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Crystal Energy

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:Hello everyone!! I just wanted to say how much I enjoy reading the

emails that come in my box. You all seem very knowledgeable and share

that wisdom and I am learning a great deal here. I have found over

the years that I can pick up a stone and by holding it in my hand I

can tell if it has working energy or not. If it is an active stone it

will warm immediately and sometimes throb in my hand. If it is not

active then it remains cold. Has anyone had this experience? I have a

few crystals but my strongest is a Smokey Quartz that I usually keep

under my mattress. I recently took it out for the session of

meditation we did a few weekends ago.I am looking now for other

crystals to add to my collection.I am disabled with a foot full of

hardware(the metal woman)and I would like some advise on good healing

stones or crystals to help me. I deal with a lot of pain and the fact

that the foot isn't going to heal. This is it. So I need to find

acceptance and peace. WoW this got a lot longer than I planned. Any

advice would be greatly appreciated!! God's Peace Carol

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Hi, Carol - Re your message, I got a picture of you sitting with your feet in a

bowl of water energised by crystals, perhaps a flat bowl with the crystals

around your foot and the water over them. For some reason, I'm getting flat

rose quartz rocks rather than polished pieces, and some jet pieces for some

reason, but I don't know why. Sorry to hear about your foot, hope you get other

suggestions which might help.


I just this week on the New Moon and Mars closest to earth day to put all my

crystals out for a sun bake and cleanse with water and they loved it. My whole

house sparkles with the energy of my crystals in a different way and my friend

walked in and noticed the difference immediately. I only put out, though, those

crystals which can take the sun and a water bath, plus I also sprayed them with

the aura cleanse I make up myself. Didn't realise I had so many crystals until I

saw them all sparkling away in the sun and preening themselves.


Love and blessings, Maureen.



Wednesday, August 27, 2003 7:42 PM

[CrystalHW] Crystal Energy



:Hello everyone!! I just wanted to say how much I enjoy reading the

emails that come in my box. You all seem very knowledgeable and share

that wisdom and I am learning a great deal here. I have found over

the years that I can pick up a stone and by holding it in my hand I

can tell if it has working energy or not. If it is an active stone it

will warm immediately and sometimes throb in my hand. If it is not

active then it remains cold. Has anyone had this experience? I have a

few crystals but my strongest is a Smokey Quartz that I usually keep

under my mattress. I recently took it out for the session of

meditation we did a few weekends ago.I am looking now for other

crystals to add to my collection.I am disabled with a foot full of

hardware(the metal woman)and I would like some advise on good healing

stones or crystals to help me. I deal with a lot of pain and the fact

that the foot isn't going to heal. This is it. So I need to find

acceptance and peace. WoW this got a lot longer than I planned. Any

advice would be greatly appreciated!! God's Peace Carol




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