Guest guest Posted September 10, 2003 Report Share Posted September 10, 2003 People often want help with protection . This may be for protection from psychic attack , from physical danger ,from emotional distress, from negative energies or from disease as well as other possible reasons . There are vast numbers of stones , spells, spiritual techniques, energy work, and filters and shields that can be used for protection . Protection is aided and enhanced by the ongoing process of cleansing and clearing your energy body and by developing your mental ,emotional and spiritual integrity . When you work to heal yourself this will help prevent reoccurrence of difficulties from whatever cause. Ones own fear of psychic attack is usually far more harmful than actual attack. Fear is a primary attractant to all forms of possible psychic danger . I usually distinguish between actual psychic attack and a kind of background negativity or reaction negativity which is very common but usually does not comprise true attack, this energy is often amplified by the receiver. I do think that everyone needs to learn to have boundaries and a moderate protective shield or filter as a routine . That is part of normal spiritual hygiene and is usually enough to provide shelter from the kind of frequent perceived assault of background negativity . It is also of value particularly when you are doing work with people who do have concerns and issues with psychic attack or feel vulnerable to such effects to have some idea of how to throw up a major protection though maintaining such a total shield all the time as many do is often harmful because these total protective shields can block reception of needed information and energies as well. Actual determined all out psychic attack is far less common than many think it is . and major defenses are often used inappropriately. It is true that attention attracts energy and paying attention to attack and fear of any kind can draw it to you . even then ones relationship to events will be different in accord with ones personal spiritual balance . One concern people who are doing energy healing work often have is about the potential for picking up negative energies through empathy or from clients . Properly done healing work will have built in safe guards against this, so long as the practitioner remains neutral in the sense of not using their own energy or trying to force specific results. When it comes to energetically protecting oneself from physical danger these techniques can and do help, but they do not eliminate the need for normal common sense precautions. When a person deliberately places themselves in harms way they may indeed attract trouble. ( Don't walk down a dark alley, in a bad neighborhood, at midnight, wearing a mink coat and diamonds, and get mad at God /Goddess if you get mugged). Part of protecting ourselves involves basic spiritual hygiene , working to remove energetic blocks, repair aura damage, remove implants and entities, general practice of clearing and balancing your aura and chakras and staying grounded will help prevent susceptibility to and harm from the influence of energies ,emotions and even psychic attack from others, deliberate or unintentional from people and non physical entities. Whether such influences or entities are imaginary or real in a specific case is usually moot. Most methods of protective work are still usable whether the negative energy is from external or internal sources. Light is used for protection. Spiritual shakti (energy) ,invoking angels and/ or other protective forces are among the most common protective methods. Crystals can be programmed to bring in and help amplify spiritual light and energy. Another form of light people also often call on is the violet flame of Saint Germane for protection and evaporating negative attachments .Always ask your Spiritual Advisor such as Solar / Companion Angel ( also called guardian angel) for help with protection, you will receive it . If you do not like the term Angel use any other name you prefer for protective and guiding entities and forces. (Sometimes part of your life lesson is that you have the ability to deal with issues of protection ,in which case the angelic protection will remain as back up rather than being overt). The more you attune with spirit and move in accord with your own Soul purpose the less need for protections you will have. These methods do not require you to practice or believe in any particular faith or path. If you have been attuned to an energy work system You can use that shakti such as Quartz shakti , The crystal healing shakti, Reiki ,etc.. Some energy work systems do have specific shakti and procedures for protection. Without attunement to an energy system you can call on White ,Golden or rainbow light or other energy to fill your aura and form a protective bubble, filter or force field around you . Some of us use the very Star Trekish (mental) command " shields Up! " Having a gesture or movement or mental image that is used as a trigger for your protective technique often increases a persons ability to focus and create a shield or filter. One such movement is to hold the index finger and thumb of each hand together and visualize yourself in a strong white sphere/egg. Another gesture activation is to place your hands palms outward , thumbs and index fingers together forming a triangle. Mental imagery or a small gesture such as tapping your wrist or rubbing your index finger knuckle as though activating a shield with a button are less obvious. A typical mental visualization is of an image glowing bubble of light surrounding you. Or a Teflon bubble shield . I feel that it is better to intend that negative energy be transformed to positive energy such as by being sent to the earth for clearing and purifying before it is returned to its owner and do not usually recommend mirror shields. I often use a mental image of negative energy hitting my shields and converting to positive or being teleported to a cleansing entity before being returned . This applies to personal energy as well as that from others , We often need more protection from our own programs of self sabotage than from external or psychic forces. You can create a Macro set of shakti and imagery for instant on protection . Macros may run faster and more weakly than conscious energy work but you can run conscious energy work in combination with macros and programs . If you do not have access to energy macros you can still practice your protective method so that you can activate it automatically. I usually recommend filters rather than shields as a protective method . Filters will not inadvertently block needed energy and information. Some people build such strong defensive shields that they close out needed information and so may put themselves at more than normal risk because they are not open to be aware of the signals around them. . The need for protection can be overemphasized .The best protection in the spiritual and psychic sense is to develop your intuition and personal spiritual strength and then you will not be vulnerable . I have found that rather than shields and filters the light of transformation is often the best protection, in this method one brings light into ones body from the Earth and the Heavens and expands it into a radiant rainbow filling it with your own heart light and expanding into a sphere around you any negative energy will be transformed into love and healing. There are really a great many stones that are used for protection . Clear quartz can be programmed for any kind of protective work. Smoky quartz is often carried as a protective stone other stones used for General Protection include Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli, fluorite, chiastolite, jet, onyx ,prehnite, shark tooth , malachite, black tourmaline, obsidian, coal black and red stones in general. Garnet , Agates, jade and sard are also protective stones of note. Your birthstones whatever their general properties are, will be protective for you To dissolve Negativity & Psychic defense you can use black tourmaline, lapis, labradorite. Physical Protection: apache tears, jet , rutilated quartz , coral, holey stones, stones with natural holes are also considered protective . Not a stone, but because horn, antlers , shells and the like are often included in stone properties lists I'll mention that naturally shed cats claws are a classic protective token. It is quite common to place a stone or crystal in each corner of a room or of the house to provide basic clearing and protection. Though some people prefer larger stones even tiny quartz or amethyst points taped to the walls at the corners have been quite effective. The Most common room placement may be putting a quartz crystal in each corner of the room and or the house. Amethyst is also often used .These corner crystals are usually kept in place at all times and cleared or replaced often. A single terminated quartz crystal is placed in each corner of the room with the points facing into the center. Some people use a small bottle or container with chips of stones such as a chakra or rainbow set possibly combined with herbs oils and /or salt or water. A small box preferably pyramid shaped can be filled with the stones of your choice too.. As you place each stone you can dedicate or program it for the function of maintaining a protective and clear environment in the area . The stones do not actually need to be all of the same kind. You can certainly place more than one stone in or near each corner. They can be chosen to bring in a specific quality of energy to represent the elements or by personal intuition. Many people also place stones facing or near doors such as an obsidian sphere or large agate for grounding and protection or some rose quartz to " greet " visitors . Both Rose quartz and Amethyst help keep the the atmosphere of a room light and positive Some people choose a stone to be placed facing the door as a guardian stone . Sometime a stone native to the area is used as a guardian. For personal protection you can carry some stones in a pocket or pouch or wearing a protective stone in jewelry .You can also use these and other protective stones in your house and in grids dedicated to protection for yourself and others . Select your stones for protection and commune with them so that you know it is appropriate to work for them for protection . Set the intention that these are your protective stones . Always start with cleared and fully energized stones and clear stones used in protective work often . You may want to change protective stones frequently to give them a rest. Some stones repel or dissolve negative energy others absorb and or neutralize it but they should all be cleared and thanked often for helping bring in the energies and helping you with protection. Spells and similar work such as the use of talismans and amulets is primarily a means of assisting us in focusing our affirmations and intentions and in harmonizing with the natural rhythm of the Universe. There are a vast number of herbs and color and other tools and correspondences used for protective work . The clarity of your focus is more important than the tool you work with. Here is an example of an affirmation or spell that many people have found to be effective. I, (your name here) command all and any forces and entities, beneficial or not, to cease and desist from sending me physical, emotional and spiritual feelings and pain from any other entity, human or otherwise, from this moment on, for now and forever. Unless I choose otherwise. So be it. When a situation which seems like psychic attack or danger keep reoccurring it is often because one has not dealt with that aspect of their own karma / lessons / mission that has drawn the particular issue into reality . Consider the principle that your environment is a reflection of your inner unrecognized issues and/or springs from what you have focused your attention on. .Look for areas where you may be holding envy or resentment toward others . The Huna Process of Ho o pono pono can be very valuable in releasing this kind of pattern in relationships with others . releasing cords is also a useful practice. I cannot say what is at the root of any particular situation is but I have found that working on expiating and resolving ones own karma and issues of like nature of dissolves the conflict with others. The BEST psychic shield is to strengthen your own energy body. to work consciously to heal and strengthen your own chakra, meridians and aura on all levels and to learn to run energy through your entire body of light. When you are mentally, emotionally and spiritually whole and in tune with your soul purpose and the natural flow of the universal Rhythms you are automatically safe from all harm. Peggy Jentoft Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 11, 2003 Report Share Posted September 11, 2003 Thank you so much for this. They say when someone doesn't tell you about the whole picture, they lie by omission. I have had a lot of information channelled to me, but protection has always been difficult for me. I alwas felt so vulnerable and open to attack. So many people want what I have as a result of my own spiritual journey, yet they aren't willing to do the work for themselves. They seem to think they can get spiritual by osmosis. I work with people recovering from addictions and volunteer at our local Detention Center and as a result, I am subject to a lot of energies, most of them not exactly the most positive. Also, having been a caretaker and caregiver for many years, I tend to be a sucker for many sob stories, and it has been a difficult lesson in learning to detach. That I can love the person, but not the action, which was a lesson I had to learn to apply to my family as well as the people in my daily life. Love Always, Butterfly Post your free ad now! Canada Personals Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 11, 2003 Report Share Posted September 11, 2003 Hi Joanne, would you please explain what do you mean with " loving the person but not the action " ? As a healer, channeler and sensitive, I often find myself in the situations you described in your mail, I would appreciate so much to hear about your learned lesson! Thank you! And thanks to all the group, who shares so useful and bright information! Eva From Italy ---------- Initial Header ----------- From : " JoAnne Kitchen " butterfly2angelca To : Cc : Date : Wed, 10 Sep 2003 23:09:52 -0400 (EDT) Subject : Re: [CrystalHW] protection > Thank you so much for this. They say when someone doesn't tell you about the whole picture, they lie by omission. I have had a lot of information channelled to me, but protection has always been difficult for me. I alwas felt so vulnerable and open to attack. So many people want what I have as a result of my own spiritual journey, yet they aren't willing to do the work for themselves. They seem to think they can get spiritual by osmosis. > > I work with people recovering from addictions and volunteer at our local Detention Center and as a result, I am subject to a lot of energies, most of them not exactly the most positive. > > Also, having been a caretaker and caregiver for many years, I tend to be a sucker for many sob stories, and it has been a difficult lesson in learning to detach. That I can love the person, but not the action, which was a lesson I had to learn to apply to my family as well as the people in my daily life. > > Love Always, > > Butterfly > > > > > Post your free ad now! Canada Personals > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 11, 2003 Report Share Posted September 11, 2003 Dear Eve, As children of God, everyone deserves a chance in this world, but as children we can some times act out and do things that are not always pleasing. I believe if God puts someone in my path, and they need help I have been directed to help. I don't have to fix this person, I don't have to " make them all better " , I just have to turn this person over to the God of my understanding. I had an incident where a daughter of a close friend was sexually molested. I knew the man, I continue to see him walking around free, and I had to learn to detach. I don't have to like him, I don't have to condone his actions, I just have to accept him as a person, recognize he is a very sick individual and pray for him. You can't help those who don't want to help themselves or help those who aren't open to change. I don't believe it is our job to play the " god " of someone else's life. I always say it is a contract between their God and my God as to what and how much they are receiving. As much as I want to send love and forgiveness, they will only receive as much as they are capable and willing to open themselves to. As a Reiki person I know says, if they aren't open to receive, put it in a little package close to them for when they are ready. I was also asked to help someone who I thought to be untrustworthy, a person whose associates were highly suspicious and I wasn't too sure of the motive and intent. Yet I was aware he had an energy I need and visa versa, and we exchanged healing, and I was able to put principles above personalities. Love Always, Butterfly Post your free ad now! Canada Personals Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 12, 2003 Report Share Posted September 12, 2003 Hi Butterfly, thank you so much for you shared your experience... and for the answer at my question. Now I understand what you meant... and I agree in every word! Thank you again, Eva from Italy ---------- Initial Header ----------- From : " JoAnne Kitchen " butterfly2angelca To : Cc : Date : Thu, 11 Sep 2003 11:57:45 -0400 (EDT) Subject : Re: [CrystalHW] protection > Dear Eve, > > As children of God, everyone deserves a chance in this world, but as children we can some times act out and do things that are not always pleasing. I believe if God puts someone in my path, and they need help I have been directed to help. I don't have to fix this person, I don't have to " make them all better " , I just have to turn this person over to the God of my understanding. > > I had an incident where a daughter of a close friend was sexually molested. I knew the man, I continue to see him walking around free, and I had to learn to detach. I don't have to like him, I don't have to condone his actions, I just have to accept him as a person, recognize he is a very sick individual and pray for him. You can't help those who don't want to help themselves or help those who aren't open to change. I don't believe it is our job to play the " god " of someone else's life. > > I always say it is a contract between their God and my God as to what and how much they are receiving. As much as I want to send love and forgiveness, they will only receive as much as they are capable and willing to open themselves to. As a Reiki person I know says, if they aren't open to receive, put it in a little package close to them for when they are ready. > > I was also asked to help someone who I thought to be untrustworthy, a person whose associates were highly suspicious and I wasn't too sure of the motive and intent. Yet I was aware he had an energy I need and visa versa, and we exchanged healing, and I was able to put principles above personalities. > > Love Always, > > Butterfly > > > > > > > Post your free ad now! Canada Personals > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 12, 2003 Report Share Posted September 12, 2003 that was a lovely thing you wrote butterfly. I was wondering how someone would know how to change or what to change into or that change is needed if they are stuck in whatever they are doing. if one has always been in the dark, are they not blinded by the light? just a thought. what do you say. Eva Just as the tree stands over time, may you too soak up earth's energies. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 12, 2003 Report Share Posted September 12, 2003 actually maybe i ll answer my own question. maybe one is never truly in the dark for if that is what had been feeding and nurturing the person, then maybe it is their light. Eva Just as the tree stands over time, may you too soak up earth's energies. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 12, 2003 Report Share Posted September 12, 2003 what if it is difficult to stay open and willing, butterfly? peace..... Eva Just as the tree stands over time, may you too soak up earth's energies. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 12, 2003 Report Share Posted September 12, 2003 You pray for the willingness to have the willingness to be... Love Always, Butterfly Post your free ad now! Canada Personals Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 12, 2003 Report Share Posted September 12, 2003 does any body believe truly, that we are all buddhas already? each and every one of us... we are all consisted of planes that reach every where and anywhere we want to be or go? i mean, maybe no one needs to be taught or need to inderstand any more, ever again.... we don't need to feel anymore or look anymore or anything... we don t need to meditate, to work to go here or there... we can if we want to , we can just be, do , we can worry we can just ddo anything we want...becuase maybe its what we really want that is godly. are we being led by our own god as we understand it, or are we being led by each other's god, and it can mix and match to suit... are we on our highest levels not already helping each other guiding each other. and at our lowest levels too, setting roots. are our roots really like a tree? they may be free moving and forever forming. every thing that we dwell on, that we think about, look at, taste, comment on, mentally think about, physically move... maybe there is someone on the end of that. or maybe someone is listening, or feeling it.. in their own way... like the butterfly effect... where a butterfly flaps its wings on one side of the world, it can cause a hurricane on the other side of the world. maybe it is the restraining that is worrying us... the need for discipline.. the thought of being incomplete. how do we know who is enlightened and who isn't. enlightenement may itself have no form. no path no embodiment.. maybe we are all enlightened already. to see enlightenement maybe to be seperate from it so as to look onto it... maybe those who don't feel enlightened are already enlightenend and are living with it already. why do some people want to be enlightened. why not live in a peaceful world where the struggle to become enlightened isn't there. where people are already feeling free.... to move to breathe, to sit to stand to talk to feel to know... how intricate a language made up of letters how intricate a life made up of every little and large thing that we know exists and ontop of that, everything that doesn't exist as well.. the imagination.. it could overwhelm the senses for sure! although we are sensing.... and i know for one i can get lost in feeling it all and seeing it all and knowing what is there and what isn't there.. through the people i ve met.. and at the end of the day.. its whatever music you want to play... or are about to play or will never play... whatever. Eva Just as the tree stands over time, may you too soak up earth's energies. Just as the tree stands over time, may you too soak up earth's energies. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 12, 2003 Report Share Posted September 12, 2003 hello Butterfly, I also learned along time ago, that I can love the person, but not the action. And so many look at me and ask how that I can be that way. What is there not to be ? I apply this to all my family, friends and those that I am around at that given moment. I have always been empathetic to all of the sob stories, heart ache and more. And as I let go of their actions, and help them to let go, I have gained strength and more love with each passing day. I thank you for your words. Love & Light, Angelite JoAnne Kitchen <butterfly2angelca wrote: Thank you so much for this. They say when someone doesn't tell you about the whole picture, they lie by omission. I have had a lot of information channelled to me, but protection has always been difficult for me. I alwas felt so vulnerable and open to attack. So many people want what I have as a result of my own spiritual journey, yet they aren't willing to do the work for themselves. They seem to think they can get spiritual by osmosis. I work with people recovering from addictions and volunteer at our local Detention Center and as a result, I am subject to a lot of energies, most of them not exactly the most positive. Also, having been a caretaker and caregiver for many years, I tend to be a sucker for many sob stories, and it has been a difficult lesson in learning to detach. That I can love the person, but not the action, which was a lesson I had to learn to apply to my family as well as the people in my daily life. Love Always, Butterfly Post your free ad now! Canada Personals Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 12, 2003 Report Share Posted September 12, 2003 Dear Joanne - I had the same problem as you and couldn't undertand when I took Reiki 3 by talking of " detachment " . Every time I raised someone's problem she would counsel detachment. And she was right. I read somewhere that you can't be the pied piper for the planet and you don't have the right to deflect someone from their karmic path of learning. So I offer healing and crystals, trust that in whatever way I work the Light flows through to activate the healing processes of the person with whom I am working, and then release them to their own path and life choices. I had to do this with my sick old father and it was one of the most painful things I've ever done in my life, but I knew in my heart it was the right thing. We need to be careful not to allow our egos to seduce us with the idea that we are the " healers " . We are the channel and it is our choice to let go. Perhaps if you have trouble with energies, you could ask yourself which crystal spirit can help you with protective energies so that you only allow to enter those energies you need. In this way, you ask for your highest good and the highest good of the universe, but ask truly from your heart. Yes, you may be receptive then to some negative energies, but perhaps you need to ask yourself what the lesson is that they have been allowed to reach you. Remember, it is always your choice and the Universe will support you in your choice - just ask for the highest and your needs will be met. Love and hugs, Mo. JoAnne Kitchen <butterfly2angelca wrote: Thank you so much for this. They say when someone doesn't tell you about the whole picture, they lie by omission. I have had a lot of information channelled to me, but protection has always been difficult for me. I alwas felt so vulnerable and open to attack. So many people want what I have as a result of my own spiritual journey, yet they aren't willing to do the work for themselves. They seem to think they can get spiritual by osmosis. I work with people recovering from addictions and volunteer at our local Detention Center and as a result, I am subject to a lot of energies, most of them not exactly the most positive. Also, having been a caretaker and caregiver for many years, I tend to be a sucker for many sob stories, and it has been a difficult lesson in learning to detach. That I can love the person, but not the action, which was a lesson I had to learn to apply to my family as well as the people in my daily life. Love Always, Butterfly Post your free ad now! Canada Personals Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 13, 2003 Report Share Posted September 13, 2003 Dear Eva, That is a lot to digest at once, but my own thought when first reading it was we all have the connectedness. It is about us being aware we have it, and how much we utilize it when we get it. Some people shut themselves off from the Light, others call on it as required, and still others go to it before they do anything in their lives and ask for help. I think it is in the moment in the day and again, freedom of choice. The price was paid for my freedom. I have to learn to forgive myself on a daily basis. I can take flight like the butterfly and fly free, or I can become a prisoner of my own mind. The only limits are ones I put on myself. I have a web page: (and leave the rest). The primary purpose of this site is to make people aware. To let people know they can be empowered to create their own universe, we are Co-Creators, when we walk with the Spirit of the Universe, and I can create a new me, but as someone said, God made us, so I am a masterpiece and we each have our own gifts and capabilities. I am a big lover of Zen, and as Osho says, there is a piece of me all over the Universe. Life today for me, is what do I do in today to utilize those gifts and get in touch with my creativity. Love Always, Butterfly aka Majesty Post your free ad now! Canada Personals Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 13, 2003 Report Share Posted September 13, 2003 At 11:31 PM 9/12/03 -0400, you wrote: >I have a web >page: ><> >(and leave the rest). MSN says it can't find that page. What's wrong? Thanks, Vicki Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 2, 2005 Report Share Posted March 2, 2005 In a message dated 3/2/2005 2:00:48 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, rosequartz writes: There are a vast number of herbs and color and other tools and correspondences used for protective work. The clarity of your focus is more important than the tool you work with.* I keep stressing this very thing all the time. There are so many practicing Wiccans (especially) that I have met that think they have to have a particular tool to make something work. Not true. It's your intent and skill that makes things happen. This was a really good piece. Thank you for posting it. Blessings, Sharon Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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