of Light, powered by


> Light, radiating out a protective shield of light around your property. You

> could visualise a set of mirrors on the edge of your property reflecting back

> negative energies, again under grace in a perfect way so you don't send back

> harm to anyone. You could ask for angelic assistance to protect you and

> visualise four Archangels on guard on the corners of your property. Or bring


> your ancestors to protect you, or your guardian angel, or other beings of

> Light which can bring in protective energies.


> On the other hand, it is important to take responsibility for yourself by

> protecting your energy field - see yourself surrounded by a sphere of light


> firm up that auric shield however you feel comfortable with. Visualise a

> lovely, bright sun radiating from your solar plexus, as this is where you get

> your energy drained. I am also thinking of using some orange essential oil on

> your sacral chakra to bring some joy and brightness back into you after

> feeling so drained.


> After all that, one of the nicest ways is to hand your problem over to the

> Universe, angels and your guides and ask for it to be dealt with in the

> highest way possible, for the good of all. Works a treat!


> Anyway, these are only suggestions and I hope they help in some way and help

> you bring peace and harmony into your life. Love and rainbows to you and

> over your home. Maureen.






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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Diane! Thanks for the wonderful perspective -- I guess I've kinda

been overwhelmed with all the negative/meanness I've been dealing

with and just want to have some peace -- rather than gaining extra

points/learning lessons/etc dealing with this horrific stuff.

(kinda in overwhelmed mode)

Do appreciate all the information on the different crystals and how

they may help with the situation. Actually I'm moviing -- one reason

I've not been online much recently. I went apartment hunting and

found a new place. I do need to cleanse/ place crystals in the new

place so it starts with a good energy tho.

And you gave so much information on all the good crystals -- I thot I'd

heard all the psychic self defense info and you gave a bunch of new

crystal protection/energy ideas and I thank you so much!!


((((((((((((((((( Light Love Harmony HUGS, Tami and Bub )))))))))))))))))))))


> Dear Tami and Bub and All,

> Here's my " two cent's worth " , as well. When I've had what I prefer to call

> " interesting " people to interact with, I have found myself reminded of this:

> it is very easy to love people who agree with you and you don't get many

> life " points " from liking/loving them. It is much more challenging to love

> people who disagree with you and seem to want to actively hate and harass you,

> but that is where much learning comes from. You get to look at your personal

> boundaries and where you want to set them and follow through with that. You

> get to understand you don't need to like someone in order to love them. You

> get to understand which part of yourself has attracted which part of their

> energy, if you choose to. So many lessons are packed into one little

> relationship bundle! What fun! So, I say, good job in this relationship--you


> have called it if you couldn't grow from it. And, remember, please, this,

> too, shall pass.

> This might have sounded like a lecture! Horrors! Perhaps I should have

> started with: take what you like and disregard the rest -- I truly mean that,

> too.


> If you can get a piece of fire agate for both of you as pocket pals, it is a

> wonderful stone for lightworkers. Here is my understanding of how it works:

> as a protective stone aligned with the lower chakras, it assesses your

> personal vibration levels and allows through energies/thoughts/wishes (etc.)


> others that are aimed toward you that are at your personal vibration level

> and/or at a greater level of vibration. It lovingly returns all


> that are of a lower or lesser level of vibration to the sender(s) so they

> have an opportunity to experience what they are directing to others. There

> might be other stones/crystals that have that characteristic, but I am drawn

> toward using fire agates for this purpose. When I first went looking for


> I was told by a number of rock vendors, never heard of them, there is no such

> thing, but they are real and relatively plentiful if you can get to someone

> who buys from the Quartzsite, Arizona, USA area. They don't have be to too

> expensive, either. And they " pack a punch " in that even quite small pieces

> are wonderful!

> Not knowing what your living situation looks like, I am not sure whether you

> can get the privacy to bury some quartz crystals at the boundary corners of

> your yard. If you don't have a yard, get some warrior crystals and place one

> in each of the outer corners of your apartment or space. Just let them

> set there.

> If you know someone who is reiki, get them to write the reiki symbols on a

> piece of paper which you will then affix to the back of a picture on the wall

> that faces your " interesting " neighbor.

> What are you doing for yourselves? I think smaller amethyst points between

> your mattress and box springs (1 at the head, pointing down and one at each

> of the foot corners, pointing toward the center) is a wonderful thing to do

> for yourself.

> Think about detoxifying your bodies from the negative thoughts you have had

> -- take a bath with a nice chunk of carnelian.That's all that occur to me

> " off the cuff " . I wish you the very best of luck. Love, Light and Blessings


> us all, Diana






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A special thank you from me too. I have been having problems with taking on

things that aren't mine. I am around a lot of other people and it took me a

while to realize that a lot of the energy around me wasn't mine.


I also have to remember to clean my stones, wither with the White Light or

soaking in sea salt at the time of a full moon. Sometimes it isn't so much that

the energy is bad, it is just a build up of excess energy and it needs to be

cleared away.


I have a little pouch of crystals that I sleep with under my pillow. Maybe this

is too much of a concentrated source in one area and I need to spread them out



Love always,







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In your response to Tami and Bub you mentioned " warrior crystals. " Could you

please tell me about them as this is the first I've ever heard of them. (Any

pics would be wonderful as well...) Thanks!


In love and peace,



RebTamBub wrote:



Hi Diane! Thanks for the wonderful perspective -- I guess I've kinda

been overwhelmed with all the negative/meanness I've been dealing

with and just want to have some peace -- rather than gaining extra

points/learning lessons/etc dealing with this horrific stuff.

(kinda in overwhelmed mode)

Do appreciate all the information on the different crystals and how

they may help with the situation. Actually I'm moviing -- one reason

I've not been online much recently. I went apartment hunting and

found a new place. I do need to cleanse/ place crystals in the new

place so it starts with a good energy tho.

And you gave so much information on all the good crystals -- I thot I'd

heard all the psychic self defense info and you gave a bunch of new

crystal protection/energy ideas and I thank you so much!!


((((((((((((((((( Light Love Harmony HUGS, Tami and Bub )))))))))))))))))))))


> Dear Tami and Bub and All,

> Here's my " two cent's worth " , as well. When I've had what I prefer to call

> " interesting " people to interact with, I have found myself reminded of this:

> it is very easy to love people who agree with you and you don't get many

> life " points " from liking/loving them. It is much more challenging to love

> people who disagree with you and seem to want to actively hate and harass you,

> but that is where much learning comes from. You get to look at your personal

> boundaries and where you want to set them and follow through with that. You

> get to understand you don't need to like someone in order to love them. You

> get to understand which part of yourself has attracted which part of their

> energy, if you choose to. So many lessons are packed into one little

> relationship bundle! What fun! So, I say, good job in this relationship--you


> have called it if you couldn't grow from it. And, remember, please, this,

> too, shall pass.

> This might have sounded like a lecture! Horrors! Perhaps I should have

> started with: take what you like and disregard the rest -- I truly mean that,

> too.


> If you can get a piece of fire agate for both of you as pocket pals, it is a

> wonderful stone for lightworkers. Here is my understanding of how it works:

> as a protective stone aligned with the lower chakras, it assesses your

> personal vibration levels and allows through energies/thoughts/wishes (etc.)


> others that are aimed toward you that are at your personal vibration level

> and/or at a greater level of vibration. It lovingly returns all


> that are of a lower or lesser level of vibration to the sender(s) so they

> have an opportunity to experience what they are directing to others. There

> might be other stones/crystals that have that characteristic, but I am drawn

> toward using fire agates for this purpose. When I first went looking for


> I was told by a number of rock vendors, never heard of them, there is no such

> thing, but they are real and relatively plentiful if you can get to someone

> who buys from the Quartzsite, Arizona, USA area. They don't have be to too

> expensive, either. And they " pack a punch " in that even quite small pieces

> are wonderful!

> Not knowing what your living situation looks like, I am not sure whether you

> can get the privacy to bury some quartz crystals at the boundary corners of

> your yard. If you don't have a yard, get some warrior crystals and place one

> in each of the outer corners of your apartment or space. Just let them

> set there.

> If you know someone who is reiki, get them to write the reiki symbols on a

> piece of paper which you will then affix to the back of a picture on the wall

> that faces your " interesting " neighbor.

> What are you doing for yourselves? I think smaller amethyst points between

> your mattress and box springs (1 at the head, pointing down and one at each

> of the foot corners, pointing toward the center) is a wonderful thing to do

> for yourself.

> Think about detoxifying your bodies from the negative thoughts you have had

> -- take a bath with a nice chunk of carnelian.That's all that occur to me

> " off the cuff " . I wish you the very best of luck. Love, Light and Blessings


> us all, Diana






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